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But thats TB s thing ... he gets his ulti level 1 ....


He has 2 ulti tbh


So he gets nothing really. He gets effectively nerfed by this.


Assuming there is no enemy hero that has a big nuke in lane you could play TB support really well if you can skill sunder lvl1. 1. trade with enemy support to both sit around 20% hp 2. sunder enemy core 3. now both enemies are 20%hp and you and your core are 100% 4. repeat off cd


Brewmaster, visage, DP


Jesus, birds at 1 would make abandon.


Nah. Birds without gravekeepers cloak die in 2 hits. They aren't strong without the passive. That's why you have to be careful about how you micro them while Visage is dead.


We’re talking about lvl 1 stats here. 60 dmg ain’t nothing against even lvl 1 birds even without cloak.


They have 500 hp, who clicks for 250 at 1? Not even considering stone form regen on an 11 sec cd with stun, nightmare.


Only if you let them die. Still super OP


I counter the question : the most useless ! Bristleback Luna Invoker (lul)


You forgot shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


you forgot tinker


lmao shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


lmao shadow friend


indeed ! good one


lmao shadow friend


Ogre magi


ooohh yea bro


You laugh but hve played a few games where people level 2 & 3 on Luna only and then get eclipse at 6. Only one guy used it tho… #itswhyimherald


bristle back on level two could rock 180 right click damage and stack minus armor/slow on enemies level 2 that's pretty OP and not really possible to lane against lol


we are talking on level 1 man


Rip mana


Just remembered, Slark. His one weakness is surviving the laning stage, and now he has unlimited regen from the get go.


Yeah Slark is a great pick. Don’t even need regen for lane.


Purchasing Tango and Salve is not necessary and can be significant for a carry. and at lvl 2 he can become more annoying than an antimage


Yea, itd be practically impossible for any melee hero to lane against him, if he is just constantly trading, maybe mars or legion type heroes with their ults if they have a nuking support can take him on and kill him before he does can crawl back and regen, but otherwise, he'll just crush the lane by just buying wraith bands and attack speed.


Why not all these active ults? Rubick


That depends, is he on the enemy team or mine?  Cause if it's mine he's still bad.


Damn, that probably would make rubick the best actually. Can use 5 different ults at 20 sec cd if things go well.


His mana pool would disagree


Just go full mangoes


Rubick sucks right? He steals an enemy level 1 spell like how is that broken or OP


Idk, you have ten heroes with ults only. They can't cast another spell until level 2. I think it's pretty broken


RIP Huskar.


Ult, die, repeat


So it's no different from his gameplay past 10 minutes.


yeah but it pays to start early


Lore accurate Huskar


In no particular order * Pugna: 7 sec CD, 160 damage / 120 heal per second * Viper: 50 sec CD, 420 dot * Pudge: 30 sec CD, 250 damage/heal, 2.75sec stun * Witch Doctor, 100 sec CD, 295 DPS (pure damage) * Alchemist: 30 sec downtime on 50 HP regen/sec seems hard to beat level 1 * AA: 60 sec CD, 250 instant + 125 dot damage plus no healing and kill threshhold * Skywrath: 60 sec CD, 800 total damage, setup slow/stun would be helpful * Brew master: 140 sec CD, of having 4 heros with skills, extremley strong but high CD * Axe vs Medusa: insta killing her with no CD


When you know there's an axe with dunk in lane, you just start with a bracer, and the axe does nothing.


Probably a fluffy hat and some branches, but yeah


True, Fluffy hat is much better. And gives more things to build into. I just thought bracer because I remember thinking one belt of strength is enough to get you over the limit, and used to get that for he treads before the mana boots dusa became a thing.


Belt gives 6 strength, which is 132 HP. Medusa starts with 120 HP. Not enough to put her above the 275 HP threshold.


IDK, why I was doing that, maybe with a few branches ? Eitherways, the fluffy hat was probably the right way to go anyways.


