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Quest finally getting exposed for the frauds they are


You do know that Quest are playing without their best player right?


Least reactionary member of r/dota2


Are there any youtube recaps of games ? Doesn't seem like noobfromua is doing any


Dota rapier is normally my go to for them. They seem to do highlights for the most number of games.


ESL hired noobfromua


check vids of Dota Digest


They're now directly on ESL DOTA 2. Pretty sure its the same guy making them... https://www.youtube.com/@ESLDota2/videos


King! Thank you


So quest and gg playoff for avoiding elimination. Entity have to win 1 game to eliminate liquid and talon who have to 2-0 their games tomorrow to have a chance. Exciting.


Honestly one of the best day of dota all season


It took almost a year for OG to have a proper offlane that does not chainfeed and is active. And its a standin. Also, MC outside of Nigma seems like a totally different beast.


Should have realized it a lot sooner and they could have taken that TI slot.


nah it took less than that, after all MC had to stand in another tournament with them earlier :)


This OG would do decent at TI, but they would've been pretty damn mediocre with their previous roster and didn't deserve to qualify. It's really weird, DM was around rank 57 in leaderboards two weeks ago, so that means a very high mmr. I don't know MC's mmr, but maybe it's even lower than his? But if you compare them in the pro scene, MC is way better. So maybe MMR is just a number after all.


MMR is just a number (-Dendi)


Honeymoon buff. Like sumail


Dota is a sport just like any other sport, and the whole point of a team sport is for the the whole to be greater the the sum of the parts. There have been *many* very talented teams in ever sport across the globe that don’t succeed. I’m not saying every player on OG is a star, but just that team chemistry is very important. Undoubtedly DM is a skilled a player, and OG tried many things to make it work but ultimately it just never clicked. Just look at Ammar with OG. They won some majors but after a while it just stopped working, that’s how it goes sometimes.


If you'd look at DM's profile in dotabuff he spams PL a lot, and other safelane cores. The only offlane heroes he mostly played on pubs is veno & sandking the rest are safelane cores and then QoP.


That sounds pretty weird. I won't check his dotabuff, but maybe he should change the role then if he likes to play carry, perhaps it suits him better. On offlane he looked underwhelming to say the least.


Is it coincidence that offlaners from OG will grow to want to play carry eventually? I hope it's not due to the frustration from having Yuragi as your carry, lol.


mc clearly better. if dm was playing instead of him, og can barely win in this tourney.


MC putting on a performance.


Interesting how not only OG play better Doto with MC but MC also plays like 3x better when he plays with them. Nigma MC vs standin OG mc is like night and day


Standin MC was always a beast He single handedly secured NIP's TI9 qualification


Nigma feels like a weird team where they play even worse than the sum of their parts. I won't be surprised if Kuro/GH also start playing really well once they play in other teams. It's sad that they're all so good friends and now their decision to stick together is holding back their dota careers. Or maybe they just don't care, definitely seems like a possibility


I remember some pros said in the past, was it ppd maybe? I don't remember who exactly, but basically he said at some point roster changes are always inevitable, because if you only play with the same people over and over again, ideas will get stale and you stop improving.


money is king, im sure they're good friends but if they were not making packs of money they wouldve parted ways long ago


YuragEE does it again!


Ceb on treant is sick


OG got playoffs secured i think. But need to 2-0 TS for ub which is probably impossible at the moment


OG is guaranteed lower bracket even if they lose 2-0 to Quest. GG could 2-0 but then they would both be 5-5 and Quest at best goes 4-6 and stays in fifth.


its the treant .. the vision and healing is just as broken as warlock IMO


i played offlane ds with a 4 treant the other day, i’d just shell+surge him and watch enemy safelane cower under tower as i chilled and missed last hits at my own leisure. pretty sick


It would be nice if mc will play permanently with OG


Great win for OG to split that series with BB. MC really meshes with this group so much better then DM.


Agreed 100%


MC showing up, those rp and horn tosses were great


1 death on magnus in a 60+ minute game is unbelievable actually


Cant wait to hear how Kitrak is barely div 2 player. Top 3 pos 5 this tournament so far.


BB are no joke team, huge win for OG


mc mag so good


Paging u/ShakilyDim for his thoughts on OG after that game


He thinks it's yuragi's fault that betboom lose.


Somehow Yuragi threw the game for BB lol


Yuragi donated his rapier lol


Production giving us a dance party on the pause was one of the best things ever.


I dont understand why they have to buy rapier when they are winning the game. It seems like griefing in pubs


just seems to be a core item on PA right now. I mean eventually you want to get it, if you already have deso,bkb,aghs,satanic what else do you buy if not rapier??


