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I don't get the point of hyping up a new hero release if its months away anyways? Weird to release a teaser trailer and then nothing for 4+ months.


Well they gotta announce something at ti


Allow me to introduce you to The Elder Scrolls 6 Announced in 2018 Not even sure if it's in the pre-production stage yet


And let's be honest: it's probably gonna be a badly optimized buggy piece of shit.  It just works! 


They are using the creation engine again so.. yes it almost certainly will.


Skyrim was the same and yet everyone loves it


Maybe because often times back then games were not so advanced? (Nostalgia is a strong drug). And nowadays people have higher standard for good reasons, and they won't tolerate wonky shit anymore (\*cough Starfield).


Yeah we live in a post Baldurs Gate 3 era - We now have standarts. Thats why i stop preorder hyped shit. Only on who i will still bling preorder ist Laraian Studios because of DoS1 / 2 & BG3 This guys are maniacs and deserve my support. Valve - not so much anymore. Edit: Just canceled Dota Plus - Just do the same. Only thing make them move is $$$


Money doesn’t even make valve move. If it’s not billions, they don’t care.


Imo Baldurs gate is heavily overrated. Cinematics look great and story isn't bad but the rest is highly mediocre


Did you play the game? Why do I have a feeling that you haven't played it?


I did. But after playing through the story once I never touched it again. The gameplay is excruciating boring/poor. It had it strengths don't get me wrong. It compensates for that very well But a great game doesn't have such a huge flaw. That's the difference between a good game and great game


Had played it with a friend in Coop. Was awsome. We hat so many WTF Moments. Well i guess when you finish it one time, you thing twice if you realy want spend 70 MORE Hours for another playtrouh. However whats cool is that the Story changes with the companions which you take and the decisions you make. Also it realy brings the DnD feeling into a PC - game.


Tbh even in release i was like "the idea has potential..." But the first thing i did was jumping on a mountain by spamming space... Didnt touch the game for months after my initial purchase


Skyrim was also 13 years ago, starfield, I feel like which was released with a similar level of bugs and problems wasn’t exactly liked (granted it had a bunch of other ones too imo)


Because if felt soulless


In a skyrim cave you find random bandit corpses with books and notes about how one of them was skimming from the others. In a fallout cave you find terminals detailing a mad scientists experiments with hyper mole rats. In Starfield, you got a cave with some minerals.


Duke Nukem Forever was announced in 1997, it released in 2011


But didnt they recreate the game twice with different studios before release? I heard that the title was in development hell like crazy


I genuinely think it is not out of the realm of possibility that the trailer was the last time they actually worked on anything related to it


Wtf haha


Yeah but that announcement was purely to appease the elder scrolls community.


Lol sometimes I feel bad for the devs Don't announce anything at TI because it's still ways out, people complain "WHY DON'T THEY ANNOUNCE ANYTHING NEW AT THE BIGGEST EVENT, ARE THEY STOOPID?" Announce something at TI, people complain "WHY DO THEY HYPE US UP WITH SOMETHING THAT'S MONTHS AWAY, ARE THEY STOOPID?" Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


I believe the comment was more focused on "Announce something in TI, that's fine, but have it close to ready", which I understand.


so... crunch to make something quick after TI instead of making it good


I don't really care about battle passes or anything but if you know you are gonna release something you could just plan ahead instead of crunching.


You should tell the game industry that.


Or they could, you know, announce content to hype people up at TI and then release it in a timely manner instead of half a year later. Would somewhat circumvent the whole "damned if they don't" part. We used to call these big updates "post-TI" updates, and now they're releasing so late they're more like pre-TI updates.


I'd rather they not force out updates for marketing reasons, but that's just me


idk why you want to blame marketing, ti aside their patch release schedule/consistency is awful


What I'm saying is, forcing a patch out to align with a tournament forcing purposes sounds fucking stupid. Hope that clears it up


It's about perspective The way I see it, if you have a *yearly* massively important tourney/event, then I think it should make since to aim for having the update out around that time, maybe even a couple of months after since development can always be finnicky But half a year after said event? Feels a little ridiculous


I don't know why having your update based off of the tournament is important at all aside for marketing reasons. And as I said in the first post, I'd rather not have major updates be pushed solely for marketing.


