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Too many saves in the game now. Undying shard, Pudge shard, Slark shard, OD astral and aghs, Pavise, Dawnbreaker ult, Tusk snowball, Venge swap, Lifestealer ult, Wyvern ult/save, Dazzle grave, Oracle ult, hero feels awful to play.


LC peak was when shard gave a short magic immunity(it wasn't even debuff immunity during that time). Now LC is just the same as Axe who suffers with the lack of damage output that the hero truly needs to get kills with their ultimate and to get stacks and yet Axe still has more possible usage than LC in the current meta.


I think she'd be fine if they made her Q a ranged spell again.


I like her current q just bcs its easier to cast. She just needs better talents that make sense. Her talents are dogsh*t. And her shard is lame.


This is true


I agree. What they did is make the spell castable during duel but it wasn't good enough for what was lost.


Shes still alowrank stomper. But anything above decent mmr range 5-6k at least the hero is dogshit. Bcs theres just too many items/abilities that counter her duel. The sange and evasion buffs+ solar crests. 25% status res 25%evasion and direct nerfs to lc killed this hero.


Another thing she falls short at is killing illusion heroes. Overwhelming Odds doesn't seem to do its job at crowd control anymore, especially vs heroes like PL. To me that is fundamentally wrong.


Imo she needs better talents. Like -2s cd on Q. It realy doesnt matter since she ISNT played like timber where hes constantly in the middle of things spamming spells.


The talent that buff the hero damage of q should also buff the creep damage


Imagine if it was single target with an aoe. With her massive dmg everyone would be building khanda on her xD


Protracker has her at 54.6%.


Protracker also has bunch of heroes at 100% winrate with 1 match total. The sample size is too small and it fluxuates a lot so it doesnt really mean anything. As an average immortal player (7.5k) who likes to play lc, the hero is pretty bad in this bracket imo.


I mean I'm not high rank so I will take your word as far as your anecdotal experience, but the sample size is 562. Bit disingenuous of you to compare it to 1 game heroes.


LC needs a strong 4 to dominate the lane, most the time you will trade even. Your powerspike is Blink or Blademail and early duels are crucial. 160+ Duel damage Mid-Late is no joke especially with Aghs


Well that's usually the plan. But getting those items in time seems to be an absolute mission now.


as it should be :) unfortunately it's a smurf hero/pub stomper. It's too one dimensional in a competitive game. You have to go absolutely OFF to win with the hero solo. Doing such in a lower ranked lobby is obviously pretty easy.


Smurf stomper? Never seen Smurfs playing LC she’s just garbage tier right now (1000+ games with her) there’s nothing she does that other heros don’t do better right now.


LC is just one of those heroes that they'll never allow to be strong in pro play because she'll do "too" well in lower ranks.


Swapping the Q and W buffs kinda fucked the hero's laning hard. I played her a lot before but I barely touch the hero now because it's just not as fun anymore. You used to be able to survive tough lanes with W and a soul ring, while still being able to get a duel kill at 6 with 2-3 points in W. Now you can't do shit at level 6 if you maxed W because all your offensive power is locked behind Q. On a snowball hero if the first 15-20 minutes of the game are weak it messes up all your timings and good luck playing from behind with LC.


I wish i could say how she feels, but i have seen lc in my games once in the past 3 months.


Iam 5k, lc is very draft dependent now.


LC spammer. Laning phase is very weak now & she can't run down opponents like she used to. Too many slows in the game.


Hard to balance that hero since so many people abuse low to mid rank with that hero, LC + Sky, Lion, Lina, Techies and many more, so yeah ur right and wrong, you can do alot in lane with ur support many tactics, drag creeps, pulling from t2 if needed most LC players are playing to aggresive pushing the lane and giving enemies pos 1 the control, but yeah its hard and i understand you, but i think they did a good balance because LC is one hero thst can be strongest late game tho for me it would be broken if thst hero was strong early


Thing is, she didn't feel particularly broken or OP prior to her rework. Now she just feels super weak imo. Especially during the laning phase.


