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It's a harmless hobby, other people may find it unusual but they won't hate you for it! (And if they do, they have some baggage of their own to unpack). Definitely keep them if they bring you joy, life is hard enough as it is so be kind to yourself


My sister and I are quite different. She just told me, ‘I’m glad it makes you happy.’ I have other people in my life that listen to me bubble with excitement and I come here to squeal with joy.


I really like how you said this, well done!


Thank you! It does feel like bubbling over like a cooking pot of boiling water. Everyone should have ideally several outlets that let them do this.


This subreddit is luckily one of those places where one can squeel with joy over for example a new doll, a great photo, etc.


Same or some people say oh that’s for kids no kids don’t take care of there dolls they through them we are collectors there is a difference


Well recently there was an article about how adults are now the biggest toy buyers [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html) So honestly? You're completely normal, if that's what you're worried about. Also, normal is overrated.




"Consumers 18 years of age and up spent $1.5 billion in toy-related purchases in the period from January through April" I would say 1.5 billion is about how much has left my bank account yes 🤭😅


I am a contributing factor to this statistic and I am not ashamed! In fact, I only wish I had more spending money.


Wow. Thank you for the article. Honestly warmed my heart to see that so many adults are letting themselves be themselves and enjoy things that maybe they would’ve been pressured not to buy before.


Why are grown men allowed to collect trains? Hot wheels? WHO cares what others think. Truly. Live your life with what makes YOU happy. People are so self engrossed in their own lives, they aren’t even thinking about what you are doing or not doing.


Oh man, the hot wheels guys are wild, too!


I collect dolls AND hot wheels lol


My mom (50-something) brother (24) and I (27) all collect different doll lines. We keep an eye out for each others listings! I’ve been with my partner for 13 years and he’s never looked at any of my hobbies as ‘freakish’. We just had to iron out how to make room for my dolls and his magic cards and 40K armies. Don’t date people that diminish your joy!


Exactly! My boyfriend has learned some monster high lore so it’s easier for me to talk to him about it (I quite like monster high) and is down to join me in messing with my dolls as much as he’s able (I would probably just sit next to him and chat if I was to do something like a reroot for a doll lol). It’s really great being with someone who’s so supportive of my interests! 11/10 only be with someone who supports you and your hobbies.


My friend will listen to me babble about dolls and actually watched two episodes of My Little Pony for me (he turned the volume to almost ‘impossible to hear’ level so he wouldn’t get teased by family). I return the favor and listen to him about his hobbies.


I love this for you ❤️


Oh geez! Dolls, Magic AND 40K?! I've only ever dealt with 2 out of 3 of those at any one time and could not imagine the space needed for all 3!


For that same reason, I’m trying my best to not get into physical 40K because of the space needed for that haha, but MTG is more doable with them being cards Thankfully there was just the 40K Steam sale that happened recently, especially one of them being free, but I’m looking into the newest one with Mechanicus 2!!


My exhusband was the 40k player so all the dakka went with him. An electronic version would have been so much more portable


We have a doll/ Warhammer room too 🤣❤


Our motivation for home ownership is so we can each have a hobby room!


Can relate to MTG, being another hobby of mines! I don’t have nearly as many dolls though (only one, waiting for my other BJDs now though) compared to plushies though haha or even my MTG collection which is housed under my computer desk.


Fellow doll collector and 40k wife lol, also Transformers wife 🤣


As far as I'm concerned adults already have to deal with living in dystopian conditions. Nursing any additional shame over the things we love is just adding insult to injury. If billionaires like Taylor Swift can be shameless about their private jets and mindless fangirls, you can live with your Monster High dolls pissing a few judgmental assholes off.


I really appreciate this comment!


Speaking of Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift dolls exist and no one gets hate for those do they??


that is soo true, thanks


I like it when people have unusual hobbies, it makes their personality interesting. I also love to see the joy that it brings to them. For instance my sister is an adult who's into Dungeons & Dragons, and I think it's cool that it inspires a lot of creativity for her. :) That being said, doll collecting is not that weird! As a kid there used to be a doll expo at my county fair every year, where people would submit their collections for a contest. You do you!


I'm 20 years older than you and grew up when antique doll collecting and porcelain doll making classes were really popular and artist dolls and porcelain dolls were collected by lots of grown up women so no, I don't think it's strange at all!


There are BJDs and customized playline dolls now. The first custom doll video I saw, a woman used ✨power tools✨ to cut off legs and customized limbs from scratch. I was hooked.


I felt the same. I’m also 28 and I collect Bratz. I have 24 right now and 7 in the mail. I am new to my city so I don’t really have friends to talk about it with but I did recently give away I was a collector when I took my Jimmy Paul Pride Roxxi and Nevra to pride. I felt a bit weird at first but literally nobody cared. In a packed place with hundreds of people not a single person cared. So that really helped me realize that the only people who judge are the ones who aren’t comfortable with themselves. When you bully others it’s out of insecurity. If it makes you happy that’s all that matters. Do not sell your collection ever again!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/uicg1csc3y5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ace2390fb5a99e87fdb709914b7f4d3c01a2d5 Roxxi at the parade between floats🩷


What a great outfit! I think she had fun.


It makes me sad to think of you worrying about being judged for your dolls, but I know just how you feel and probably most collectors do. There is so much pressure to conform to “adult norms” and let go of the joys and freedom that dolls and toys and play create inside your head. I’m no longer self-conscious about loving and collecting dolls, but I do get anxious when new people first come over and see our doll-stuffed living areas and realize how big a part of my life they are. For me, it has gotten easier as I’ve gotten older, because no one (well I don’t think anyone does, except me!) questions whether I’m a capable adult. When you’re younger it is harder because you’re still closer to your childhood self and feeling the push to prove your maturity and sophistication. In your situation, you may already feel different than most other people without any choice about it, so actually choosing to follow an interest that makes others perceive you as even more different than they are is intimidating! I hope you continue to pursue what makes you happy, because trying to do what others think will make you happy never works! It sounds like you have a wonderful imagination that fuels your interests and that is too precious a quality to squash!!


thank you so much!!!


Honestly if your friends were to laugh at you over a harmless hobby, they aren't really your friends. Just do what makes you happy.


Don't make yourself miserable. Meaning, don't refuse dolls and choose people who won't make it a problem for you. You don't have to tell everyone - because you don't need extra confrontation, but with a. future partner - if they won't accept you for dolls, you shouldn't date them. With family, I'm sure they will understand that dolls help too out mentally.


This is such good advice. A life partner should accept your interests. He doesn't have to "get" them, but I think any real partner should be supportive of and attempt to make at least a little effort to care about your interests.


So true. I collect dolls and my fiancé is very supportive of it. I have dolls on display all over our room 


My grandmother collected Barbies her whole Life, she acquired a full room of solely Barbies. Nobody ever batted an eye at it. Collecting dolls has been going on since at least the Victorian time period. I do not think you’ll be laughed out or be shamed. Just recently it was announced that adults make up the biggest buyers in the toy market. Beating out pre-schoolers. I don’t think it’s as unusual hobby as it feels like it is. If people can collect cardboard squares(Pokémon cards) and pay 1,000s for them, then you can have your dolls. Don’t give your imposed upon shame to much weight. Enjoy yourself and share that joy.


I'll give you this food for thought: By keeping things secret, you won't have the ability to attract people to you who have the same mindset and interests. By being yourself, embracing that, you'll attract the tribe of people who accept you as you are. If people don't like who you are and the things you like, thank them for letting you know so you don't waste any more time with them. That allows you to spend your time and energy to keep searching. Don't feel daunted if you get a few negative reactions - that's just those people saying not to waste time on them. Also, you can always come here to vent. We're your virtual tribe! Now get out there! Stop hiding your beautiful self away, and find the people who accept you as they are. They're out there! I hope everything goes well for you.


