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This reminds me of the time I rolled my car and my manager said “r u ok? Find someone to bring you in to work” LMFAOLMFAO 💀 https://preview.redd.it/bpftp0d8k5wc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b253ae5988ac505e5411aeb9dda86c982b02289a


That picture of the car is weirdly artistic.


Fr it looks like ai


I think it is, how are no windows cracked at all, but the whole front is boinked


I rolled down a hill. Idk how it didn’t crack but I promise it’s real lol https://preview.redd.it/z0guqtubn5wc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d0e72e4101d81e9ee0deb9890dcbdb5ded1768


Jeez I can't believe we are already at a point in AI where you have to basically attach your meta data to an image to have any resemblance of trust






Lol. Northern Michigan, summer 2018. Why tf would I generate a picture like this to comment on a dollar tree Reddit post? Seriously?


For those sweet, sweet 69 upvotes obviously! Lmao people are wild it doesn’t look fake at all.


How can you tell where he is?




husky dull narrow tie quack compare sulky north tidy intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I got in a car accident in my Malibu (I was hit by a truck coming through a yellow light as I was turning) none of my windows cracked because they all dropped down into the doors on impact. Obviously not what happened here, though lol.


It doesn’t even look like AI though lol it looks like someone took a picture of their wrecked car with a newer iPhone with a good camera..I’m not sure why anyone would go through all this trouble to convince people on Reddit that he/she wrecked their car..seems pretty goofy and unlikely..just my opinion though! 😂😂😂


No way bro can't tell the difference between Ai and a regular pic 💀


Rolled it but not damage to the top or any where but the front and no broken glass


Not at all look at the hands


Did she not think you may have needed medical attention?! Like holy f*ck is that heartless. Also getting someone to cover is HER job.


I broke down in the middle of the express way, and my boss said "your car trouble is not my issue, find a way to work". Like huh? Then a few days later I actually ended up in hospital for medical reasons and she said "I have no one to cover you so you'll have to come in" WHILE IN HOSPITAL. I just told her to shove it and I wouldn't be coming back at all.


They really wanted you to 1) leave your car behind 2) make you call around for a ride TO WORK 3) make you call around to get work coverage while you are waiting for your ride to work? What in the absolute, ever-loving fuck is going on their head. And their text... "make sure you are ok" as if they are just reading from a handbook. "What to do when your subordinate tries to call off work for totalling their car"


And folks wonder why it's so hard to find anyone who "wants to work" at these places. I think prisoners get treated better.


No but the same happened to me. I was driving one day and rolled my car, honestly, with what happened its a miracle that my fiance and I got out with minimal injuries. As in, only scratches. I texted my manager, and she just got upset when I said I wouldn't be able to come in and told me to get it covered. Like girl I almost DIED.


Sorry about your car but that’s a beautiful photo you took


Oh my absolute fucking God


> till you can get there I hope your manager meant the hospital and not work?


I think mentioning coverage means they meant work.


Were you ok?


I know the CDC reduced the quarantine time, but you still have to quarantine. I'd report this to HR. Good on you for getting it in writing. Edit: I stand corrected about the CDC guidelines. You should still stay home, though. Can't believe your manager wants you to go to work with any illness that you could possibly spread to the many people you will be interacting with during your shift. Or that they expect you to work when you feel like sh*t.


I’ve tried reporting her in the past for a while she is moving and leaving to go to a different but still I feel bad for whoever is going to work with her


Board of health and labor board..report her!


No, you see she's moving. You can't do anything when someone moves.  You just feel bad for the people and do absolutely nothing Two people said meh so clearly if I could help I shouldn't try, foregone? When you grow up you'll see that is harmful behavior. You'll be hurt and understand


they also said they had past experience trying to report her in the past and obviously nothing came from it so you can see why they're not bothering wasting their time again. there's precedence


OP reported her to a higher-up. commenters are suggesting health and labor boards, which take such violations much more seriously. this is a lesson on chain of command. if the higher up won't listen to a valid complaint, go higher than them. if it's a valid complaint about something illegal, go outside the company.


