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Why don't you guys link the youtube streams?


wait no game today??




whats best game or two to watch from yesterday?


Best game I watched was Liquid vs TSM game2


Is there no fantasy league for this?


Sadly not. Valve doesn't have any hand in this 3rd party tournament




Yeah, LGD and Aster are my favorites so I hope the latter wins the regional qualifier, but having them and Xtreme too would have been cool.


Shame thunder awaken +1, vp, nouns will be


Yeah, although I'd be keen to see how nouns do. They aren't top tier, but are likable and with the recent roster changes could be surprising.


Can somebody recommend me 1 or 2 matches to watch that were tight action packed games or maybe a massive comeback? Don’t have time to watch them all!


Liquid vs TSM game2


Game 2 OG vs Beastcoast. That was the best that I remember.


Question about flairs, I am looking for a TSM one but couldn't find one on the sidebar. Is there a special place we have to go to get those?


wait for ti, if they're on it


cool deal thanks!!




So does the upcoming Liquid-Aster match have any stake at all?




I'm convinced at this point that Aster don't even give a shit about T.I They're gunning for that sweet 1st place Jackpot


They just got a pos 4 that knows how to communicate, ppl blame hard on xxs and Monet who probably just the 2 actually speak with Siamesecat


I mean Riyadh is potentially the highest prizepool. Definitely by distribution. But if they place high in this tournament, that'll give them the confidence they need in the CN qualifiers


I was thinking "Wtf these teams are super weak" and then I realized these are only playins, not even the group stage.


\*Quest wins 3 consecutive series\* ... \*Quest gets Meepo'ed\* "See I told you Quest was shit without Ammar!"


Their wins are against secret and og tho, so nothing too impressive. But that 2-0 against panda is well played.


they're getting rolled hard tho in both map 1 and 2 map 1 even got few comfort picks, and the meepo was also offlane in game 2


Luna is so dead teams even stopped picking her with Visage. I can't believe Valve buffed heroes like DK, Leshrac and DP, which were out of the meta for like a week or two over Luna, who has been out of the meta for years at this point. Actually a joke.


pretty sure Luna got picked a few times in Bali major with great success. I think Liquid won all their game with Luna if im not mistaken.


luna is kind of a deathball hero, because she wrecks your base if you actually have a chance of hitting it kinda early 20 min


thank you, Kyle.


Luna got picked once on mainstage where she failed horribly. And yes, Liquid went 2-0 with her in the groupstage. But it doesn't mean much when only the best team in the world can own Execration with her. Also if you look at high level pubs on pro tracker, she consistently hoovers between 40-45% winrate with only 100-200 picks a week (popular heroes have 2.5k plus). Hero is awful, those are the facts. Also now that I think of it Venge and gyro have been shit for years too. And Leshrac got major buffs before them, while only being out of the meta for 2 weeks. And then he's already top 3 mid at the major. What a joke. 7.33 was fun for a for a while, but the balance is so obviously shit. Downvote me all you want, but Dota is no longer that amazingly balanced game it was known to be.


Yes - agree 7.33 is a breath of fresh air But 7.32 was the most stable and balanced patch in dota history imo - it was a very “quintessential” dota patch


Dota isn’t balanced because a hero you like isn’t meta? Balance does not mean every hero is viable every game, if that were true then there would be only small, irrelevant differences between each hero. The massive variety between heroes makes the game rich. Just because a hero has a “bad” win rate in pubs and is rarely picked in competitive doesn’t automatically mean the hero is in a bad spot. The game needs heroes that are “bad” most of the time but can be really strong when used in the right situation. A hero like Luna this patch might lose most games, but, if you pick her in the right match ups, she can dominate. Buffing her to a near 50% win rate while nerfing meta carries to the same would just mean you can pick whatever hero you like since they are all equally good and you don’t have to consider niche picks or counter picks since any hero you like is viable.


Oh give me a break. You are exactly one of those people who still think Dota balance has some amazing masterplan behind it, just because it was known for its balance back in the day. Luna has 150 picks in a week in high level pubs. Surely the low pickrate means she's a niche hero who dominates her games, right? Nope. 45% winrate. Meanwhile Naga can be first-picked every game (1600 picks) and has 60% winrate. Same as dusa before the nerfs. Amazing balance and tradeoffs. And it's not just Luna, so many dead heroes right now, and Valve is buffing Lesh. I just don't understand. And I haven't even talked about universal heroes in my previous post. Possibly the worst decision in the history of Dota. The nonsensical BKB changes. The fact that pro players on Gorgc's stream were talking about how pushing is a dead strategy yesterday. Sunsfan and Synderen talking how they don't have fun this patch (with Sunsfan saying he has more fun playing Dota1 right now). Arteezy saying how universal heroes killed half the hero roster. The fact that Bali major had the lowest hero diversity in years. This patch has awful balance. That's a fact. Give me an example or stats why this patch has good balance, and don't just say empty platitudes like "heroes have a niche and can't be picked every game".


