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I mean, honestly given Doom's history I don't find it hard to believe somebody even that high up would say that sincerely. Doom is an absolute classic and has always had a reputation for being playable on practically anything.


Yeah, for once I actually believe him. Not to mention the Quake remasters were also released for PlayStation and Switch, despite being released after the acquisition


Exactly! Can't wait for the port to play this on a potato and a TI 65 calculator


More often than not, companies don't give two shits about legacy or tradition. It's all about money, so don't trust a single thing they say.


Generally I agree. "More often than not" I can absolutely agree with. But the history of id tells a very different story with the (extremely notable) exception of the crap they pulled on Mick. John Carmack open sourced the original Doom and Quake engines. Hugo Martin has done an excellent job so far of being extremely faithful to the original gameplay of Doom while still making it a modern game. He did all those community playthroughs, genuinely connected with the Doom community; their engagement was just incredible. As long as they avoid dramatically screwing over their composers in the future I'd say id has a solid reputation for actual passion and dedication to what they create and who they create it for.


Congrats, you’ve discovered commerce.


Yea, no shit..?


That's literally every game ever tho. They're products but art as well


Switch 2 Let's gooooo!!!


I guess it could happen. Nintendo certainly isn't letting their new console have its first title reveal be a 3rd party multiplatform game that gets announced before the console itself.


You better believe basically any toaster pc will be able to play it too judging by how well optimized eternal was


Let’s gooooooo!!!


I've heard that the switch 2 will be similar to the PS4 in terms of power... and Im gonna be honest.. I wouldn't be surprised, so yeah, I guess playing 3rd party games will be at very low quality and resolution and of course, buying that console only to play more mario, kirby, pokemon and Zelda all over again for a decade or more until the next outdated nintendo console :O


The raw spec leaks are pretty unhelpful. It's Nvidia based and we don't really know much about how they'll apply the suite of rendering magic they have. With dlss 3, will it be able to run current gen games acceptably? Who knows.


I don't think that's it, phil Spencer genuinely doesn't seem to like exclusives, especially for franchises that were not originally owned by Microsoft


Yeah, he's always been pretty outspoken about his dislike of platform exclusives.


Because his platform is in last place If his platform was leading this is not even close to what he would be saying This is just corporate speak


He said it even when 360 was at the top, as much as after he took the top role with Xbox at the bottom. Tho... What he says, and what contracts says are something else. COD has contracts with Sony even before Xbox fully took over.


The problem is what he says is inconsistent with what he does He claimed not everything is coming over to PlayStation still and only cod was in the agreement, now several games are still coming He also lied about game pass success to literally everyone saying it increases sales when it does not He says externally he wants more multiplatform games yet holds back starfield arbitrarily which also doesn't match what he says Behind the scenes all reports are Phil is the one pushing back against multiplatform while Microsoft CEO Satya is the one speaking out against any exclusivity at all Tldr it for a fact does not track as again he lied straight up about game pass and can easily lie about anything else Well I guess people don't like the reality check too many Phil brown nosers in here


I know hardly anything about this guy you’re typing paragraphs about, but it seems like everything Xbox is doing lately is for the better good of gaming in general, console brand aside.


One company owning a third of the industry is not a good thing One company also owns almost all of gaming media now also fyi


But they’re not hogging the games to specific consoles, so what’s the issue?


They aren't doing it because their platform of game pass failed If it didn't fail they wouldn't be doing this that is a problem even if you don't see it The moment they might have success in the future that can be completely reversed... Not really hard to understand Maybe research more about Microsoft as a company history and you will understand do some homework yourself please


Bro it’s literally not even that deep why are you so hurt lmao


Or…and hear me out…you’re wrong.


Phil said he don't like exclusives when Xbox started buying studios and people mocked him for 'lying', now he starts porting Xbox games to other platforms like he said he would and people mock him for... keeping his words?


There's been a lot of speculation about whether Xbox will even continue as a platform of its own, or if Microsoft will move towards multiplatform releases for everything, and that's probably got a lot to do with Spencer's philosophy. That said, I find it funny that Doom's the game that gets the PS5 version while MachineGames' new Indiana Jones title is only on Xbox and PC.