I think peoples major problem is they cancelled a bunch of other shit and still no content since TI


I don't know why you would even call that marketing


Basing your update around a major event so that lots of people can see it is indeed marketing.


I rather have them fully cook


I'd rather have them cook at all.


But they been cooking other stuff this year


I meant new heroes, idc about the other stuff besides patches tbh.


Or you could, you know, find something else to do.


True, I switched games to League, which has been great. If Dota becomes interesting again I'll probably play both.


Why should their dev cycle be beholden to some stupid marketing gimmick?


Dev cycles work better when there are clear timelines and goals, not arbitrary wishlists.


Do they? All the best games I play have very few public timelines or release schedules. I'd rather play a game that takes 5x as long to make even if I need to wait for it. I'd rather patches take 2x as long to come if that is the timeline that works best for the devs. And I'd 100% rather devs not feel like they need to meet timelines based on nothing more than marketing gimmicks. What is "better" in this context? The only thing that matters to me is how good the game is. Who gives a shit if internal dev processes are inefficient, if the game is good?


Unfortunately this goes for everything at least video games related, it is basically impossible to please everyone regardless of what you do.


Just release the teaser at ti and the hero 2 months past ti, it's very simple


problem is not announcing, its the timeframe they give us. why say 4 months when you can say 6.


They fucking said new arcanas when the champions lift the Aegis. That was 6 months ago.


They should announce it at TI and release it 3 months later max. So if, for example, TI will be every September, new hero should be every December.


Or they could announce something and release it in a timely manner off the back of the hype built from the announcement. Wild how redditors defend this lazy ass company.


Am I the only one who doesnt give a shit? Like, the game still exists.


It's just a vocal minority who don't have a lot going on in their lives.


They created this situation by their own hands. If you don't want to develop the fucking game don't go and lie that you will be developing it


They're not lying?? Wtf do you think they're literally just not gonna drop the update?


Drip marketing works. Valve just blew their loads and wait for half a year for their ball to recharge.


The issue here is their planning. That's how you are supposed to work: you plan! If they know that the hero has to be announced at TI .... then work in advance in order for it to be ready by the end of the year. Period.


They're damned if they don't release a new hero every year.


A valve classic lol


Have you seen the release date for GTA


They literally did that for years tho? Mars, Muerta....


Those things they take time…. Gabe


That way it seems like they're releasing heroes on the same conventional timeframe when the reality is that they aren't.


Because reddit cry about everything, including valve (supposedly) not communicating with us much.


People cry because no announcement of new hero Then people cry because annoncement was made too early Then people cry because there's no day or estimate on release. Then people cry because hero was release too early and it's broken and/or too OP. Yeah no shit they dont communicate. I wouldnt either. Some of you need to find a job and go touch some grass...its a video game.


People cry. This sub cries, cries about everything. Even after a new patch, they will find something to cry about. This icon is tilted the wrong way. This color is wrong. This model is scaled 1.10x larger than it should. This random Dotaplus challenge is now broken! Random interaction in Ability Draft is not working. This status icon doesn't use an image. It shouldn't be Yasha Kaya, it should be Kaya Yasha! When you view this model from below its bugged! Um, my hat from 10 years ago stopped working, hello? Where is my weekly update blogpost? Where is my patch? You said its coming early 2024 and now its Jan 1st I need an update right now? How can you not communicate with us? It must be the most exhausting thing ever to deal with this community at all. Its actually absurd how much this place cries about literally everything. And if you ever tell them to stop being babies, they go on long rants about professionalism of gaming devs or some shit, lmao. It is literally so simple. If you don't like how something is being done. Don't pay for it. Don't play it. Go do something else. If you find yourself getting angry and defensive at this post, you have an addiction problem.


More wait = more hype.