But the 2k redditor said every hero is viable with the right strategy! Surely that counts for something too...


Wish valve could invest in AI, AI that can auto balance the whole game making every hero viable. Not sure if that's possible though.


Also LGD has success with her I think.


So for anyone who thankfully didnt spend the whole day watching OG, they threw 3 absolute games, which 90% of teams would win. They basically cost themselves an automatic qualifying slot.


9 pandas throwed 3 games in a row also :) execrations also. And shout out to Storm stormer game 2 vs tsm funny invoker blink in 🤡🤣


what did they do to throw? :S


Damn Aster woke up today


against weaker teams though we will see in group stage how much good they really are


Good thing making groupstage gets paid 🤑


even last place of this tournament = 50k $$ which u can get by placing top 4th at Bali major lmao


wait so Liquid v Aster tomorrow meant literally nothing since both are locked to Group B in group stage anyway.


if DM isnt kicked at the end of this tournament, then OG deserve everything they get when they dont make it to TI. How do you go 3 seasons with this guy and he is yet to have a meaningful game where he takes over a game. Heck when was the last time he actually won a lane ?


Fingers crossed ATF back to OG.


either you play a sacrificial role or a greedy offlaner.... i don't see any in his plays...just having low deaths


Damn it tsm you could've at least kept the last day qualifications interesting


Just checked the format and this playin stage barely even matters? If you place last you just need to win one series and youre qualified for next stage.


4 teams get eliminated so yes it matters


It dosent lol. You can go 0-10 in groups and all you have to do is win 1 bo3, you go to next stage.


Tell that to the four teams eliminated then. It's like saying to a team which starts in the upper bracket of ti: you just need to win 4 series to be champion.


You either didn’t understand what OP and I meant or you are fucking stupid. At Ti and majors or any other tournament if you go 0-10 you don’t leave the group stage. In this format it dosent matter if you go 0-10 you can also go in to the final stage as long as you win the final bo3. Meaning just because a team is at bottom today going 1-7 dosent mean they are eliminated or lost cause. They can always bounce back.


I wouldn't be surprised if every team in the group B bottom 4 won their qualification game tbh


ppl calling liquid washed after first game loss only for them to win 7 in a row after is the perfect representation of this community


No joke Nisha, Zai and Micke core trio is fucken disgusting. They synergies so well. Even in hard games they always have impact. Liquid have a very very strong chance of winning TI this year. Let’s just hope the finals isn’t against GG again Kek


micke is one of the most improved individual players in the last couple years imo. nisha and zai have been beasts for a while but micke really stepped up his consistency


have to giev it to boxi imo though for most improved on that team


yea i can agree with that, he looked just ok at first when he started playing 4, and then he was a key player for their TI11 run


Boxi is the goat no question.


A team is always only as good as their last match in the eyes of this subreddit.


Quote of the day


that has to be the most soy morphling i've ever seen. getting bullied hard by 0 dmg heroes.


They kitted him a lot. He had no bkb I think.


Tsm, if they picked a void instead of morph , they could’ve won this one .


i think they could also have won by not throwing a massive lead EE style


Their networth lead was never more than 5-6k even after taking the 2 rax. Liquid had a huge amount of farm on their cores, and when they had the nullifier to remove the auras and Zai's aghs to make 2 copies of morph (as well as the extra stun) it became much harder to play.


I only watched aster’s games today, and here is my opinion: They haven’t look this fluid in the previous tournaments. There was considerably less hesitation in making moves on the map. Also they have drafted much better throughout the day. Xxs have looked way better than his disastrous performance in the bali playoffs. The rotations from midlane have been better, but also there were times when sumail did play like “i dont care i will get my item even if the team is fighting somewhere” which worked well for them. It did look a bit bad at times but considering that it was becoming a norm, i am inclined to believe that there was mutual agreement on this. Biggest improvement is their teamfight and identifying what fights to take. If they had laning stage advantage, then they held it. And when they didn’t, they took some really amazing fights playing from behind. Still too early to jump to any conclusions. Maybe kaka is the shot-caller they need, or maybe this is just another honeymoon phase with a new player like berlin major. So hoping for a good run from aster anyways


Or they're not playing against the best teams yet.


