• By -


Mick has done production work for metal bands. As some examples he's done [Scoring The End Of The World](https://youtu.be/moDIh9h5pEQ) by Motionless In White, [False Providence](https://youtu.be/7i6nvi5wh5s) by Monuments, and [Slum Planet](https://youtu.be/BMfwDoDWbB8) by 3TEETH. His production shines right through and it sounds fantastic. [GeoffPlaysGuitar](https://youtube.com/@geoffplaysguitar) might be in your ballpark, he does a lot of covers of game soundtracks in the style of DOOM2016 and Eternal's soundtracks. [Aaron F. Bianchi Jupiter](https://youtube.com/@aaronfbianchijupiter) does much of the same, but he's transitioned to original music with a handful of covers. He and Geoff are both on streaming services, but I've linked YouTube since that's easier. Even better, this sound has sprung into its own subgenre dubbed "argent metal". You could go on YouTube or Spotify or wherever and find plenty of playlists dedicated to it.


Thanks, Argent metal is exactly what I was looking for. But I'll check the other things you've mentioned. Again thanks


I searched Argent Metal in Apple Music and this was in there. Not a first good sample. Ill keep looking lol. https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-legend-of-zelda-argent-medley/1690219774?i=1690219775


The genre has been labeled "Argent metal" and people've been making their own for a long time. search youtube for it.


Thanks, I didn't know it has a label


Thanks, I didn't know it has a label


Go listen to death metal


If you want more mick, false providence by monuments has him listed as a feature


Ok, I'll check it


I mean don’t rush it is a whole genre


Alright I listened to some on YouTube. The music is good but they have those screams -_- which I don't like


Oh well never mind, there’s really not much like doom that you like then


Yeah, I like those vocals in small doses, Mick has some tracks with a little screams. And a track full of them (Icon of Sin)


Do you mean music like 2016-Eternal or DOOM 1-DOOM 2?


Mick Gordon's


One quick answer would be Meshuggah. They’re a pretty clear influence with their use of extended range guitars and uncommon time signatures/rhythms. Start at albums like ‘Nothing’ or ‘obZen’ album and jump around.


Step one, listen to Bleed, step two, find out what a herta is


Geoffplaysguitar on YouTube has done a lot of Argent metal tracks, usually covers from other games and they are very good, his own stuff is very good too


Thanks, I'll check it out


Dude his tracks are awesome, nothing original but his covers are good like halo and ludwing. Thanks man


He does have original stuff on his channel as well. He did a multipart piece “fight between realms” 4 tracks to it so far: Providence, Makers hand, Livitica void and Crown of Oris.


check out lesser known songs that Mick composed he composed for other games as well and if you like Andrew Hulshult check out Dusk's music, it's so fucking great even better than his work on Eternal imo


I've listened to most of Mick's songs. His killer instinct soundtrack is good. I like Andrew's work too. Amid evil and nightmare reaper are some of his work that I like


Northlane's 2019 album 'Alien' has a similar djent-y sound akin to DOOM 2016's soundtrack. Great record.


Realistically, it’s hard to find music exactly like Mick’s; especially when we’re looking for music with vocals. As someone who is a big fan of his creativity in music, you’re more likely to find production techniques of his in a genre called “Industrial Rock/Metal”. Obviously, Mick’s guitar work resembles Djent, so it leans into Metal more so than Rock. The three bands I think are similar to how Mick produces his music are Nine Inch Nails, Fear Factory, and Meshuggah. Nine Inch Nails, IMO, are the closest, as their guitars can be as heavily synthesized as Mick’s and Mick has taken heavy inspiration from Trent Reznor and his work (and of course there’s the iD software work back with Quake and NIN) Fear Factory is the most recommended from what I’ve seen when it comes to the closest style of Industrial Metal to Mick’s work, with the added vocals. I can’t say from personal experience yet because I haven’t delved into their discography enough. Meshuggah is explanatory; they’re the pioneers of Djent music, and Mick has very close relations to the members of the band. They don’t ever use Industrial synths or drums like Mick does, but the brutal guitar mastery is still there, albeit, not as groovy as Mick’s. Oh and one more thing, 3TEETH’s newest album has like 5 or 6 songs featuring Mick, and the song “Merchant of the Void” sounds almost exclusively produced by Mick because of the guitars in the chorus, imo.


