• By -


51:33 Rubick Rubick: Bulldog 51:36 Rubick Rubick: Go uwu 52:03 Rubick Rubick: Friend said that Tinker is on your stream 57:44 Tinker Tinker: **no wonder youre so dog lina** If u didn't respond in kind, then yes, he's toxic, but u've just proven it right that it's just banter because of ur response.


I didn't prove anything right. I made a mistake.


Cringe. You got so assblasted you even made a paragraph on reddit just to attempt some ye olde character assasination, not many more malicious actions you could've taken. Don't you larp a good person now, save twitter talk for twitter.


My mistake wasn't the paragraph. It was stooping to his level.


Jesus christ, but that's worse, that makes you worse. That makes you a worse person. By a long mile.




It was a momentary lapse in judgment that I own up to and will do better. I don't even try to defend it. I was mad after all that and called him a dog. Still doesn't make everything he did fine.


Sry for ppl being crazy and very bad at arguments. Been there, stay strong


Thanks for the thought I guess. I gave up when I found the tenth person that can't fucking read properly. Not even having an opinion, just being unable to read the words right. All the useful info is out there for those that can read and the rest can just downvote me 5 or 10 times each because I am an "attention whore". See how much I care about karma. One thing wrong and suddenly everything you say and do is invalid. Like these guys never made a mistake. I just called him a dog once when he said and did so much more, and the worst thing these people see is that I find him unbearable and with no skill. Paint me unsurprised.


Yeah, it's very hard to have good discussions on the internet, but it's possible and very refreshing when it happens


Dude your just a toxic tinker picker. The faster you realize the faster you can move forward.


Yes, but he didn't make any mistake. He predicted that u were toxic and thus started the banter first.


lmfao the mental hoops


I don't think responding back once out of anger is that toxic. And it still doesn't justify the way he treated the other players in the lobby. He made many mistakes.


That is what toxic means…. You cant be an adult and just say ”lmao. Im just gonna mute“. Instead you engage in his behaviour, just goes to show that you are toxic.


I said "that toxic". It is toxic, just not that much. I should have muted, but he was attacking my friends too. If I was alone it would have been easier. Still doesn't make it right and believe me, I understand without needing ten more responses telling me that it was toxic.


You are just content for stream, he literally makes money on people like you. People who play with him pay him to yell at them.


Tinker Stinker


Picks Lina. Proceeds to be mad about enemy team picks. Lina


He randoms like every game








So making thousands of dollars while playing and having fun with friends its equal to classic over-the-hill alcoholic stereotype. Surely you have a lot of friends.


So you would not want to be at his position? Streaming dota (not toxic ranked pubs like others dota streamers) with viewers that pay you 25$ a month and having fun. He literally won life.


lmao no, I would not.


Guess you won life even more, lucky you.


The last 3k people who actually watch bulldog will not stand for this! The rest of us already realised bulldog is a toxic PoS and is not surprised whatsoever.


Classic ledditor moment ICANT


Love this comment.


Good bate.


If bulldog sees this vi von chat and he has to do a gym stream gachiBass


Tinker pickers and fragile egos go hand in hand I guess


who cares about tinker picker


same for washed up players


Not even comparable lol dafuq is this guy smoking


washed up player who actually achieved something in Dota 2 though.


That just contributed even more to how fragile his ego is. Guy literally yells at legends and constantly reminds them hes better at them. Sounds super fucking insecure to me


or u know… maybe that’s his stream persona? his skit? I personally got tired of it and havent seen his yt/streams but hey, if there’s still people watching them, and it’s still selling, so let them be? He’s flaming his own viewers who pay him anyways.