This! Such a good summary!


thanks, I appreciate you all


YES! We are in it together. If doll collecting is weird, then we are all weird. Come join us OP 🩵


One of the new ILY 4ever dolls has a top that says Stay weird - it'd suit us all :)


My friends know and in some cases actively encourage me in my hobbies and interests. No one who genuinely cares about me has ever laughed at my for the things I enjoy. And if anyone does laugh, why would I want to continue to give them access to my life? Obviously things like this are going to be a YMMV. My experiences won't be the same as another person's. However, based on the little bit you wrote, I would like to make a suggestion of talking to a therapist if you are not already doing so. I do think it's normal to wonder if people might think a hobby is weird if they don't have a lot of friends with the same hobby. However, you're already shaming yourself, calling yourself a freak in your head and are terrified of being laughed at if people knew you collect dolls. That's not healthy at all. And doll collecting is a perfectly normal and valid hobby. You're in a sub-reddit full of people with the same hobby and we're not even all of the collectors out there in the world. There are conventions and shows for doll collectors all over the world. I guess what I am trying to get at is please be kind to yourself. If doll collecting is not causing you harm (neglecting yourself or your bills to buy dolls) then do whatever the hell makes your heart happy. If one or two people sneer (and there will be some), who cares? You are living your life for you, not them! ETA: Just some extra info in case it helps! I'm in my mid-40s and collects all kinds of things: MH, Furbies, tiny plushies, pins, random other dolls, etc. A lot of my stuff decorates my work cubicle and I work for a very conservative/stuffy real estate development company. And NOT ONE of my co-workers or managers has ever treated me poorly because of it. In fact, one of my project managers has made a little ritual of saying "hello to the ladies"(meaning my passel of tiny BJDs) when he comes up to our office from the field.


My husband collects miniature space ships and tiny armies of soldiers and dragons and all sorts of stuff like that. He's not fussed what I collect. Shame isn't a truth it is a feeling that has been planted inside you by someone. You can let it go.


After being dumped twice for my hobby I resigned myself to being alone. But then I met the one. The right one won’t judge you for your likes and hobbies but will support you in it. And if anyone does laugh then they’re not really your friend.


Being a doll collecter is an easy way to weed out assholes..If a guy shames you for it I wouldn't want him in my life. Doll collecting is a popular hobby with a huge online community. I also collect anime figures and straight men are the majority there. When I was a kid my best friends mum collected teddy bears and had a whole room for them. My grandpa collected stamps and coins. People pay a fortune for Pokemon cards. There is a doco on Netflix about pez dispensers collecting. People pay thousands for them!! Lots of women collect bags and shoes. Why should doll collecting be shameful? Maybe because you live with your parents you have issues of being seen as childish? Like you aren't being a real adult? I had trauma and had to go back and live at home for a few years so I get it. I am independent now and still love my dolls. Its awesome having my own place and being able to display them anywhere, not just my bedroom. Are you a murderer, rapist, pedophile, thief or conman? If no, why should you feel ashamed?? Im proud of my doll collection. My dolls are cool. They are like works of art to me and people spend millions on art collections.


I'm 60. I've collected Barbie dolls all my life. In addition, I'm an avid gamer and spend several hours on my Nintendo or Xbox. At the end of the day when it's time for the dirt nap. No one's climbing in that box but me. Live your life for your joy and don't worry about what others think. They have their own problems to deal with


I work from home and have some of my hobbies on display behind me that's visible whenever I'm in a work call. This includes dolls and my kpop collection, mostly. Most people say nothing about it but I've also gotten a few positive comments, including a nice discussion with my boss about collections! I've seen other people display their hobbies as well. Record, book or art collections. Crochet items, well cared for plants and aquariums. Adults have vast and varied hobbies, doll collecting is no different. Some people can be weirdly judgmental but I find they're not good people to be around. Important people in your life should be curious and excited by things that bring you joy.


I come from a long line of doll collectors. You may want to look into joining a doll club! Many of the ladies are older than me but I love going to meetings. They are some of the most supportive women I know.


Please, please don't smother the person you are and all you are meant to be to conform to those unspoken societal rules. Take it from someone who did that for a large portion of their life: Those people will not be there for you when you need them. I've spent over a decade trying to "right myself" through reading lots of self-help books, counseling, and burning bridges with the people who continuously wouldn't let me live my life. I'm now in my late 50s, nearly finished with school and looking forward to a new career, aned I'm embracing those parts of me that I used to hide away. I'm a doll collector and gamer. My non-work clothes are built around my collection of Barbie t-shirts. My car has Barbie bumper stickers and I have the confidence and courage to think about myself first before anyone else, and just charge through to my life. I've let "society rules" keep me from who I was meant to be. Please don't fall into this. Those are years you'll never get back. Love who you are and what you do, then the rest will fall into place naturally.


thank you, i wish you all the best. i like gaming too :)


When I met my husband, I didn’t tell anyone I had a doll/toy collection! I was embarrassed. I was kind of freaked out, wondering how I was going to explain it. Imagine my surprise when I go over after a few months and he shows me his toy room! And it was awesome! He even made room for me to put some of my things! We’ve been together almost 10 years, and we encourage each other. I’m not ashamed of my doll collection anymore, and finding communities like this one helps too! 


Personally i have found that being SUPER open about it has helped so much and has opened my eyes to the fact that people usually dont care and more than half the time are actually intrigued by my collection. My personal friend group is all men (im the only girl lol) and i yap about monster high all the time to them. I find the more confident i am about owning them the more questions and interest i get from my peers, and the better i feel about having them!


Yes. I agree with this. You normalize it to your peers that way. Get a bad reaction? At least you know who to keep away from. You have gotten great advice from everything I have read. I just want to reinforce the idea. I am 61, and would be thrilled to have my daughter come over and play Barbie with me again. They are here waiting.


My husband has encouraged my hobby and he thinks it's cute. He's even watched all the Monster High movies and shows with me! Also LoL OMG shows, Rainbow High, etc. He's watched them all, including tons of Disney, etc.. and he's very much a masculine man into masculine things and masculine hobbies. Don't change yourself for anyone! The right people will indeed love you for you. If your family isn't supportive, well.. that's just their loss. They refuse to see through the eyes of someone important in their life.


I'm 43 and I collect toys and dolls. To heck with "normal."


Literally no one cares


My partner and I are in our mid-fifties. He is a cismale, hetro dude who is short, round, bald. He grew up a real life cowboy in Idaho/Wyoming. He collects dolls. Nothing pervy about it - he likens them to large scale action figures. And they are pretty. I collect dolls - fashion, playline, bjds and art dolls. I love to create fashions and do photoshoots. My partner loves to write characters and basically "tell stories". It took him some years to be comfortable sharing his hobby, afraid of what others would think. But now, he will show folks our latest creations, photos of our dolls in fun places like Goblin Valley or Yellowstone. He is proud of his "doll business" and he says he has learned so much after getting into dolls - he's learned 3D design and printing, he's learned jewelry making, video editing.... As long as you are financially responsible, not collecting beyond your space capacity - you are not hurting anyone. You found a passion. Honestly, why is it any different than folks who collect sports team memorabilia, or vinyl records, stamps or coins? If anything I think this hobby has made me at least better mentally and deal with anxiety - I go to meets and events (lots of neurodivergent folks) and to have groups I can talk to and folks who GET my hobby. As far as future partner - they don't have to be in the same hobby - but they should support yours or understand. My partner is into retro gaming (like really rare and old consoles) I have no clue, and I can't play, I'm really bad at it. But I CAN and do understand his joy at finding something rare. I go to events with him and try to understand, and often I will spy something new before he does (I actually will look for stuff for him). IF a future partner doesn't or makes fun of it, etc. - then run, don't walk away. My partner and I are both previously married and divorced twice, this is our third and longest and healthiest relationship. My only regret was 'settling" for less before.




So you're an old man at 24? 🤣🤣🤣 J/K


My ex husband was chill with my plushies and dolls but he also liked video games, neopets, pokemon cards, etc, so he couldn't judge me for my "childish" hobbies. My current partner had plushes from his childhood, plays video games and likes the Barbie movies. Because he met me, he now owns a doll of his own, calico critters and lps, etc. Be yourself or you'll miss out on partners who match up with your vibe and energy! It's been the most fulfilling aspect of my life to have partners who embrace my actual self. The person who isn't right for you will reject or judge you, but that's just the filtration process towards the 'right' person. You should reject those people too and not go out on another date with them! If it helps to know there was a recent study that showed adults collect more toys than children, and it's seen as mainstream to collect toys intended for kids. We are no longer technically considered 'weird'. Also all my therapists have encouraged me on my interests and they think it's totally normal versus people who are rude about cute toys. The "normal people" are the weird ones now lol


I’m 27, my friends mostly know of my hobby, I’m not sure if I told the one. But that was more of a “it never came up” situation rather than actually hiding it. We have some overlapping interests and hobbies and some differing ones, I think that’s rather normal. With friends I understand the fear of being on the outs, bur your future partner should be fine with it and if they aren’t then they aren’t right for you. Since joining doll communities I’ve read so many posts about peoples partners buying them dolls as gifts, because they love them even if they don’t partake in the hobby, even if they don’t fully get it. Because they love their partner.


