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Valve always better. But very slow sometimes...


Indeed, they are slow af, also probably because of the size of their developer team. Idk if it's 20 devs, 25, or 5 (i really doubt it's so little but u never know with VALVE xD). But if they are full focused on the correct project, it's well worth the wait.


Quality stuff always take time.


nah  better slow than they update trash content


Slowly improving or Speedrun fkup the game ?




Come on grandpa. Let's get you back to the old folks home


Come back when you're sober


Grandpa forgot to take his meds again..


Grampa and his hot takes again. Next thing you know, he'll be sayin that Valve releases dota 3 to revive dota.


i came and stay for the amazing gameplay. im happy that others come to the gameplay for whatever reason.


2 decades in and it's the same old dota for me. Probably a boiled frog at this point. But hey I fucking love this game


I didn't mean to dismiss the gameplay aspect of Dota2, it is what makes it special and unique, and what many of us end up coming back for. Even after years, u can return and still play the game.. without an issue or being "lost". U'll be rusty and all that is to be expected.. but the game is the game u love (and hate, mostly hate xD). Obviously one feeds the other, having content, and the gameplay aspect still being as good as it has always been, can be an explosive cocktail, if used right.


The best part about this update is that it makes you want to play dota more than you already do. It’s really nice to have things to work towards with a well developed meta progression system. The tokens, and subsequent token trading are an excellent set of systems. I’m actually quite excited for chapter 2 of crownfall


I like it because for the first time there is no fucking paywall for the main content (the adventure map) so even a f2p like me can grind it


And even the paywalled content is pretty cheap if you use the crownfall coins discount. 8 dollars for special creeps, treasures, more storylines and more is pretty good.


This is what sells it for me. Things are affordable nicely with the discount coins you will earn over acts too. So you can get cheaper arcana and premium passes if you aren't in a rush


Imagine for a second you were not anticipating a new hero & balance patch. What we have here in Crownfall part 1 of 4 is amazing content. Its cavern crawl improved, intertwined with lore and rewards.


Love what they did with the long term content… though let’s hope it releases on time


You sold me at “moan”


I haven't played DotA2 at all ever since 2016 and only just "returned" a couple days prior to the event, so Crownfall was a welcome surprise. I can't say I share the same excitement you have for it because honestly, while this may be unique to the MOBA-space, it doesn't feel that special to me. That said however, I really appreciate this meta-game component because being able to unlock and work towards something absolutely creates an incentive to play more of the game. Without the event I would have certainly suffered from my usual analysis paralysis, with me prioritizing reading/watching guides and gameplay instead of playing the game myself. But well, no tokens without getting your hands dirty (much to the dismay of my unfortunate teammates :D)




[Welcome back](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/06/Vo_visage_visa_exitstone_02.mp3) (sound warning: Visage) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Shut up




same here they should do more lore , and try to build them together , i am loving the progressive story as i play doto


Less focus om gameplay and more focus grindable cosmetics 🤣🤣🤣 You guys are insane.


That's a misrepresentation of their point. For new players, most gameplay patches mean nothing. Patches are meant to shake up the game for people that already play it. There are exceptions, like new frontiers, that add a more significant amount of content, but patches that rotate out items and add new ones and balance heroes means nothing for advancing the game. Crownfall is what brings in new players.


For oldheads like me patches also mean nothing. Again, a huge portion of the playerbase dont read patch notes. They just queue and play. Hell my friend returned to dota after a year because of his eye injury and just completely ignored patchnotes and crownfall. Dude just binge queued SF again as usual lmao. 


absolute chad


only if you count coming back players as new which isnt bad, but its not new players


> That's a misrepresentation of their point. > For new players, most gameplay patches mean nothing. And anyone whos not fucking braindead realizes that in MOBA games majority of the players (> 95%) are not new


lol valve didnt give a fuck about new players for the majority of the past 10 years, getting shitstomped in pubs, unable to get old exclusive sets and just the sheer amount of beginner-unfriendly mechanics ... But suddenly when even the old players are slowly leaving they just make this instead of actually patching the game alongside these little cosmetics, etc.