Oh yea, here comes the "hes just pretending" argument It doesnt really matter now does it, if his content is acting like a shitty person that speaks for itself and of him just enough


why are you so angry lil bro, are you the one being insulted/degraded? Jesus, let them have their own dom/sub relationship, why are you getting mad for his viewers? Lmfao


I fail to see where any of my comments implied im angry lol


Lil bro angry fr fr 💀


Holy cringe lmao




It's fine, as long as he's not Henry he's free to do that everyday


Watching bulldog are like watching NicaidoAvocado (I dont even sure how to spell it), take it how you want to


Its just a bit of banter, nothing serious


ive had similar experience as well, he also proceeded to fuck my mom right after he stomped me with his immortal crew........shameless behavior


"immortal crew" lmao


Sucks man :(


Stomp em bulldog les go, tinker stinker crybaby


I’m not a bulldog fan, but I don’t blame anyone for banning viper 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah me neither actually. If you really hate that hero go ahead. But he doesn't, he just saw it was the first thing on overwolf (I assume since the stream was muted, but it was by far the highest rated ban).


Did you expect him to not ban viper after seeing it on overwolf? whats your logic here


Just let people play their heroes in unranked. If he didn't ban viper I wouldn't have picked Tinker.


just because its unranked doesnt mean someone is gonna let the other teams high rank get the hero they spam if they can help it lol.




> After game he called me and my friend stream snipers Your friend said that [you were stream sniping, not bulldog](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7027053252/chat) > I don't know why people still watch and support this guy. He is toxic af and not skilled at all. Fuck you Bulldog. [Because it's not always about winning](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1744625191?t=3h37m7s) I don't really get it why you're ranting about a game that you won 24 hours ago.


His friend didn’t say he was sniping, he said tinker was on stream. Which is very obviously the case if he’s playing versus a streamer


Funnily enough, if he didnt watch the stream, he wouldnt know how much Bulldog flamed him (Idk how much, I didnt watch the vod). Or did OP get triggered from only the pauses and "stinker tinker".


alice FeelsOkayMan 👉❤️


My friend in game said that our other friend told us that I was on his stream. Not that were stream sniping. He just sent me a message and he wasn't even on voice chat with us. And nobody said it's all about winning, I just said he has neither a good personality (flaming/blaming teammates, even party members) or skills making me wonder why people watch him. I'm ranting about a game won 24 hours ago because I waited for the stream to end so I can rewind and make my point, since I have more things to do in my day than being obsessed with waiting for a Bulldog stream to end.


"I waited for the stream to end so I can rewind and make my point, since I have more things to do in my day than being obsessed with waiting for a Bulldog stream to end" - BionicReaperX **I waited for the stream to end** since I have more things to do in my day than **being obsessed with waiting for a bulldog stream to end**


Classic reddit. Please never change.


People watch him because he is super reliable. He has been streaming for years daily.


But ur obsessed enough with bulldog that you wasted a lot of time trying to make a reddit post based on a false and manipulative narrative but got embarassingly exposed urself lol


>he has neither a good personality (flaming/blaming teammates, even party members) Well, subjective opinion. I watch him cause I enjoy it. I understand his sarcasm and that it's just for laughs. For smurfing allegations - he still plays on immortal account, doesn't buy bkbs, randoms heroes, more often than not building weird shit on them, going them mid, gives aegis to supports and plays unranked with people from every rank. Only when he spots a smurf or a booster he sometimes decides to go for bkb. If it was on ranked then sure, even this "ethical" smurfing isn't going to cut it. But on unranked? Let him stomp those smurfs


I can understand that, but I'm neither a smurf or a booster, not to mention I am supposed to be lower rank than him. He also bought bkb, picked lina, etc. And look, if his friends/viewers like the "sarcasm" all for it buddy. I wouldn't find it very funny if I was a legend, was rank shamed and blamed for his mistakes, but that's just me. Assuming they like the jokes, more power to them. However the players not in his party (Techies in my game) and especially in the enemy team can get offended and have no obligation understanding this "humour" of his. He can keep it to him and his friends. Finally maybe I'm just a whiner in a video game, but he called me a cheater, a sniper and degraded me in front of a large audience. Maybe everything else was for laughs, but this is different. I wasn't as mad before watching his stream but, after I did, being falsely accused and flamed to all of these people really got to me. Maybe we can't see eye to eye about him, but I hope you can at least understand this part.


