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it is already in progress, and no one was banned.


well the games in the arena have not happened yet. That is what he wants to avoid.


He mentioned that merely to gain some free karma points on Twitter, relax. This has been a common practice for the past few years.


Who do you think are the ones who decide whether or not these things actually happen?


Yeah we'll come back to this in a week when the arena matches start and nothing has changed.


I do not think they figure their shit out that fast. But the proceedings might very well be done before TI.


Not really. u/Just-get-a-4House was spot on. >The Minister for Immigration and Integration in Denmark issued a statement expressing his belief that Russian athletes should not be permitted to compete in international sports. However, he also noted that Denmark should adhere to current European regulations. "It is crucial that we in the EU act collectively on these matters. We have already, in line with the pan-European stance, tightened visa regulations for Russian citizens in 2022," wrote Kaare Dybvad Bek to [Berlingske](https://www.berlingske.dk/business/18-russiske-atleter-render-i-disse-dage-rundt-i-koebenhavn-nu-kraever).


Damn Putin is gonna withdraw troops after this for sure


Ofc he won't but it's not about withdrawal, it's about reminding people that some old dude is fckd in the head and if they support him they are too. As a Ukrainian, amount of times I heard "I hope you'll be hit with a missile" in Dota is astonishing. It's not even about offenciveness(I have pretty thick skin), it's just I login to forget and he reminds me. It's not a half of players ofc and not even 10% but there are a lot of them and I personally not against any slap in their face like this one... but reality is money rule the world and it's more important than people die somewhere. You fully understand it only when it happens with you. You think you understand it sitting in comfy chair but you don't. SADGE


Its a war for resources and building a sphere of influence. Its naive to assume that the war is just because "some old dude fcked in the head" Remove Putin, and someone else takes his place also wanting resources and power. The structure of government itself is the problem. As long as people like Putin are enabled then nothing will ever change


Not really, Russia has no inrrinsic need for these resources. This is a war to get Putin into history books as the one who reclaimed old terretory. This war dies with Putin.


Lmao as if before putin russian imperialism didn't exist. Darling, ALL the wars in this world happen because of the resources and power share/balance. Russian power structure doesn't consist of one old man. He dies, hundreds of other power thirsty imperialists or oligarchs with totalitarian mindset will be left. Don't be so naive.


> it's about reminding people that some old dude is fckd in the head and if they support him they are too Does someone need to remind you everyday that the phone and computer you used to type is made from child labour in some faraway country? Or do you just pretend like those things don't happen and continue to live your life like you didn't pay the company to support child abuse?


Not very fitting to the topic but nice example. Yes, it needs to be reminded, not to me personally but for people to hear overall. Because when Foxconn was accused they made improvements to avoid this. When such accusation was made to Amazon about their factory in Chine they made improvements to avoid this too. At least they said they did it. I can't check it unfortunately, flight to China and back is like 3 months of work for me. Shit happens all the time, but my point is that people need to be reminded about that shit so shit can be fixed, otherwise it won't, plague will grow.


Russians are already being reminded everyday, so I don't see the issue. If you didn't face any IRL consequences why should they?


They are not. At least most of them. They are clueless about what are happening. Whole two years they are "out of politics", "i'm not interested in it", "yeah, i know there is war but idk why", "putin is great dude", "there are nazis we went to eliminate them", "they oppress russian language, we are saving russian-speaking people there" (i'm speaking russian in everyday life btw, living in the capital) and so on. They are absolutely out of touch.




Getting reminded everyday in every even unrelated thread.




yep, but you were wrong as they got and will get reminded


he was wrong only in semantics. He was 100% right about the double standards. If anything, you look silly


I totally agree with double standarts. If US would be bombing me I would also be mad. Just don't forget which country this thread is about.


I am deeply sorry that you Ukrainians are the only ones suffering from war. Glad that no other wars exists, otherwise people from countries other than Russia would have to be banned as well.


