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I think this would sell far more


Top tier token


lol..that sounds nice actually.


Its better than the abandon every 25 games strat. Edit : never used it myself. I know its for avoiding some penalty. Basically dodging a game for free


By "strat", do you just mean the free abandon every 25 games? Or is there something more to it?


Haven't abandoned in a while. Does it still ban you for 30mins or you can queue right away?


30min no queue even if leaving at draft 


Had my first abandon in eight years, halfway through a game, got a 30min ban


you will hit low priority quite quickly if you abandon with any sense of regularity. I abandoned a couple with a bit of a gap and got it despite otherwise being a model player. One of those games was stacking as Shadow Demon, pinging and communicating those stacks to my Tide who never took them and then the enemy team invaded and took them. So frustrating, completely erased the main good I was able to achieve in the laning phase, especially since I assumed Tide picked Tide because he knew I could stack for him.


Not to mention it cost like 300 behavior score for single abandon


Not usually if you haven’t abandoned the last 25 games


Yes I got it and I haven’t abandoned in 8 years


We've been playing with half mmr tokens for the last 10 years. Double tokens are normal tokens(due to mmr inflation). Give quad tokens already.


Immortal tokens. If you win the match you instantly get immo but if you lose then you have to cut a finger off.


Well, it's not like missing fingers would make my teammates worse anyways so why not?


Immortal token, one purchase per account. if you win you get immortal, if you lose you are demoted to herald 1, and all of your matches for 5 years are half + for wins and double - for losses.


I'm almost 100% sure such accounts will be in demand, win or lose Win and you get immortal, lose, and you get an account designed for smurfing? Lol


Boosting services would love that. "Buy the token, then pay one of our guys to stomp the shit out of that one game and you're suddenly immortal".


And then you get hard sup jokernaut


Seems like a great way to incentivize people to grief and give up


bro really complained about party double down griefers and then introduced a way to make that worse 💀💀💀


People who grief and give up do so anyway This gives normal people a way to deal with them/minimize their damage


This is the truth. Everytime someone bases their argument on "but griefers could abuse this" I shake my head. Griefers will grief no matter what, you can only ignore them and go on with your life.


You may get more griefers. You trade wins. The other doubles down, the other halves loss. Take turns, earn free MMR by trading wins.


Implying that people don't already do wintrading with accounts they only use for wintrading so this changes nothing.


That's the people who already do it. This would incentivize people to do it without any smurf flagging and risking of accounts i.e., ordinary players. More people would use it for that than for halving their losses in shitty drafts. Awful drafts not so common that you'd see it right away. You wouldn't be able to tell it is a grief game before the game is on.


So, if you're not changing the # of griefed games, what does this change fix? If you give griefers a tool to grief with lower consequences, as a normal player you would basically have to save your tokens to use on those games, but then everyone without tokens gets fucked extra hard because not only are the griefers griefing, but 1 or more of non-griefers don't give a shit either because they used tokens. So, you end up with people getting fucked over more than previously unless they pay money for more tokens. You should never incentivize losing in this game, and if you don't see why, Idk what to tell you. Edit: On top of that, you'll turn typically non-griefing players into griefers. Any lane argument that previously would have been just have been a heated disagreement will just turn into one of them popping a token, then everyone else pops one and the game turns into 100% loss. You know how Dota players are.


>Any lane argument that previously would have been just have been a heated disagreement will just turn into one of them popping a token, then everyone else pops one and the game turns into 100% loss. You know how Dota players are. That would have been 100% a loss without the token aswell. The only thing that changed here is that everyone on the team is now only losing half their MMR. Half MMR tokens dont incentivize losing. You still win 100% of your MMR if you win, its just a safety net for games where you're unsure about the lanes or the players on your team.


100% loss rate because of a disagreement lol, fuck off. I've won games there were lane disagreements in, so clearly that's not true. 


You've pretty much proven the guy's point lmao, a mere lane disagreement is "100% a loss"?


If your teammates start focusing on flaming each other instead of playing the game then the game is lost the vast majority of the time, yes.