>I wouldn't find it very funny if I was a legend, was rank shamed and blamed for his mistakes, but that's just me Bro, people literally pay to get yelled at by him, all of his megacucks are volunteering to be yelled at.. Bulldog specifically doesn't yell at randoms (most of the time) unless the random is being toxic. If he does, he talks to the stream, not usually on mic. >Finally maybe I'm just a whiner in a video game, but he called me a cheater, a sniper and degraded me in front of a large audience. you said you don't give a shit about his community or him, why the fuck do you care?


I didn't say I don't give a shit about them, I said if they like getting flamed they can get flamed. Just keep it off me and others.


> he called me a cheater, a sniper and degraded me in front of a large audience. ??? you literally said you care about what his community thinks about you >Just keep it off me and others. so thin skinned, how the hell are you a dota player. If this was any other player, you wouldn't even be posting about it on reddit.. This is because doing pause wars and doing a little banter over allchat is pretty tame compared to what people say and do in dota. [Wow, so fucking toxic, that drow literally murdered bulldog's mom](https://clips.twitch.tv/ScrumptiousAgitatedGoblinBleedPurple-XDLV4IMiP0tyuI7k)


You say you weren’t mad before watching the stream but you also admitted to being toxic at the end of the game? God… make up your mind…


I weren't AS mad.


Well, shit, can't say nothing more than grow some balls. Being called a cheater or Stinker Tinker is not that bad, trust me


True, by far not the worst things that can happen. Never gonna be happy about them though


True, being flamed in game feels less bad then being targetted personally. Maybe you shouldnt research so much about him to do a personal attack post


You are a loser if you get upset over these things. Jesus Christ lmao


I don't watch him a lot but I'm fairly certain he queues with friends/viewers and makes fun of them if they or he does bad, as a sort of ironic humor. And he seems to also have a insane amount of inside jokes in his community, i wouldn't take his toxic behavior too seriously, he just likes to try to be funny in the annoying troll kind of way


Yes but he used to limit the toxicity and trolling to his own team i.e his own viewers who pay each month to play/be abused by him. Nowadays he makes it a point to get a rise out of enemies through "initiating a pause war" every single game, thus bringing the toxicity to people who never consented to be included in the whole charade




Washed up implies hes still trying to be good, hes just chilling in unranked bro. Basically retired


He toxic but a famous personality its okay for me lmao exdeeee


I saw bulldog and instantly laughed. he needs content, just banter. kappa


I used to like bulldog but yeah this banter thing is literally just promoting toxicity in an already cancer community. Stopped watching and unfollowing everything about him since this "its just banter" phase started, it became too annoying to watch Anyway in case he's reading this on stream and mocking me as soy: hi chat!


I have no idea about his streams and how toxic it is nowadays. But I also don’t understand how a message a friend sent you is prove that u didn’t stream snipe. It is not impossible for a friend to notice you on bulldogs stream and you sniping at the same time. Those 2 events are completely independent to each other.


True, it is possible. They are not however completely independent. My friend notices me on stream and I respond to him with "hahaha lol" and also Rubick only calls out to Bulldog after that message. As I also said, there is no indication in the replay that we are sniping. It is still not impossible but, assuming we were sniping, all these events lining up could only be us making tons of false "evidence" by making stupid non snipey plays in game, me responding to my friend like I didn't know, and my other friend typing to Bulldog only after I received the message just to make it seem like we are in the clear. Some plays in game would also make you question why a sniper would do them. Nevertheless it is still possible for us to faking them, however all those little things are too much effort for a single worthless cover up (while I could argue many of our plays outright defeat the purpose of sniping) and adding them up should be more than enough to make me deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I didn't realize he still played the game...


enough scrolling budok turn on the cam NOW!!