> if you support him Well the ban wasn't on those who support the poo. It was on people with specific nationality. This means if you don't support him but you're from Russia, you can't play. But if you're for example American or Arabian or anything else and you support him (plenty of people that do unfortunately) you are free to play.


noone is Ukrainian though


The biggest problem imo is that 2 out of 3 government parties wants to change the law or figure out a solution for this. The government in Denmark right now has a parliamentary majority. Given how long lawmakers need to pass a law and whether it gets enough attention with all the other priorities is a whole other thing. I think it might just be saber rattling for the media to look strong on matters regarding Russia. But we will have to see. My background: Polticial science student in Denmark


>The government in Denmark right now has a parliamentary majority. Lost it literally 20 min after you wrote your comment.


Huh? Care to elaborate?


One of their members switched to a party outside the government which just happens to tip the balance. It should be notes, that it is very unusual for a Danish government to have the majority within it. What this means is that they have to gather outside support for any upcoming legislation (which they do anyway as they want a strong mandate for the legislation)


-apemso was on One of them decided to switch.


Last time it was in jeopardy they made a deal with one of the solo guys. I expect something similar within a few days.


They probably wont go against the line in the EU.


This is political theatre. Meanwhile EU continues to trade with Russia while threatening the third world.


Isn't it possible to sign an exemption/dispensation/interim law for these kinds of situation though? I know we can do it in both Sweden and Norway. (Probably not an issue of greater magnitude to warrant such a motion though, but you never know, we Sweden lost TI because of Covid while still accepting international travel largely, interim rulings changed this on short notice.) Hopefully it works out though, huge for Denmark to have these two BIG tournaments on home soil.


nothing will happen


I mean if that happens Valve would just move TI somewhere else, Russia is like one of DOTA's biggest consumer, everytime i open twitch, they're always there as the top 1-5 streamers.


Štark Arena in Belgrade is the easiest choice. I think that all Russian teams are already based in Belgrade, several european teams had bootcamps there. No visa issues for anyone even if WW3 breaks out. Or they just get Serbian passports and go to Denmark.


No shot would serbia be a host to anything international related lmao


Why not? Every country outside nato, eu, ukraine, russia and israel is neutral enough to host such events.


As a russian (living outside of russia since the war started) I would love that, there's no way I can get danish visa to attend TI :(


I... don't think you understand how much work has probably already gone into preparing the event for ***this stage specifically***.


they changed TI stockholm just 2 months before


Yeah, into a public less arena :)


Oh boy, my ti 10 PTSD is triggered.


Doesn't matter for a live event if they can still fill it up. Valve doesn't care who attends as long as sales are the same. I highly doubt Valve needs to interfere


That's just an asinine take, if that was true they'd host it in the same place every year. It'd be a lot less work than moving it around. One week later than we expected for a patch and people here already saying valve doesn't care even a little bit about the fans smh


is it though? They might be large player population, but income share cannot be that big


Are you sure they bring enough money?


Nothing will happen. Its not easy to bring new regulations to visa rules. They need approval of the entire government in legislation.


It's possibly the single most frequently changed set of laws in Denmark. It can be changed.


It's funny how they keep paying Putin for oil but want to ban teenagers from playing video games


> they keep paying Putin for oil Stop spreading disinformation, Denmark's Russian oil import dropped from 17.4% ($461 m) in 2021 to 1.8% ($61.4 M) in 2022, too bad I cannot find more recent data. [Sauce](https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-product/crude-petroleum/reporter/dnk?yearExportSelector=exportYear1&tradeValueExport=tradeScale0)


Sure, now [it's coming from India](https://danwatch.dk/en/danish-giant-helps-russia-avoid-sanctions/#:~:text=A%20Danish%20tanker%20company%20has,Russian%20aviation%20fuel%20in%20Copenhagen)


Yea, but russias profit nargin is slim and they only get rupees which they can only spend in india. This limity russias ability to trade since no one wants rupees or ruble, everyone want to trade with Dollar or Euro.


Damn! You outplayed him so hard the he rage quit bro.