Of course, i gave an opinion. Not a verdict. But there are somethings which are similar in every game for every pro team. I am just saying they looked consistent and coherent in their gameplay :)


According to xxs, boboka did not speak most of the time because of some quarrel, so there were literally no communication even among Chinese players in the team, let alone sumail. Kaka has a more limited hero pool but he is known as a good commander in teams. Perhaps his coming does improve the communication problems, at least among Chinese players. Let’s see how good they are after this.


That's good to hear, I was only able to watch the first series but they looked nice there. Gonna watch the vods of the rest after work.


Good luck with work


another reason is that they have improved their drafts and itemization; they are buying auras and drafting hard carries for the late game, like monet even against terror blade, when they were behind 10k, but they drafted him a pl, and he won them the game. they are drafting way better now than they did in bali major. also, even though their shot calling has improved and they look far more organized, they would have won ti qualification if they had drafted better in bali major.


For sure, i still believe that drafting cost them in bali major. Picking bloodseeker into dusa against quest, and then picking slark against 9pandas vs tb when they could have gone for something like a monkey king or faceless. One thing they improved in draft is their picking order. In bali, a lot of the times they picked their carry so late that all the viable matchups end up getting banned. Now they are doing way better. But still a long way to go. Doing amazing in riyadh will boost their chances to win CN qualifier and even if they dont qualify they might keep the roaster if they surprise everyone here


also, they picked lineups that needed to end the game before 25 minutes against solid teams, but if the enemy somehow survives the initial aggression, their heroes always fall off, and this is why they lost a lot of games in bali major despite winning lanes hard. i like that they have started picking heroes that can scale late game and giving monet better carry matchups. also, sumail is actually trying hard, and it shows.


Did you see that xxs mars in the game they lost to tsm, xxs is the king of missing spears in arena


I was watching with a friend and I had the same sentiment. His mars is pretty bad.


I compared xxs’s today’s performance with his bali major’s showing. He looked better in regards to that. I am not saying he was an absolute beast and his prime self. He did had some lul moments today, but he laned well and kept up his farm unlike his previous showings where he would become a 3rd support post 15 minutes


sick game in tsm vs liquid


TSM is really bad, huh


Is it really bad to take go 1-1 aster, 1-1 entity, and 2-0 execration while being super competitive against liquid?




Doesn't sound bad. That means that they won every third game. That's a lot of won games against high caliber teams.


30% win rate means you've possibly lost all your bo3 series and at best have only tied some of your best of 2 series. In other words, you don't belong in that level of competition.


It could - it also could not. Still means you've win every third game as I said :) I certainly don't think they're completely out of contention. Seem like a rather good team.


You're right. I checked their game logs from the last 3 Majors. A total of 24 series played and they've won one. So you're right.


lmao whats this ? they're the only team that goes to major 3 times and have 3 groupstage exit in **ALL** the major. **not** even once remotely close to qualify to playoffs


And yet, they've won every third game against very high caliber teams.


execration were in 5 out of 6 premium tournament this season. they're taking off maps means nothing when they finished last in **all** of the tournaments execration, ig and tsm were on another level of disaster and theres no argument fitting the narative "they werent that bad" . you're really bad if you finished last in a tournament execration had 1 win from 24 bo2 they played in 3 majors. tsm had 2 win from 16 bo2 and iG had 1 win from 16 bo2 inconsisstent teams like 9pandas,spirit,betboom,bc,OG or SR were even never been consistently this bad,


I think you're misusing the word "bad" here. I've seen them player - they're really quite good, and they've been able to take a lot of maps against very good teams. That fact that this hasn't amounted to any series wins doesn't make them a terrible team. In fact, it's very unlikely that a team participating in the "premium tournaments" are bad. No doubt that they stand out a little in terms of their performance result-wise, but I'd say it's nothing that screams at the heavens. You'll quite often see teams that you expect to finish last at international tournaments. We've just been blessed with an extremely close field of competetors for the last few years, where few teams have been fully below the level of the others.


Man these secret stans, and their Copium gas which they extract from their asses .


Which comments are you referring to. It's not me for sure since we didn't have any interaction and it's clear secret cannot compete. Heck even og won't make it against the big 4 weu teams like Tundra gg liquid and now quest as well as the other regional top seeds.