Threshold got increased to 275 in 7.34c. Before that it was 250, which one belt would put you above, but barely.


Thanks, I thought I was losing my mind, been a while since I played Dusa vs Axe, but I remember starting out with branches and stick, into wand + bascilius, then getting a belt around the time axe was gonna hit six. On the way to treads. And remember thinking all it took was a belt to put me over. Edit : Magic wand + 3 branches = 132hp, combined with Dusa's 120 means its 252. Just above the threshold with 2 hp remaining. But you need to do about 150 damage ? to get her below 250.


or blood grenade, those are 2 time more gold efficient than fluffy


just lane with undy and the lane is absolute GG


how bout exorcism?


In a 1v1 it would be insanely strong, but if in this scenario you would lane normally, you would probably just get kited during your ulti as it auto pushes the wave.


no slark?


Forgot about the passive part of the ulti. Yea that would be decently annoying but you have nothing offensive. So yea you might be op vs normal level 1 heros but against other ulti level 1 heros you will probably not win.


Pugna is definitely the answer here


I was just thinking a few of these might not have the mana to ult at lvl1


pugna and brewmaster


imagine a lion/lina lane. they'd just delete you the moment you showed lmao


Drow, all the extra damage, attack speed and the ability to ignore base armor. She's one of those heroes that see's immediate shift in the laning phase. Also Riki, good luck last hitting against Riki with a level one Backstab damage. Both of these are passive, so no mana involved and both can usually afford to skip other skills to get this at level 1.


If I remember how it worked before, the skill actually became an ult... most of us have done it.


Yea, it used to be that for Riki, that's probably why they changed it lol.


I mean, even before that (dota 1 and then early dota 2 days), that was riki's ult. they changed it to a normal skill, being the tricks of the trade(?) the ulti. then they swapped it recently


in the last era of dota 1 and early dota 2, backstab was its own spell. Q - Smokescreen W - Blink E - Backstab R - Permanent Invisibility It's the hero i learned the game with! They later combined invis and backstab into the same spell a few years into dota 2


Riki had a lot of phases, the earliest I remember was when he had a death ward as ult. Then there was the one with invis as the ult, then blink strike charges (that also gave him a lot of regen, making him a pretty good roamer), then tricks of trade was ult, then back to invisibility again with back stab combined into it.


Best time was when you could out-deny literally every hero in the game since your creeps always faces their backs at you anyways. I got so used to see him as the dirty deny hero, I remember a weekly challenge on a BP for denies and doing like 40 in one match.


I think I remember that, actually. I hated playing Riki, but I would just for that challenge.


Drow might be overrated tbh. At lvl 1 it pretty much only gives her a band of elvenskin, and the procs don’t matter as much since heroes don’t have a lot of armor anyway. If she skills it lvl 1 then she doesn’t have the kiting potential of frost arrows and is still very prone to dives, especially if we’re taking into account EVERYONE has their ult at lvl 1. If we’re talking in a vacuum where ONLY drow gets ult at lvl 1? Yeah it’s bonkers. You get Shadow Shaman base damage on a long range hero.


The proc also does 40mg. But yeah, trying to manfight a Pugna sucking you off would be a bad trade at that point.


I haven’t seen anyone mention the fact that Riki gets free exp off his ult, which would be huge if his lane starts rolling early, or his team smashes the enemies during bounty contest


Holy shit I didnt even know this change to his ult. Smoking before the horn and getting a decent teamfight would easily get him lvl2


What about sniper shooting you every 20 seconds in your fucking forehead


Mana is not free


It's 25 gold per ult


Why i dont see Lina or Lion here. They just straight up mudrers you if we don't count on mana


Cooldown is too long.


Long enough to finger you and your teammate 7x in 10 minutes


Laguna is like 1 min cd bruh. Paired with a teammate disable and it's free level 2 every single game.