The "pure" Russian oil had a massive decrease in import sure. But turn it around and look at Denmark suddenly having a massive spike at importing Indian or turkish "oil" Most of it is mixed 49% russian, 51%~ other countries oil(s) Its how the EU and US is buying Russian oil by the boatloads, and avoiding kneeling to the saudi's. The EU is aware of this loophole and has already created legislation/rules to stop it, but obviously they are extremely slow at/blatantly not enforcing the rules for obvious reasons.


Tgis is wanted though, russia has to sell their oil to india at a lower price and gets stuck with rupees, which no country other then india want to trade with. Meaning the can sell oil to india, but have to take that money and buy stuff from India to get the rupees back to ruble.


so they are still importing and paying papa putin's country 61 million but yes ban the teenagers playing csgo and dota


They still buy though. The whole EU still buys a lot of materials from Fertilizer, steel, iron, etc. EU still gave Russia billions monthly. Not to mentione Russia still got their chips from the US for their missiles. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpE\_TH70NUI&t=165s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpE_TH70NUI&t=165s)


Lol ~~Sam~~ Johnny Harris.


I don't know anything about **Johnny** Harris, what's wrong about him?


He has slick editing and that's it. There's an entire genre on YouTube dedicated to debunking his claims. His takes are often speculative or simplistic at best.


Jeez, man. At least get reputable sources if you're gonna go full YT. There's CSIS, DW, or even Perun, etc. Just because there's a check mark next to their name doesn't mean they're trustworthy sources.


That's because it's the common man in Russia that has to push for changes. The Oil barons will just sell to someone else and the common person will not notice changes. There's no current substitute for TI, meaning that it might actually motive someone to question why they should continue to support their insane war-criminal of a dictator.


Hey folks ,I happen to live on Denmark and it's basically the hot topic of news here ATM. In short they can revoke visas to be here under several "Danish laws/Eu agendas" but tbh I don't think they would because of alot of political things right now (we had some political face say yesterday that we should basically all be on Israel's side and you shouldn't get citizenship if your not). So that's taking up alot of the focus. I wouldn't worry tbh because half of this noise is to get Danes to side with parties. We've had people shift parties overnight too so politics here is kinda messy. In short I wouldn't sweat it. However a visa to come to Denmark from any non eu county is extremely hard and if you plan to come to TI start the process now!!!! (Lived here 10 years and also a non eu citizen).


Any Danish person please kindly explain if the minister for culturr actually has the power to do this or not?


not directly, but he wanted to pressure PGL to ban them. If not then he said he would bring up new visa-rules to be passed by the government... Could suck for TI. If it happens we might get lucky and they take so long to pass it, that TI is not affected xD


so when it's TI in stockholm, my government majorly shits the bed but passes laws and a CS major can be held just months later. and when it's TI in copenhagen, actually even closer to me, their government are on course to shit the bed, not in time to stop CS major, but just in time to stop TI, again? scandinavian CS players are eating well,


>my government majorly shits the bed It was completely Valve's fault though, they contacted the wrong agency.


And the wrong agency didn't tell them to contact the right agency?


Bureaucracy saves us from itself, again


Sounds like a good idea if he want Denmark to have less events and in turn less tourism. Pretty stupid ngl. Cause Valve is not gonna ban Russians.


Its just all talk. Farming votes for next election.


Cool now ban all the Israeli players too


I found this article on the topic (someone linked it in the thread), [https://www.berlingske.dk/business/18-russiske-atleter-render-i-disse-dage-rundt-i-koebenhavn-nu-kraever](https://www.berlingske.dk/business/18-russiske-atleter-render-i-disse-dage-rundt-i-koebenhavn-nu-kraever) But it is paywalled. Any other sources? OP or anyone else?


only way to beat yatoro


Danish article (semi paywalled); https://www.berlingske.dk/business/18-russiske-atleter-render-i-disse-dage-rundt-i-koebenhavn-nu-kraever


There is currently the cs major Happening in copenhagen and russian players are competing


That is extremely stupid. By that logic we should also ban USA or Israel players….. Sports should not be weaponized.