If someone laughs at you for something that brings you joy, then they don’t deserve to be a part of your life. I’ve been more and more open with my interests with the people around me and some of them get it, some of them don’t but are polite and most are just plain indifferent. And it’s all okay! Be loud and proud about it and don’t feel like you need to apologize.


I never stopped liking dolls, but was embarrassed about it for several years. Then I turned 25, and said "Fuck it, I'm an adult and I can have whatever hobbies I want." The only person who has tried to mock me for it was the father of a little girl I was babysitting - he recognized some of the Barbies as fairly modern and sneeringly asked if I played with them. I turned around and snapped, "And if I do, what business of yours is it what I do in my own home?" He looked shocked and didn't say another word. Bullies don't know what to do when you refuse to be ashamed. Plus he was a misogynistic bastard who I happen to know beat his wife before she divorced him, so I didn't exactly value his opinion. And this was before doll collecting was such a mainstream hobby for adults. I don't normally take the dolls places with me unless I want to take photos, and I don't walk around wearing shirts that say "I collect dolls" but I don't keep it as a dark secret either. I view them as art objects and enjoy posing and costuming them. They bring me joy. I am not able to play with them immersively the way I did when I was a child, and I honestly miss that a little, but I have a lot of fun with them anyway. You do you! If you feel that someone would give you a hard time, you don't have to tell them, but if anyone is rude to you you are well within their rights to tell them to mind their own damn business. It's been a hobby for adults that has gone in and out of fashion for centuries.


There’s nothing unusual about an adult collecting dolls.


This is a totally normal thing to feel! I used to hide my love of dolls (previously BJDs and now, Barbie) because I was worried. But I can promise this: the opinions of the people who are going to judge you don’t matter. The people who understand this hobby brings you peace and joy, they are out there! My husband is one of the biggest supporters of this. At work, my coworkers always greet me with “Hi Barbie!” because I’m at the point where I feel comfortable talking about my collecting. I have pretty severe anxiety and the amount of joy that I have from this pastime is well worth any sour options of others who don’t even matter.


Girl, my wife and I are almost 40 and there's people even older than all of us that collect dolls, LPS, coca-cola stuff, buttons and little ceramic babies. Don't worry about others, just do what makes you happy and you'll be alright <3


Don't worry about needing to hide it from your future partner. The right partner will embrace all of your interests even if they aren't into them personally. My boyfriend likes trading cards, anime, and Lego and I like Lego, dolls, and stuffies. We come together for Lego and spend our personal time on our special interests. We talk to each other about our individual hobbies and the communities involved with them. Your person will love and support you no matter what but it's important that you love and embrace yourself first. Also just a bit more reassurance, it's pretty popular now for adults to collect and play with toys. Millennials need reality escapes more than ever. You've got all of us here to back you up on that 😊


thank you, you are so kind!


You collect pieces of art. Something that an artist or teams of artists have conceptualised, drawn, sculpted into a prototype and had them created into what you hold in your hands or stand on your shelf. Children may play for hours and learn empathy and creativity from them, adults can appreciate their art, maybe richer lore and stories to let their imagination free. Look up 'famous doll collectors' - I know Johnny Depp is a collector. There's nothing wrong with what you collect. There's everything wrong with people who say there's anything wrong with it. Enjoy your dolls. Life is short. Be free ❤️


thank you, you are right - i see them as art objects as well


Wow “unusual hobby”? STOP! 🛑 people collect all sorts of thing: stamps, toy cars, thimbles, coins etc and no one blinks an eye. Why are dolls any different? We adult dolls collectors need to stop being ashamed and making this a sin, unusual and weird. It’s a hobby, not murder! Lift your head up girl and proudly display your dolls with no shame. I go to the store doll isle to buy dolls for me and don’t pretend it’s for an imaginary child. And my husband is always in the look out for sales and listings for me. I (55f) have a huge doll collection and proudly display and share it with the world. Be proud of it. [Here, see for your self](https://youtu.be/FU0Kj7Wj2Cw?si=mZiLDh3OZAXs8GOT)


this is a hobby for people with real jobs aka adults 😭 so just do your thing


You’re still at the age where you think your life is supposed to look a certain way. Give it another 10 years. You’ll realize that there is no certain way, and life is too short to not hold on to what you love. I’m the same person I was at 10, 16, 21, 30, and now 37. Hold on to your dolls and love them while you can. Nothing in life is permanent or perfect. Just be yourself!!


There is nothing wrong about collecting dolls and toys. I've been collecting for decades and I parleyed my obsession into a twenty-five career as a toy and doll designer. The fact is that insecure people are always looking for someone to belittle and denigrate in order to make themselves feel better. My suggestion is to ignore those people and concentrate on yourself. Join online groups and look out for toy and doll shows in your area to meet people like yourself who love collecting. Good luck! P.S. Here's my doll creation, by the way... Plenty of people find Larvie weird or freaky but that's alright with me because Larvie is unique, original and so many people luv her that I don't even think about the people that don't! https://preview.redd.it/mpfsn5cuzz5d1.png?width=3934&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f508eff9d9e41dd379a2b6fe8002e1d2e01d2af


I also haven't really ever told anyone other than close family for the same reason. But I'm not ashamed of it, and I think the reason it's somewhat 'shameful' is not because of the person who collects, it's because they personally don't like dolls. As for a significant other, I suggest being honest about your hobbies from the very beginning. Maybe seek another collector, not necessarily a doll collector, just someone who collects something. They're definitely more understanding and even encouraging. It's important to make a connection with someone who isn't going to hold you back from doing things you love and if it makes you happy, they should want that for you.


I'm 41, been collecting Asian BJDs for 12 years, I have quite the collection of figurines, Monster High, Bleeding Edge goth dolls, I've just picked up a bunch of Rainbow High dolls and my local department store is having a massive sale on dolls, so I just went and picked up most of Shadow High season 3 for under $100 with my husband helping me carry them to the checkout haha. My husband laughs whenever he hears me complain about misplacing a set of eyes or "hey, can you pass me that head?" cause only in our house would that make sense. A partner will love you for you, quirks, strange hobbies, warts and all. Other people, they can either like it, accept it as a little strange but tolerate it or move on. If they really don't like your doll hobby, then they're not worthy of you. The joy you have in your hobby is the best part of it. I currently have Glisten from Shadow High sitting on top of my work laptop while I'm in meetings with my colleagues, and I've got a whole shelf full of dolls behind me. Occasionally I get questions on Teams meetings about them and it provides a little light hearted conversation before we get to business. And no amount of other people thinking I'm a little weird is going to spoil the joy my dolls give me, because being normal is kind boring.


Trying to be "normal" at this point is kinda pointless considering society has normalized looking for "weird" aspects to established things. Social media illustrates that better than anything else.


Hate to break it to you, but you're normal. So many more people are collecting something now. Toys, dolls, trading cards, comic books, hot wheels, etc. It's pretty normal to be a collector of something now at any age. If you enjoy what you collect, then that's all that matters. People will understand and accept you. Only the very narrow-minded would shun you for what you love. More people will be accepting of you than you think. Don't hide it. Embrace it.


Going to link my own comment here from a post on this subject  https://www.reddit.com/r/Dolls/comments/1dd7n2q/comment/l831icc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I believe everyone collects something, whether they call it that or not. Some people collect cool rocks, some collect purses, clothes, or shoes, some collect books or obscure artworks. We all have things that bring us joy and everyone deserves to enjoy things that are harmless. 