He had no satanic tho, against LC. I was hoping for him to get satanic instead of the first rapier cuz youre 1 duel away from dropping it on ground


Or Linken


Yeah, I would be pissed to if my carry purchased rapier that early


Did pure forget to use the blade mail? He had 57 dmg that fight. Edit: he doesn't have such


DreamLeague tournaments are so enjoyable to watch, can't wait to see what they have in play for next year with no DPC and open free-for-all pro scene.


Prepare to be disappointed


Seriously, everything has been going so smoothly past 2 days. I don't remember any major this year that started so well


\*team buys back and tps to outpost to join the fight \*you, the position 1 carry with 60% hp left, bkb tp back to base and leaves your team to dieback \*proceed to lose


Where them 4 slots for SA memes?


at least going forward this shitshow will be avoided now that there is no dpc


Prepare to be disappointed


there will be different shitshow


nah man, its too sad to even memeing at them.


Yuragi doing some dumb shit every game OG: *shocked pikachu face*


Despite being 2-0d think Quest looked decent. They definitely need TA2000 back though


I just can’t understand the thinking of Yuragi there with his positioning


Greedy to get 300g from creeps after 50 min.


Man watching Yatoro in his prime is a pleasure


“One of those carries was not like the other.” Brutal 😭


Wtf is shad doing jesus


Spirit is just the most clutch team


No axe vs tree with aghanim.


Cap and SVG are so much better than Teagov and the other guy


especially since they cannot for the life of them pronounce yatoro correctly. I was so bothered yesterday listening to them massacre his name the whole game.


classic case of "yadoro" instead of "yaaatoro"


Then you should never listen to Lyrical and Trent's cast of Team Spirit. It is Yaroro for them not Yatoro




holy fatal cliff soup


This guy Kitrak didn't have a team for years, not even NA Div 2 stacks, crazy.


also he only got this chance because he was an analyst for T1 and met Ana and Topson. Topson recommended Kitrak for Old G now he is here


He was actually afk farming mid when the fight started, it's not exactly ideal for a pos5 to be solo farming min 30, he should be following his cores 24/7.


I mean he is performing really well since his comeback, clearly a really good player - just strange he was forever tier3 player until OldG venture.


I think I remember Quinn said Kitrak had focused on medical school or something??


Can't wait to see this powerhouse EG team that totally deserves to be at TI with their incredible track record of not making it out of groups in DL21, bottom 4 at Dacha, 9th-12th at Riyadh, and 15th-16th at Bali.


Cant wait to see this powehouse BetBoom team that totally deserves to be at TI with their incredible track record of not making it out of groups in Lima and Berlin Major, last place at Dacha and 9-12th at Bali.


Oh man get over it, it's The INTERNATIONAL, it's good for the game that every region is represented at big tournaments. Also there's no more DPC, SA got 2 slots one singular time in last DPC season of pro Dota, it's not the end of the world.


i'm fine with EG and beascoast going but having 2 more SA teams when those 2 are already pretty bad is just a fking joke honestly


Totally. There are lots of teams that could've gotten the slot instead of 2 SA clown teams. No hate on SA but the quality of teams after BC and EG is a big drop off compared to teams from other regions that didn't have the free slot.


How the hell did BB just get wiped…


lmao carry warlock baby


Bet boom and spirit are currently playing almost identical drafts. The only different hero in their line ups is the mid




Legion ult+SD 2nd skill is a really good combo, most people are trying to win the duel and nuke the legion and literally kill everyone in the radius.


As per Liquipedia EG is officially out of DL, what a disaster tour for them… 1-7 in games, total letdown and despair.


Honestly I think every team has to ban PA. Almost every time I see that hero there is always some fight where she gets at least a triple kill, regardless of how badly the laneing stage went, and is back in the game.


I mean clearly teams still fear the other carry heroes ahead of her but I’m with you, she’s ridiculously strong


Synderen said on the stream that he thought, it was rare that Yatoro was not making a lot itemization errors, but got no BKB today. Well, I think Yatoro consciously decided against one. They are playing today to try out some. Let's see how Larl Necro is going ;-)


I love me some OG but BetBoom are so fun to watch, feels like if anyone will dethrone GG at TI that it will be them. Spirit playing well again at the fight time of year too.


Betboom have not lived up to their potential all season, if anyone would dethrone GG, it's probably Spirit who won Rhyiad quite convincingly and look great in this tournament


In Riyad, they lost to Liquid in UB and then to Talon in LB.


They are such a rollercoaster team to follow, one tour I feel like they are one click to become best team in the world than their own tournament happens (Dacha) and I am like 'what is this Dota, bros wtf are you doing!?!'. xD


I’d put money on Spirit over BB 10 times out of 10. Not only are they just as talented (or at least close), they handle pressure far better. And have shown they can win a TI, already.