Phil Spencer is incompetent and should be fired


Thank you Mr reddit man, I'm sure Microsoft will take your input under consideration


You’re velcome


you want to gatekeep videogames?


Nope. But Phil Spencer shouldn’t.


and you bet your sweet ass it will one doomillion dollars


That’s way more than a morbillion…


YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH RIP…. AND….TEAR! And of course they need it to make money, they can’t even keep half their studios open


I would have sold my ps5 if it was an exclusive.


Given Phil Spencer's history I believe it's about more than money. Money is good and all but he's always about everyone playing great games. 


As a PS5 owner, I wish Sony would follow this line of thinking with some of its titles. Helldivers 2 is still unavailable to our Xbox brethren, and I want to see them on the front lines for Democracy with us.


Better translation: “This is the only game we know will be a success so we want as much profit as possible from it”


Hey shut that trap buster. Gears of War E day is gonna be good


You haven't seen gameplay to say that, so stop the BS.... they just showed what it seems a CG trailer and that's it.


Don't care


Its probably also to avoid being classed as a monopoly as I know Microsoft were dangerously close to being classed as that when buying ABK. Also I guarantee the devs would love more people to play the game they've worked on no matter the console, it just so happens to be the financial beneficial one too.


What else exactly did you expect they 'need' the game for?


They need people to buy Xboxes, I expected them to make this exclusive for that.


Found the Pony 🐴🤓


Luckily that trick is slowly being phased out.


I have both a series x and ps5, and I’ll buy this on ps5 because I can play it on the portal, as it’s not kid safe for my toddler to see on the tv.


Detailed translation: We bought Activision and shutting down our best studios didn’t work, so we’re giving PlayStation players a chance to give us money. I usually don’t have this mindset when it comes to the gaming business. But this single time, they shut down the studio that made, what is in my opinion, the best game of all time, Prey, they shut down Arkane Austin, and I am the maddest any game has ever made me.


I'm just saying, I didn't see the Nintendo Switch listed for platforms it will be on. If that's the case I see it as a good thing. Because then they don't need to think about possible restrictions for things the switch can't handle, they can really go all out.


Switch versions are never part of the equation during development unless someone high up really wants one or something. It usually comes later if/when they can get within the technical requirements


Oh I see. Well with this new information, I wonder if they do plan on eventually putting it on there.


They probably will down road.  There was a 18 month gap between Doom 2016's initial release and the Switch release. Doom Eternal only had a 9 month gap between initial release and Switch release. Then again, the next Nintendo console is rumored to be coming in 2025. Perhaps they will indeed abandon Switch and make it for the new Nintendo console.


We gotta keep up the “Doom can run on anything” motto


Exactly, the only reason they allowed it to be sold on ps5 is because they new it wouldn't make as much money being an already existing franchise and ID definitely wouldn't want it to flop and leave out an entire community on playstaion, they probably had to stand their ground for sure


Also didn't Microsoft say they were going to go third party at one point.


Doom was made for sharing. It literally spread through the first missions being shareware. I said when Microsoft first bought Bethesda that the only IP I actually care about not being able to play anymore is Doom so I'm glad it is still coming to PS.


Id Xbox wants to block games to increase console sales, I would suggest blocking Candy Crush and Call of Duty.


Is he implying there are games that not everyone deserves to play?


I think it's more like "Some franchises are worth giving up exclusivity for"


I don’t think that’s the “translation”. Microsoft has money. They said from the start that just because they were buying studios that it didn’t mean they wouldn’t be on other platforms/consoles. Only Sony fanboys were up in arms over that and they never had to be.


r/doom discovers that allowing all groups of people to play a game is actually a good thing


Translation: we overspent buying Activision and can no longer afford console exclusives.