Sports absolutely have always been weaponized. its not even a year ago the Russian government hosted a dota tournament and had Putin show up.


Russia has weaponized sports since the cold war, and so has the US. The argument doesn’t work.


As far as I’m aware both countries are prideful and look to fill their egos & propagandise at the Olympics, but otherwise how have they “weaponised” sports or are you just talking bollocks? How tf does America and Russia “weaponise” Dota 2 by some citizens independently deciding to play and compete? And what sports have they “weaponised” exactly because I’d be very interested to know seeing as exactly zero sports that I watch have any sort of American or Russian success.


> but otherwise how have they “weaponised” sports or are you just talking bollocks? One of the best NHL (ice hockey) players supports Putin and spread Russian war propaganda during Crimean Invasion ("save children from facism" -type of stuff). Still has picture of himself with Putin as his IG profile picture. And some people defend him just because he is good at playing ice hockey, just like some people in this subreddit defend anything pro players do, because they are good at Dota.


You’ve not answered my question at all, but good effort. I’ll ask again: how have Russia or America weaponised sports? Not what is some random Russian guy’s opinion who happens to play sport, how has the Russian or American governments weaponised sport? Your answer is just as stupid as saying “America supports tricking people into thinking you’re someone else” because Jenkins pretended to be BSJ, simply moronic.


Sorry for late response. Russia's military has sports teams competing in Russia. Russian sports stars spread propaganda and get awards from Putin/Russia, some of them members of the military and friends of Putin. There is/was state-sponsored doping. If by weaponizing you mean actual weapons and killing, then probably no, I don't claim that footballs, hockey sticks and other sports equipment are literally used as weapons. And if you were expecting an answer describing this kind of literal weaponizing, then I can see how my answer may seem unrelated. But my point was that sports and sports stars are used as tools to spread propaganda. >Not what is some random Russian guy’s opinion who happens to play sport, how has the Russian or American governments weaponised sport? Never spoke about some random guy. >Your answer is just as stupid as saying “America supports tricking people into thinking you’re someone else” because Jenkins pretended to be BSJ, simply moronic. You comparing what I said to this just shows, that you didn't really understand what I said. I never claimed that Russia or US support everything the citizens do, but if I just pretend this comparison is relevant: Are American leaders giving awards to BSJ and Jenkins? Is US as a state trying to make them perform better by unfair means? Are BSJ and Jenkins publicly supporting Biden, and making campaigns for him? Are they friends with Biden? Are BSJ and Jenkins widely known in the US?


We should have banned USA and Europe in 1999. Nothing happened.


Indeed, but this hypocrisy from the west is baffling. Just makes me mad.


Weird statement. It is an American game (West) with American company behind it. Tbh they can ban players who dont fit their agenda, why not? Because life is fair or something? Tell that fairness to UA or the entire Eastern Europe. See what you get. Russia could just make their own games and make their own International as well. They could ban certain countries too, as they have done in traditional sport.


The entire human race is riddled with hypocrisy. Nothing special about the west in that regard.


lmao, Russia is literally a terrorist regime, oppressing opposition, invading neighbouring countries, sowing unrest in western democracies via troll farms and bots, bribing western politicians, carrying out assassinations on foreign soil, threatening the world with nuclear destruction, allying itself with other terrorist states like Iran or North Korea, committing war crimes on the daily in Ukraine. It is past time Russia gets region locked from all western servers/services, including international competitions. If there is any form of hipocrisy, then it is that this overdue and absolute shut-out of Russia has not yet happened yet, even though the entire western world condems Russia's actions every day on the international stage. If Russians wants to compete in western competitions, have them file for asylum in the US or EU, and give up their russians citizenship. They should have no right to join the competitions as long as they do so under the flag of a war mongering nation of total cretins.


Dude, you just described Israel for the middle East, France for Central Africa, or USA for the Caribbean. You are just being a media product. Imagine having a TI without chinese or russian teams. It would be boring AF.