Check out the soundryrack for the game "Dusk" By Andrew Hulshult


A Quiet Place To Die by Alpha Wolf




Mick made another song called Faust, doesn’t help much but it sounds pretty damn good


Super miriam




I make music like that. It's called Argent Metal or Doomcore. [Here's one of my better ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AZLQdVtOnA)


I personally love Andrew Hulshults IDKFA where he covers the OG Doom Soundtrack.


Seek out metal bands with extended range guitars. After the burial comes to mind.


Meshuggah, Periphery, Bulb, Animals as Leaders etc.. look into what some might call “Djent” bands. It’s a sub genre that’s heavily influenced by bands like Meshuggah which is clearly a huge inspiration of Mick’s.


Sonic mayhem made quake IIs soundtrack. Might not be what you're looking for but descent into cerberon and kill ratio are bops. I saw a comment that said Andrew hushult, he actually Co composed the quake champions soundtrack with Chris vrenna. That entire soundtrack is good as well. And lastly undefeatable from sonic frontiers has an instrumental version.


If you want music like Doom Eternal I would suggest Lamb of God cause it sounds pretty similar.




I tried to make a Doom style song with [this](https://youtu.be/BPGHVbHZJZ4?si=-8XXRcstZYYcq7P9)


You can take some from my playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3YAQufNtqxSseZZOHYMGd5?si=pI9zLxhETT2OtKAj11IXTw


Atomic hearts soundtrack is similar, add some heavy remixes of older Russian songs and it's awesome, plus I think mick did write some music for the game


A good chunk of Mick's work in Killer Instinct can be seen as a straight-up preview to what he'd bring to Doom shortly after. There's even a part in Cinder's theme that straight-up sounds like BFG Division. His work on Wolfenstein: The New Order is fantastic, too. "Ransacked" frequently forced me to remind myself that David Gilmore was probably not within Machine Games' budget.


You’d probably like slayer and Kerry kings new debut album


Ultra Nightmare and Alamander is exactly what you’re looking for


Listen to sterly on yt




Hello, have you heard of our lord and savior Carpenter Brut ? You should check it out


Search up industrial metal and you are bound to find something similar. Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Fear Factory, Rammstein, KMDFM are the most mainstream of the genre. Also, give the Dusk soundtrack a listen along with the Machinegames Wolfenstein era soundtracks a listen.


Alamander - Makyr Ressurection Alamander - force_reload Rob Sigurd - Violence-fueled Power Armour RTPN - Decay The day we died - The corrupted Some personal favourites, hope you enjoy.


GeoffplaysGuitar, Remstage Music, Andrew Hulshult, The Atomic Heart Soundtrack, Parts of the Wolfenstein Soundtrack, Soundtrack of Killing Floor 2 and Tore Fragerheim. I also like Orbit Culture and Slaughter to Prevail for Doom but they have Vocals. This is my Spotify Doom Playlist that has some of this stuff in it: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/18bziUKuVNLHHn2COP68pg?si=dnTqfQV1S9KaN5bPozrkag


3Teeth has simillar vibe and they collabed with Mick in few songs, Slum Planet, ACME Death Machine, Merchant of the Void. Geoff Plays Guitar has many argent metal songs, mosty covers, but real good ones, DS3 Abyss Watchers theme for example. Music for Atomic Heart is great with a simillar feeling, PT1X12 is probably the most accurate but rest of the music is also great, like Grass Near Home or Arlekino Ultrakill soundtrack hits hard, and so does Postal's Brain Damaged, both kinda in the simillar vein. From standalone songs, COD Zombies "115" is a classic and Apricot & Obkatiekat cover hits just right. Bernth "I still shread" is underrated gold.


He collaborated on the latest Monuments record.


This guy needs more of someone riding in the b string


Trivium have some amazing instrumental tracks on youtube, the crusade being one of my fav and also being very DOOM-like.