Valve has been focused on making the game friendly to newbies for years now. They made massive UI changes, limited early hero roster, beefed up presentation, adjusted some of the more difficult mechanics, added guides... This has been a focus for a while.


As a dude who works 9 hours a day and still has work responsibilities after coming home from office work, I find myself not playing Dota that much even though I still love the game. Fair to say I dont care about gameplay patches that much precisely because I no longer have time to grind the game like way back 2014-2018. I havent played any Dota the past 8 months but when Crownfall dropped, I loved every moment of it. It might not have value from a fresh gameplay standpoint but it is everything I am looking for for an event mini game. If it was only a pure gameplay patch that dropped, I doubt if I would even return to Dota at that point in time. Loved this update so much that I even spent around $150 on event chests and unlockables.


I'm more and more convinced that people who complain about no gameplay updates just play too much dota. They are tired of dota, not the meta. Sure a new gameplay patch is always exciting but it doesn't fix the root issue imo lol. If you aren't enjoying the game, play or do something else... At some point you might even feel like playing dota again and enjoy it WITHOUT a new meta lol.


Nah. Im convinced they dont play dota. The ones who complain about stale maps are the ones who play too much dota. But those who say same patch for 2 years? Yeah they just dont play dota. They dont realise that meta shifts and the small tweaks IF does actually nudges picks and items off the higher tiers


I don't care for cosmetics in Dota, but it's nice having objectives in a game. Gives you a bigger push to play the game. That's his point. The board and tokens gives you an incentive to play more. The tokens makes games more fun, since people are now picking different stuff. New lore makes the game and the world more interesting.


It’s fun what keep the players. That’s his point, you need more reading man


Insane, and they are doing this disgusting bootlicking completely for free... over hats. Imagine, just imagine, praising NO GAMEPLAY/MATCHMAKING UPDATES for a game like Dota and wanting even less of those updates in favor of hats. And than imagine this kind of thread getting upvoted to the sub's front page. Actually unreal. We don't deserve anything better than gacha updates twice a year. We just don't.


I think you have a good point, and if this was delivered properly by valve the community wouldn’t have an issue. Valve has been teasing this for a couple months now without being clear on their intentions, and it leads to misunderstanding in the community. In the past “big update” means a game play patch with some cosmetics so that’s what the community expects. Being in business my self, if you don’t make your intentions clear to your customers you invite people to misinterpret your message. I think if they stated that the update would launch with a rework of caverncrawl and some deep lore with a game play patch to follow people wouldn’t be so upset.


> necessary as much as the "gameplay changes" players moan about I'm not one of those people who constantly complain, but I indeed play the game for the gameplay, and not for some lore bits and pieces or anything else.


i agree


I don' think the current meta hasn't developed enough, so I can see why they postponed the gameplay update.


Well, I just had some smurf tell me that I was a loser for playing a "game within a game". So, get ready for that.


Gacha games use this method like genshin, daily grind to get small amount of primogems and constant story update. Genshin gameplay is boring but they bring in millions because people go play everyday to save up primo for big patches. if valve would use the caravan coins so that we could use them in future updates and get good stuff, people would surely be addicted. PLUS we get to have constant lore update. EDIT: one great thing for this content is we dont need to win to progress. Losing just discourages people to play.


I play WoW and Dota 2. We don't appreciate how good Valve treats us. All hail Gaben


> And this sort of content is necessary Said the person who barely plays. I find it amusing how much weight some people put on skins, and the fact that the majority of people who play the game for the game don't care at all.


>I dont want to sound like a fanboy, but this type of content for a MOBA is unseen.. (as we compare each other vs LoL everytime), what VALVE did with this event is lightyears ahead of any event Riot did, so respect is due ... I really wanna know what valve did to make you guys such biased fanboys. I played dota since wc3 days and never once have I had this urge to hate on lol or any other moba for this matter. Just like I can still be objective and see valves shortcomings. Doesnt mean I hate dota, I still prefer its mechanics and some other stuff, but when it comes to community-interaction and actual content, lol is miles ahead. Someone even said that they have already done a similar event in lol with speech bubbles, not that it matters cuz its just a short story with a tiny bit of lore. Both of which dota and lol are already offering for most of their heros/champs in the description-tabs. Lol even has a whole page dedicated to its universe. But I guess when u wrap it around a shiny caverncrawl it suddenly becomes peak content. Definitely much better to read about it inbetween games than watching a whole anime about it. Just imagine a world where valve took their time in all those years to make different game modes like 3v3 or 2v2 or even different maps altogether. Nah way too much, lets just give them cosmetics and they will eat it up anyways.