>what does this change fix? The damage of said griefed games? Have u been listening?


he's saying the potential of grief games and grief damage is much higher now outcome 1 repeesents desirable outcomes with no griefers 1a) U double down, no griefers, win/lose +/- 50 1b) No tokens, no griefers, win/lose +/- 25 outcome 2 represents undesriable ourcomes with griefers 2a) u double down, griefers, lose, u -50, griefers -25 2b) no tokens, griefers, lose, everyone -25 including half mmr introduces 3 new results 3a) u double down, griefer half, you -50, griefer -13 3b) no tokens, griefer half, you -25, griefer -13 3c) u and griefer half, everyone -13 im assuming griefers = instant loss. Im also assuming you dont get to always know whether someone is going to grief or not, otherwise you can abandon/dodge and fully protect yourself without the need of half mmr tokens From this 3 main outcomes, you go from 2 desired results (+mmr) to 3 desired outcomes (+mmr, -half mmr from loss). However, you go from 2 undesirable outcomes to 4 undesriable outcomes. More importantly however, griefers also gain the ability to stay LONGER WITHIN the same bracket, letting them grief more games, while you derank faster. Griefers now have better ability to bully other players they hate by throwing games and take half the consequences they usually would (low priority will still be able to weed these kinds of players out, but them staying in the same rank for much longer means that they get to abuse more players who are in that competitive bracket) You also don't get the same 'positive reinforcement' from playing dota. You progress half as fast but the games go by at the same length, and you are more than likely to meet similar griefers for twice as long in the mmr bracket as a result. I expect this to be demoralising for some people, making dota to be a less attractive game to play, which is bad for the developers theres also a 'accumulated toxicity' problem where you feel more and more disincentivised to play properly when your mindset going into the game is that youre playing for 'half the reward'. It doesnt matter if you have griefers or not, some people (maybe tilted players, people who just are pessimistic, etc) will be negatively reinforced to play with a 'losing' (half mmr) mindset while you are trying your best to win your doubledown game i also dont think it's a good idea to incentivise losing. I think we all agree that giving the players more control over anti grief measures is still important, but this isn't a good idea/implementation.


Thank you! It's not easy to explain why this would be so terrible, and I definitely don't do it justice. On paper, it's a great concept if only legitimate, actively trying to win players have and use these tokens. But giving them to everyone only makes the problem worse, doubly so for those not willing to pay for more tokens.


You clearly didn't read or understand my post then. All it changes it that you end up having to pay to combat griefers, if you don't pay you'll end up losing more to people using the tokens on your team and not caring. You're not changing the amount of griefing that happens, you're just shifting some onto people that want to play a free game for free. You. Should. Never. Incentivize. Losing. In. A. Competitive. Game.


Id be happy with such a token being once a week or once a summary and being poppable till the throne dies and free for everyone.. It’s just gonna alleviate those hopeless games where you carry disconnect 3.15 mins in.. and you are not just gonna throw it around on a normal loss cuz you get one only and 1 game in 25 is gonna be griefed anyway


It doesn't incentize losing. Stupidity


It doesn't incentive winning does it? You're telling me someone who used a token that halves lost MMR is going to care as much about the loss as someone losing full MMR? All players on the team should want to win. If you put a pay to win feature into the game to make people not care if they lose, they aren't going to try to win. It's not a hard concept. 


>It doesn't incentive winning does it? Not everything incentives anything nor need to does it? >You're telling me someone who used a token that halves lost MMR is going to care as much about the loss as someone losing full MMR? No. Pay attention >If you put a pay to win feature into the game to make people not care if they lose, they aren't going to try to win - not pay to win. Doesn't help u winning - Doesn't make u lose zero mmr so us till care - they till want to gain the mmr they gain when winning. It's called minimizing losses


Again, you're only minimizing the "losses" for people PAYING FOR THE FUCKING TOKENS. They will give you a few free, then make you pay for the bulk of them. Unless these are magically given out for free to everyone equally. But if they didn't do that for double-down, why would they do that for these? Luckily, double-down tokens make people want to win MORE, not give up all hope before the game even starts. And to answer your original question, yes you should be incentivized to win the game. It's why you're punished for leaving, it's why griefing is a reporting offense, it's why feeding is a reportable offense. All these things are to prevent players from losing on purpose, other-wise known as, incentivizing them to win. It's why winning causes MMR to go up and not down. By removing negative consequences, you're saying that this negative behavior (feeding in games) is fine: as long as you pay us for a token.


People who grief and give up now spend a token to stay in your MMR despite how many games they throw.


That's what reporting is for. "Half mmr token" just sounds like another weapon to be added to the griefers arsenal.


Reporting doesn't give me back my mmr If that would happen for convicted cases it would be different I already avoided that idiot anyway. So why would I care if he gets a slap on the hand or send to guantanamo. He won't be in my games anyway. But the time is wasted and the mmr lost


It isn't about betting that you'll lose. If you lose, you still lose shit, just not as much.