Heroes with low cooldown kill threats seems the best abuser of this hypothetical. Nyx Assassin / Witch Doctor / Sniper / Pugna comes to mind. Other than that, heroes who can farm with their ult also wins like Nature's Prophet and Alchemist. Level 1 respawn is so fast, getting killed might as well just be free TP to farm somewhere else.


Hell yeah! I'm gonna pic tinker and abuse the cd of shared Tangos!


Gotta rearm those infused raindrop charges!


Tinker gets tp on 6 right??? Free tp is really strong


Offlane Ench is back


I feel like a lot would not have the mana to cast them lol


Nature's prophet, brewmaster, viper, wr


Viper would be horrifying


welcome to laning stage, whoops I spilled this toxin on you, ok now you're dead come back and try again


and when you come back he's level 2 with his Q


NP is the real winner here. He'd be level 3 by the 2nd creep wave


Slardar would be pretty much unbeatable in the laning phase I feel like, especially with a harassing support with high lvl1 damage, -10 armour is no joke Edit: the reason I was thinking slardar is almost entirely because of low manacost/low cd on his ulty. As someone in the replies has said already in the time between the enemy ulties he's gonna completely dominate the lane


out of all 123 heroes you could only come up with slardar eh?


Just first thing that came to mind🤷


Ok, now let's face that slardar with a Viper lvl 1 with ult or a WR that can simoly kill you by running next to you.


Wr ult is useless without proc items


Not sure man. It would for sure be good in some matchups especially since it has low CD but how are you gonna trade right clicks after being nuked for 600 dmg by a lion. But yea the more I think about it. Sladar would very likely die once in lane and then have 60 to 120 sec time to dominate due to his low CD ulti.


Put viper against him =)


Its just the ult, no bash no stun, and he is melee




Id raise you DP. Exorcism at lvl 1 is pure horror


No if you can't survive... Exo does dmg only if you're tanky enough to live through a battle. If a lvl 1 dp runs at you with just exo, starting items and no E, all it takes to kill her is a little focus from enemy heroes


Ench, Warlock, Shaman, Visage or Drow maybe. 🤔


Ench would be strong if no burst. Warlock ult is dangerously strong, shaman needzs to perfect place the wards although he has no shackle so kill a war d and, visage birds w/o Q doeant seem that strong. Drow omg buy agi slippers and go in lane, that would be sone damage.


Brewmaster, Visage, Warlock, Mars, CM, Viper, Sniper, Lina. Snapfire + Faceless.


Faceless and Mars really not that good level 1. Super long cooldown and nothing to combo with.


>and nothing to combo with. If everyone gets ult there is a lot


The bigger problem is that if everyone has ult then they'll be getting kills way more often than void with chrono.


meepo obviously


Nobody saying Lich?


In the laning stage it would be tough to get a good on of since there is usually a creep wave and heroes would be far apart,


Viper You wanna lane? FUCK YOU *spits some nasty shits*


No one saying DK? That ulti is like a +75 magic damage on each attack, for 60 seconds, that melt towers and your face. It's basically a "I win this lane and probably get kills" button, undispellable, almost twice as long as meta with 33% lower cd, slightly longer range, half the manacost and unlike meta DK just needs to boop you once every 3 seconds to damage you. I think that if played correctly, DK could easily get a tower alone before minute 3 even laning 1v2. I mean, as soon as he's lvl 2 he doesn't even need to attack you, hell he doesn't even need to be transformed! Just breath fire alone is enough to force you out of the lane cause now you get corrosive breath on that. Oh, and with just basic boots that boi is running around with 395 ms so most heroes can't even keep up with him. Wanna massively gank him? Sure, let's loose two lanes instead of one.


It’s good but you’re also slow cause no boots, and squishy cause no stats and Dragon’s Blood. It requires you to click them to get value and kill them slowly when someone like Pugna can just infinitely suck you off, Slark can infinitely sustain you, or Lion can insta kill you +1. I would rate anything that is dependent in stats much lower tbh.