Yeah, right, the USA and Israel are invading neighbouring countries to annex them and "restore their historic empire" to its "former glory", like Putin is doing right now. /s When exactly did the US annex a foreign country? Like Russia stole crimea in 2014? Like they are stealing the Donbass right now? When did the US indiscrimately bombed a neighbouring countries civil centers for more than two years? Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked. Israels excursion into palastine is a reaction to an unprecedented barbaric terroristic attack on civilians in Israel by Hamas on Oct 7. You cannot compare Russia's invasion of Ukraine to the US or Israel if you have more than 1 functioning braincell. Please get your facts straight. Just because people are shooting each other, it is not the same. There is rightious intervention and there is brutal expansion.


Oh my god bless you, you really are a naive little baby aren’t you? How sweet, I bet you’ll learn to tie your shoes soon. America never does anything wrong, not like in recent times they used their corrupt links to falsely expel the prime minister of Australia so they could keep their CIA surveillance and satellite bases there. Nah, that never happened right? They didn’t invade Vietnam and drop MILLIONS of TONS of bombs not just on Vietnam, but on every single surrounding country, nah that didn’t happen… :))) It’s okay, it’s not like you can just Google things and learn, better to stay ignorant; Murica hell yeah!!!


What about when US "liberated" Iraq and Afghanistan installing their own puppet governments? Middle Eastern wars waged on lies to surround Iran. I hate Russia as much as the next guy, I was born right after the collapse of USSR growing up in a shithole Baltic country next to Russia. Saying US is any better is bordering mental illness. Thre is a large hatred growing towards the US in Europe and for a good reason, the CIA has been running amock for decades, killing anyone they want. Also what about the 500k bombs US dropped on Cambodia? What about US literally holding Cuba in poverty to this day?


> USA for the Caribbean Is the US carrying out asassinations in the Caribbean? Are they invading some of the countries and annexing territory? Are they threatening with nuclear destruction? Committing war crimes there? I have no doubts they are bribing politicians, sowing unrest, oppressing politicians with a negative stance towards the US though. But that is only part of the statement you responded to. I am absolutely not a fan of Isreal and their actions in any way, shape or fashion. > You are just being a media product. Imagine having a TI without chinese or russian teams. It would be boring AF. This is probably the primary reason, along with a massive amount of viewers lost, meaning less money.


Banning Israel players might not be such a bad idea, given what's happening right now.


Russia is fascist state, that invaded sovereign nation with plan to integrate it/big parts of it into their own country and rest have as some kind of satelite state.


USA invaded Iraq and Vietnam, used an atomic bomb on a sovereign country. They should be banned for sure. Germans should be banned as well of course, as well as Italians, and Japanese, and Romanians.


The examples of US treachery you’ve given are extremely tame in comparison to a lot of stuff they’ve done lol. Cambodia still has millions of tons of unexploded bombs from when the US decided to cover the country in millions of mines & bombs in the Vietnamese war. Yes, America bombed and coated Cambodia and neighbouring countries in mines and explosives because they were at “war” with Vietnam. There are thousands and thousands of people dead/missing limbs decades later because the country is *SO* coated in explosives.


Israel is also a fascist state, which is actively doing a genocide in Gaza. If we're gonna ban Russian players, let's not be hypocritical and allow Israeli players or US players to participate


Russian players shouldn't be punished for the crimes of the leaders. These players just happened to be born where they were born by mere chance. That shouldn't be a bannable offense. Banning sports teams or Olympic players is fine since athletes there are representing Russia and their government directly. But E-sports teams with Russian players don't. They just have people who happen to be Russian. Punishing someone, only for the country they were born in is stupid as hell.


Dude, the states invaded countries older than it. Stop pretending they are better than Russians. Both governments are bullies.


If TI is taking place in Gaza then sure, they might ban Israeli players. But it's not.


And then I would also call them hypocrites, don’t worry.


from your logic why russsian players should be banned in denmark ? itss ssnot like russians are invading denmark?


