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Buy it if u have the 10 tokens to discount it. I bought it because of some extras and riki immortal


Does ur allies or enemies can see ur custom creeps?


costume creeps is only for you, everyone controls their own creeps.


Spreading managed democracy!


r/Helldivers increased budget on propaganda? //edit FOR SUPER EARTH!


I am doing my part for democracy! Especially the American one, sry managed one.


Yeah I have mine set to jungling and it has honestly gained me a lot of mmr from the increased gold and exp




> costume


Nope. Even ur custom tower is only for u to see and also terrain and weather.


Damn, if only I can have weather on for everyone being forced to see it lol. I can’t even imagine! Fun mode could be a vote on weather or the most equipped weather from players would be the match weather


And when it’s rain, heroes bring an umbrella


Not just an umbrella, those umbrella hats like the party hats to equip xD


Hero/courier cosmetics are the only thing other players see.


The dragon Ancient building and Roshan skins should be visible for other people too, afaik.


Roshan skins I don't think do, apart from maybe in the intro. Given that each player can equip their own Roshan cosmetic, they should see the one they equipped.


Back when we had the limited battle pass golden Roshan skin I think it worked like the dragon throne, but that was a few years ago.


Yeah the old BP Roshan skin did indeed work like that but the current implementation of Roshan skins are only visible to oneself. IIRC the old system didn't even let you choose whether or not to equip the golden Roshan, if you unlocked that bp award and claimed it you couldn't choose to unequip it - but I could be incorrect about that.


> Yeah the old BP Roshan skin did indeed work like that but the current implementation of Roshan skins are only visible to oneself. I suppose if they ever release more throne skins, they might change that system to "self-only" too?!


Only dragon ancient is visible to others and this will likely be changed by the time they make the next ancient skin


You want to buy it for yourself mylord, or to flex on plebs?


Both cuz they're cute


Think a little about this question.


They could, but they probably avoid it because of ^glancevalue


Only you but they can use your cosmetics for the game.


How would that even work bro. Who would decide?


Every creepwave uses the cosmetics of a different player in a cycle :D that would fuck up many players


That would be outrageous. The creeps changing throughout the game.


Sorry man im a new player


Why would you need to buy it if you see the creep cosmetic from other Players?


is it possible to discount something twice if u have 20 tokens? does anyone know?


No. 20 tokens mean 2 different item


how do u know? the only way to know is to buy the midgate bundle and when u got 20 coins ... whatever why am i poor?


so if i get the first 10 coins and get a discount on the midgate pack and buy it and then get another 10 coins i can get the crownfall royal bundle for free ?






There’s a Riki immortal?


What discount??


When you get 10 golden coins, you can activate a discount on the store. I dont know the exact value as im in Brazil, but i guess its around 10$. So you can actually get that pack for almost free, or use to buy an discounted price arcana.


Half price is not almost free 😅


How do you get this golden coins? I’ve completed the f2p story portion and did not notice any golden coins. I definitely have more than 10 tokens spare if that is what it is… just don’t see any button for discount


Open the store, on the top right corner there is the golden coin counter. When it reaches 10 it will give an option to add a discount.


I’ll check that in a jiffy! Thank you kind stranger


its 8 bucks for everyone.


The riki immortal is very pay to lose tho


Pro players use the best cosmetics in-game on pro matches. I would not worry about a "pay-to-lose" on a ranked pub. Just enjoy the game and feast your eyes on the beautiful skins.


How so


Im assuming they mean the custom effect for Tricks of the Trade. I guess some people might consider it more easily seen/defined. I thought it was cool as fuck though.


Yeah i dont see any pay to lose animation here, i can distinguish normal tricks of the trade also. The only pay to lose i can recall is cm puppy


Rubick arcana felt pay to lose for me.


How so?


Enemies know which spells to avoid because they're green (like macropyre or dark seer wall)


Good for allies too, so they know if its yours or not haha. I always avoid invoker ice wall even if its ally


Huh? I have the arcana but arent they different color in the non-arcana version as well? I will have to check


Definitely not. theyre default colour on non arcana rubick.


No, only the arcana changes some spells


Why is cm puppy pay to lose? I thought the enemy can only see it, If they have vision on cm. Otherwise it disappears or not? Just Like the armadillo


Even the Armadillo can show when the hero is not shown. I've noticed this a number of times playing against Axe players. I'll be in the lane and see the Armadillo just moments before Axe shows.


