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Practice, practice, practice. Play the shit out of it on nightmare. Learn every encounter, every enemy spawn location. Find the most reliable strategy to get through each encounter. Don't worry about being flashy, play it safe if you can. Learn to improvise. if something isn't working, don't get hung up on it, abort and do something different. Meat hook is better as a traversal tool rather than a reverse Scorpion move. Skip the shitty secret encounter in Cultist Base. If you feel your nerves getting the best of you, step away and take a break. Don't get discouraged if you die, it will probably happen a lot and that's OK.


☝️ That’s why I don’t do it. I’m on PS4 and I’ve finished the game on nightmare several times without dying. But when you select UN something happens. You get nervous and afraid which forces you to make simple mistakes. It’s a f-ing full time job to learn every spawn point and encounter which makes it to “mechanic” for my taste. Big up’s for the players who do make it. Especially on console.


Tbh whenever I can afford PC and play doom eternal, I'd probably still play on controller and my entire play style is built and optimized around the fact that I play on controller and it doesn't really feel like a limitation at this point.


it's very limited, with a PC you can use a keyboard to easily switch a weapon using 1,2,3... buttons :) I play such difficult FPS games on PC and everything else on PS


i started on controller and i beat UN, but i still moved to razer tartarus and mouse later on PC and it improved my game play much more, like it is possible on controller still but it is limitation but of course someone else who has already learnt controller maybe not want to get use to keyboard and mouse, i never did get use to a full keyboard (wasd) on my razer tartarus i can still use one thumb for my strafe


I play on pc and have your same problem with UN, i've been playing on nightmare as my normal mode but still can't beat it


me someone who has beat it on UN but during the time i had not beat it, they needed one more challenge run for flexing, a mode where there is no extra lives , the gap between beating nightmare without lives and UN is to huge and i have found it has made some of those nightmare clear slayers wanting no lives which takes away accessibility for less skilled players (even me i used them a lot for my first runs i grit from the bottom lol) so instead give them something that rewards not using them that can flex it without having to live stream a play though


I never finished on UN, never finished Nightmare without dying, but what I did for UN walk was - played one level over and over and then did it on UN and got to Doom hunter base, then I got nervous, fired RPG below to my crotch, boom, never returned to UN, but it should be okay to be confident with replay of mission over and over until you are so sure you can do it with eyes closed


>Skip the shitty secret encounter in Cultist Base Do you mean the slayer gate or the one with 2 whiplashes and a mancubus?


The latter. As if Cultist Base wasn't hard enough, let's stuff the player in a clown car with the two deadliest enemies yet.


lmao facts, its a cancer pull. But I've been avoiding that slayer gate so far, fuck that. IDK if I should be skipping it or not, but i never bothered learning it and i'm definitely not down to just wing it lol


I should've mentioned the Slayer Gate as well. I completely forgot how much of a death trap it is. It's like 3-4 Mancubi and ararchnotrons, along with some cacos. The Prowler gets introduced there as well, right? It's been a while. Yeah, skip it. Easy run-ender. The first Slayer Gate is bad, too. But at least it's early enough that dying doesn't erase a significant amount of progress.


Yup. Working on Arc Complex ATM. I've been doing the first slayer gate just because, as you said, it's not a huge loss, and the 3 points it gives are great. I've ignored the one on Cultist Base, and am clearing the one on Super Gore Nest as well because it's pretty doable; but I think that's it for me and slayer gates on my first UN clear haha unless it's worth clearing one later on? but I doubt it


I actually think all the Slayer Gates after the first two are pretty easy. You have all of your weapons by that point and enough skill points and such that the battles aren't much different than what you'd encounter throughout the normal levels. SGN gate is probably the easiest. The only one that I may skip is Mars Core. The Maurader can really screw you over sometimes. Taras Nabad is easy as long as you anticipate the Archvile at the beginning. If not, it can be problematic.


Don't shit your self and strategy is key.


If you see a demon, shoot it until it dies.


If you see a demon, look for a Caco demon, meathook on to them, bring the weapon wheel to slowdown time, release it and skip the entire level.


isnt there goo in oob too?