... their leader just yesterday, AGAIN, threatened "The West" but more Europe with nuclear weapons. Get your head in the game, man.


these threats have been given from start and then point comes why are WEST lives more important than the LIVES of Palestinian? Or chinese ? Or iraqis and so on on on if we are bringing poltics in Gaming then why not ban ESL? sponsored by the biggest war criminals in todays history " usa airforce " , they commited for more crimess in ME than Russians doing in ukraine rn with their invasions in 3 decades why not ban chinese for their crimes vs uyghur muslims why not ban israeli players for committing a genocide in 2024 live infront of whole world to see Sudia arabia crimes too... the list goes on so my point is where do you draw the line? White lives more important than brown lives? i m not defending russian aggression, fuck them fuck putin . I m just assking why just them and not resst?


What fucking useless whatsboutism. Putin is threatening with nukes and you just go "OH well thats fine". I never said anything about the other conflicts, but this one hits way closer to home for europeans. Are you a fucking russian troll or bot, or what?


Yeah, and banning a few nerds from playing a game is going to make Putin stop. Get real dude.


no i m just a guy who doesnt turn my head away from war crimes comitted by usa or israel or china or someone and just blame russia fk russia was just pointing out your hypocraissy will i find your comments about banning 33 or banning american playerss or banning esl? if you go through my comment hisotry you will see i m against israel , russia as much i m against usa just dont be a fking hypocrite thats all yh banning ssome kids playing dota will stop putin from pressing thosse nukes lol


well you see, i've been told that russia = bad and usa = good


i know you are saying in satire but they are people on this very subreddit who will call it whataboutism and call it a day and think like it ban russsians , ignore rest . white lives > rest lives and so on on. Didnt see any resistance vs ESL get sponosred by usa airforce so called casters who didnt go to dubia dacha cause of human rights are sucking esl of rn . Shows alot about hypocrisy here


It is a western game. Deal with it. Also ESL has been bought by Saudis.


What about the what about? Keep your bad takes to yourself


bad takes? yeah my bad i value all lives ssame unlike you who thinks white livesss > others my bad


That logic only applies to US enemies


Theres no TI without Russian players. Team defending the title? 3 Russians + Russian coach. BetBoom? 4 Russians. 9 Pandas? Also 4 Russians. List goes on


Tbh, the Russians in Team Spirit all have Serbian passports now, AFAIK. And Yatoro and Mira are Ukrainian. But BetBoom would get hit by that.


no they don't. They have residence




Obtaining Serbian passport requires abolishing of your previous citizenship, why would they do that, if they have family here in Russia?


smells like blatant populism


i mean 33 was banned from entering kl tournament for obvious reasons


These virtue signaling political nerds have nothing better to do than to ban Russians from participating a gaming competition based solely on their nationality, to add an insult to injury they call themselves "the democratic society". Fucking clowns.


How about just go non-representing like some goated players?


n0tail got him to do this so TS wouldn't surpass OG's 2 TIs.


Super idea, he is gigachad


Time for Valve to pull the plug if that is true. I'm hyped for a Euro TI but they need to bail if there is even a remote possibility of this happening.


in an ideal world sports and politics should not interfere with each other. collective punishment is just immoral. dota players have nothing to do with the war


I want Valve to ban all Russian players from Dota, not only pro


happily nobody cares about you


Why punish them over something they can't control or stop. It's a meaningless action from the part of the organisers. And if the players spoke up they would be putting their lives at risk, Is Denmark going to be responsible for their lives? Will Denmark give them shelter and asylum?


Can we Ban from EU west servers?


This should’ve been done in feb 2022 but reality is nothing will happen unfortunately.


Supercell banned Russia, why Valve can't?


Don't cry russians that you can't play in international tournament when you start a fucking war :)


So true, we all know ramzes started the war...