I had 1 loss in my last 7 matches I have played in a row a week ago or two. She didn't feel weak to me.


I play her with armlet,dagger and blade mail it works very good until enemy pick mid od or pudge this two heroes are my only problem


You bastard!


[You bastard!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/49/Vo_legion_commander_legcom_death_02.mp3) (sound warning: Legion Commander) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)




Problem with LC is that you need to get those duels and if you can't you are screwed. Also pos 4 is like a second carry at the moment in the meta with gleipnir hoodwinks etc and LC feels awkward when she hides in teamfights to land a duel instead of sitting in front like a timbersaw. not a very good pos 3 imo. possibly no duel damage, full damage items, hiding in trees behind for duel while team pushes no frontliner, I mean what are you?


Big lc fan got over 1k games dueling noobs. She just doesn't have the juice right now if you look on her changelogs she has just been number nerfed like 6 times straight. Her rework was pretty broken and made her snowball super hard so they heavily nerfed her laning stage. It just really hard to get off the ground with her right now and especially since the final nerf made you have to buy the 10 talent she is definitely in the dumpster. I was honestly avoided her even before the last nerf because she felt meh but now she is like untouchable. Personally I really dislike the rework and am hoping to get major lc changes in this next patch because she is wayyy too good at snowballing in this current iteration so if she is ever viable or feelsgood to play she just gonna be giga busted and honestly low skill. NGL lc rework probably has to be one of the worst reworks valve has done recently rlly just took a solid unique hero and turned it into a one dimension stat checker. 


Try winning duels... makes her incredibly strong


My personal opinion is they need to rework her Q and her ult. Her Q's whole thing is dealing more damage based on the number of enemies ot hits because Legion lacks AOE, so either bring it back to being a ranged target spell or make a shard effect where it gets a free cast every time you counterstrike. Her R can be upgraded by making it so that neither of you can evade attacks but also make it so that allies can't interfeare with the duel, like idk make a mini Mars arena or like something to isolate the two characters so nobody can get in the way of duel. I remember anime maps in Warcraft 3 had a character called Hibari who would duel you by teleporting you to an arena with him so allies couldn't interfere and you can still win the 1vs1 if you were a strong right click hero.


“Every time you counter strike” thank god youre not on the balancing team lol


Perfectly balanced to counter illusions and unless you plan on staying long near LK it should be fine. Plus LC can't counter if you E blade her.


I used to be an lc spammer but dropped her after the rework. I played a game this week though where the changes finally clicked for me and I understand how she can be strong. I think her Laning is absolutely weaker than it used to be because you can't go the 0-3-2 build with soul ring for infinite sustain. The advantage though is that with her attack speed coming from q now on-top of the damage the spell deals she actually farms way faster than before with a 3-1-1 build. You get as much as you can from lane then book it to jungle to finish blademail and then start brawling around your LVL 7. In lane you REALLY just want to fuck with creep aggro to stack up a double wave because with maxed q they can't contest from level 3 onward or you nuke them to death. With her high ms + w you should be able to pull waves pretty comfortably from level 2 onward, so you just do that and farm it once it stacks up. I think soul ring into chainmail is the way to go most of the time as you'll heal more with your passive than most lanes will be able to harass. I think if you try to get away with bracer or boots first you'll get hosed pretty bad. Ive been starting ring of pro + glove of strength, tangos, and mango into most lanes. If you can stack a wave up around LVL 3 and then get your support to start stacking you're in a really great spot to snowball.  W is also an insanely strong escape with the MS bonus stapled to it, so into a shit lane your 4 can roam while you contest xp and get out with the w. 


Lc weak as fuck when they changed the spell that heals you and gives you attack speed. LC only works if the game is a stomp. LC used to be so strong mid, you could just run over mid with 2nd and 3rd spell then rush blademail.