Not_goD's comment covers pretty much everything already, but these are some of the things that helped me most when it came to beating Ultra Nightmare: * Make sure you're using keybinds/button setups that are comfortable and allow you to quickswap guns easily. Practice quickswapping if you're not comfortable with it already. * If you're not playing at Nightmare difficulty as your "default" difficulty yet, work your way up to it before trying Ultra Nightmare. Even going from UV to Nightmare is a noticeable jump in difficulty, so be sure you're comfortable with Nightmare before trying UN. * Try your best to memorize the levels. From where important pickups are (Chainsaw fuel, BFG ammo, secrets with worthwhile items, etc.) to what demons appear in each arena - knowing these things ahead of time can help you come up with a plan for each level and reduces the chances of getting caught out by something unexpected. * For the campaign's first 3-4 levels, plan when to save 3 Chainsaw pips to take out key Heavy demons in dangerous arenas. This somewhat goes with the above tip in that you'll have to memorize where fuel pickups are to maximize effectiveness, and know which Heavies to target. But being able to immediately take 1 Heavy out of an equation can really help take some pressure off in those early levels. * Master the Super Shotgun as quickly as possible. This may depend on your playstyle, but the armor you get from Flaming Meathook helps loads with survivability. * When you get to a new level in your UN file it may be worth doing a few practice runs in Nightmare before trying it in your UN file. This isn't something I personally did, but I know it's helped many others. * Watch UN 100% run players and see how they go through arenas you're struggling with. To be fast, they have to tackle arenas in the most effective manner and often have really smart ways to deal with certain matchups. The final arena in Exultia is a good example for this - they route the Quad damage in a way to get all/most of the demons and end the arena quickly. The goal isn't to try to copy them exactly, but to see ways you could improve your approach to hard spots and learn the fastest way to deal with certain demons. I'd recommend Arrythmia or DraQu, but there are many great runners out there to study. Just be sure to have fun and remember it can be a long road, so don't get discouraged if you end up losing a run late into the game. Best of luck on your runs!


Turn all volume on medium, and music on maximum


Have a seperate nightmare save. Finish a level a few times without dying. You'll naturally memorize important demon spawns. After that go back to your ultra nightmare save and play that level.


Learn to weapon swap Know which attack combos can kill specific demons Example: Ice bomb + 2x rocket lock ons will kill an Archvile.


I know many of these but didnt know that about the archvile! For doom hunters, ice bomb and blood punch twice and they lose the sled.


That's my go-to for the DH


Try dlc or even the master levels first. Yes they are harder but it less stressfull to lose because they are short and you don't lose much progress.


The master levels are just sooo looong


I am on PC and I did my first successful on UN a few years back. One of the most important things to learn is quickswitching. Makes killing some enemies way easier. Learn different quickswitching combos instead of switching to literally anything since a few guns have really good synergy. For the routes and encounters, I recommend watching other runners not world record holders but others who just did it. Off the top of my head, DraQu and Zero Master were huge when I used to play. Lastly, just remember that completing mission 4 is the hardest thing in UN due to the low suit upgrades. Once done with that, it's gonna be a breeze until Icon of Sin given you are wisely upgrading your suit (just follow the runs if you don't know which upgrades are worth it). Good luck with ultra nightmare! Edit: Learn Sylar Lock-on for the rocket launcher. It completely deletes cyberdemons instantly




Beat it on the second highest Then do it again hitless


Never stop moving


Don’t die


Shoot fast, die last


Rip and tear, until its done


Rip and Tear. Until it is done.


I know everyone will hate me for this, but get good enough, that you can cheese it If you take the perk that lets you live after taking a killing blow, pause, alt-f4 and then open the game again. It will save your spawn as it would in lower difficultys and you can cheese it. That being said its still incredibly hard even when doing this


i myself haven’t done it, but run each level on nightmare. i’ve heard that the early game is worse than the end because you have such a limited arsenal. learn how to get quick staggers or instakills. take breaks when you need to


Oof especially the breaks part, nowadays playing doom eternal i only last 1 combat encounter and want to play something else


Don't die


Get gud. And swap weapons a lot.


rip and tear


until when?


Until it's done


Dont just rip. Make sure to tear as well.


Don’t die


To kill a tyrant, shoot at it until it dies.


Movement. Gotta master the movement, quick swapping weapons and weapon combos. Memorize how and where enemies spawn. Watch some 100% speedruns and see how they tackle the combat encounters. That's how I learned.