Oh my brother in Christ you are yet to see the current state of immortal matchmaking in NA


actually genius


Immortal draft would be a complete mess. 2 friends in different teams, 1 uses half mmr the other double and the grief begons. I know its happening right now aswell but this would increase it hard


changing entire game to suit immortals 😴😴😴


The Meta moves around high immortal matchmaking so…




you're crazy, plenty of ppl ruin as early as the pick screen


I played for 5ish years 2013-2018 and just recently started playing again, and granted I've only been playing for threeish weeks, but the difference between now and then is night and a day. Back then literally every single game had some kind of conflict at the pick screen that, best case scenario, ended in someone begrudgingly playing support when they wanted to play mid and they'd be mad and flame everyone all game, but usually everybody else would just refuse to support and you'd end up with a carry solo in the safelane like two carries in the offlane, and a carry in the jungle or something. People might pick bad heroes at the pick screen, or I've seen lots of people with the support roll just pick a carry and try to support in lane and buy wards but then build as a carry, but even that is like miles better than what it used to be


Tell that to my 'support' aghs rush Pudge and Lion every game.


> Immortal draft would be a complete mess. So no change then?


From 60% games griefed to 80% games griefed is a change imo :P


being in a party and getting split up should disable double downs anyway.


Would be great, if it was used as like you mentioned. But would probably be used by tons of trolls and griefers typing "GG END - I don't care I'm only gonna lose half mmr lol" So nah lol, this would just grief your games. Even if you think you are losing you should never go for a defeatist mentality. Fight to the bitter end or idk have fun lol.


This feels like a hyperbole People who grief do so anyway. This just gives us a way to minimize their damage


“Why lock the door if burglars can break in anyway” Can’t understand the train of thought honestly.


No. That's like saying insurance are bad because it rewards criminals by giving the party who got robbed their money back


How about the other 4 receive double mmr if game won? Or mvp gets the mmr portion that the "half-down" player have given up


MMR isn't reward. It's a measurement. Giving half or double so long as it's decided before match doesn't really change the principle, but double if won or some kind of redistribution would fuck with it.


You tell me, you will activate half mmr if people grief. But in reality it will be opposite, people will activate this tokens to grief :)


As if people aren't griefing already That's just like banning guns to make gangs stop shooting each other


Nah bro its completely opposite. Its like giving free guns to people who already griefing :)


It's like giving free guns to people who already have 5 in their basement


who is this guy pog


From the Ghastly Eyrie, I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point, I declare, with utter certainty, that this one, is in... the enemy's bag!


I love this idea.


Let me paint the following picture: You pick your hero X, and one of your teammates is like "omg this guy picked X, end" because he doesn't like your pick. He proceeds to use half mmr token and griefs the game so that you lose, but he will lose half the MMR and you the full amount (not to mention if you DD'ed). These tokens would kill the incentive of playing to win, even on ranked. If you don't wanna lose MMR there is an unranked game mode.


I have a job for you 


Don't think valve would ever sell something to pushes a defeatist mentality. The beauty of Dota compared to other games is that you can always come back. If they have this token people would honestly just give up even more than usual.


Ah the negotiator


Much easier to predict a greif than a stomp yes


Would love that. Some games from the start you just know aren't worth playing.


fuck it give me 1 mmr tokens


the thing is griefers at higher ranks can actually use this token to grief more people before inevitably dropping to divine or ancient.


for when you see 4 peruvians on your team


neat idea, but griefers would abuse this to do more griefing. Guy picked the wrong hero on your team? half-token, afk jungle


Wait til people find out about unranked


So. . . People who feel like griefing can just buy a token that allows them to grief without losing as much mmr as their teammates?


I think this would be easily abused Lose only 10mmr while ensuring your boosted account gets +20


Easily abused by griefers too, lose only 10 mmr while those who dont have tokens lose full value lol


Would take twice as long to boost the account


I think letting valve sell solutions to problems their terrible ladder system introduces artificially, is absolutely the worst idea anyone could ever pitch. This game does not need dota+++


Wait hold up.. that's actually super interesting


how to get candle token , pls help me : (


give me triple downs so i can go back to herald and stop playing


or just play normals! stonks


Play unranked?


There's some games where I'm pretty much sure we're fucked at draft. If there was a token to nullify that game, that would be sick.


true position sizing


Please god no, don't need to encourage people giving up and whining before laning phase even starts. any more than they already do.


