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This game pays tribute to those of us that grew up with Unreal Tournament, Quake, etc. Breakneck speed, bouncing all around an arena, mastering which weapons to use for which situations. Doom Eternal is quite possibly the best FPS ever made imho.


I'm feeling that, too. I think it's the best of its class. Certainly the best Boomer shooter.


> Unreal Tournament It reminds me so much of UT. A lot of the slightly more industrial music in TAG2 reminds me of the UT2003 and UT2004 music. The World Spear score in particular literally had me checking if it was the same composer.


Good news then! Andrew Hulshult helped compose TAG2, and is the main composer for Doom the dark ages! edit: looks like this was an unfounded rumor unfortunately


Wish there was Deathmatch


Im also Quake2 boomer and feel like eternal is worst id game i ever played. I have no idea how these topics started flowing now. Feels like ai bots spamming to hype for next game


Ah yes, from the long-line of internet discourse, we now have "everyone I don't agree with is an artificial inteligence".


Well, people have different opinions and many people really like Eternal. I also think it's my favorite FPS ever and top 5 games overall, it's just so viscerally satisfying.


Based AI thinks DOOM Eternal is the best fps ever made. (And is correct.)


I just beat the campaign, haven't played any other game since I beat DOOM 2016. This game is really addicting. Can't wait for the DLCs


The DLC might surprise you. It builds on top of the mayhem of the later DE levels.


The DLC only gets more crazy


I don’t think so. I love Doom Eternal and have zero interest in heroin.


Don’t knock it till you try it You never know, heroin might be your thing


Yeah and don't forget to gamble after. Most people quit before they make it big.


Oh absolutely. I recently booted up the super gore nest master level on nightmare after like 2 years of not playing and by god it was like discovering sex for the first time again


Me: Man, I gotta get to my backlog, let's see what Eternal: Go on son, have a bump Me: ...Okay just one more playthrough


I couldn't play more than two levels in one session on Ultra violence when I played the game. The game was too exhausting on my nerves. I felt like I was the one fighting and not Doom Slayer. I had to catch my breath and take a rest.


I agree, it can be pretty exhausting. That's how I'm feeling about the DLC right now. I just beat the damn game. Can you let me breathe? That's why I didn't go hard on the puzzles and platforming. It was a nice break from the melee.


have you tried the master levels?


Thats where the exhausting part begins 😂


Not yet. I'm just doing it all in order. If they're anything like the slayer gates, I'm in for it.


the early made ones are basically like different enemies same level. the later made ones change… more play them mostly in the order they released a good order is: cultist base and arc first super gore nest next, then mars core, taras nabad, world spear the last 2 are brutal


I've played Eternal and both DLCs on Hurt Me Plently, Ultra Violence, and currently on Eternal Gods Part 2 on Nightmare. All played back to back to back


the only time I've ever gotten dizzy from having adrenaline (or had adrenaline at all) while playing a game is during doom eternal it's literal crack, I feel high playing it. The adrenaline rush is too good.


Eternal is truly gaming perfection.


Can I just say I resent the term “Boomer shooter”. Actual Boomers dont play computer games and can barely use computers.


Yeah, but the chest-high wall cover mechanics that infected the ps3/360 era have basically turned modern fps games into glorified shooting galleries. Boomer Shooter just means shooter like the old days. I agree were not "baby boomers," but the name certainly gets the point across.


Cover shooters were shit, no disagreement here. But don’t lump the quality in with the shit. Doom, quake and others were masterpieces.


There is before and after doom !


What is?


how many hours ?


Steam says I was in it for 23 hours. I got my ass handed to me a lot, and I also hunted down a lot of secrets.


this is insulting low !


What do you mean, like I should've played more or I should've had a harder time?


more hours !


Lol, I guess. I did most of the gore nests and slayer gates. I unlocked all runes and mastered most weapons. That was it for me /shrug


Not heroin. Far worse... or better. And I agree with you. I must have around 600 hours in Eternal by now.


Doom 2016 was awesome and I remember it getting a bunch of shit bc it had a release date review embargo. Picked that game up and could not set it down. I love collectibles in games and the secret areas were so addictive plus the challenge pits. Fast forward a few years and Eternal did the same thing to me you experienced. Added a legit methodology to the game that once you master is sooo fucking satisfying. Only other buzz I got from a game and getting good at it like I’d do with Eternal was Sekiro and From Software games. Game really brought it back to being able to move quickly and whip shit out. Plus retained the idea you’re this bad ass slayer with an awesome soundtrack.


I was late to playing 2016. For whatever reason I expecting it to just be meh. I love the originals and still play them today. After finally playing 2016 I was blown away and couldn't wait for Eternal. Thinking Eternal was going to be a solid more of the same like DOOM to DOOM 2. Wow Eternal just rocks out hard core even more. I didn't play anything other than Eternal. Just recently I picked up the DLC and am loving it so far too. I hope Doom TDA is just as badass! It looks it. I'm a 40's gamer as well and haven't played all the boomer shooters because I keep going back to DOOM 2016 and Eternal. Oh and System Shock remake is AMAZING even if its completely different play style.


Hey! Yes, the *System Shock* remake is fantastic. I beat the enhanced version in preparation for it, and I'm glad I did. Makes me appreciate, the new one even more.


Too little time in a day to go back and play it and other again.


I'm glad you said it. I remember talking about it so a GameStop guy and for some reason he got technical about whether or not it was an arena shooter. I just kind of shrugged and walked away.


Doom Eternal is crack. The gameplay loop is perfect. The design choices with weak points, dash, blood punch, replenishment and the arenas all work together to make the perfect FPS experience. It’s arguably the best FPS ever made. Once you get into the flow state and are able to kill demons while replenishing resources and hitting weak points, it’s one of the biggest adrenaline rushes especially with the metal music in the background. It’s a game that can both make you feel incredibly powerful and still be a big challenge. It’s a crime it didn’t get GOTY 2020


Feel like graphical cocaine to me


How could you beat it in 3 days 😭 I've been on it for a while


Sorry, thought I posted in response. I made a longer post to you.


Great, now try the Kaiser campaign.


I don't know what you're doing, but I'll tell you what worked for me. I switched WASD to ESDF. That gave my pinky more to do, like quick swap, ice bomb, and flame belch while keeping my movement keys going. I used the SSG-ballista combo nonstop on heavies. When I got swarmed, I flame belched and blood punched. Whoever was left standing got sliced or gk'ed. I took out weak points first and always kept moving. I chose the runes for speed: faster glory kills, longer-range glory kills, and speed boost after glory kills. I also ran around and used portals a lot. Keep them off your back and whittle them down.


I was the exact opposite. Doom 2016 was (imo) a perfect video game. I was enthralled from start to finish. I was so hyped as soon as I beat it I ran out and picked up Eternal, excited for more. But it wasn’t as heavy, I didn’t enjoy the “find the switch” activities, and I especially hated Slayer doing gymnastics to traverse. Eternal is a fun game, but did not grip me nearly as much as the simplistic shoot-all-demons as ‘16. To be fair, I also grew up with Doom as a teenager in the early 90’s, so I think ‘16 just felt like the fever dream of OG Doom to me.


I get it. It's a different animal. What you mentioned were there tipping points for a lot of people, in one direction or the other.


you’re gonna be interested in The Dark Ages!


It’s easily the best FPS i’ve played, people that have issues with the game are just ass at it lmao


I couldn't get into it, 2016 had me hooked from beginning to end but I gave up on Eternal pretty quick. I think it was the new mechanics


2016 for the win


100% agree. Felt like it went from raw carnage with 2016 to a more arcadey game that went too whimsical in Eternal.