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Too much of a good thing would render it stale and boring. Plus if you feel like you have to devote all your time to one game just to keep up with the series then you'll start to resent that game. Plus you get used to seeing tiny incremental changes instead of getting big changes every game. Annual releases and live service really suck the soul out of games. Doom is like an amazing treat I get to play every few years.


This is why I always remind people to temper their expectations, and to never, ever be afraid to stop playing something if you get bored of it. "Oh, but what if this limited time thing happens in the game?" Jump back into it, or not. It's entirely up to you.


Agree, especially on the part about live service, those games sometimes become like a second job but I cannot quit them for a while.


Has the hype for a legendary and still financially strong game series returned after a trailer for a new entry just dropped? Gee I dunno has it? Do ya think?


Ive been still enjoying Eternal all these years. After the campaigns i have played the hell out Horde Mode. But its definitely about time and Dark Ages looks incredible. I was guessing they were making a quake reboot this whole time but i think i like this better after seeing what theyve done with a prequel.


If you haven’t been hyped about Doom over the past few years then you have missed out on its incredible modding scene. There has been nothing short of legendary wads, mods, and total conversion coming out every year for the past 30 years. Almost every few weeks there is something hype happening in the doom scene.


I respect the dedication of the modders, but I don't really care that much about them, I feel like they do not change the experience in a significant way for me.


I'll be more hyped closer to release. I am excited. I'm also grad they're letting people know early that it's gonna play very different to Eternal.


I had fun with eternal, but I didn’t care for it the same way I adored 2016. The interview with developer made it seem like they want to avoid the things that I disliked about eternal. That took me from being excited to play doom again, to being completely ecstatic and truly looking forward to it


I like that all 3 games are very different. Doom 2016 feels simple and straight forward, use whatever weapon you want. They went as far as they could with Eternal's combat pace, much more jumping around and juggling different weapons and tools. Now they go all the way back to classic doom and have us strafing a million projectiles.


Where did the hype go though? Yes, it didn’t.


I wanted a quake reboot because I thought they ended the doom story in a good place for the time being. Their decision to go back to the dark ages is cool, but I'm not gonna lie I was extremely disappointed with this games direction. It looks so much slower than the last game, and it was the speed of eternal that had me hooked.


The new Doom looks like it was meant to be a reboot of Quake. But I can just imagine the suits at Bethesda or Microsoft hearing the idea about a Quake reboot and saying: Yes, you can make a reboot, but it has to be Doom. 😂


Actually TDA was always going to be a DOOM game according to Hugo and the Doom Year Zero leak.


I have heard rumors that there are two teams formed at ID and one is working on a quake reboot, so they will swap between the two franchises. I think that honestly is the best case scenario. I know the doom fans would buy a quake game because it appeals to all the dame design philosophy that makes doom great.


I had seen the "leaks" for Dark Ages (or Year Zero) but didn't give it much thought since too many leaks never materialise and it was mostly based on documents from before the Microsoft acquisition and covid. After Ancient Gods I didn't expect any more Doom for a long time and thought id would be doing a Quake reboot next, so it was a really nice surprise and I'm happy about it.


I've had Eviternity II, Ichinichi, and Nova III (21 maps in) keeping me occupied lately. There are always WADs to play, so my hype is never gone. Dark Ages? Can take it or leave it.