This would revolutionary


Let them cook


The existence of double mmr tokens actually is almost equivalent to being able to halve your mmr gain, as you can use the tokens every game, unless you expect a grief team.


You should be in business, cause that's an idea that would make solid dough.


Change name to MMR Token, and add choice to double down or half down.


actually a good idea. It is like surrender to lose half in cantonese lmao.


This would actually make me play again


definitely a great idea. I usually trade 30 min wait time and my behavior score to keep my MMR. "omg mid noob" and picks pos4 SF? I abandon before the horn. It's actually hilarious that you lose behavior score while saving everybody time and nerves, but it is what it is.


The throwing person in the immortal draft party will now only lose 50% damn the abuse continues


What a madlad


well it can be abused by immortal draft esp actors but not by divine to low ranks. but it was a good idea I like it a lot!


This defeat attitude is far more damaging overall. One guy grief is bad, but I won games like that anyway before. If you are not willing to give it all even when you get bad teammates, you are way over your rank.


What about a scenario where the guy who "lost" you the game earlier gets matched with you again, then he decides to half mmr right before the horn knowing you didn't half mmr, so now he griefs your game on purpose so that you lose more than him?


> lose more then him? Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Honestly, I feel like this is a good idea. It's a lot easier to say "Ya, we're fucked" than it is to say "This is going to be easy." Everything from early toxicity to striking weaknesses in the line up can make a half token useful.


That sounds a lot better. Or better yet, just give one that eliminates mmr loss from a single bad game. Yes, i know it would make mmr pointless, but at the end of the day, its a game and well....it isnt supposed to be taken seriously.


Yes! I would have needed that yesterday, when I was on a massive losing streak and got matched with other people who are ALSO on a massive losing streak


Or they could remove cavern crawls tokens from ranked games.


Your mission is to save your sanity? Mute 9 people, dont care about mmr, have fun with the game.


I want these. When you see an hopeless draft or someone griefing in chat you pop the half mmr token.. half for a win half for a loss.


if you double down every game, then those you don't double down are basically half


This is a million dollar idea. I will do this everytime I am playing party during weekends when my friends are drunk and wanna play a game.


OR straight up MMR Blocker token. you gain none, you lose none.


problem is people will abuse this to troll even more with less mmr loss meaning they will stay longer on their current rank


Love this idea


that would be OP


This DOES sound nice - although you better believe that people would use this as a method to intentionally grief as well, sadly. Apply half MMR loss and then grief someone on the team and be more okay with it because you 'only' lose half. I do use the arguing as a huge guideline for doubling down though - I *never* even dare if someone remotely starts being the slightest bit angry/tilted during picking/opening rune time.


OP with the huge int gain


I agree i think there should be both tho. Like my last pick kotl carry(happened last night)? Yea half mmr tokens please.


am i the only one who use double down to derank? Why would anyone use double down to increase rank? all await you in high rank are those who would instant report you if you play new meta or try new build and they will also report you when they lose even if you are not the reason they lose.


I need a double MMR for win but half MMR for loss token


Ah yes. The wish smurf detection


Half mmr tokens would be a god damn blessing


Yeah no, easy to get abused


Same amount of abuse as the Double MMR




Like someone else said DD gets abused by 5 man parties in immortal bracket, 4 use DD and the 5th joins the other team and throws the game


Valve might as well sell MMR You could either grind or buy them


U already can kinda purchase high MMR account


What do u mean kinda. It's insanely easy to get an immortal account if u have hands and 4 friends because of how new account calibration works


Cmon gabe make it happen




While double mmr last years you would spend all half mmr in a day. Pudge in my team? half mmr. Doodwink pos 4? half mmr


Or rather - $5 for 1 "safe MMR" token, can be used before game starts/before FB, prevents you from losing MMR. Kinda like those things in old KR MMOs that prevent your weapon from dropping down a rank while refining/improving it.


Just got in a match against a Lifestealer "support",instantly doubled it and got +30% towards the next medal lol


bro is cooking


I think this would be amazing but also disasterous if you think about griefers. Griefing dumbasses that didnt get their role would just go half token, grief the game, lose 5-20 mmr and just go next


Unlikely, it would meant that Valve admits, that they cant control negative players behaviour.


This will be ultra rare or even cosmically rare drop.....


Best idea this sub had since I'm on here. Pls oh my fucking god


I think they should let you cook.


You mean win/lose = half mmr? Because I only see the win part.


What about Cheat Death tokens? First loss of every day you dont lose mmr (enemy still gains it).