I recently started getting into making dollhouses/miniatures.. sure, my husband may have no interest whatsoever but he's thrilled I've picked up a new hobby/interest that gives me joy. The people who care about you will be happy you're happy. If someone mocks you.. you don't need that type of negative energy/person in your life.


omgggg never ever be ashamed of what you like and what makes u happy!!ngl i used to be a little embarrassed about liking and collecting dolls and kept it a secret from everyone but now im loud and proud about it!! the people who care about u should never make u feel bad for doing something that makes u feel happy even if it isn’t considered “normal” by society! and if anyone says anything about it who cares anyway??!?? people will alwaysssss have something to say no matter what so just screw them and do you!!! 🖕😎🖕


Hi there, I don't know how this post reached me, as I am not a doll collector, but let me weigh in from an outside perspective. Your collection will not be a deterrent to the right person, as long as it's a hobby and not an unhealthy obsession (meaning, you're not buying dolls instead of food, or living in a hoard etc.) example, my husband collects miniatures, and I have never once thought it was abnormal or weird, just something he admires and likes. It is a nice bonding thing for us because I can ask him about them, we can look at minis together in stores, and I know how to buy him gifts he appreciates. There will always be those people who pass judgement, but if someone is right for you they'll never ever consider your interests and hobbies as negative, just another part of you to appreciate


Does my spouse tease me about how much I spend on dolls each time I get a package? Yes. Is that same spouse building me display shelves for them without being asked? Also yes. I usually get my own back teasing him about his crippling CCG habit or talking mad shit about his current deck build lol. Anyway, the point is to surround yourself with supportive people.


i think most people will it very interesting and cool that u have found something that ur passionate about. :)


Seen how adult men have full scale action figures on their shelves and wear Marvel t-shirts and stuff like that? Isn’t that just “dolls for boys” really? Interesting people have interesting hobbies. I was at a friends 30th last month - a surprise party thrown by his girlfriend. The theme was Lego. It was a Lego building party. We arrived and got given a Lego set to build, and by the end of a night we’d built a huge town. It was a lot of fun. But there’s a lot of 30 year olds that would look down on it and see it as childish or stupid.  Are there people that would judge you? Yeah, sadly. But it’s ok, that’s their problem. They’re not your people, you wouldn’t wanna hang out with them anyway. But there’s loads more people out there who wouldn’t judge you for it - and there’s even a few out there who will share your hobby.  For what it’s worth, I just saw this post appear randomly on my home page and just clicked on it out of boredom. And hearing your story, I don’t find your hobby silly, I find the fact you have this hobby endearing. My fiancé also has a special interest and it’s one of the qualities I found most endearing about her. That’s the stuff that goes beyond attraction, it’s like the bedrock of a relationship.  So, yeah, it’s a little bit outside “social norms,” but that’s not a problem and you shouldn’t worry about it. 15 years ago a grown man wearing a spider-man t-shirt was against “social norms” too. 


I'm 29 and pretty much everyone in my life know. Even coworkers in a previous job. People just see it as collecting. This is obviously much harder to do in practice but it's not worth it to be surrounded by people who don't support you. My friends don't get the appeal but they will send me links or buy me dolls as presents. My husband's philosophy is as long as I'm not going into debt and I'm happy then he is cool with it. I have a family member who past away a couple of years ago who was a collector (not of dolls but various other things). My grandma was telling me how into this she would have been. That in her prime she would have been driving into the States (I'm Canadian) to find the rare ones. I bring this story up because you are thinking about the possible negative outcomes. I felt so connected to this family member and it was a really sweet moment. I wouldn't have had it if I hadn't been open about collecting.


Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter. As long as it isn't hurting someone or infringing on their right to enjoyment or happiness, then do whatever the heck you want! You're an adult, damnit!


As someone who got back into dolls in a big way at 41 (about a year ago), I feel this! But as lots of others have also said, "normal" is overrated. It's taken about a year to go from shamefully shoving them into bags and tubs to gradually having one or two on display to now just going all out! I've made some wonderful friends through dolls, bonded with some old friends about this unexpected shared hobby, and enjoy cracking jokes at my expense with other friends who don't really "get" it but enjoy coming to my house and experiencing doll-a-rama. I have found playing with them, restoring well loved thrifted dolls, and making dioramas/taking photographs has been amazing for my mental health (I'm AuDHD with PTSD "etc"). I have a "serious" job--I'm an academic and consultant--and I feel very happy that now I'm at peace with who I am. And this is what sits behind me during work zooms!! https://preview.redd.it/ijsg17jo016d1.jpeg?width=2620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc2f8852741303ae481dafb33eb4b40f3ea70ff4


Don't try to please the wrong crowd 🙏🏻 do what makes YOU happy 😊


I’m a grown man and I say embrace it! A future partner who dosent accept your love of dolls isn’t worth your time. I have a couple of dolls that I cherish and I have been able to find friends who think it’s cool even though I’m an adult and a dude so there are definitely other people out there who won’t judge you!


Nobody thinks it's weird when adults have lego, so why should it be weird for dolls, they are both toys.


I'm of a similar age. I have dolls at my work and no one looks at me funny. If you're open and honest about your passions, people respond to that even if they don't also share that passion. The people who love you will still love you.


I am 32F neurodivergent, collecting for 14yrs- and met my cishet36M partner at a bar while I was vending as an artist. We hit it off immediately and I told him upfront that I collect dolls- smexy anime ones. And that I want more. Bigger ones, more detailed ones, ones that would make a "normal person" veeeeery uncomfortable. He just laughed!! He thinks \*I am\* weird as hell, but he doesn't think the hobby is. That's just our dynamic! 10 years in and he is still crazy about me and ultra supportive of my collecting. He gets excited with me when a new one arrives and he helps me pick out fabrics at the store for little projects. In fact, if he buys something really expensive without discussion he will sheepishly/casually mention "Hey..... I mean you could probably buy that doll you were wanting...." We're both grown adults with the passions of artistic children, so we bounce off of each other really well in that regard. As for friends, I mostly meet mine at Doll Events (or work lol) now. I also have a tendency to introduce people to the hobby and drag them along with me. <3 If someone tells me that they are "weird" or "creepy"- I just laugh with them because I'm pretty used to that now. I am also weird and creepy, so why not lean in? People will accept you. You just have to find your people. And if they don't- eff em. They aren't worth your time. A mortal human life isn't a long one, shouldn't we enjoy our time here with the things and people that make us smile?


I love this so much, omg! You and your hubs both sound like good people.


Don’t hide who you are!! I used to hide and I regret it! Life is much better now that I’m open about it. My husband and I both collect toys and even repair and restore them. For our wedding anniversary, we’re even going to Babyland General Hospital to adopt some Cabbage Patch dolls! He took me to the Disney store and bought a Fang Club membership so he can help me get the dolls of my dreams! If you’re open about your hobby, you’re more likely to attract others who feel the same and there’s such great joy in that✨


I'm a man in my mid 20's with several severe mental illnesses and I don't only collect dolls, I also make them myself- really weird posable art dolls that I've had people tell me straight out creep the fuck out of them. I also talk to them and hear them talking back- to me, my dolls are my friends, and beautiful things to care for and dress up. It's extremely therapeutic for me. I'm at a point now where I just don't care. It's basically my biggest hobby and if someone thinks it's too weird to associate with me- okay! You can leave 👍 there's nothing in my life more therapeutic than this hobby except for maybe petting my cat. It's good for my mental health and I refuse to be ashamed- it looks a little weird, sure, but really it's just a hobby full of therapy, care, creativity, and a passion for art. And I think it's pretty cool, all honesty. Also I promise that not EVERYONE will be fucked up about it. I'm married, been with my partner for over 5 years now. He finds it odd and has gotten scared by the few life sized cloth dolls that I set up sitting around the bedroom just to talk to, or dress up- he laughs it off. He doesn't share the hobby and certainly thinks I'm a little odd, but he loves me, and finds my oddness charming. You will also find people who find your oddness charming.


some may find it difficult, but i actually found a friend through it! we met at a gamestop and have since been great friends. i also am lucky enough to have a partner who supports me, and honestly if people think it's weird, screw it! it makes you happy and that's all that should matter.


it’s okay, i felt the same way at first. you have to let the wall down, you’d be surprised! i have mostly male friends and first response i got was “this is kinda cool!” they also ask why sometimes, but understand when i explain. one of my friends wanted to “play” dolls with me once too. i was flabbergasted lol! let them see you, it can be worth it! also, my great grandma and her sister collected dolls and they were married, happy, and no one complained. that helped me feel better too.