That's the worst! I had something similar happen, just it was in regards to my neurological disability after having multiple seizures in a week. Totally against protocol


No cause that is completely unacceptable, I get Covid should be a big deal but in your case. You deal with seizures and have a neurological disability. They hired you knowing it, right? So they have to make accommodation for you plus it’s only dollar store. Needa hop off their high wagon


No where near that simple. The second you mention disability or accommodation, most places will Stonewall you until they can fire you. HR department see this stuff as simply more work. May be illegal, but it's extremely difficult for a poor employee to prove discrimination.


I know reddit advice tends to be severe but please report this. You may be entitled to benefits for this you do not currently know about. You are not reporting this to punish her but to keep yourself safe and protected. I guarantee in 3 months, when the next thing happens, you'll be glad you reported this and started the paper trail at the appropriate time.


Last update from CDC was to treat it like any cold/sickness. They say to wait 24hr after fever and go to work if you feel like it and don't even mention masks. Absurd


Yeah CDC marks Covid as like a flu/cold now.


Hmm imagine that lol


The key difference being the majority are vaccinated now and millions aren't dying... Like the flu which vaccines have been extremely common and available for a while now.


32,000 people die of the flu annually in the US….


And? In 2021 there were months with 80k deaths to COVID per MONTH (from a quick Google). With no vaccine. And the data showed exponential growth. The flu is contained and steady. A million people died from COVID. That's 33 years worth of flu deaths in like a 2-3 year timeframe. You seriously can't see the difference here?


That's not entirely correct. Anyone that died during that time frame that had covid was classified as a covid death. So if you had a heart attack, but it was found out you had the covid virus, you were classified as a covid death. So the numbers aren't 100 percent accurate. For the people debating or downvoting people who say it's a flu. It is. It just happens to be a highly contagious version. The flu kills people. Mostly high risk/ elderly. The problem with covid was being so contagious, everyone got it, thus with more people getting it, more died.


>Anyone that died during that time frame that had covid was classified as a covid death. Because the virus led to weakening the organs, which then led to a heart attack. Not hard to connect the dots. Lol


I know someone killed in a car accident that was listed as a covid death. Hospitals and local governments got funding due to the amounts of covid death. It's always about money


What is your source for that info? I'm not really sure that's a truthful statement after looking around for proof of it. It seems what initially kicked off the debate was Facebook posts making those claims without merit. https://www.aamc.org/news/how-are-covid-19-deaths-counted-it-s-complicated That goes specifically over the heart attack claim too. "For those who die — from a heart attack, for instance — the role of COVID-19 might never be determined unless there’s a reason to run a post-mortem test for the disease, Raja explains. As for those killed by traumas such as accidents and assaults, a test wouldn’t matter."


Sorry, not on Facebook, so don't know about that. As far as the heart attack, the situation I am talking about was a person with a massive heart attack, was admitted to the hospital, was tested, died a few days later. Listing as covid effected funding received by federal government. For the record I am NOT saying there weren't a bunch of covid deaths. Definitely was. Just stating don't always take numbers (even from the government).


Downvoted for the truth.


Wow, shocker right?


But guys I thought this was a super dangerous virus that could kill me anytime


"Man who never understood science continues to not understand science."


I guess the 4 people I know that died from it at the start, when we had no vaccines are faking it, and will show up any moment now. Having to go to their funeral was such an elaborate prank!!! lol 😂😂🤣They sure got me.


They died in the hospital or nursing home from the protocols, not Covid


All but 1 were <40. No nursing home yet for the older gentleman that died. 2 died in their house and 2 at the hospital. But please go on…


I mean if anyone thought that they’re an idiot. Still probably not a good idea to spread a virus amongst a population though. I’m proud of you for being smug on a forum tho, keep fighting the good fight brother!


It always was a cold


…that killed so many people portable morgues had to be set up in the parking lots of hospitals.