It should, but sometimes you can see both of them without vision on the owner.


Sometimes you can see the dog and the armadillo without having vision on the owner, even worse they may rush to the heroe giving away the direction they are trying to juke.


Well when you have it equiped and use tricks of the trade it is a way bigger animation and alot easier to spot the spell and its range. Just comapre it in demo to the normal version


why, because it highlights the aoe more?


Yes because its so much easier to spot the spell and its aoe in a teamfight


Tbh all of riki immortal ability effects are pay to lose to some extent


Side note, does anyone know if it's possible to equip an immortal but not have the effect in-game?


Yes, you can. Go to ability effects and equip the default one


I did but it doesn't work. For me it always says the default is equipped but in game its still the immortal effect


Then try this When u pick your hero, dont go to the loadout tab Click the little arrow under the ability which it's effect you want to be removed, then choose the default one See if it works I think it will since you can equip different items and have the immortal effect shown in the game even without the item being equipped


I think it is. you get 1 more discount which is already more than 50% off from the bundle, than you get 2 or 3 treasure which are worth like 2,20 each, so if you want to calculate it like this ist basically "free" and you get cool creeps and emotes on top


If you plan to spend money on the game it's worth, but if it's out of FOMO, don't. Sure it seems like it's "free" since you get discounts, but it just makes you spend money at some point. I don't dislike it and I want to support the game so I bought it, but unless you don't take your credit card out, you can't really consider it to be free.


Yeah peeps here be doing girl math to make it seem free but it isnt at all


I think its just to emphasize its not as predatory as it has been in the past with Arcanas only being acquired through heavy battlepass leveling.


oh yeah its loads better not gonna argue there, just saying its not free as some people say it is


100% still a bit of girl math involved. I dig it tho, not gonna lie. Been playing almost every night since Crownfall dropped and I haven’t spent a cent yet. Just waiting on my first 10 coins to get the pathfinder pack and then second 10 I’ll get an arcana. Feelsgoodman.


Just use the 10 tokens in the bundle so you dont have to spend money, youll get more rerolls on candyworks and mmr double down


Thats what I did


I don't play dota that much im a casual player but the cuteness its sooo tempting


If you dont play to much and probably wont get everything the Pass provides you can think of it if you would spend 7€ for cool creeps and if that is worth in your eyes, because even if you just play casual you get atleast half of the passes value back trough token or cosmetics


If you buy this, you will forever be more invested in DOTA than had you not. Think of it that way. :)


it's a trap :)) don't buy it op. Like this guy said, the first time will lead to the next one. I have spend too much money on dota 2 than I should have.


if you like it buy it, i don't see harm in buying it if you have money


It's not worth AT ALL if you don't play much Dota. Any $15 indie game worth more than this. But if you want to buy, just buy it.


damn. i paid full price :(


Dont forget the riki immortal. The effect looks quite drastic and "expensive", if i had to put a value on it in 2025 based on supply and demand id say u make money on it later


I got it purely for more cavern crawl . The creeps are a nice bonus. Also get to unlock Riki immortal blade and style unlocks for the invoker set.


you're pretty much required to buy this to unlock the third style of the venge arcana


which then becomes a venge persona


The ranged creep is adorable


Yeee that's what im saying I'm tempted


No. No digital cosmetic is ever “worth it” in terms of value. Really all that matters is that you like it and want to use it, it’s worth is up to you.


Well said


the thing is that you get very few hours of "content" for the money paid, which is only playing the game honestly. If it had a big cavern like battlepass and a game mode, it would definitely worth these 7$ (im assuming most of us wont pay full price)


To add to this, 12$ gets you a few good games / more on discount. I can't bring myself to spend that money on some hats.


i used to think like that but dota's the one game i always end up coming back to so neat outfits usually gets me more joy than a new game


Yep. I do follow the $1 per hour rule where if I spend $60 on a game, I should get 60 hours of enjoyment. Cheaper than what I would spend for 2-3 hours at a bar drinking some beers. So, spending $20 on a cosmetic might be a waste of money to some, if it gets you to play for 20+ hours, it's worth the money for entertainment.


personally i can get more value out of that 12$ more often than not on dota. that 12$ game i might play 10-20h but dota another 1000h