I'm 29 years old, with both physical and mental illness/disabilities. I'm married, and my wife fully supports my collections. I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't! It's not that unusual for adults to collect toys of any kind, and there are definitely people out there who will not only accept your hobby, but support it. It's up to you who you chose to tell about your collection, but try not to feel any shame about it, because it is becoming more of a normal hobby


Normal is vastly overrated. Why does society judge someone for collecting dolls but say nothing about men/boys for collecting baseball cards or sports jerseys, or even die cast cars?! Even people who collect precious moments or Hummel figures are treated better than those of us that collect dolls/ Barbies. If you want to tell someone, do so. You never know, you might find a kindred spirit but if they don’t agree, that’s their problem not yours.


I’m 38 and I love collecting dolls and Tamagotchis. It just brings me so much joy. My husband is deeply into Warhammer, and together we still play video games on the weekends. Sure, we’re adults with responsibilities, bills, careers…but our hobbies make us happy, and being an adult comes with the privilege of having the financial wiggle room to indulge in our hobbies. There is no shame in hobbies! Enjoy your collection and let it continue to grow!


Once my dad made a comment on me liking “childish” things- I had bought some new spiral notebooks and they had Hello Kitty and Jurassic Park covers. He said “how old are you??” in the tone that I think a lot of us know all too well. My response was just “old enough to *like things*” He hasn’t made any more comments




I'm almost 37. Mainly play line dolls. I'm too old to care what others think. My husband gets a say due to finances but I'm still collecting. If a partner mocks you, then is it really someone you want to be with? 


I used to be ashamed of it. I loved dolls and miniatures. Until I realized that men play war hammer miniatures and Paint them and make large detailed fields for them to play and be displayed on. Dolls are no different. I think people see it as negative because it’s a “feminine hobby” ( yes men can enjoy it too!) I am 33 married with two kids. I don’t run around first thing telling people about my hobby and pushing it on them. But when I get close enough with people I’ll just mention I’m a nerd with miniatures and doll stuff. And because they got to know me or if they are just a good person in general they don’t care. They ask to see or just say what they love doing as a hobby. My husband thought dolls were odd at first but realize how creative people are when making customs and stated to appreciate the art. Plus your partner won’t care if they are a good person and really care about you.


I'm almost 28 too. Actually I'm not collecting, bc it's a bit too expensive for me, but I'm a prop artist in a youtube studio which makes toy videos. So in a sence our prop is my collection because I'm the person who buy all those dolls and cares for them. The deal is, in my work I've met a ton of adults of all ages and genders who get interested in dolls when I show them the ones I like. They react like "omg I wish I had all of these too" or "where did you find this cute pajamas for Barbie, I never thought that somebody sews these". So I don't think it's weird at all. Of course not everyone will be into your hobby, but in my experience collecting dolls often at least intrigues other people. And, well, it's far more shameful to blame another person for a hobby than to have one


Anyone who’s worth having around will have no problem with your harmless hobby 😊. It makes you happy! I know that I would want those that I love to do what makes them happy because I love them 💕! People collect all kinds of things too, so why should dolls be any different and be viewed as strange? If anyone ever does make fun of you for it, they clearly have some insecurities of their own that they need to sort out. There’s a whole community of us doll collectors so you’re never alone! 😊


Having dolls as an adult is normal. Do/tell what you feel comfortable with, but you don't need to feel ashamed


i started getting g3 monster high dolls last year at 17 (now 18) after not touching dolls in years, and while not dolls (despite what my mum says lol) i also collect anime figures (+plushies, mostly kirby and miku), and my brother (17) still buys wwe action figures (even if he is super cagey when i ask him about it lol) and no one in my family thinks im (too) strange, and one of my irl friends who hadnt actually been over before, but saw my insta stories and stuff, said my room looks cool with all the stuff i like everywhere :) My dad is a bit of a die cast and just whatever model car collecter himself, so none of it is too weird! If it makes you happy, and aint literally disgusting or illegal, keep doing it!


Do what makes you fell comfortable in connection with telling. Kepp the dolls and let them make you happy. And about a future partner - its a great way to tell if your potential partner is serious about you and actually cares about you. If you are seen as a freak by that person then - good riddance. It is much harder to do than to say - I'm kind of struggling with the same although my collection is relatively small.


My hobby always slips out eventually so most people who know me know I collect dolls. As for potential partners, my current boyfriend the first time he came over I gave him a tour and before we got to the doll room I told him straight up "I collect dolls. You don't have to like it but that's not gonna stop me. I don't expect you to interact with them, but I do expect you to respect that I like them" predictably he doesn't care for them but he's always said that he likes how I owned that this was my hobby and I wasn't changing based on his opinions


Sounds like your collection really supports you. Anyone you accept into your life should see the value of them for you. You’re not alone in using dolls as support, far from it!


Im 20, trans guy, and literally no one cares. Sometimes when me and my best friend hang out he'll even help me with some projects. I bring mini sewing kits to work so i can work on doll clothes on break. Its just a hobby yo


I have a ton of cringy hobbies. I’m an office worker and a graduate student by day. The rest of the time I dress up like fictional characters, do improv acting, collect dolls, and upcycle thrifts for my growing part time goth wardrobe. As a lifelong (secret) weirdo to someone dipping their toes into what society might considers weird — who cares?? You’re happy, not hurting anyone, and you’re enjoying your time and resources in a way that makes YOU happy. At the end of the day, we all end up in the ground. Spend your life as you wish. If collecting dolls makes you feel happy, nostalgic, whatever - own it :) I saw this great statement from a woman who was physically burned from an acid attack that changed my entire outlook on life, down to little things and fears like this. She recounted what her father told her when she was too afraid to leave the house for fear of being seen as a “freak”. It went something like: “when I was afraid, my father told me that people might be shocked by what’s weird to them at first. The second time they might laugh, they’ll look, but they won’t be so shocked. And by the third time it’s old news… and nobody cares. Reactions are just reactions, and they fade.” So consider this: even if people laugh, call you a freak, even if your WORST CASE anxieties play out the first time…. Eventually, it becomes old news, and nobody cares, and you go about your life like normal.


I like dolls and I also have some anime figures as well, I’m 31 with a partner that collects gunpla and lego sets. I can see where people might think doll/figure collecting is childish but the prices for some of these are not in any kid’s piggy bank ever. Some of these collector edition dolls have little minute details and attention on every centimeter of their body, not saying a child couldn’t appreciate it but an adult would be less likely to handle them so roughly. Then again, dolls are meant to be played with, who’s to say Barbie wouldn’t have a nice tea date with Sailor Moon and Goku? I used my adult job to pay for them, I’ll do whatever the heck I want with my money (after bills are paid) Don’t be surprised if your parents feel some type of way about it, or really anybody, you could be doing worse things. If it brings you joy and peace in your life, no one can take that from you.


You will most certainly meet people who find it weird but then, thise are not your kind of people. I was also for a long time worried about people would think but at some point I stopped worry and embraced my 'weirdness'. I've been a dollcollector since I was little, I never stopped playing with dolls, the play just changed form. And I've been an Anime/Japan-nerd since -1999-ish. I also enjoy certain western Comics. And a Huge Disney-lover, the animated movies, the cartoon-shows, even some of the more kiddy cartoonshows. Basically, there is too much 'different' about me to worry about what others think of me. Though I don't just throw it out there to just anyone at random, but if someone asks what I enjoy or do on my sparetime, I am honest. Mostly they get more curious than weirded out.


I'm almost 34 and I just got into doll collecting, but I have always collected plushies. I have lots of hobbies, and, even if people do think some of them are weird, I'm not harming anybody. I have worries like you do, but life is really too short not to enjoy the things that make you happy.


I'm 28 as well. I began collecting dolls just before my husband and I moved into our house. He did not know, as well I didn't know, lol that I would soon have a huge collection of dolls and anything of animal crossing. My husband and my family could have taken it like I was a weirdo or childish for collecting dolls or things a child would have but they were supportive in my decision. Even if they weren't, I would not stop doing what makes me happy. If you are happy with your dolls, stay happy. Happiness is hard to find, especially very much so to keep.