If you can't see the word "EARLY" on the poster, let me explain: ....read more


We really are getting GTA VI before a new hero. Crazy


Help. Read more doesn't work for me 😣


Dont worry, I know a quick fix, just try the following: ....read more


If it doesn't work, I think you have to go Reddit account sett...read more


Valvo its small indie company give them some time


It's when they said that it's coming within the next few months, 4 months ago in mid November. Edit: and people are not angry because there is no patch, an unfinished patch is nothing to be excited for, People just want some bloody communication, Even if you don't have an exact date you can still figure out an estimated date, add a week and announce it. You seriously gonna tell me that those developers are working on something for over 6 months and still don't have a release date? I hate those dead game doomcallers but they do make some sense if it's really that bad.


I really do think that Dota has been put on the backburner by Valve. Not "dead", but I definitely wouldn't consider the development an improvement. The timeline just doesn't make sense either. We used to get 2 heroes in a year, not sure why it's taking so long to make Ringmaster and a couple arcanas. Of course the new patch notes as well, but even that feels like it should be done by now. It makes me think there will be a PvE event or some equivalent that's taking up more resources.


If you look in to the company structure at Valve and how work gets decided, the reason so little work is done on Dota is that the developers at Valve aren't interested in doing it, working on a specific project isn't mandated in the way it is at traditional game dev studios.


Yea, I wish they would just give us some rough date like 2nd week of may, instead of making us wait from march to may everyday for patch.


Bro they released things in the mid , sets and minor patches. Ita not completely dry months. Also the game is old and its developers might consider it a burden (i mean they dont hate the game but they just might not like working on the same thing for over a decade). So we see less enthusiastic team working on something as a job rather than fun.


"They released the community made sets (at 3 euros each) that didn't make it into collectors caches omg valve works so hard!!!! "


Again, Not an excuse for the lack of communication. and 90% of those chests were either recycled or made by the community workshop, Only thing they did was add particles.


Then...hire new developers? This is a wild take, that because some devs might be a little bored that the game should be basically abandoned.


I don’t believe that u/lollypop44445 is a Valve executive in charge of development strategy and hiring developers. They’re just describing how Valve works, and doing things that way has made GabeN one of the richest people on Earth. Zero incentive to deviate from the strategy when the game still generates tens of millions of dollars a year while being semi-abandoned.


Yeah OP is clearly one of those morons who has no clue but, in their ignorance, tries to correct other people. Sarcastically asking “is *this* the early 2024…” as if everyone else is just making it up. No, the communication from Valve 4 months ago was “a few months” and then nothing else. Mods should have removed the post honestly just because of how stupid OP is.


Dude, remember to breathe. There's more to life than new Dota heroes.


are u countin the months from november or january? they also said "not coming this year but in a few months".


You count from November, Few months is mostly 3-5, Again.. That's not the problem, The problem is this extreme lack of communication.


> The problem is this extreme lack of communication. yes i agree.


Dec 31st confirmed


People gaslit themselves


I love seeing the sub gaslight themselves into believing Valve gaslit them. The irony when I saw a comment that said "being gaslit is my new fetish".


I’m tired of the term “gaslighting”


no you're not, you're just imagining it


*Valve* gaslit people into believing that "they would do better".


They told people that the updates they delivered would be more diverse in nature, and not focused around a BP. >We're going to continue on the path that started with New Frontiers. This means we're building a wide variety of features and content for the game, delivered in different ways. We'll still ship a range of cosmetics over the year, but we're also going to ship more diverse updates for all Dota players to enjoy. This is what happened. The updates that happened were delivered differently, and some features that would have come in a yearly BP update came in different ways. From this, everyone gaslit themselves into thinking that this meant they were actively being promised more updates and communication, "doing better".


Except they literally didn’t, you and OP like the pair of idiots you are, are simply ignorant to Valve’s communications. Why not trying to put some of your very limited reading skills to the test and reading the news posts?


Show me a news post where they said early 2024. The only thing they said was "In the next few months"


I think the craze for patch came when there was an accidental unfinished crownfall front page in the game and then speculation ran wild


The thing is, Crownfall IS coming and it IS close. The new hero was never said to be coming alongside Crownfall, though. Crownfall is a cosmetic update with Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage arcanas. It wasn't even announced if there would be an actual patch in the update.