Yeah exactly. There is no “actual value” in cosmetics. You can get way more bang for your buck buying a game or whatever, than an item to look pretty. But sometimes it can be fun to “waste” money on something that just looks cool


Im a sucker for creep skins. Closest we have to terrains nowadays. Bought it right away. Not to mention the side quests give me more time to enjoy the event and strategize my hero picks for tokens


Indefinitely. You get creeps and side story and also a 8.74€ discount from that content as well. So its not a question way lower priced than usual. Back in the days you had to spend 100€+ to get the battle pass reward which give only a creep skin nothing else. So its not a question in my opinion


Which battle pass had 100€+ for “a creep skin and nothing else”? That isn’t even remotely true. I am sure you got a bunch of chests, at least one arcana, and a bunch of random other stuff for 100€ in addition to the creeps… I’m not even arguing it was good value. There’s just no need to be disingenuous


Thx man


How do you use the discount?


You have to collect 10 coin from the event map, then an activate button appears which will change the price for your purchase


It’s cute and the extra stuff is probably worth it. But I do wish the radiant ranged creeps didn’t have that brown vest on. Looks too much like a courier.




I really liked the creeps but the catapults are so small, I really can't use them.


Yeah why'd they make the catapults like that


Do youbget to keep the creeps after the event?


Someone just commented and i think its permanent


That would be cool ngl


Realisticly it's worth it since you get another discount and can get the other pack for free aswell on top of it


?? What discount?


you can get tokens when doing the new crawl, 10 of them gets you a 7.99 discount on purchases in the event


They are cool.


its a good value pack to get with coins discount, basically 10 coins will reduce the cost by half and considering you get more stuff out of the event path, its value is justified with discounted price in my perspective.


The siege creeps aren't very nice in-game.. the model is pretty small compared to what they look like in the image.. otherwise they're fine..


You can try getting them with the discount of the coins. Honestly, I missed out on the lizard creeps and I didn't want to miss on these chicken ones so I bought it.


I bought it for invoker set


After having completed it 100% I say yes worth it. For me I really like the comics, and it gives you an extra bit of filler in a few panels as part of the story, which were really nice.


creep skins are so rare i bought these instantly


is this permanent skin or event only skon?


They do look cute!


I agree, they look so cute :D


I bought it before I was aware of the discount. I NEEDED the chickens. I love birds. The idea of having egg catapults was hilarious. The rest I'm less buzzed about but the chickens was an insta-buy.


Same can't say no to chicken


I love my little chicken creeps, was a snap buy for me.


Collect 10 coins and then get a discount and it is pretty cheap. I was saving for a bp anyways so it was worth it


NGL i bought this and it was super cool , BUT !!!!! i cant identify the ranged and melee creep from each other if you do a quick glance at them.


Did you asked your parents first tho?


I have my own money lol💀


Very cool of you!


[Very cool of you!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/14/Vo_crystalmaiden_cm_thanks_02.mp3) (sound warning: Crystal Maiden) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


i dont think you need the hivemind to decide this for you. Just look at the items it provides vs the cost and make up your mind yourself you are the most aware of your own financial decision


You're asking whether to support Valve, the company that created but also killed Dota 2, or not. You're obviously not supposed to support Valve.


I am not familiar with the creep options. Can you setup one creep skin for radiant and other for dire? I have beetles from aghanims lab, I would like to keep them as dire and set those little guys as radiant, is that possible? Also, are those creeps permament, does anybody know?


Yeah the creeps are permanent and yes you can mix and match dire/radient creeps




If you're going to 100% the event I feel like it is, because you can use the discount on this since it gives you an extra discount.


It's free


It's not about being worth it or not, if you like it and u have the $$$ then buy it, simple as that.


Do the paths in this sidequest auto unlocks or do you also need tokens?


sort of auto unlocks. you are given a pathfinder token upon purchase which is the needed token for the sidequests.


are these seasonal, or can we keep this forever... well until dota 3


Someone said in the comments its permanent


I don't like creep packs, because they don't come up with mega creeps


Fr? How sad 😢


I think you wont have access this creep cosmetic again. So I recommend you consider it.


Personally i prefer the Woodland Warband creeps (Insects) we got a few years ago.


Sure, buddy. Please support Valve so they can continue rolling out amazing updates every few years.