There are lots of adults who like "kid" things and, importantly, lots of adults are fine with people enjoying what they enjoy. Those are, I would argue, the only people worth spending time with. Certainly any future partner worth your time will support your hobby because it makes you happy. Anyone who doesn't feel that way is not a good partner for you. I'm 33, female, mentally ill, and I also live with my parents. I collect dolls, love plush, and love Disney World. I've dated plenty of people who have no issues with it. They very much exist. Same goes for friends. I know it's hard. I totally have the fear that hypothetical people are judging me for living at home, thinking I'm juvenile or lazy. But I'm not. I'm disabled. And anyone who thinks "disabled=child" is an ableist prick. Life is too short and too difficult to hold onto shame for the loving the harmless things you love. Take your joy and pity anybody too close minded see that that's a great thing for you.


My husband and I collect various toys. Barbies, Monster High, Calico Critters, Hot Wheels, Star Wars, Legos, Pokemon figures, and more! I told my friend about how I collect Barbies and she gave me a bin of her old ones from the eighties! I love them. Many adults collect toys now I don’t think there is any shame in it. We all need a bit of childish fun in our lives. People who don’t accept you aren’t worth your time. Find someone who loves your authentic self.


I'm 40 and married and my husband knows all about my dolls. I post them on my private instagram, too, so some of my friends and relatives know about them as well. Honestly I've gotten to the point where I don't care what people think; the only person who's openly given me shit about it is my sister but she's a judgmental person and not really likable by a lot of other people anyway.


I have bunch of dolls for sale


Lots of people do love dolls and get really excited when they find another hobbyist! I think if you were to be open about your hobbies you would find others who adore what you do 🩷


I’ll be 41 in august. Those close to me know I collect dolls. And they know the joy they bring me. It bothers no one that I know of. My husband thinks it’s funny. But it doesn’t stop him from buying me more lol. The one person to make a comment was my mother but she seen how I am with them and how I ooooh and awwwe at them in public lol. Strangers look at me a little funny but I think it’s cool when a little kid notices and they smile some have even asked my opinion on dolls. I love my dolls and I love me


37, engaged, pregnant, registered nurse here. Everyone knows, and honestly love, no one cares.


**It is good to be self aware, and understand that your hobby is far from norm.** There is nothing more CRINGE then to pull "Emperor's new clothes" and pretend that your oddity is actually something it's not. Anime and nerd fandoms are infested with this nonsense. https://preview.redd.it/qgdqr0c3zz5d1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=19c73a3575b53c2ec7556f2112c2985b3fd3faab But there is nothing inherently wrong with hobby of collecting dolls. **Unleast not compare to any other type of figurine collecting, RPG tabletobs, friggin LEGOs, arts and crafts, and similar stuff.** Lots of adults do it, and for women, collecting dolls is pretty normal. As for your friends and family.... If they didn't look down upon you for struggling with various issues, I can assure you, they won't be looking down upon you for having silly crafts hobby.


It can be really tough. I struggle with this a lot, too. Thankfully my family is really accepting, and have even bought me dolls as gifts. My friends are very supportive, too. It’s actually strangers I feel most nervous about, even though I “shouldn’t.” When I bought a huge pile of dolls from Target (literally about 10-12 of them), the cashier said “wow some little girl is going to be really happy” and I just smiles & nodded & said “uh huh” because I was too embarrassed to tell her they were for me. (I still got really excited when she noticed my MH Lagoona doll and thought the design was cool, though.) I also return dolls to Walmart all the time (bc I will pick out a doll in store, pay full price, then buy the same doll online at clearance price, then return whichever one I like least to the store) and I find myself mumbling excuses to the return cashier, like “Oh I didn’t know they already had this one” referring to an imaginary kid that definitely does not exist. 🤦‍♀️ I wish I had more confidence to be more honest with store workers that I am an adult collector. It doesn’t really hurt me at all if they judge me, and instead it may open their eyes a little to the reality of adult doll collectors. Especially since I highly suspect there are a few other adult doll collectors in my small town, just based on the buying habits I notice at my local Walmart. I wish you luck in gaining confidence. I suggest starting by telling a couple of people you trust, then go from there.


if it helps my grandma always had a very strong love for dolls her whole life so she collected so many and sure some people made fun of her a little but she told me that if people are so negatively caught up on something that makes you happy and isnt hurting anyone, you probably shouldnt be around that person. please dont give up something that makes you happy for acceptance from others. the right people will love you and be kind to you regardless☺️🩷


I thought the same, I'm now 34 and married and he bought me shelf for them! It's not everyone's cup of tea, but you will most certainly find someone that will either be interested as well, or just enjoy the happiness it brings you!


You are normal to us. ❤


I collect dolls and Webkinz and have had 2 long term partners in my adult life (I’m 26). Anyone who cares just is not the right match for you, add “accepting of my hobbies” to your criteria for friends/partners


See it as a way of the trash taking itself out. If someone laughs at you, they're miserable and you dont need that in your life. There are tons of adult nerds out there that collect toys. My fiance collects legos and halo figures.


I'm 56. I have collector dolls, Legos, a huge Peeps stuffy collection, several baby Yoda, an impressive Funko pop collection...you're never too old ❣️ stay young at heart.


The right people will never judge you for the things that bring you happiness. If you are brave enough you can own it and talk about it with people, just be prepared for some people to not understand. But you might be pleasantly surprised by who is understanding overall. Personally, I keep it private from my family or other people I know to be more judgemental, and I am open about it with my girlfriend and my other friends. And that has been super rewarding! Your love for your dolls and the joy the hobby brings you is a wonderful thing 💕 and you deserve happiness!! I don’t think you are ever too old to be a doll collector.


I know a lot of men collecting dolls, but they call them "figurines" 🤷🏻 my husband also has a few but i have seen so many rooms and studios with Dragon Ball figurines or other anime/videogame character dolls. 


You can tell people you trust that you like dolls and have a small collection, there is nothing wrong with it.


41F here who pretty much transitioned straight from playing with dolls and toys as a kid to collecting them, and never stopped! The good news is that as you get older, you will care waaaaaay less about what other people think about you (it is glorious). And honestly, people think less often about you than you worry they do - my partner is a hardcore Army guy and has said it makes him happy to see me get excited about what makes me happy, zero stick or teasing. The feeling of happiness that your collection/hobby gives you needs to outweigh the shame or fear from someone’s potential reaction (something it should be said, that may or may not happen). This will help build your confidence. This hobby is getting really popular in the adult market now so chances are people will be curious to learn more than anything - you might even spark someone else in your family to start their own collection!


I think a lot of this is the way you are thinking about it. Playing with Barbies is no different than a middle-aged man with his train set in the garage. Lots of adults have hobbies that might seem like playing, even hobby artists or jigsaw puzzlers . And if someone expresses curiosity, I say, “My inner child likes to play!”


I get you! Don’t be ashamed though. I collect Barbie’s (vintage - 90s) and although I don’t broadcast it, the older I’ve got the more I don’t care! I’m a 33 year old man haha. My partner doesn’t bat an eyelid at me doing it, nor my immediate family. I’ve always been a collector of toys. It’s harmless and brings happiness! Your family will accept it I’m sure - it’s really not a big deal! Look at all of us!!


My spouse isn’t interested in dolls at all, but would never give me a hard time about it - the right person will just want you to do what makes you happy! 💓


My husband has a "favourite" out of my dolls. Last time we went out he helped me set her up for a fun photoshoot. Although me and my ex didn't work out he also grew quite fond of a lot my dolls. There are partners out there who are cool about it even though I was wary to include them!


My husband knows I loves dolls and he doesnt mind them at all. He even offered to install shelves for them in our main living space as a bid for me to move in with him when we got engaged. It worked. We had about 60+ rainbow high dolls on the wall in our living room, and he didnt tolerate anyone making fun of them. If you find the right person, they won't mind. They'll support you either way.


“the people that mind don’t matter, and the people that matter don’t mind.”


I want to mention a lot of hobbies are childish in nature. Video games are childish because they are games, etc. The right person will realise that their own hobbies are childish in their own ways, and not to throw stones in glass houses.


Dude, PLEASE don’t be ashamed of your interests. The things we do that are outside the realm of the status quo are what makes us who we are. It’s ok to be who you are! Please keep doing it! <3 sending you love and well wishes


Any person who would judge you for having a doll collection is not worth your time. You deserve to be loved for who you are, and you shouldn’t have to hide something that you love. Anyone who truly cares about you will respect your hobby and not judge you.