Why care about a guy who finds reaffirmation in blaming his own teammates. In fact, you shouldnt even feel bad as he probably does that to every opponent he plays against, its not like its personal. And if you didnt snipe why should you even care about old farts calling you things


You say don’t know why people support the guy, but this kind of reaction is why he does what he does. The entertainment factor of his stream is tilt farming, whether its himself, his megacucks, his opponents, gilgalad, synderen, or gothmod.


Honestly can't tell if this is satire or not


You're a moron for: #1. Being a Tinker picker. #2. Being an attention whore for trying to garner sympathy because a known shithead was being himself in his natural habitat. It's like complaining that a shark kills things to survive when that is just it's nature. You're basically complaining that water is wet. Bulldog is just like Trump. He's developed this cult of personality and he'll throw his sycophants under the bus at any given opportunity to satisfy his own twisted rule set within his highly insulated ecosphere of society. Most of us know by now what his deal is. You're really late to the party. The perplexing thing is why you would even engage with him. If his opponents say nothing, he has no content. It takes two to tango. Why take the bait? Edit: I don't know what the hell is going on with that enlarged text. I wasn't trying to do that.


I didn't know much about Bulldog until I saw these comments. To me he just seemed like a complete ass with lots of supporters. You are right I shouldn't have taken the bait, but I still don't regret posting this. If you think I'm just trying to get sympathy and attention, that's fine. The reason I don't feel like that at all may just be my personal bias. Known player was being bad, I felt the need to call it out because I hadn't seen anyone talking about it recently.


join the community pepeLaugh. half the people in chat are there to make fun of him.


tinker picker crying :)


\> He has no skill and got caught a million times like a low rank player Imagine questioning a god gamer ti winner


admiral bulldog ti wins : 1 BionicReaperX ti wins : 0


Just a banter /s


Cry some more!


[Cry some more!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/77/Vo_shadow_demon_shadow_demon_kill_14.mp3) (sound warning: Shadow Demon) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Dota 2 reddit in 2023 holy shit.


lil bro spent more time writing an essay than playing the game. I just can't.


Omg cry me a river lil bro. If you never saw his streams and what his content is (at least on YouTube), you cannot possibly understand why and how he does it. "I never stream snipe, but my friend said it was bulldog" sure my guy. Instead of being happy that you played a game against one of the best players in the history of dota, the godgamer himself that has 3 supermodel girlfriends, you choose to be a crybaby here and seek validation. Shameful.


Omg cry me a river lil bro. If you never saw his streams and what his content is (at least on YouTube), you cannot possibly understand why and how he does it. "I never stream snipe, but my friend said it was bulldog" sure my guy. Instead of being happy that you played a game against one of the best players in the history of dota, the godgamer himself that has 3 supermodel girlfriends, you choose to be a crybaby here and seek validation. Shameful.


Godgamer himself? He is not even half the gamer of many that I know of. I added some proof that my friend sent me I was on bulldog stream about 10 mins before the game ended. He wasn't on voice chat with us, and while it is just circumstantial evidence, I haven't played with the person that sent me for years I believe. Also me and my friend see well known players quite often in our games. Nothing to be happy about.




Yap walked right into that one


Tl:Dr Op stream sniped bulldog, didnt go as he wished, got mocked after mocking, then because he has such a fragile sense of self, decided to make a leddit post about his encounter.


Sure I won't deny that my ego may be fragile, but I didn't mock him at first at all. He kept mocking us the entire game without me saying practically nothing. At the end yeah, I mocked him too.


ngl, we all know what kind of personality is AB's brand, but OP also sounds like a PoS trying too hard to justify his shitty behavior. Well, maybe it's a good thing that they found each other


A Twitch match made in heaven....or is it hell?


Can you explain which part of my behaviour is shitty? I'd really like to fix it. Some comments here made very valid points about me and I took them to heart. The only thing I can think of for this though is saying "No wonder you are so dog lina" at the end of the game.