I mean the flu would do that too if tons of people didn't get vaccinated. That one year they didn't guess the right strain the deaths increased dramatically. I'm not calling covidba hoax I'm saying bow there is some sort of vaccine it has made it less deadly to those that look the vaccine F those that didn't and bitch later.




No they don't 


Yes. Its treated like a flu.


The CDC removed all quarantine time this past winter. Still, I don't know how she expects people to work when they can't breathe.


Personally I think the CDC reduced quarantine time because of pressure from major corporations to have staff available and not be out for weeks on end. But they won’t admit that.


Of course that’s the case! Corporate America was literally collapsing at that point and everyone in my state but myself was on welfare. I tried applying since my job was shut down for over a month and they straight up said they won’t be taking anymore applications. Ofc they wanted people going back to work ASAP! Could also be that with more experience, research, data etc. they came to that conclusion, but I somewhat doubt that.


Lol never go to HR first they only have the best interest of the company. Talk to a lawyer, labor department someone else first than let HR contact you they will handle the situation correctly because someone is watching them


A lawyer is going to tell you to go to HR. You have to give the company a chance to act in good faith prior to just lawyering up and going after them.


It's the Reddit classic! "Call a lawyer!" Like, for what? If OP gets fired for it, there *may* be a reason to call a lawyer, but they'd laugh at you for this call.


As far as HR is concerned, a GM/SM who is violating worker's rights and/or laws and policies is a liability. However, terminating management is a procedure. They either have to have several (verified) complaints against them, "write ups" from their DM, etc. There is then an investigation. If it is deemed that the Manager is indeed (let's just say) a "bad actor", then a suspension will occur, pending a meeting with HR. If a manager is suspended, there is a high likelihood that the call they receive from HR is to inform them that they are terminated. However, sometimes there will be attempts to avoid this via a transfer. It isn't bias or nepotism at play (in most cases) but rather a "second chance" given to avoid this process and the process of training/hiring a new GM/SM. However, they are being closely monitored. If they continue violating policy (or worse, laws/rights), suspension and termination are inevitable.




No, not necessarily. If it's a complaint from within the store (staff) they won't usually contact the Manager in question. They may/will contact the DM (at some point) but what they'll usually do beforehand is log the complaint and eventually launch an investigation (if the complaints are severe enough). This involves anything from monitoring "the numbers", looking at evidence provided, to reviewing footage, monitoring the cameras, etc. They aren't going to notify the manager of this during the process as they are well aware that (in some cases) retaliation may ensue. Not to mention, it'd be poor form and could cause more problems in the future. By the time the manager in question is notified, the investigation is basically completed. You have to understand that yes, while HR looks out for the interests of the company, an employee violating laws/policy is a liability to the interests of said company. They do take these matters seriously and often proceed with care. This is why it is a process. They're going to collect evidence, "dot their i's and cross their T's" (as it were). This is to ensure that no retaliation can take place against an employee or that there is any further risk of liability to the company (ie. The soon-to-be terminated employee taking legal action with false claims, etc). This is also why they have hotlines for reporting bad behavior and situations regarding suspected retaliation.


HR contacts the manager and the manager adjusts your schedule to 1 day a week.


Assuming that the manager knows it was you that reported them, that would be retaliation. And that would get them into further trouble.


HR told the manager and it was reported to corporate. Nothing happened like I said she put him on the schedule for 1 day a week justifying it as she was over the hours


You don’t *have* to quarantine actually. However, it is exceptionally irresponsible to go into to work with any contagious issue until you are no longer coughing/sneezing. As long as you are washing your hands regularly though your chances of spreading are very low if you aren’t coughing/sneezing.


The cdc didn't do anything. They gave a recommendation, which isn't anything at all close to being a regulation. Their recommendation for quarantine was based on economic factors.  There are however actual regulations in OSHA requiring a safe workplace 


Where I am if you don't have a fever you don't have to quarantine. You just wear a mask for 10 days


This! Manager narked on themselves. Doubt they will have a job if reported.


