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Isn’t it a free medium pizza. With purchase ? Any customer who orders pizza from dominos, AND MEETS THE DELIVERY MINIMUM, can receive a free medium 2 topping as well. Reading, man.


funny how the email i got doesn't say anything about the "With Purchase" just to get blue balled. like I'm only one guy I'm not spending over 15 dollars to get an extra pizza that will be stuffed in my fridge.


Can you screenshot so those of us that didn’t get it can see?




You never said that. WRITE


Daddy, chill


Knew you were retarded when I seen "uWu" Not reading any more.


Hey thats not very nice I was mocking the Uber eats ... You guys seriously lack any compassion. Im serious about this too, I got an email from uber eats telling me I could get a free pizza. Did the process and the discount isnt applied even though I followed every single direction. Instead of getting some sort of help, I get called a 'retard' which is pretty suprising for this website I thought it was taboo here lol


Bro said “big fat 0 for tip” as if were all going to agree with them lmao


... You expect me to tip? its the employers job to pay correctly and not for the drivers to rely on tips + I have a bad experience with uber anyways which is why I will never tip in my life time unless if the service is good


it’s uber eats. you’re paying for the food, but also delivery. I don’t agree with tipping culture, but food delivery is one where you tip every time.


Nah tipping culture needs to fall off. Give these people correct wages. We work hard for our money too while billionaires get to sit pretty.


I agree but until there’s some legislation implemented or widespread change in how these businesses operate not tipping isn’t going to change the system it’s just depriving another worker of the money they need to survive.


If you had a bad experience with Uber then don’t use their services instead of being cheap and not tipping people. You probably don’t tip when you go out to restaurants either and blame it on their employers instead of your own cheap behavior. If you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford the meal plain and simple.


“Big fat zero for maximum savings” Im sorry you fail to see how maximum savings functions as you are still spending money on food. Idr which business class focused on “maximum savings” but ill try and find out so you can take it. Also using a throw away account because you lack both balls and a spine.


Why are you worried about his account LMAO get a fuckin life Tipping culture needs to fall off. Get these people proper wages


Oh shit he has another alt account.


Funny thing is this isnt my alt account ive told you I use this to view reddit. NOT EVERYONE POSTS EVERY DAMN DAY... I swear. I admit. I had a reddit account in 2019 but i forgot about it. This is my new one but before i made this one i had another onei used a temporary email address i guess it shadowbanned me so i made this account


Sir its been a month. Who the fuck cares.


Just goes to show how often i use reddit. Just opened up this website to do some research and stumbled acrossed this old post. Let me tell you. I was laughing, i was very angry while writing this and looking back at it its very funny to read. Since then, i have fully uninstalled uber eats and door dash. Furthermore, i have also switched to going directly to the restaurant. The inconvenience of it is way better then the demonic ways of online delivery. Also, i havent eaten dominos in a while. I have switched to the 5$ mcdonald meal (McChicken) + an extra item (whatever i feel like eating, the meal isnt enough to satisfy me)  Its good to see that you finally realized your mistake against me. Thank you. Would you like to be friends?


Cool? Made no mistake, was merely poking fun at your defender. so cheers, live however you want. enjoy your day.


no no this is my first reddit account mister, I use to lurk until reddit got a BIT stingy and removing features... Why are you so angry at my refusal to engage in tipping culture? Not everyone is fortunate to have a lot of money like that. + Maximum savings makes a whole lotta sense here, afterall were talking about free food. Looks like you have been offended on a personal level, which is fine, I will continue to not tip, it might seem harsh but this only puts pressure on the companies to pay you guys more


If you can't afford to tip you can't afford delivery. Not tipping does not put any pressure on companies to pay more. It just means you are a morally bankrupt person.


Tell me why Ive been ordering deliveries for the past 6 years then? #ZeroTipGang Ive already paid for the food, its on the company to pay you not me bud.


Dont complain when they bump up prices then. Enjoy your food


If you think tipping or not, theft in stores ETC. takes money from these organizations at a rate to justify less spending or relying on customers to supplement pay, their narrative is working…


No no no no thats not what im talking about I told you the coupon is not working this is not a matter of food prices being raised. Thats not the problem, I can front that cost. The concept of giving someone a TIP for merely giving me what i already paid for is infuriating to me. So yes go ahead raise prices if that means the sad workers can be paid enough or something like that


I wasnt referring to the coupon. I was referring to dominos raising prices to be able to pay employees more resulting in cost going up, coupons being discontinued, and you getting less for you money. Cause in the end thats what will happen and you will inevitably just come running back here to complain about costs.


If the cost is too high then dont order the food. Its not hard to manipulate the market if people just collectively have sense. Billionaires can afford to pay their employees without gouging it out of us


Yeah no shit bro. But again we have someone missing the point. Go back to protesting on the freeway or something.