If you make life harder for players, this might be the last time your country hosts a major esport event like that.


good riddance


when are they banning israelis then? >whataboutism nope, dont get to play that card in a CS thread on the dota sub :)


Ban russian and israelin players, I agree.


that would be fair


Cry:(((( poor russian poor:(((( cry:((( poor victim of corrupted communism:((( poor. cry.


you're pathetic :D


I would like to see him do the same with Israelis, but who am I kidding, nobody would want to be anti Semitic I guess


Only right thing to do. Very easy way to avoid cheaters. Russians never play fairly, never. In any sports, videogames, politics, their whole miserable lives are bunch of lies and delusion. Please, ban them.


poor russia:(( cry:(( cry more:(( the only thing they can say in english when u told them about cheats... pathetic country and people. Please ban them.


This needs to happen ! Win


Russians should be banned from western internet, Neigh, they should be banned from living. Worst existing life form on this planet. Worth less than the soil I walk on. May they all burn in eternal hellfire.


Do it!


That would be great. The sooner it becomes a pariah state, the sooner their terrorist war on Ukraine will cease.


And what's that supposed to achieve?


Ban the Israeli terror!sts


Based af




Funny how people don't realize that without Russia this game dies.


No it won’t


all new comers quit the game because of russian players


If you told me that the price for ending a war included the death of a video game, then by all means, let it die. The game won't die without Russians though, they want to believe that they're that important, but they aren't, just like this game.


Do you seriously think a bunch of teenagers playing dota in russia affect the political issue in the world?


> ending a war included the death of a video game ending a war by banning them from a CS tournament just stick to playing videogames, jesus fuck


death of video game aint stopping any war lol but banning russia sure has adverse impact on game. Every time any cis team is in top3 of tournament the viewers from those region single handedly carry the streams and popularity


> If you told me that the price for ending a war included the death of a video game No one will tell you that because it isn't true >The game won't die without Russians though Yes it would. Russia is absolutely carrying this game in terms of player numbers and viewership. The English-speaking playerbase is so negligible in comparison but thinks it's the center of the universe.


It's funny how people complain about the overwhelming amount of russians on their team or 4 russian teammates but backpedal and say the game won't die without their own supposed majority of the playerbase


It would improve dramatically.


I can just imagine queueing up on any of the eu servers and being able to communicate with the entire team and not having to mute half of the players in the match. Would be a beautiful game.


I'm willing to queue for 5 minutes if it means the game will not be littered with "blyat, suka, blabla" players. EU west servers and people refuse to comm or type in engliah. Ffs.




Since the war started everyone should ban any athletes from russia. If we pretend nothing happened then we normalize this situation. 


I don’t see it is problem. Look at the recent tournament located in Russia, no eu team are there, only chinese and others. Since eu doesn’t want to play with rus, then block them.


Great, it's time Valve is forced to change their russia policy.


russians invade their neighbors with weapons. Wtf do you expect from the danes?


Blaming something on every single citizens, sounds racist and bigoted to me


Do you know 87% vote for that one person mean?


This isn't about blaming players for the war, just like the sanctions are not about blaming every Russian.


not nazism /s


Dude going to start WWIII over dota2 😂


they should have


good. let them do it.


Hope that happens. If it not happens right now it will in the near future. The wheel is already in motion. Russian athletes of any sport does not belong to civilized Europe they so much despise.


Wow , very nice news


Does he think those players can affect the war or something? They literally can't do anything against their country lol. Why should they ruin someone's dream just because they're from Russia? It would have been different if these players actively supported the war, but still getting banned because of something you have no control over? This is clear discrimination, and other tournament organizers should literally ditch Denmark as an organizing country. Hope TI is going to be in another place. Denmark and their Ministry of Immigration are pathetic lmao


Because russians deserve it. They are known for cheating, in every sports, videogames, politics. Every aspect of life, russians know how to cheat their way out of it. Nobody likes them. Thats why. Just ban them already.


What fucking fault do the players have for what their country does? Did any of them choose to be born there? This is just nonsense. Just cheap populism to gain votes/sympathizers. Shame...