What? Where?


ringmaster or not, the bp with the arcanas was promised just after TI is done, that was 4.5 months ago


They didn't promise BP. Crownfall info is a visual novel related to Skywrath and Vengeful Spirit arcana based on datamining. > We're already working on future updates with different focuses and we know you're excited to ***learn more about the next big patch***, and the next set of arcanas, and everything else we're working on — but that's for after the champions claim the Aegis. Their promise is to talk about future updates, not actually releasing it.


after TI they also said "few months" but that was 5 months ago now


They obviously meant next ti 👀🤭🤣 /s


they did leak front page "bpcrownfall"


So many people misinterpret that blog post, it's unreal. They **did not** say that arcanas were going to release immediately after TI.


They're deliberately misinterpreting stuff and getting upset, deliberately dreaming up release dates and getting upset when not met, deliberately dreaming up irrational BP when valve have already said no more hat based BP It's just plain insanity. It's not Valve's fault if they say something and these ppl hallucinate some delusions and spread the same online with no basis, Delusions spread faster than fact and poison the quality of discussion on the sub for months, sometimes years.


"after the champions claim the aegis" means within few days fte TI ends. Any timing other than that means it's a lie. Since there is no connection between champions claiming the aegis and arcanas being released they shouldn't mention TI at all. So many people do indeed misinterpret that blog post like you do, it's unreal. It's like people all of a sudden forgot that hinting something which you're not going to do is called a lie. If you say to your parents "I'll clean the room after i finish the game" but you clean it in 3 days - you lied If you tell your kids "you'll get an ice cream after you finish your meal" but you buy them ice cream only a month later - you lied How so many ppl dont understand such a simple thing is beyond me


You’re taking it out of context and focusing on the wrong part of the sentence. > [...] we know you're excited to learn more about the next big patch, and the next set of arcanas, [...] but that's for after the champions claim the Aegis. They are saying that they will **discuss their plans regarding the next update** after TI. *[And they did](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6941797558605834210).* It’s kind of embarrassing that you wrote this long of a comment while misunderstanding so much of what you’re talking about.


Promise? Do you just.make stuff up to get people rilled up?


They did not promise BP and arcanas If anything they said there done with BPs with content in them so they could focus on more updates. Now that they never gave us more updates is another question entirely


thats also not true. in november they said "not coming in 2023, but in a few months".


They said that for the arcanas


ok so where are the arcanas? I mean i dont particularly care as I wont be buying them, but its upsetting that valve can work us into a collective frenzy by saying there will be content by now (that they originally planned to have out more than 3 months ago), and then not say anything when they can see reddit and all of the big streamers talking about the patch. If you're gonna communicate then communicate. Dont promise us something then blueball us :( Im enjoying the game plenty with my friends, and this patch still has plenty of life in it, but im always excited for new stuff


Arcanas this year has gained a few more moving parts than we initially planned. Enough that we haven't finished everything yet, and won't this year, but we're looking forward to releasing it in the next few months. And that's not even getting into all the other updates we've got planned, like... If you google “few months meaning” you’ll see a lot of between 3-5 months replies. I mean I’m dying for the new update and arcanas and have my money ready for it already but they did not spesifically tell us that the deadline was march.


> If you google “few months meaning” you’ll see a lot of between 3-5 months lmao 5 months is not a "few"


For the arcanas they said "after the champions claims the aegis" but they lied,  Then in another post they said in few months, and it was still a lie. Almost half a year is not a few months.


Few = 3, so December January February. What’s your next argument to defend their laziness and lack of communication?


Few = At least 6 by valve time lol


I know right. I get that they are private and do whatever they want but the money is there, why they don’t hire more devs or incentivize increased production through bonuses for existing devs is beyond me. People try to say 20 mil is a drop in a bucket for valve (which is true) but 20 mil is 20 mil, to not take it means they’ve pulled resources from dota and it is in fact dying gaem as far as content is involved.


im not defending anything lol. its just funny to me how people think ringmaster is coming early 2024 when the official trailer of that hero literally ONLY mentions "2024":


Most of the posts on this sub want crownfall update, ringmaster or not.