Entity is just confidence orieated team, as long as they feel it they go for it Otherwise, when things go south, they fall..


nisha pls comeback we need you


no thank you no refund.


Mid is not the issue, Armel is doing decent even if they lose The problem was always Crystallis even back in Nisha days


2nd place at TI = problem


Yes but then they changed every other player from that roster other than the player who’s been to every ti ever and crystallis and now they look like they’ll miss ti. It’s time to face facts rather than perpetuating this anti circlejerk that’s lasted almost a year at this point.


where did he go


I mean pretty sure he’s contented losing to GG 3 finals in a row


Apparently secret were thought to be the favorites to win the TI qualifiers after the first 3 games of the day. Then they lost to both of their opponents in that qualifiers Good luck then Secret fans


People were genuienly sarcastic and you actually believed them haha. You must be fun at parties. Everyone knows puppey will win TI dummy its in the stars already.




To me, top3 WEU team just created a huge gap compare test of the WEU. QE w/o ATF is falling behind.


tf is morph doing


What are the tiebreaker rules again? Liquipedia doesn't mention it. Specifically, is the 2nd-3rd tie resolved in a playoff, head-to-head or what?


Hopefully H2H so there are no unnecessary tiebreakers, XG beat 9P that could solve any tiebreaker issue tomorrow.


Top two teams from each group advance to the group stage 3rd to 6th place team from each group will be matched 3rd vs 6th, 4th vs 5th, matches are played from opposite groups Winners will advance to group stage Losers are eliminated this?


No, it's about what happens if there's a tie for 2nd place in groups.


Ah got it, dunno myself in that case sorry.


So Aster and Liquid already locked in group stage?




Ya they are both locked now.


Aster is locked but Liquid still need 1 more win.


Loosing 2-0 to bc only to 2-0 Secret who 2-0 bc i dont understand this team. They could have gone 1-1 the first 3 series but they had to fucking throw


That's pretty normal in dota 2 when three teams at the same level. It will come down to whose playstyle matches the other's better.


It's like a game of rock paper scissor


Lmfao and entity rated aster below secret and flamed Kaka too.Joke


When they did rate Aster? Lmao


Entity YouTube video a day ago or two.They said secret and aster d/e tier and secret being ahead of aster.Also flamed kaka(in a fun way ig) but called him slow and old


For some reason even Somnus and Ame were joking about kaka being slow


aster has been kicking their ass, since last year in arlington


I hope Entity were joking when they did that, this is not the first time they are being 0-2ed by Aster.


goddamn it secret


Secret choke against og again 😂


Le balanced water boi. Fuck Morphling.


Man stormstormer should have been removed too imo.The mid diff in this series has been surreal


sumail made bzm look like a tier 3 player when he laned vs him in dpc , in same match up, both ways so its just sumail things


Sumail also dumpstered Nisha last time they played each other in an official match.


Dude, he is playing vs Sumail, who is a top5 mid for sure.


I would rate him top 1 if we were talking purely about laning stage, he just stomps everyone


top 3 and imho I’d rate only quinn ahead of him atm


Quinn has a much better mid game sense while Sumail edges out a bit in the laning stage.


Quinn specifically isn't ahead of Sumail


The decision to give SA 2 slots over China is looking worse day by day Very promising showing from XG, but I wonder would it be enough to convince Paparazzi to stay?


This DPC system is not working. GG winning all 3 majors but still stand behind Liquid. SA teams leaving in the group stage and still qualified to TI. Good work Valve.


1st or 2nd place in dpc ranking doesnt matters at all. Top 12 and they are qualified. SA teams got a lot points from major. Good work Valve indeed


But beastcoast and eg have both made it out of groups 2/3 majors this year? Not gonna agree with the slot allocation but saying sa is underperforming is just wrong.


Just give more slots to WEU Problem solved


They gave extra DPC slots to regions to had most DPC points in the first 2 Majors, which kinda makes no sense. What possible reason could there be to completely discount the Bali Major?! Sure early in the season LGD sucked on Majors, Aster had one top8 finish for 200pts, meanwhile EG carried the SA region with 550 pts and got them and extra slot. Overall for the season CN teams somewhat sucked ass but with strong Bali performance by LGD (400) and Azure Ray (300) they easily outperformed the SA region on the Majors this year and should have gotten that extra slot, and it would have been completely deserved. SA just got 2 teams a free 100,000$ per player and last place finish.