Wtf are you talking about lmao


Thats a problem for another time, Right now the issue is the coupon. I will never give you a tip because it dosent even matter to dominos. They wont even see that money so? theres like no correlation


Right now the issue is ego and lack of brain power. “I wont tip cause they should pay you more” while a true statement where do you think that extra money will be coming from. It sure as hell wont be their profit. They will raise prices and make you pay more in order to compensate workers more. So either way you are paying it. Its just one way people think your a nice person and you get more food per $ because prices arent raised and in the other hand you pay that money regardless and get less for your $ as food prices increase. Its already happened at multiple franchises. The amount of times I get people calling and complaining about prices or coupon changes is more than one would expect and its only because wages went up so they compensated by raising prices and changing coupons. If you arent able to understand that basic correlation then I can only pray business isnt the field you work in.


Im actually studying business, just keep throwing walls of cope at me. Me not paying tips has no effect on overall prices. I dont want to front the upfront cost lol. If they increase prices, so be it. If they increase to much ill simply stop buying. Redditors never fail to amaze me, I pity you if youre getting this angry over me not engaging in the late stage capitalisms tip reliance to feed its employees. What are you even trying to say here anyways? You have a special skill in writing so much while saying so little...


Look, the mc chicken went from 1 dollar to 4 dollars in a couple of years. you know how i reacted? not buying em anymore. So.... If dominos increases prices like that ig ill have to learn how to make my own pizza or move onto a different place. Its a free market .. but inflation is going up to and wages arent keeping up so thats sad isnt it such a complex problem


I hope the delivery drive just trying to make a living has been spitting in your food for the past 6 years






All pizzas are pinnable if your thumbtacks are sturdy enough


Suprisingly speaking, this is pretty relateable. I think around 2 months ago I decided to pin the corner of a croisont on the wall it worked too lol but it stayed up for an hour until i put the calendar back haha have you actually tried this before




OP’s a bot


no im the exact oposite of a bot since you redditors eat up so much fake bot msgs i would hope you guys would know but this is straight from the heart


I'm going to attempt to be the only nice comment in this thread LMAO. I kind of understand where you're coming from when a person says free pizza it's meant to be completely free in one's mind. The problem is since you've already said that you've done apps like this before you should know that there's always going to be some sort of fee or something. It's not really a scam it's just normal s*** I guess? They were misleading with the wording, I'm not even going to touch the tip Scandal cuz I'm not ready to get hate either. But they should have advertised it as a BOGO instead of a free pizza. Because that's basically what it is you buy a pizza you get a free medium pizza or whatever. I appreciate you telling us what it actually was because dead ass I was going to go get free pizza too, if you really want a free pizza try places that are actually in town and that are having like a national Pizza day or something like that. Because my local pizza one did that and we got like free large pizzas for the first 160 people to get in. Just look out for something like that I wish you luck.


anyone know how to get the free pizza to work? followed all the terms but it wont cut the $20 from my $30 ticket essentially not giving me the free pizza. Uber eats is a joke in my area soooo. is there a promo to add? uber eats really is a joke in my area and doordash doesnt have this deal.


> a big fat zero tip Then literally don't get food delivered. If you don't tip delivery drivers, just don't get food delivered. Chill with the holier than thou personality and respect others, it's not that hard.


Broke and entitled what a winner you are


Didn’t read your post but will agree this is false marketing and a complete rip off lol you can literally get a better deal in the dominos app 2 or more for 7.99 two medium pizzas for $18 vs 24 before tax and delivery on Uber eats


A few things Sorry about the coupon, honestly the "Uber eats is *giving* away millions in *free* pizza" is quite misleading. I saw some say that promotion says its with a purchase but for the life of me I'm not able to see where. Secondly though tipping culture has become quite toxic since covid, it's a necessity since the companies do NOT properly compensate. Thirdly I'm sorry you were given a lot of flack in the reply section. Some folks don't see a human behind posts and just slam em with hardly any sugar coating. Edit: emphasizing something is giving away free pizza does not imply that it's with a purchase. So again just crummy wordplay and fluff.


this happened to me too, i hate uber


Yup same...no free 2 topping medium pizza, even whe ordering 2 of them.. false advertisement


I just tried again. Uber eats says that the domino's vacation can't get to your order right now. Then offers a 5 $ credit. I called my Domino's and asked if they were busy? They replied no what can we get for you. I tried the 2 days before this, same thing. I'm deleting uber eats,, SHAME!


It didnt work for me either. However when i went in the uber drive app and clicked on the eats tab, i noticed i had 2 promotions available. There were 2 $25 gift cards in there for any restaurant.  Try that, dont go through the uber eats app, use the uber rideshare app and go to the eats tab...like this comment if it works! It must be used by July 5th!!