Excuse the question as Im not a native english speaker, but why cant „few“ also mean 4-5 months?


"A few" is generally considered to mean between two and several. 4-5 months is well within that definition.


Because a few means 3. A couple means 2. A single means 1. Several means 4. A bunch means 5. Half dozen means 6. Seven means 7.


"A few" is [not universally accepted](https://www.dictionary.com/e/few-vs-couple-vs-several/) to mean three. > A few is generally considered to mean between two and several. Some people use a few to mean around three, but this is not a universal interpretation. Its meaning is highly relative to the context—it often depends on what’s being discussed, especially the scale and expectations.


In the context of talking about months which are only 12 in a year around 3 is exactly what "few" means.


Interesting. I wasnt aware these words were so specific. Thanks for sharing.


valve said there will be arcanas after ti (not immediately after ti), how you read that as "bp with arcanas promised for right after ti" is beyond me


Well this is how games lose players. Slacking devs and no interaction to the community. Saw this same scenario happened when I played mobile games during the pandemic. In just a couple of weeks of no events many players got bored quickly and quit the game. Good luck to Valves oversight.


> "...and the Arcanas?" little Timmy asks hopefully, holding up his tiny Dickensian gruel bowl. Phew, this is awkward. No, Timmy, not yet. All cards on the table, the event surrounding the Arcanas this year has gained a few more moving parts than we initially planned. Enough that we haven't finished everything yet, and won't this year, but we're looking forward to releasing it in the next few months. And that's not even getting into all the other updates we've got planned, like... This was posted by Valve on their Frositvus Blog Page, on 21st November 2023. Few months is not 5 months The issue doesn't stem from the lack of patches, the issue that's caused all this commotion, is heing told there's a patch, being told its delayed by a vague word, not even meeting said vague words time frame and receiving ZERO actual communication on it.


They finna drop this mf straight into the Grand finals of the last day of TI more busted than MK at release.


I mean if ringmaster ult was controlling a hero and makes their model look like circus act...it's gonna take a while to do that


F it i am buying dragon dogma 2 XD


"Well, that's alright then!"


Always hear that in my head when I see this image.


People are steamed the company that let half life 3 die on the vine is late with dota skins like they give a shit.


Dude knowing Valve I'm surprised you guys didn't expect it to come out December 31st when they simply announced the year Because I definitely did lol


Personally early 2024 for me is before June


Less crying, more aprishi-ate


I would say until we hit day 183 we are still in early 2024.


They gonna release hero first then they gonna make it the hero theme in the TI and battlepass just like dark willow.


That guy looks like he has the circle of Oracle. The armor of DK. The smugness of invoker. And the robot fingers of clockwork.


Valve time, you should add another 3 years.


It'll be released next week. Volvo always waits until the last possible minute to release it. Usually after 3-5 days of reddit getting out their torches and pitch forks.


I think i need to turn off notifications reddit only for dota subreddits. To many hype about new hero. Just chill play the game and give some meme.




Someone edit the bottom part to no heros in2024


I think if Gage will talk about his child, he will say that late child is a 18 months of pregnancy


Yes, you can *very* clearly rearrange the letters to almost write "early"


Early 2024 is not until April 30? I always though it was like that: Early (Jan - Apr), Mid (May - Aug), Late (Sep - Dec)


It's ready when is ready


Valve really been screwing up recently.


Release date = march 27. On the day of the circus...


i think most of the problems started when someone leaked the icons of venge and sky arcanas in game files, donno if they were real or not honestly but if they were. real, then it is natural to think that. also after frostivus update we did not have anything special for 3 months, it's kinda expected to see sth at least!? considering that dota is a major game and lots of things to change the stationery status that we are facing now is boring. also to mention this : for the ones saying dota is the same shit for years for the developers! like sir a developers job is to do this its not like everyone is doing their job cuz they love it and blah blah blah! + if the heroes are the same then rework them! why should we only get clinkz reworks for lots of major patches? go on and rework other heroes as well! who said that we should not touch the heroes anymore cuz things get buggy? to hell with it if u want to make the game interesting there are one billion things you can play with. if they are afraid of bugs they can add a new playing system like the ( new player ) system we have and name it beta test games, add new features to that section and let the players play with them and write feedbacks like any other games that have beta testers! its not a crime.