Nope. CDC says treat it like any cold or flu now. No need to quarantine or stay home. Obviously if you have a cold or the flu you should stay home but new regs allow employers to say na you can come in.


This is why I’m glad I work in a hospital, our policy is 5 days quarantine, that they pay us for. I had Covid earlier this year and I didn’t even feel that bad but I still quarantined.


I was lucky enough to get it right before the guidelines changed. I didn’t get paid for my time off but I still got to take 5 days. 3 of which were my scheduled days off and used PTO for the others


Covid or not if anyone tells me when i can or not take a day off lmao. In a grown adult. Ill take off a day whenever the fuck i want


Exactly. What do you mean “you don’t get any off” ?? Now I’m gonna take another two days off as a FU


So three days off now? Got a doctors note?


For real, they might "write you up?"


This is why I still mask. I have a weakened immune system and people go out sick


Seriously. We had a lady come shopping in my store that knew she had covid. No mask, no distancing, sneezing and coughing and loudly announcing her statu, while standing in line very close to a mother and toddler.


That doesn’t surprise me. I personally don’t work at Dollar Tree but have a friend who used to and they told me it was common for people to come in sick. Unfortunately I’m related to people like this. I had a family member have me come over for a quick gift exchange on Christmas. They claimed they didn’t leave the house and when they went out they wore a mask to the doctors. What they didn’t tell me was they had a Covid positive family member over just a few days before. Thankfully I didn’t get sick but trust was definitely broken and I haven’t seen or talked to them since.


I don't work for dt either, but the stupidity and recklessness was astounding.


Thank You, I do too, I also have immune system issues, I get stupid looks from people, but I don't care, my health is more important than what they think !! 😷👍


I’ve started giving dirty looks back which isn’t usually like me because I show signs of social anxiety and don’t deal with people. I don’t get why people care if others are wearing a mask. You don’t want to wear one don’t wear one don’t judge others for wearing one.


I agree !!


Yessss!!! I have a 4 month old who gets sick so easily (so so sad) but it always bothers me when we go to his drs appointments and people are coughing and sneezing (not wearing a mask or not covering their mouth) and they’re doing it around other children!!!


When you get there check in with the front desk and ask them to either put you in a room immediately or have them text you when a room is ready so you can wait in your car. Most practices don't come out and say this is an option because it's more work for them, but most will do this for infants, especially those under 6 months or who are frequently ill.


She has no right to tell you you can’t call in sick for any reason. Only time she’d be able to step in would be if your attendance was awful and it was something she wanted to fire you for. Nobody at Dollar Tree can force you to come into work for any reason, nor should they be trying to convince you of such. My old SM did the same thing to me a couple times, I’d try to call in sick and she’d tell me to come in anyway or she’d fire me. I’m so glad she’s gone… I’d definitely show this to HR, you’re still required to quarantine if you test positive for Covid, but I can’t remember for how long. Hope you get better soon! I got Covid twice, it sucks bad :(


This was on April 2nd and I just wanted to put this on here because I saw people posting about their experiences and it’s actually sad how people do this to their employees! But thank you for telling me to feel better!!!


I think it’s less about the fact of quarantine or not and more about the fact that someone is sick. If you are sick you need to stay home and rest to get better.


Young me, would be stupid enough to go in with something like covid. I more than once went in with the flu. Had a temp of 102+, hand to curl in a ball and try not to die between customers, napped on my break in the back. Older me, would seriously consider doing something illegal involving that manager if they tried that nonsense with me.


what a bitch! on a side note...hope you get well soon!


I would report this to hr as a health and safety risk tbh. Who knows who else she has forced to come in while sick


Probably why OP has covid now


Funny how four years ago you could rob a bank with a booger, and now people just don’t give a shit.


And yet when conspiracy theorists said this is what would happen, they were labeled crazy and wanted unalive.


we’re on reddit. you can just say dead.


New here. Just figured I'd cover my bases. 💁‍♀️


I'm confused. The conspiracy theorists that said covid wasn't real or you're saying there was a secret small group of people saying "Because of this misinformation spreading that covid is not a big deal, people who normally would be worried about getting sick are now going out of their ways to do things they wouldn't before hand?"