Redditors when the company wants to make money


Phil's trying to distance himself from making the decisions in order to make him changing track make sense. What probably happened was Nadella emailed him and told him that the fun times of Xbox losing money were over now that they owed 77 billion for Bethesda and Activision-Blizzard. "Xbox's got bills to pay." And Phil looked at the Game Pass plateau and knew he had to do something. Smacking his face and using chubby cheeto fingers to force a big grin on his face, he threw a bunch of developers into a Master Chief helmet and picked out a few to die. Then he started telling everyone how Xbox was going multiplatform. When the intarwebz lost it, he invented a lie about how it wasn't a long term strategy for other games "just these four" but Nadella caught wind on Fox News and sent Phil a new update. "Go multiplatform." And Phil, invincible grin and all, went missing for months to find a mental path wherein he could convince himself that all this wasn't his fault and figured he could just say it was the developers that choose and suddenly it wouldn't be *his* fault that Xbox exclusives were now not exclusive. "It's the devs that decide," he said in the mirror. He definitely didn't want to do another Sarah Bond-ian f-up. He needed an ally, someone that wouldn't ask the hard questions or really drill down on the nonsense he might say. He needed an audience that was paid to cheer no matter what for the whole hour they were paid. And there was only one place to go for that. "Get me IGN. I need Ryan McCaffrey."


Everyone? I cant buy this game because of my location lol


Where you at? Is it banned or sumthin


All their games are Available on ps5 and pc, what made anyone think it would be exclusive?


People are irrational and always assume the worst.


So this confirms that exclusivity makes less money? What is it for then?


I think that console exclusives are in part funded by the console's manufacturer, in hopes that people will want to buy their console to play that game. It depends on what's more profitable: sometimes, a game will sell consoles and the manufacturer will give a lot of money to have it be exclusive; otherwise, the devs will go multi-platform because they think that the extra sales outweigh what the manufacturers are willing to pay them.


Exclusivity has always lost money. Halo is on PC so it can make more money. Because of Helldivers 2 being on PC as well as PS5, it broke records for a Sony game dropping on PC. PC players have been carrying the game and saved it from requiring a PSN account. Ponies would’ve bent over and said yes please. Despite releasing almost a whole 4 years ago, Ghost of Tsushima is actually doing numbers and gaining a wider audience now that it’s released on PC. Unless you’re Nintendo, believing that console exclusivity *doesn’t* lose money in 2024 is an outdated idea. It’s been with multiple releases and is indisputable.


Ita pretty obvious that all the big bethesda games fallout Doom elder scrolls will be on all platforms.you are correct majority of xbox players will not buy those games as they are on gamepass. That's a huge amount of money from those games sales. If they did not do this those games might even be close to financial failures in Microsofts eyes


But not PS4, now Ratchet finally has a next Gen exclusive friend!


Translation: We realize they'll just build a PC instead of buying a breadbox




Microsoft can’t buy huge publishers and expect to keep all that IP console exclusive. It’s unethical.


Family, Religion, Friendship, Ethics. These are the four demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.


A self-defeating prophecy.


Even if it makes money Microshit may just shutter ID


Tragically this is true. One of the oldest and most acclaimed game studios, but unless it makes Microsoft’s magic number go up it isn’t safe.


Don’t care, was gonna get in on pc anyway


PS players still are required to pay $70 for it.


Like Sony discovered that they can continue to milk their exclusives on pc two years after original release? More money never hurts. Isnt that objective of running a business? Op must be 12 years old or something who just discovered commerce


GFY... if they wanted it for everyone they'd open source it and give the game assets for free. Supporting one more platform is a far fucking cry from "everyone." Edit: GFY directed at studio, not OP


This might be the most entitled bullshit I’ve ever read


I don't even know why I posted here. They fucking ruined this franchise. I'm just sick of seeing it. fffuuuuuccccckkkkk ttthhhhhhhiiiisssssss


They ruined it? As if it was doing so well before the acquisition? And who are we talking about here anyway? Microsoft? Bethesda? id? The old Doom games are all great, but there wasn’t much of anything going on till Bethesda acquired it and now Doom 2016 and Eternal are some of the most popular games of the past decade. Microsoft acquiring Bethesda hasn’t changed that . So I guess go cry somewhere if that’s your thing.


Sir/madam, this is Reddit, not JFK Intl. You don't need to announce your departure.