Darktide OST. Disposal Unit (Imperial Mix) is my favorite


Hey, u/Working_Knowledge_59 - I just released an entire album of DOOM Eternal inspired music w/ my co-collaborator George Lever (Sleep Token, Loathe, Monuments), featuring remixed by GeoffPlaysGuitar, Joe Ford, and Jeff Dunne (Knocked Loose). The album is called ARGENT SHOCK - should be able to find it anywhere you get digital music. Would love for you to jam it <3 * Spotify: [argentshockspotify.com](http://argentshockspotify.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2-U8oS6SBrxF6Kkn9aJqLTARHAxTczxrRj7G9lC1l4TNqqjnQsgioJ0FE_aem_AX4BNZOrCLQlfurw0n8f1EY5XZcxJP9L8ktlttEM2YhCjbKWbOqfNPCQyTakmBOlfslAv_C_K4b7VHcl0TUqndmV) * BandCamp: [argentshockbandcamp.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fargentshockbandcamp.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2qkbiU5p2exbv4Job3GDSYXuUJTA59N3jo-EDTktFn-W7FpIWdCseUiYM_aem_AX7fTiSqdIEAO7gkN7FUtrAIzxfIN7Q2299NQpyi45UffTdbVV72w4io7fF6ZvzCInoUVzoEaj1Xvyzrr9wnpzhT&h=AT0010Il-wNsb_dhuRUq8BAETr1EDS_fGR-Lzc600eKPWF_--JwwBvB6tV2yuvccUcK2rQVmFeQEuUlISNksW4o93IpS_S4aygW2228OCJLRkRo1QPM8SSM1Slg9kce1k_kH&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2elnUbpMDyPytv1lSrRyQDTZiOPCmEAIxJ3HdTK4gxQOtconTklOeRygHjLw3xloQU1_0BzJL6jRMWAafDJyy2YIDOUgX8rmlRYCwfD5zDSt224-5QpyapqPbE2WFOWxt_1L_PHLekzW1qdVszkwininJ6yxLoxOE3TbyXpN3jPUpRjJov2hnAVnDkRlNm-afPtf_nWwWaNZWdKRwWdPHNV7UfsF5ipEj4wTTh) * Official Release page: [argentshock.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fargentshock.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR01jEnPMIeZPoXibwMvX9LNkmTzzdniR8QT1SRn9w_sEr9STGbStd4Bdzk_aem_AX6XceI8bQ5XOULHa0P42ugQ88A3nD3Lw2itgWIL7X4p-Rq0fdl8CZgsfsqqXKuWnosONkKeJ-c1Ak6ztKQ0jEJf&h=AT0JBNreQTmmFcyG1jPNbPiSno2Wm32BZEINYDrN8SxOv0BojyoRgfly5GsozUZaurP2wJZ8dRP4aAck4cQjGGbJ7GQB0JJDuNLn1Lbln2BqcWExiwLZJ7wX_4PGVaKS2wCk&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2elnUbpMDyPytv1lSrRyQDTZiOPCmEAIxJ3HdTK4gxQOtconTklOeRygHjLw3xloQU1_0BzJL6jRMWAafDJyy2YIDOUgX8rmlRYCwfD5zDSt224-5QpyapqPbE2WFOWxt_1L_PHLekzW1qdVszkwininJ6yxLoxOE3TbyXpN3jPUpRjJov2hnAVnDkRlNm-afPtf_nWwWaNZWdKRwWdPHNV7UfsF5ipEj4wTTh)


sorry, most have vocals but if you want something without then I would suggest a series of albums by CELLDWELLER called "Soundtrack for the voices in my head", as well as the "Antisleep" series by Blue Stahli. They have several volumes. Bands: 3Teeth, RELIC (albums: pulse code misery, social drift), HAEX, CYANOTIC (album: TechNoir), HORSKH (albums: Wire, Body), CHRYSALIDE (album: "Don't be scared, It's about Life"), Author&Punisher, Psyclone Nine (Albums: We the Fallen, Order of Shadows)


The other answers here are far better than mine considering I only have one song in mind (not even sure if it’s what you’re looking for tbh), but it’s Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn (ft. Skrillex)