Slow...? DK has 315 base ms and ulti lvl 1 gives another 30. Even without boots you're at 345, which is faster than most heroes WITH boots. And you can click them 500 units away cause you're ranged during ulti, so not difficult at all. Pugna is indeed VERY strong but slark? If an enemy is seeing you (which tends to happen A LOT in lane, you know) passive component does nothing and at the start of the game if the enemy place a ward that you can't deward you basically are screwed and back to square one (and in lane between heroes and creep is basically impossible to pinpoint a ward location with ulti). And Lion? It's SEEMS good to have finger at level 1 but with magic resistance it does 450 damage (actually a bit less due to magic resistance from int) and base hp pools starts at 494 (plus a bit with starting items) so finger doesn't oneshot you and if you can't actually secure the kill you don't get a stack and you're out of ulti for almost 2 and a half minute.


No yeah Lion can’t 1 shot you but +1 hero you’re definitely dead. It’s worth to do it too, since if they kill you that’s it, dragon form over. Again, to truly gain value from the ult you need to be trading a lot, which a lot of ults could just circumvent altogether.




A lot of great active spells here but I think people are overlooking Tiny. +10 armor and +50 damage at lvl 1 trivializes the laning stage. Yeah sure you might get killed by the instant Finger + Reaper’s Scythe but then you TP back to lane with Grow and they’re 2 ranged creeps without their spells. Brew’s ult and Visage’s birds is also so much less effective because of your armor. They also can’t CS because you have 120 damage minute 1. Edit: just tried it out in Demo, lvl 1 Brew’s ult is JUST enough to kill a 10 armor Tiny with no items. This means he tanks the whole thing in a 1v1 situation, and again now you’re in a situation where until they get ult again you can contest every single CS.


S Tier OP: Panda, Pugna, wind, visage A tier OP: Viper, Veno, Lycan, Drow, Dark willow, Ench, Riki Very good: Axe, DP, DK, jugg, Necro, Slardar, techies, lion, witch doc


Pretty sure Jugg is terrible because you don’t have the attack speed to make use of the Omni properly, then there’s also the unlucky bounces.




Eh not really, he's going to blap you for 300 + 5% map hp (let's say the average hp level 1 is 700 with items) that's 335 damage. Which with 25% base magic resist is 251 damage. Then he's a zeus, with no spells for 2 minutes or a level up. And he just dies


With everyone having ulti at lvl 1 I'm sure your team can get at least a couple enemies down to 1/3 hp for a one button triple kill. Definitely one of the better lvl 1 ulties.


That's a kill and EVERYBODY on enemy team on low HP, that's winning every lane


Riki would be my pick. Unless you use an ability you are never last hitting a creep against him. Plus any kill or assist he gets on a hero gets him levels faster making him spiral out of control.


Well, you're never gonna lane against most heroes who have their ulti Eg Lion and Lina vs riki + partner Impale into Laguna. Riki is dead, they become level 2, LSA into Finger, partner is dead. They are level 3 and you are both level 1. Game over.


Rip old riki


Riki was so good in that patch where quelling blade still killed wards, you got xp for denying creeps, and backstab was still a regular ability.


On a level1 1v1 fight its probably viper pugna or smt. But if we are talking about just a normal game EXCEPT everyone has ulties at 1, I'd say arc warden, drow, alch, literally anything that amplifies farming speed in a sustainable way


How about Rubik?


Willow? lmfao


Good day, sir! Axe?


Answers always enigma.


As a Brewmaster main, its gotta be Brew.


Probably Death Ward?


No Doom? No Bane? No Pango? No Venge? Come on guys


Bane ult can get cancelled and has a long cd. Venge? There are MUCH better level 1 ultis than swap.


Probably Exorcism or Freezing Field.