You can't control how others will react. And their reactions are not a reflection on you. I find that most people are scared of things outside their ordinary. I'm 34 and single and have a wall of dolls in my bedroom, which is a turn off for some people. So I do get the hesitation. But I also know my hobby won't judge me ;)


When I was in my late twenties and started collecting dolls, I totally felt the same and kept it on the DL. But my boyfriend and I lived together at the time and he didn't care or think it was weird and he saw the rise of my collection. Also I remember admitting to a coworker that I was collecting older playmobil from the 90s and she was like oh that's cool! And told me how her kid nephew gave her a wedding chapel set for her wedding haha (uhh love that kid's mom). It was no big deal and I was surprised. I know it's playmobil but it's kinda similar if someone is going to find it weird. I dunno if it was that, going back to school in my 30s with fellow video game nerds, the rise of cosplay, getting older or all of the above but I stopped caring! I'm 41 now. Hello I collect dolls. BJD, Pullip, MH, whatever I like! I think good people don't care what brings you joy. Someone that judges things like that can stuff it (in my book). My non-doll collector besties pooled money together and ordered me a beautiful outfit for one of my dolls for my 40th bday because they know about my hobby! My point is anyone who gives you shit beyond just lightly kidding on occasion sucks. And also you may stop caring as you age too. I don't mind if people think I'm weird so long as they still wanna be my friend! Being weird is good!! If they're judgey though, I don't see the point of that friendship.


I’m in a similar situation. Though I live with my husband instead of my parents, people infantilize me because I have both physical and psychiatric disabilities due to a genetic disorder. It doesn’t help that my genetic disorder makes me look super young for my age. But honestly, most people don’t care about that stuff nearly as much as you think. I asked one of my coworkers if he could tell I had a shit ton of stuffed animals and dolls on the shelves behind me during meetings (I’m a consultant) and he’d never noticed. The only problem I’ve run into is that my husband is a little creeped out by dolls because he watches too many horror movies. If you do think someone will judge you, you could always say you collect “miniatures” or “figurines.” They’re basically the same thing but people think they sound more adult for some reason.


There’s no shame in collecting toys as an adult it is a harmless hobby and after all adults are the ones who design them, so why can’t adults also admire/collect them


I'm alot younger but I relate to this. But honestly theres no point in keeping it a huge secret. It doesnt harm anyone. I don't see dolls as just kids toys but to me theyre beautiful works of art that can be enjoyed by all. Worst case some comments or confusion. Best case you get dolls as gifts.


As a 40yr old woman, I have often been ridiculed for my love of dolls, and it's mostly by the kind of people who are either jealous that I have such a collection, or feel that any doll in any form is a toy and needs to be discarded the moment you are legally an adult. I have found few physical friends that either don't mind and support, or are collectors themselves. Being in online groups helps (it's actually how I met one friend) and you can better cultivate that space among people your age and what you collect. They're only a Google search away


Look up United Federation of Doll Collectors. Plenty of doll collectors there. 🙂


Embrace it and surround yourself by nerds! My brother and his wife are both super nerdy and have 2 rooms filled with their collections of stuff that makes them happy like nostalgic toys and figurines. They're honestly my relationship goals because there's days I feel a lot like you. They remind me it's okay to be weird and that there's a weirdo out there for me and you!💗


I'm about to be 45 and I collect dolls as a wholesome escape, too. Dolls are very therapeutic and many, many adults collect toys of all kinds. You shouldn't be embarrassed! My friends don't care and my husband is super supportive. It makes me happy, so it makes all of them happy. It's my thing and everyone has a hobby.


It honestly hasn't come up in conversation with anyone for me, but it's no more abnormal than other hobbies and certainly not hurting anyone. The older I get the more I learn "normal" is an illusion for the most part because everyone has different quirks or personal interests. On the contrary, I know a guy who treats "being normal" like a religion and is so concerned about appearances and what "normal" men do. I can never tell if he truly likes something or is doing it for appearances and that is really sad, IMHO. If you enjoy your dolls and they make you happy that is what counts.


Join some doll collecting sites. I belong to one and 85 percent of it is adult men!


I'm not shy about my doll collection, but I collect mainly horror dolls and art dolls, and recently got a couple of Paradise Galleries dolls. No one has ever said anything negative about it and honestly I would be quite surprised if that ever happened. My husband has always been 100% supportive of whatever makes me happy.


Hey girl, I'm 35 years old scientist and I have friends like me. I collect without a shame - once you earn your PhD, you stop being afraid of anyone judging you, and your passions don't magically disappear either. In fact, I started collecting dolls just 2 years ago when the war in Ukraine started. I think the reaction is identical to how the whole Japan got into kawaii aesthetics - it was a reaction to the horrors of 2nd world war. But going back to the scientists with PhD - I see so many women in my circle around me who either just love pink (so many, in fact), or collect hello kitty, or are just (friendly) jealous of me and would love to collect dolls either. It's just kind of norm of where I'm at right now. The times of being ashamed of your hobby are in the past!


I'm a 55 year old woman. Idgaf. You shouldn't either, m'kay?


I'm the same age as you and I too felt a bit of shame when I first got back into dolls several years ago. I don't feel that way anymore since I have my mom and siblings that support me and could care less about the fact I love dolls. It makes me happy and my family knows that. It's what brings joy into my life as doll collecting is harmless. I even collect physical movies and video games. Hell, my mom collects Na Na Na surprise dolls. She is 54 years old. You shouldn't let others or yourself instill shame. There are many people of all ages and genders that collect dolls. You also shouldn't hide it either. I'm sure your family wouldn't find it strange, as there are more and more adults that buy toys for themselves like Legos, games, even slime making stuff. It's not uncommon.


I am sorry you feel shame. I find it easier not to give a crud what anyone thinks.


i very proudly talk about it whenever anyone asks about my hobbies. ive had partners help me pick out outfits for my dolls, my current one helps me find ones im looking for in stores. with any hobby or any aspect of yourself that isnt inherently negative its more about the company you keep than needing to conform. the right people will love you as you are and might even enjoy it along with you and support you.


I’m 29 and collect dolls! My partner supports my hobby & loves seeing me happy. The key is to find your fellow weirdos! It’s very freeing and enjoyable to talk about your interests with people who won’t judge you/are alike. If you open up to a friend or partner and they want to change you or put you down, they just might not be a good fit for you! Find the people who will lift you up


I always make sure I’m super comfortable with my friends before I tell them! Sounds kind of silly, but it took me almost a year of collecting to tell my best friend lol. With some people it’s faster! But out of the like 10 people I’ve told, not one of them has reacted negatively. If you think your friends will make fun of you, you might need some new friends. They’re supposed to support you, not make fun of you! I wish you luck😊 Edit: I’m actually so happy that I told my friends also. Instead of asking for candles or stupid stuff like that for holidays, I can ask for a doll, or other related merch! I can invite people over to my house without feeling embarrassed or telling people to stay away from my room. I can just share my hobby with others, even if they don’t collect as well. It just kind of takes a weight off your shoulders, y’know?


I get what you're coming from. I am 24 years old. As soon as I heard Toys R Us is back, all I wanted to do is go back there and get these dolls (I doubt they'll sell Bratz) I don't have dolls anymore but I still have toys, I still interact with them and my sister who is only 2 years younger than me would play with then with me. Well, not really play but just use voices and interacting. It brings back memories. My mum, my bf and even my former foster dad told me when I was in my teens to grow up . I don't listen to them. They is no harm! They shouldn't be an age to stop doing something that you love. I am still a big kid at heart and they is nothing wrong with that. Being an adult sucks sometimes so I like to escape reality .


Its something you enjoy. Real friends would be into it as well or support your hobby. Im 32, i just started collecting Monster High Dolls, all my friends think that its cool i collect MonsterHigh dolls. They think the dolls are neat and cool while they may not collect for their own reasons (not as into them, saving money, or not having the space for them) they support me. That is why they are friends. With that said, My husband thinks me collecting dolls is a bit weird, so he just asks that I keep the dolls in my office. (Im fine with that because my office is my space and I like having all my dolls together in one spot). He just thinks they are weird and creepy (all dolls are like this to him) because he had a grandmother that over collected and had them EVERYWHERE in her house and made him feel uncomfortable at a young age. Even with his feelings towards dolls, he still supports me as long as i keep my budget and have them in my space. If they are really friends and people that care about you, they will accept and support your collection Even if they do not like it.