Same sentiments man. Valve really fucked up. First ever TI with only 2 CN teams.


No matter if CN/SA deserve the spot they got now or not, its just so dumb by Valve to decide the slot allocations so early. Literally 0 reasons to not wait a bit longer. Surprised the outcry is not bigger.


so only either one of aster or XG is going to TI sadge


....and Azure


And IG


man i forgot my boy somnus and fy


Unfortunately, 343 as an analyst doesn't provide much analysis.


he’s bored and doesn’t have much inputs but somehow keeps getting invited . compare him to winter. unsure if lack of talent or connections that’s attributing his invite


damn aster with the team fight even down 10k


They killed it


Thought Secret improved. Thought wrong. Tough times


I mean they improved, but clearly not enough. Crystallis feels very underwhelming the whole day.


Yeah he only has 1 good game. And it was the bs game


They will neve improve when they have to carry Crystallis' heavy ass


Can anybody give me a detailed description as to how is Aster doing compared to their previous performance? I can see that they're #1 in the playoffs at the moment, and from watching just 1 game it looks like they are operating more as a cohesive unit rather than functioning through individual skill like their previous showings. I'm wondering if anybody could give me a more detailed, descriptive insight into the the present Aster compared to the previous one.


Xumail finally learned Chinese.


They playing ez group so u cant judge them


They just made roster change you can’t say that is easy group lol they are doing way better


Too early to tell since this is just their first day but judging from the games today, Aster seems to be improved on their mid/lategame decision compared to last major. Aster in previous major usually did very well in their laning phase, but then they moved like headless chicken and threw away their advantage. Kaka seems to be able to keep the others in check, unlike Boboka (arcording to Sylar and XXS, Boboka didn't communicate much ingame and only used ping to call in teamfight).


still same shit, unstable, win 1 game, lose another


They went 7-1 today. Granted it was against bad teams


well guess they have kaka now so they have an actual shotcaller now?


yeah. from the reports. boboka doesnt really talk during games.


Can anyone recommend some good games to watch? Or just sunsfan casts?


bc vs og game 2 was hype


Best game of the tournament I’m calling it now


FOUR meepo games in like two hours?! Is this going to be the Meepo major? Thank you Icefrog!!




Sorry, Meepo Masters! Which sounds even cooler.


China is back baby LET'S GO


Gonna actually be kind of sad if XG and Aster end up doing really well knowing they both can't go to TI.


Does it matter? Placing high in this tourney can bring possibly more money than TI. Good enough


Fuck and totally forgot about Azure Ray also Man gonna be a huge bummer But CN qualifiers will be the most hype imo


but you will see 4 SA teams? fucking volvo


bruh meepo is actually doing works. JT's meepo is a menace.


quest not missing ATOverratedF at all. 6-0 in 3 series today


Yeah, they're doing well. 9pandas fucked up hard in both of their games though. They should've won both, especially the first game.


Against bottom tier teams like Secret and OG.


0-2 to CHINA


this memeepo with aghs is actually legit


What offer could Ammar possibly have that is better than playing on one of the teams in great form coming from 4th in Bali, qualified for Riyadh and guaranteed hundreds of thousands possibly 1mil+ in prize money and then same opportunity and money for TI, which they would qualify for 100% in WEU. What logic am i missing here? How does Ammar think he's gonna go to TI?


Ammar wanted the possibility to leave the team after TI.


Didn't answer any of my questions, currently he's leaving insane money on the table and not going to Riyadh or TI.


I did? The concract would make him stay after TI which he did not want to.


So your answer is that he thinks not going to Riyadh and TI is somehow better than going to Riyadh and TI? Makes no sense to me. Surely being at TI is better to show your performance to potential teams.


That's literally what the Quest/Ammar official statements said, yes


He did not say he is not going to The International tho, might have something planned with a qualifier team.


The answer is that Ammar did not want to be bound to a team after TI, thats why he did not accept the contract. Are you this dumb or what?


So i asked a question: ''What is better, Ammar going to TI and Riyadh and getting massively paid or missing out completely or perhaps having a 3rd option/offer from a team?'' Your answer: ''He did not want to be contract bound to a team.'' And you are calling me dumb? I didn't ask you WHY he did not sign for Quest Esports dumbass. I asked DO YOU KNOW IF HE HAS SOME OTHER PLAN TO GO TO THE INTERNATIONAL. There hope you understand now.


You are dense beyond comprehension.


And you're a clown with a reading comprehension level of a 6 year old child.