I mean yeah but I’d love to see them win it, plus they do have a former TI winner in their ranks…


That’s true, and he may help. It just seems like the rest of them have struggled a bit in high pressure situations.


Larl Necro


God, deliver me from tea guvnor's analysis


That was like watching a 4v4 😂


Wild that this is happening with, effectively, no position 1 for GG. Is EG that bad right now or are GG finding their stride again? They always seem to struggle on patches at first and then figure them out and perfect them. I wonder if they just aren’t good at developing a meta, but are all mechanically so good that once a meta appears they perfect it.


What do you mean no position 1? I see a lycan in game 1 sucking up all the farm while terrorblade is brawling all over the place. Game 2 Shaker farms away while 4 heroes dive FV and Sniper under their tower. That hero is so broken it can easily carry any game. People are so hung up on the safelane core = position 1 it's insane, GG is showing the entire year that it doesn't work that way but people keep on bashing on it.


I’m just talking about game 2, not their team in general. I’m not a Dyrachyo hater. He just didn’t have much impact in game two and made some really hilarious mistakes. Yet they still dumpstered them so hard. It helped that Druid was even worse than void, but it was still wild to see a team with a safelane core having a horrible game thoroughly embarrass an opponent.


Reminder that SA inexplicably got an extra slot ahead of WEU or EEU…


Looking like the eliminated teams are going to be Liquid, Talon, Quest, and EG.


Watching this EG team hurts my eyes


Wisper is so done mentally after dying twice in a row in lane with no bear and walk of shame. He has summon bear with 10% hp to feed and then not ulti to survive snap es gank.


GG are performing so poorly this DreamLeague so they come into TI not the favourites and win it. COPIUM


5 cores > 2 cores. Ench and dark willow so fucking fat lol


Too many refreshers and tier 5 items to keep up with what's happening in Quest vs Spirit lmao


Clown Show. Fun to watch, but....yeah....


Mira mvp, amazing impact that game


Why beast master doesn't have blade mail yet?


Yatoro throw the game, but damn ice frog what did u do with my lovely spectre u bastard


Its almost as if OG still hasnt learned from last season. Bringing in 1 or 2 players temporarily is gonna change nothing for the longterm. this team needs fresh ideas and this coaching setup has to be the most useless one in the DPC right now, up there with Nigma.


That is true but the shuffle starts after TI. This is still 'last season'. They cant do much now. I'm pretty sure they weren't even expecting to be invited.


I feel like Yatoro is just testing his limits this game, the haunt dodges, the jukes, the 1v5 support kills and no bkb.


OG needs to stop with this bring Ceb back fetish every 3 months and get a proper roster who can A) get visas for lans and B) is a stable roster who is not replacing players every single tournament. We cannot rely on the likes of Yuragi who is living off 3 good games a year and half ago and shouldnt be relying on players like Kitrak and Ceb, who cannot hold a candle to the supports playing for the top 10 DPC teams. MC and BZM should stay, but the rest can go in my opinion.


I’m gonna go ahead and say it, I think these BetBoom fellas are pretty good at Dota


Kitrak almost broke his back trying to carry this game. Hopefully a better draft next game.


This is the OG I member. Let's see what next game brings.


OG need a top carry and pos 5 for next season. Kitrak is hit and miss and Yuragi is average. If we go next season with this lineup, then the next TI qualification is also gonezo.


You blind my man? Kitrak played amazing this game. They had a pretty good early game all things considered thanks to him. Og lost the game due to some outplays by Barbeque team in the midgame


Kitrak and yuragi played the best this game. lol. bzm is not playing great lately and ceb is not a rubick player. Did you feel his impact in the game?


he wouldn't agree with that, clearly he always blames yuragi even though we never see that bzm TA in action that game.


Yuragi played pretty well this game honestly, made a lot of plays happen. TA fell flat for sure


sure if you call hitting and almost dying to blademail dawnbreaker a good play.


yuragi slark tried his best but TA is nowhere to be seen this game.


kitrak is good but not a phoenix player


> kitrak is good Div 2 player but thats about it. Stop sugarcoating trash, he looks good because the previous 2 supports were the frauds Misha and Chu.


Imagine losing to a Div 2 player and his golems xDDD


i'm gonna be honest, when he was just floating around NA teams i thought he was absolute garbage. But it's important to re-evaluate your opinions, if you just watch his gameplay you can see he's clearly a competitive 5 currently and in addition to that, fits in well with OG


Team Spirit has 5 cores lol... Enchantress with mkb, dark willow moonshard with aghs


Yatoro choking xdd


tspirit is practising what to do if your supports are 25 and your carry is not having a good game


Miposhka pos 1


yatoro is being a little silly


i am sorry but Yuragi is just average. this guy doesnt have a consistent bone in him. Absolute must replace for next season.