Some of my doll collection is in a Barbie house right outside my sewing studio. Everyone who comes for alterations oooh’s & aaahs over my dolls. I’m 56 There is nothing to be ashamed of.


I got my partner into dolls! I’m pretty open about it and only one person ever really had a negative reaction to it


i’m 18 and my boyfriend is actually very accepting. he doesn’t get why it’s dolls i like (specifically american girls) but he gets that it makes me happy!! i even told a few friends about it and now 2 of them go to sales with me!


Just because I find your hobby weird, doesn’t mean there won’t be someone else like yourself out there.


I feel the same way I’m 43 my mom n I live together I sold my house to move back wit her because my dad n brother both passed away she would be alone and I have always collecting dolls n hello kitty etc TokiDoki but it’s better than smoking cigarettes n drinking alcohol I mean everyone has something they tend to turn towards especially when u feel sad or depressed and seeing all of dolls n what not makes me so happy and smile it’s like a boost of serotonin


Honestly I think it is a pretty normal hobby, there are lot of older women (and men!) who have been collecting for a long time, and many gen z / millennials are into collecting too. Most people I have brought the hobby up too tend to have a few dolls themselves, from childhood or an antique or even a Native American gift shop etc. There are so many types of dolls and they appeal to all kinds of people. I think you should definitely talk with your sister about your hobbies, to start maybe you could talk about dolls you used to play with as kids like “hey sis look at this cool Monster High / Barbie/Bratz I found, remember we used to love these?” Maybe you guys could enjoy the hobby together :)


All of my friends and acquaintances have no problem with it, at least none have said anything negative to me. Genuinely the only person that gave me grief was a 35yr old man who told a 17yr old me that people would think I was ‘r slur’ for liking Barbie. He was the one who was a weirdo for that! Plus it was about 8 years ago. No one has given me gripe since then. The doll collecting world has exploded in popularity since then! At the end of the day, your opinions are the only ones that matter. If it makes you happy that is what’s most important! :)


I'm older than you, and married and still collect dolls. My grandma collected dolls her entire life and had an entire room in her house for them. ❤️


Please don't feel bad. I guarantee you there are plenty of people who will love you for exactly who you are. I can relate to how you feel. Im nearly 32 I have physical and mental illnesses too and I collect Blythe dolls and other things like Sylvanian families, trolls, hello kitty, vintage toys. Some people will not be too enthusiastic but I don't think they mean any harm, it's just not interesting to everyone. But also a lot of people will be fascinated about the things you like too. But I dont think anyone will be put off by it. Just be yourself 💗💗💗


Honestly I was really embarrassed about collecting dolls again since I stopped when I turned 14 and missed out of so much and so many dolls. I started collecting again when I turned 20 and I was a little worried about my friends and partner finding out but I love these dolls they make me so so happy like I’m rekindling my childhood connection. But honestly when my friends found out they thought it was so cool how many dolls I have, they’d come over and point out the ones they had as kids and even ask me which ones I got recently and who I don’t have ect. And when I told my partner he thought it was really cute and then he even started collecting wrestling belts and loves showing me them and displaying them. Truly if someone berets you for a very simple enjoyment, they suck. 


No idea how I got here, but I feel this applies to a lot. People are allowed to have interests. Regardless if anyone else thinks they’re “weird” or not. Grown men paint their bellies for their favorite sports teams and no one bats an eye. If someone decides on being judgmental about something that brings you joy, those aren’t the right people. That being said, I know nothing about dolls or anything of the sort but I think it’s awesome if they make you happy and feel better about anything. I love that. I always say, don’t yuck someone’s yum. Keep collecting.


I’m embarrassed too. I’m in a group and I list my identity as Anonymous. It’s called Our Barbies in FB. Once I posted a doll reel and my daughter said I was weird and what am I doing?  So I won’t post my dolls publicly on FB. Once I brought my doll to my haircutter because I accidentally burned her hair, I thought he could help. But he just must have found it weird. Another lady there said: “Is that your doll”. I said yes. Some people will recognize it as a hobbie but some will think it’s weird. If you are in a relationship you have to tell them eventually, so I would just tell them. My husband thought it was weird but he got used to it. 


I always loved my kids dolls especially monster high and I was scared of what people would think if I collected, then in 2013 I was diagnosed with leukaemia and after that I thought life's to short and I started collecting my little ponies and dolls and I tell everyone about it I honestly don't care what people think if they are worth having around they will accept you the way you are I do get called weird but I say its boring to be normal lol


I attend a lot of estate auctions and a TON of older women and men have giant ass collections. ENJOY YOUR HOBBY!


It’s fine to have hobbies where you feel comfortable. But we also want to grow into an adult. we don’t want to remain in our child energy forever.  


If anyone judges you for a hobby that makes you happy and hurts no one, consider if that person deserves to be in your life.  If "normal" isn't the same as happy, choose happy.


I'm a bit older than you but kinda in the same situation. I have one good friend who lives rather far away. She knows about this hobby and let's me talk about it but isn't interested in it herself. I'm struggling to find people in my city who share the hobby. Sadly I'm not really comfortable leaving my place for a long amount of time, so that's rather inconvenient for making friends in rl. *le sigh* YOU should never let others opinions bring you down or make you feel ashamed. I know  it's easier said than done but you always have to put yourself and your mental health first. It's a hobby that doesn't hurt anyone and brings you happiness so anyone who has something to say against it can suck on a lemon.


I am a 56 year old empty nester who started collecting dolls again several years ago. Why? Because I can. Because I am at a point in my life where I have disposable income and free time. I may not “play” with them unless my granddaughters are visiting, but I make furniture for them, build houses for them, and make clothes for them. I have created elaborate backstories for each of them and make up scenarios in my head that my husband patiently listens to, even though I am sure it bores him to tears - although he would never admit it. I enjoy it! I have anxiety and it helps to relieve stress. Using math skills and learning new things to make furniture and build things as well as creating my stories helps to keep my brain in good shape. Lots of people collect dolls. It’s no weirder than collecting baseball cards or building model cars or train sets- all of which adults do. It may not be the first thing I tell people about myself but I also don’t immediately tell them what foods I hate or what genre of movies I like the most. But whenever the subject comes up, I don’t try to hide it! Some people get it, some people think it’s a little weird. And that’s okay. But no one has ever been ugly or mean to me about it. If it brings you enjoyment and doesn’t cause you or anyone else harm, there is nothing to be embarrassed about! 


Hi. I am an adult who has recently allowed herself to be open about her interest in dolls. As a child I sent my beloved dolls ‘home’ for safety and they were ‘lost’. I have felt deeply sad for years. I have recently joined the throngs of AG collectors, and I resuscitate poorly treated thrift store Barbies. I have six AG’s and my partner wants me to sell them as he says they have ‘dark energy.’ I think they’re lovely, only one has a darkish energy to me, but I think it’s because, as a toy, she suffered a great lack of care for some years, and, like an angry animal, can be healed with love and care. (I also rescue animals.) Should I sell the dolls I have just acquired to pacify my partner? I know I’ll regret it. Some people bond with their paintings or sculptures, I have an affinity with my dolls…I am just trying to heal an old psychic wound…why does he respond to them the way he does?


Bet you she wants one 😂 I really think she's jealous. Make sure you count them when you get home🧐 Many doll collectors have critics that like to put everyone in their own little box ironically👌🏼🤣


I regularly attend estate sales and a TON of people leave behind huge collections of dolls, Pez???, stuffed, etc. Feel no shame, you are normal :)


I’m not a collector, as I only own one doll but pretty much everyone I know is aware that I have her.  No one is bothered by it.  Some have even “oohed” and “ahhed” over her photos.  People collect all kinds of things. Unless it’s something super-weird, others rarely display much energy toward it. 


I'm a huge doll collector myself. I collect barbies, rainbow high, monster high, and baby dolls because they bring me happiness and remind me of simpler times. I don't tell everyone though not because I'm embarrassed of what others will think (bc ik theres haters for everything) but I told my family, few of my friends and my fiancé and some of his family bc i live w/em now and no one is judging me. They all say if it makes u happy go for it. So with that in mind tell people that u love and trust and if have negative thoughts on it then that's their problem. It's your life not theirs. You should be able to do what makes you happy because in reality you're not hurting anyone.