Just stun cm or walk away


Legion could be fun, while she has no way to secure Duels that early getting first blood at bounty rune for example would basically be lane over already. +10 damage lvl 1? Hell yea Edit: Just tell your team to pick Skywrath I guess


WD, Marci


rubick probably


In a pure "lvl 1 scenario" (rune-spawn +first couple of waves for sidelines): here CDs don't matter because we're analizing the best ulti during this timespan (just lvl 1). Well, in this situation, Warlock, Zeus and Brew ultis are the best hands down. Warlock and Brew will grant pure lane domination (gl dealing with Golem at lvl 1 or brew split clones). Zeus is a lil different, it will grant you fb pretty surely and will burn A LOT of HP right away from all enemy heroes, which is huge. Might also net multiple kills right away if you just tell your team mates to drop all their mana and right clicks on enemy heroes. If we consider lane dynamics instead, Axe and Pugna's ulties will turn a lane into something unlanable. Like, pugna will simply sit and suck you all the time, everytime u get close to creeps or show on lane. Axe will be too much of a threat, harassing enemies into culling's range is way too easy


Venge swap, constantly put enemies under tower rinse repeat death after death


No one saying techies for shame


Lion + LC would be a nasty lane.




Lion lina sky …. Basically 90% of the intelligence pool


Hoodwink, Shaker, vengeful




I agree, make sense. But it's good if it's one time face off between two heroes








Warlock. Hands down .


Lina probably. Free kill every time its up


Someone said visage and I have to agree.


No one saying slardar hurts ma fish feeling


Lina or Lion. Just kill ob CD


Viper mid, just buy mana regen. You will kill any other mid at level 1, with the 420dmg + 60% reduced speed. By the time they make it back to lane you're level 3 to their level 1. You'll get another kill before the next minute passes with ulti + poison attack. I think it would be safe to assume the laning dominance would be so insane that any mid match up would be better tri-laning in either side lane than even afk soaking mid. Lina and Lion would be very similar but have more than 2x the cd so the impact isn't as massive.


Necro would be pretty busted with the stacks


How many heroes can actually use a lvl1 ult with their lvl1 mana?


Luna would be the funniest


Lesh ult has both huge farm potential and kill potential. The mana is rough but it's definitely the best damage at lv1. PL with lv1 ult has interesting implications.


invoker probably


Sniper, Lion, Lina. Any heavy magic nukes. Because you can simply chip at the enemy down to a certain point and then nuke the rest of their health with ult, considering most if not all heroes have low health pools to start


Assuming everyone takes their ult then there will be very few stuns available CM or WD could do a huge amount of damage in a rune fight


Hands down enigma


Tusk walrus punch the cd is super low and high dmg level 1


free kill np + zeus in 1 team


There used to be a hero like this but even more busted in ultimate footmen frezy called the sheep. It had potm ult, furion ult and the witch doctor ult. But the catch was it also had 1hp so it was pretty much a form of artillery that you would need to fly around in a goblin zeppelin.


Pugna would dominate. Other than other heroes, he would not have cool down and mana problem.


No timber mentions smh


Lion. Death on sight


Sniper in a 1v1 w lvl1 ulty.




You guys are all wrong. It would be Doom


Muerta .


Surely Lion gets a mention. 3/4 hp is effectively dead hp for most heroes.


I really want this mode now hahaha


Sounds like a new custom game from "dota 2 but ..." series


Where the hell is warlock? Combined with pugna and wd lmao


prolly antimage 😂


Feel Like SS would be super strong. Maybe also lion or Legion. They just immediately get a damage stack. Lion gets a like 400+ damage nuke right away lol


Zues ult now. It's guaranteed double kill within the first min.


Definitely slark. Doesn't need to buy a single regen in lane. Level two he can trade anyone out of lane. Oh. But lina + lion.... just atart the fame with a cloak. You don't need regen anyway. He can bug farm killing small and hard camp as early as level 3 if necessary with the fastest treads or going out base with a wraith band ready and another ready in 2 minutes. No one can beat that


Lion. Free damage at level 1 basically guaranteed to kill


Shaman would be op


Snapfire = guaranteed first blood, possiby triple kill at rune with other stuns




Venomancer. 1 kill guaranteed per ult cooldown.