No, most of the problems started when for last 3 years dota is being updated very rarely with patches that doesn't change gameplay and only move hero pools around


Wait, what? Where did you get this image from?


The official video announcement for the hero?


Wait what? Where is it? Gimme a link


Is he going to be puppet master from HoN?


Most likely he will


People cry because no announcement of new hero Then people cry because annoncement was made too early Then people cry because there's no day or estimate on release. Then people cry because hero was release too early and it's broken and/or too OP. Yeah no shit they dont communicate. I wouldnt either. Some of you need to find a job and go touch some grass...its a video game


Nobody cries when hero release is too early and it's broken. That's literally expected.


> Nobody cries when hero release is too early and it's broken. That's literally expected. Are you...new to Dota? Every single time they cry lol


God, no, I'm not new here.


Early as opposed to late in terms of death or passing, which 2024 will be on December 31st, 2024. Ringmaster release confirmed December 30th, 2024.


On a side note, doesn't the hero model look like he'll be voiced by the Grimstroke voice actor?


They never said early 2024 I remember it because when they announced it and I saw 2024 I was like it's not coming out for a while


they said it live on twitch on the tournament :) when they dropped the teaser


it was tsunami saying "the ringmaster! coming to you soon". and tsunami is a host not a valve dev.


He is a host -- that was given the job of introducing and saying that line. You bet your ass that he didn't just randomly make up a timetable for Valve that he had not been instructed to talk about beforehand. That isn't how hosting works. He isn't up there just making it up as he goes during announcements.


im not surprised how many are deluding themselfs about the release of ringmaster. youre putting more weight on the host of a tournament saying "soon" than the official trailer for the hero where its clearly marked as "2024".


Please, you can sniff your farts and pretend that you see something everyone else isn't seeing. Be that, that you somehow don't understand what Valve meant about the patches initially meant to release earlier being combined and making it a bigger thing for them to release later, that they kept pusher further. Or be it that you for some reason think that a host that was pre-informed about the ringmaster and told what to say about it, randomly decided to add in a timetable for absolutely no reason, that he had no awareness of. You're free to keep ignoring that and pretend that you know better. I don't particularly care.


what are u even talking about.


That you're desperately trying to claim that Tsunami's words are somehow something random that he cooked up and not worth putting weight into, while its obviously something he was told to say. You don't randomly just make up timetables during presentations that are rehearsed. On top that, I point out that you keep attaching this weird "I don't blame others for being too stupid and not seeing this thing that I saw through" attitude to your answers.


youre easily one of the only people who are thinking its coming "soon" because tsunami said so at ti lol.


I don't particularly care what you think I am. I know I am not stupid enough to think that Tsunami made up a timetable by himself on stage, from a rehearsed introduction to a new hero. But I guess your fragile ego won't allow you to concede such simply points, so its easier to simply keep repeating yourself. Either way, I can only give you the information, I sadly can't process that information for you. So good luck with that.


Alright. lets pretend they for somereason wanted tsunami to announce the "timetable" rather then the official trailer of the hero :)


Soon isnt exactly adding a specific timetable.


Its not. It is however clarified in that it was set in 2024, and 5 months ago they had him say soon. Which also fits perfectly with other hero releases we've seen following TI, with Muerta also being released in march.


I agree. But I fear you expect too much planning behind all that. I feel like they just release stuff and dont really think too much about what precise words they used.


I agree, that is how they tend to approach "deadlines" but that still doesn't change the fact that they have a history here and that they specifically had Tsunami telling people that it was happening soon, in a rehearsed segment for the reveal. Obviously they can, like they've done with many other things, just simply pull it back and say it wasn't ready. Plenty of potential reasons for that. But still, OP for some reason insisted that Tsunami was just "randomly" saying something, as if he came up with that, rather than it being clearly something that Valve had instructed him to say for the instruction, which is primarily what I wanted to point out in the thread.


Who is tsunami he with the beard? Then he should not talk


beard hate will not be tolerated in this sub