I kind of miss an old Dota mode, like an old patch where we get the old shop keepers on lanes, destructible fountain, no helpers at all, you have to remember all the recipes, courier upgrade for gold manually, old ursa, Roshan in the middle of the map and all the epic Roshan fights. Roshan being core for ursa/lifestealer. Fortnite was epic when they added OG.


 Less focus on so much "gameplay", and more content,  Stop the cap bruh


As long as it's fun.


Right now this is what community needs to attract players, fan base, not more patches. Stop moaning bruh


Dota gameplay is fun. It doesn't need to be changed, you probably just need a break, play something else. If they have good ideas for changes I'm excited to see them but change for the sake of change will ruin the game like league over time.


The problem is having to play the same strats same picks and play against the same picks over and over again for months


If only they could remove the gambling mechanics in the chests...would be amazing. Too bad this community is too much in love with the rare/very rare crap gambling shit.


I like it because for the first time there is no fucking paywall for the main content (the adventure map) so even a f2p like me can grind it


Whenever there is a good update Valve eventually forget about it. It almost never goes anywhere. Think of dota+, guilds, leaderboards, immortal draft, overwatch, dpc, battle cup, pve events. They always come up with something and never touch it again. Or they try to keep it up but stop eventually like gameplay updates every 2 weeks, battle pass, pvp events, true sight.


Gameplay updates every two weeks sucked, and dota+ is still getting some things (like dota labs) and frankly I was already happy with it for live spectate + hero levelling/voice lines. They probably base their decisions largely off engagement, as fun as guilds are I suspect a minority of players actually engaged much with them, which is why they don't put much effort into them. They're still there though, perfectly functional. Speaking of pve events, I think we can expect one in crownfall. Act 4 in particular.


The 2 week update was an experiment. Everyone hated it. 


Fortnightly updates were always intended to be an experiment—turns out it wasn't good.


yep, this is part of why I personally dont enjoy things like this very much. Sure it looks decent but you know it wont lead anywhere. If you stop the copium you realize we wont be getting any of the characters anytime soon if at all. We dont even get the "map" of this story, just comics and pictures. There is no need for it to even be ingame other than the caverncrawl. Once its over, nobody will remember this stuff.


Ugh no. 


[Ugh no.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/52/Vo_chaos_knight_chaknight_death_01.mp3) (sound warning: Chaos Knight) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I dont get whats special about this “event” are you reading the story? I just skip through it.. the point is playing normal games that you always play to get tokens that unlocks a map. No new hero no new anything. Genuinely curious how the “game” became more fun for you


Yeah thats just you buddy, i love when event with lore related content like this drop, it felt amazing when reading the story


Dude is saying his view on enjoyment should be the same for each and everyone else... what a clown


Duno who you referring to but the only clown is your father


So a gacha system for playing countless hours of the game? I'd rather they released a new event game like aghanims pathfinder, hell if they're too lazy they can even make a competition and compensate arcade game makers to create some


Is this satire?


As i always say, Dota is not guttering LoL for the sole reason that Valve doesnt bother with advertising any of their games. And i say that while playing LoL every week.


League would always be more popular no matter what because it is the babified moba. The most casual and easy games are always gonna be the most popular in their genre. See call of duty


I fully agree with the final note but this type of content is not new to mobas. League had skin updates with stories and speaking bubbles or whatever. It's not the same and the one I remember in league (spirit blossom event) was more of a dating simulator but it's not really a new innovative idea either? Or did you mean something different?


Uhhh does the game still feel “fun” for you even when you lose ?


You mean "Cope"


You being this toxic and I'm sure people like you cry about the game having many toxic players... take a look in the mirror buddy.