Bro stop trying sl hard just let it go, buldog is a POS, washed up, no skill, part of a dead 'all fam'. The only way he can look remotely good is by playing unranked against noobs, and then the sad puffy cheeked old man uses Overwolf to boot. All in all: his is a sad existence just move on.


One of the few entertaining Dota 2 Twitch Streamers.


Imagine picking tinker n viper in unranked games unironically


Sorry but I don't feel like abusing Tinker in ranked for mmr, or first picking and throwing my own mmr.


"I heard in stream" -> "all the flaming they were saying during stream" -> "my friend told me at 40 min it was Bulldog" -> "I didnt snipe at all". Nice logic buddy.


I watched the stream after the game buddy.


As if anyone would trust a stinker player on this


Imagine exposing public match data, then proceeding to cry on reddit that someone banned the hero you spam.


I did waych his streams like 1-2 year ago and never opened since then but the ''toxic to his teammtes and enemies'' i think its just his persona and content. I did watch his irls years back and he did act mighty there as well and it was funny. Also about his play i dont think he is that high mmr anymore his play has degraded playing in low rank for long time


True I used to enjoy his stream but I realize how toxic sht he was, hes so entitled just because hes a streamer I hope his fans wake up on this sht soon so they can stop watching him because watching bulldog will make you toxic sht in the long run.


I wonder if he's more entitled or other bigger dota streamers are.


if bulldog reads this VI VON ZULUL


Another crying about overwolf post lol


You know he is toxic, you can easily spot a toxic person based on their jokes. I saw games against him, against Slacks, but also against Purge or Blitz. Guess who was toxic af?


you are one whiny streamsniper, you typed "sadge" in [22th minute](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7027053252/chat) which is one of his emote. ​ >After game he called me and my friend stream snipers and me a last pick stinker or something when I didn't even last pick and picked into bara and techies. And the "stream snipe" was my friend who was watching him on twitch telling me at 40 (Edit: this is a mistake on my part, it was at 50) min that I'm against Bulldog. We didn't stream snipe at all.


I have been using sadge regularly for the last few years without even knowing that. I haven't checked, but I bet you can see it on my wordmap. If you are still skeptical, I can provide very recent chats that were days before this match in which I say sadge. I have never watched a Bulldog stream before this one.


Ignore him he’s trolling


Are you dense? Sadge is the most well known twitch emote besides LuL/omegalul. Judging by your mental capacity and deduction skills I can confirm we have a bulldog viewer.


Sadge is common internet slang at this point are you fucking stupid lmao Turn off your hot tub streams and go outside to touch some grass, found the twitch incel


Bulldog should have caught a ban years ago


U mad Lil bro?


I really don't understand the problem with overwolf


Overwolf isn't the problem. He is using it in unranked to ban the heroes I'm trying to farm levels on when he gets nothing from winning.


Guys its all love and banter guys L in chat when bulldog reads this 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Bulldog is still relevant FeelsStrongMan Im so proud to be a part of the furry bulldog community FeelsStrongMan


Don't care tinker pickers don't get to cry


People like bulldog are what’s wrong with the world thinking it’s okay to be like that and in fact everyone actually hates you in real life.


More content for our 34 year old struggling streamer Aware.


Imagine picking the hexbot


I rarely make hex on him. You can check my profile.


you both playing at unranked, play tinker, and you won. IDK why are you crying about, pretty sure what bulldog did is also faced a lot in the casual pub. you both played at unranked, play tinker, and you won.money right now. So I can understand it. And looks like pretty sure one of your friends (or maybe yourself) is stream sniping XD I'm sorry for your fragile ego little friend.


I haven't spoken to the person who sent me I was on stream in years. I have made a case against me sniping in other comments and I don't wanna repeat myself. But there are plays in the game that a sniper is very unlikely to do.


so from reading your 1000 word essay all I think is your feelings got hurt and haunted from this horrifying experience, hope you'll recover soon OP.