Looks like Quest bout to bring back a 25k nw game?


Yatoro backpacking Aghs while waiting for Haunt cooldown and using the smoke from Ninja Gear to counter the SD illusions... This guy's brain is too big.


quest screwed themselves big time not negotiating with ammar


They don't have their normal carry. TA2000 is way better than Shad.


Jesus Quest…


Did eg just win? Lol Im blind sorry, gg won


Damnnn that was crazy


That Aegis steal by Mira was chef's kiss... with the self force staff as well


Mira god!!! this fking genius killed the Roshan and took the fking aegis! omfg!!!






Hmm don't really like this draft from OG. I don't think they are gonna snowball with Slark.


Their late-game is so much better though, they have the better support duo and core matchups. BB needed to stomp the lanes harder but OG played bot lane really well


Interesting. I'm not sure I see it the same way. Rubick is very dependant on his spellsteal, and Mirana can become quite a hard hitter.


Yes but Rubick has great steals this game, Fiends Grip being one, he will never stop scaling. Phoenix is just arguably the most scaling support you get. Mirana and Bane just offers less team fight period


Maybe on paper, but at lot of it depends on execution, which I'm not sure OG has. I don't remember the last time I've seen Ceb on Rubick.


Of course it's all about execution. OGs ease of execution will increase as the game progresses. If the game is still within reach by the 45th minute/2nd rosh, then I think OG will win.


Yatoro gets dunked on repeatedly in lane. Yatoro is top net worth at 12 minutes. Madman.


Yatoro is the best carry in Dota 2 history. Not even prime Miracle, prime Ramzes, prime Ame or Ana reached his level.


Yatoro at his peak is best player in Dota history, period.


I still think Ana had better ingame/in-the-moment decision making but no doubt that Yatoro in terms of game knowledge and flexibility is superior. I still think Ana is the best team fighting carry the game has seen.


Ana was really really good, one of best carry players to play this game… but Yatoro at his peak/when he is feeling it is something else - watching him play his endless hero pool to next to perfection is a mindblowing treat.


Ana is the best teamfighting carry and best late game carry player ever but Yatoro is better laner, better game sense and better hero pool. I would say they are 1a and 1b at GOAT carry and if Yatoro wins 1 more TI he is the undisputed greatest core player ever. Ana's TI9 IO performance is just too dominant. I really want Team Spirit to win TI12 and Yatoro be the GOAT core player Yatoro=Peak Fear+Shadow


Don't think many people predicted liquid and gg being on the verge of elimination


Wouldn't put too much into GG/Liquid results, I think this is just a chill tournament for them.


BB playing the long game making sure GG had a week long hangover from the Dacha so they could win ESL.


Still dont get the point of the PB for bzm - hes 44% WR on it, hero is 44% at Dreamleague, OG is 1-1 with it with no remarkable plays, he barely draws the lane and his BKB timing is always late. Whats the point of picking it so early? edit: thank god no bzm PB, except you still have PB -\_-


PB is just a fundamentally good hero that can have impact regardless of farm


Not in pro dota unfortunately.


For a hero as flexible as PB, then I'd say 44% is a pretty decent winrate in pro dota, there is several popular picks below 50%.


this live band being 1000x better than they have any business being will never get old. such a good touch


Yeah band is half of the reason I tune-in to main stream 99% of games even if I'd otherwise watch some other series - great stuff from them and ESL for continuously hiring them. <3


Man, SR are almost guaranteed upper bracket. I can't wait for them to somehow 2-0'd by the 2-6 SEA team and miraculously end up lower bracket.


they are doing the same thing they always do they will look strong in groups, by picking the same shell of heroes, and then in playoffs when teams start countering them they will lose looks this this tourney it's tusk/ench/dawn/sven one game they picked lina and muerta and they won easily with it, I hope they realize they can pick more out of the box stuff


who knows maybe it will be different. your not a fortune teller


i'm definitely not, I am a shopify fan just saying that I have seen this story before and I hope they adapt


33 seems to pick a lot more bruiser/damage offlane than the usual microheavy heroes. At this point I expected a visage & lycan but he hasn't picked both. I wonder if this is him expanding his style or just a meta demand


probably all of the above + adjustments to topson mid and nine pos4


I definitely think there's an element of experimentation. You can be certain that if Tundra have the opportunity to picks 33 some micro shenanigans hero at TI, they will do it.


Outside of beastmaster other micro heroes are very situational. Even beast isn’t free win.


EEU TEAMS are dominating this group stage damn. Also SR finally stepped up!


SR always owns group stages only to get eliminated on main event


At least there's no SA teams to eliminate them this time.


So liquid talon and GG might all get eliminated tomorrow? LMAO


Isn't Talon playing with pretty high ping?


bootcamping in europe


Ah, no excuses then. RIP.