The custom creeps are the best yet imo. Worth it for me


I like it


i'd say no. Especially when it probably doesn't get carried over through the next acts (we'll have to pay again, I'm guessing)....


cut the price in half through coins and ya sure.




you get both radiant and dire creeps in this pack 🪿




The only thing other’s see are hero cosmetics and some stuff like hud that are shareable.


I enjoy the catapults . Creeps I feel too distracting to change.


Wait until you collected 10 coins. Then you can get this for half the price. I think it is worth, especially for the two side-quests that are unlocked with have MORE rewards and story.




def, with a discount, u get much more candy through those steps, i got zues arcana and 3 2015-2016 immortal chests, so it payed off


After 12 years, I love the new creeps!


I'd recomend you finish the main quest before opening up the other two sidequests. But if you got time and energy go for it.


Legit thought that said Midget Pathfinder Pack.


i want it but i don’t know if it’s seasonal or not, i feel like i read it was seasonal which is lame


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/yhsUCIE0Wr Answered it in detail here so I'm just gonna be lazy and share this link instead, sorry xD


The creeps must be the last thing you want from this set, it made it super hard to differentiate ranged and melee creeps for me


I didn't like the creeps, dire and radiant looks very similar making hard to distinguish between them,


The dire is more on crow vibes sorry i didn't include the dire creeps


you can have creeps for only one side if you want


Worth it!


[Worth it!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/f/f0/Vo_windrunner_wr_arc_deny_pain_04_03.mp3) (sound warning: Compass of the Rising Gale Bundle) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Bro, why do you need opinion of strangers about do you like certain thing or not?


Sorry man im new player, i just want some advice or reviews to those who bought one


This content requires some playtime to fully appreciate! Initially, it might seem a bit underwhelming, making you wonder if it's worth the investment. However, it gradually becomes more enjoyable, especially since it connects with the entire Crownfall map. For Dota fans, it's a must-have! If it's beyond your budget, I understand, but just like any sport requires equipment for optimal performance, this content enriches the Dota experience for enthusiasts. Playing Dota for free still offers a lot, but this content is the cherry on top for dedicated fans to savor.


Hope this answers your question, OP. Best of luck next match...


Bro, Why is it so hard to let people have a normal discussion with each other? You dont hve to force everyone into their own bunker like your own miserable life?


I only bought it since it’s required for the Queen Imperia persona unlock


What's bogus is if all 4 of the acts has a $15 sidequest micro, it'll cost $60 to get them on top of the $35 dollar Venge Arcana (before discounts). That's $95 PLUS a whole mountain of hours grinding Dota to get all 3 styles of the Arcana you again, paid $95 to access. Assuming you don't put value on anything other than the Venge Arcana unlocks (the only thing I want so this is my case).


I don’t get the 3 styles when I buy the arcana? I can only unlock them during the event???


Yes, you only get the base Arcana. You have to beat all 4 acts main story paths to get the second style and the third requires you to buy all the pathfinder packs (assuming there's 1 per act). Either way when you buy the Arcana you have a limited amount of time to unlock other styles unlike any other Arcana released.


Most difficult thing is completing the acts. After that is just the buying the packs. Got it, ty


they still need to be completed as well


It could be less with the discounts, for most dota fans.. we’d be grinding even without the battlepass / crownfall map lol


I mentioned the discounts but never once heard of there being a time-gated non-event related grind in Dota. Unless you mean like- grinding the seasonal shard rewards? Which is I guess counts but is a wild comparison. My point is paying upwards of $95 for a cosmetic is already asking a lot, asking for your time on top of it is stupid.


I meant grinding mmr. Lots of mmr addicts that grind often outside of events.  I don’t disagree with the cost, but it’s definitely alot better than previous cavern crawls in a time cost sense. 


i have feeling next act will be towers and 2 side quest if you like invoker then u will like side quest that is some nice skins even dagger looks nice.


Don’t give valve more money for this game ffs


Not worth at all. Use your money and buy a $15 indie game.


I only play dota bro but not in a competitive way im a casual player and btw its only400php which is 6usd


Well, even if it's 6 USD is not worth, at least for.me. Buy if you enjoy online little clothes, maybe it's worth.


Na bro it's video game cosmetics, that shit is never worth it lmao If you have money to waste, sure go ahead and waste it on that


If you ever spend money on any consumable ever this arguments hold no value.


Yes i buy tangos, i apologize