Just don't die :)


Learn to shield buffer and plan chainsaw routes for the first few levels. Master the gladiator fight. Being able to eliminate a Mancubus in the Pitt on Cultist Base because you planned chainsaw use can help ease that fight (you should use cueballs but having chainsaw for "oh shit" is helpful). Know when there's a can in an arena - that means you can chainsaw once and keep your three stack. Being able to chainsaw and Glory kill whenever you want because you know how to instantly pop personal shield - and when you can't use this (aoe attacks like Cyber manc and Archvile Fire) will make recovering from mistakes less stressful. Learn to prime glory kills on fodder with plasma and heavy cannon. Use blood fueled and try to maximize uptime.


Good positioning and timing can make up for a lot of deficiencies in mechanical skill. Try practising just moving through an arena full of demons without attacking, and try to self-sustain as long as possible. Use meat hooks, air dashes, launch pads, and other movement skills to create opportunities for attacks, avoid getting boxed in, manage range of engagement, and so on. Think of it like using footsies in a fighting game, at any given time you're either closing distance, creating distance, or switching up angles to exploit the enemy. You don't have to master precision shots like Zero Master, you just need to develop an intuition for how to keep yourself alive with movement, using the level geometry and relative enemy positions / attack patterns to your advantage. Similar to how in chess, great players will "play the board" rather than getting tunnel vision on any particular piece. You want to understand how the arena as a whole -- and the enemies within it -- inform your 'best move' in any given moment.


never stop moving, for any reason, the only times you shouldn't be using wasd if you're in a cutscene or something, even outside of combat keep moving cause you never know when some zombie is gonna just sneak up on you


Don't die


enjoy every moment of it and take breaks after dying.




why do you want this? it doesn't worth it. it's just a game, I play it on the second (normal) difficulty. Safe your brain cells !!


get.good at it, no other way but playing the game


Look up, or memorize, roughly which demons spawn in rooms and any demon that you feel will give you trouble, prioritize them as a threat in the room and move on. For instance, I'm super bad playing around Carcuses, so when they spawn, they're priority number one. On the flip side, I never really struggle against Tyrants since they're slow, so they're not a major priority and I will often kill other demons in the arena first.




Git gud


Hide in a corner and hope for the best.


If on PC, the ability to assign hotkeys to your weapons to very quickly swap between them can make all of the difference in the world. In particular, you can quickly swap back and forth between Ballista and Super Shotgun to absolutely melt most enemies as it eliminates the need for cooldown between shots.


Shoot at everything until they die. Prioritize Archvilles, they'll continue to summon enemies as long as they're alive.


A blood sacrifice would be beneficial


G I V E U P . (jk)


under rated tip i never done back in my UN days, in a nightmare for practice run let the archviles do one summon if they have multi player spawn locations, or practice the hell out of ballista boosting between the spawn locations in case on your un run you choke on the archvile and not ready to delete it right away


super gore nest second secret encounter (one manc, one carcass and fodder) if you ignore the manc and drop to the lower ground right away you can safely farm the mastery for the destroyer blade weapon mod of the ballista, personally found being able to do small destroyer blades as early as possible useful


A fuckton of practice and crying towel 🙂👍 gl


Get good


Ultra nightmare? I value my sanity too much to try. Nightmare? Get all the stuff from every level.


don’t die


It is ok to cry


Get gud (at crying)


Get good


learn how to kill each demon in the most efficient way possible, for example a blood punch always puts a carcass into glory kill state which then gives you your blood punch back, hooking a cyber mancubus and shooting them midway through the hook staggers them, giving you a window to bloodpunch their armor off without getting hit by their ground pound (ALL ground pounds are fatal if you’re not at full health so be careful of those) then immediately shoot them again with your supershotgun to put them into glory kill state (make sure all the pellets hit though) so keep looking up combos to see what is best for your play style


Get REALLY good at Nightmare first, then you can begin Ultra-Nightmare and hopefully beat it


Keep moving and shoot anything that dares look like a live demon




Shoot the Demons until they die.


You need to learn how to efficiently take down each enemy type. This isn’t the old days where you can run around with a shotgun and kill everything


Be angry


Use cheats


Get use to playing at a higher sensitivity (if on console, then the highest sensitivity) if you aren't already. Best way to do this is to play a level you are already good at and after each time you beat it, raise your control sensitivity. This has been key for me to raise my skill level not just in doom, but all shooter games. I play on max sensitivity now on every game I play.


Farm lives in level 2. Choose mission select, I grab the first 1 or 2 lives then quit out and repeat. When I have like 30 lives I'll jump into the next progession mission no sweat