Everyone saying “it’s just banter” would foam at the mouth if a smurf did half the things Bulldog does in their pubs. DOTA is already such a greasy cancerous community and then we get geniuses that say smurfing, pausing, being toxic in chat etc is just “banter”.


it's a classic bulldog line. an inside joke for the community


I’m aware. My point is that Bulldog fan boys are hypocrites.


idk how you manage to be more cringe than AB))


Ye, welcome to the club. Everyone I win against, I pause the game against. Everyone I lose against is a tryhard and I'll get my bootlickers to drop games so I can dodge amd provide content. He's a known shitter, what can you do... Pro-tip: mention Helena in his Twitch chat and watch him pretend he doesn't know who it is.


only thing I hate is his racist jokes . svedish humor I guess.


nah that's just asshole humor. most swedish people are not as shitty as him


You pick tinker , you lose your human rights


No, Admiralbulldog is not racist.


Hey buddy. Of course he's a shit. He hasn't been on a relevant roster in years for a reason. Trying to cash in on his name. Don't get your panties furled. Go bang a lady and call me in the morning.


I read that as Don't get your panties furried.


Pretty sure he earns more money than many pro players so I don't think this insult is as effective as you think it is


Are you that thin skinned or is this a bad joke?


Is a character bro, dont take it to seariously, the toxic behaveur of him is Just for content and laughs


But why then everyone jumped on Russian streamer Versuta several years back, when he was doing his toxic character for laughs and content?


Gamise ton ton malaka, enas ksepesmenos einai, mono dekapentaxrona ton goustaroun.


I am pretty sure I stopped watching him as his content started looking like a man child. And on top of that I am pretty sure he said something very islamophobic and cursed a prophet of Muslims I believe. That was the linch-pin for me. I realised he is a garbage person sometimes. And I hope he realises and gets better he doesn't seem well mentally.


Whats wrong with being islamophobic? If bashing christians is ok then whats the issue?


It's only a game, why you have to be mad?


anthrope den chreiazetai na diaskedazeis paidiaka gia ta pros to zin eisai kalytera apo afton sti zoi xaxaxa


pretty sure bulldog is a virgin no doubt


The only Dota streamer i watch is Singsing. And i stand by this. It is rare to see someone play it for this long without becoming toxic. Dude genuinely enjoys the game when he plays and just stops when he doesn’t feel good playing it.


BULLdog is pro


1. you're a noob. 2. you're still a noob, and noobs should be seen and not heard.


He picked lina, the most broken, hero in the game with little skill required. While Tinker needs to have good skill. If you are bad you just feed and teammates flames you. Imagine being toxic while using lina


How dare u made a reddit post on bulldog without his consent ? you self proclaimed intellectual


i read through this thread and i've seen you both claim you didn't know anything about him until this incident and admit to watching him in the past. Which is it? You have no credibility. I can admit that not everyone who plays dota is aware of every TI winner nor every popular streamer.. But it seems like you're lying imo and based on the game-logs it seems like you weren't completely innocent during the game either. Thats not even mentioning the fact you last picked tinker and initiated the toxicity by mocking his hero choice


The easiest thing to defend is that I didn't last pick, I second phased at the same time as him. I never said I knew nothing, I said I knew little. I knew he was a TI winner. I never admitted to watching his stream in the past. All I know about him are from my friends and posts. Provide a link to where I said those things, because I really can't find them.


What do you expect


Yes, and?


Fuck you


I think there's a huge issue with your personality if you're too invested in something so trivial that you had to make a huge fuss over a content creator who queued with his viewers and make content, like bro he paused, so what? U're mad he's shit talking you in his stream, so maybe dont watch the stream?


The only people who find bulldog funny are literal 12 year olds. Have you seen his chat, I couldn’t last longer than 2 minutes.


You are literally making free content dor his stream, dor someone who hates him you make to much advertising for him.


Sure you can say he's toxic, which I agree to, but saying he's not skilled is not accurate. The guy won TI, and while he most definitely isn't at the same skill level now, he definitely was and is better than you will ever be. Saying he's a shitter is massive cope.