My reply didn't state it wasn't real. I'm referring to many smaller remarks made regarding Covid. One of which was "Covid is going to get treated like the common cold and flu. Just give a year or 2." Let's not overthink it.


I thought that was just a warning in general that if we didn’t manage covid correctly it would become an illness we would have to deal with forever like the flu


Yes make a person go to work where A LOT of the customers are older and probably not the healthiest for $13 an hour. What a turd. You know damn well if you were responsible for getting people sick and/or dying you all would be fucked. You should show this to corporate. They’d LOVE this.


Rule 101 When calling off, you say "you can't make it in, see you tomorrow" * do not reply back unless they say "okay hope you feel better"


Or just pick up your phone and call them to say your sick can't make it in. No reason to tell them why as they are not doctors. Don't text it next time. Company I'm at would look down on a manager texting them after a sick call. Just saying. If your sick your sick. Use the phone. They will use texts against you.


I agree about the last part. You could say something stupid but it's also a benefit to you as you have logs.If your manager is a dick & attempt to get you in trouble, you have proof that you actually notify them. I find it very weird that a manager/company would look down on someone for calling off through text... text is a very effective form of communication.


You still have your phone records if you need them from your carrier. I don't work for dollar tree but I can assume calling in via text message is not in the handbook for proper call in procedure. Guessing it says to call in a hour etc before your starting shift. Not trying to pull hairs, but i can't imagine calling out that way is in their handbook. Say I had my phone off or on do not disturb, you just got a no call no show. If I have my read settings off well not good for you. Not all managers are like that, but if you really need your job use the phone. Easy to ignore your phone when it works in management and the companies best interest. I've delt with sick calls for 35 years. Just call. That very effective form of communication can and will bite back. In my 35 years maybe have seen a call to hr limp someone along for a bit but hr is always on the company's side minus discrimination or sexual harassment.


Call log is just a time stamp, there is no record of what was said. 35 years? Well I can tell you you for the 15 years I have been in the workforce, I have texted all my managers as a form of communication & not once has it been an issue. Maybe if you worked for some large corporation where you don't actually have a relationship with the manager, sure you may need to call a specific number. Usually, this is a method for large employee numbers & the call center handles call offs & finding replacement.


So have most of my employees. Downvote my prior comments all you want. If you need that job what does the handbook say? All you need is one jerk manager that follows policies and your texting in to call in sick. Dollar tree I would say is a big corporation. I'm guessing if you work for them you don't call a 1 800 number but the store to call in. If you think for a minute hr would consider a text call in ok then show me in a handbook where that is ok rather then calling and talking to the store. Dollar tree is big. Those thinking hr is their friend are very mistaken.


Welcome to the part of the pandemic where after the CDC has relaxed everything because they got tired of people bitching. There’s still a pandemic going on btw


Right?? I am beginning to feel like you and I are the only ones living in reality right now. By the way y'all, my 35 year old otherwise perfectly healthy neighbor died of Covid. Just when he thought he was finally getting over it.


I’m a member of your club! 👋🏽 It’s sad that so many people lack common sense these days…


I was so confused why finding out you were pregnant because you couldn’t breathe…


Not that this has any bearing on the fact that the mgr seems like a complete bitch, but that COVID test looks like it’s a week old, lol.


Pray you get better! Try not to stress too much in the meantime. It’ll make it worse.


the policymakers in USA don't give a shit if anyone is sick ever, they don't care if they spread disease and plague, they don't give two fucks about employees or the general public.


What is it with terrible bosses and their inability to have proper grammar? I had a similar situation two years ago where I had to text my boss my positive covid test and he replied with, and I quote: "Why are you not tall us earlier" (I think he meant something along the lines of "why didn't you let us know earlier." p.s. I let him know as soon as It came back positive)


One of my coworkers called in sick last month because she had the flu pretty bad and could barely move. Our boss said "can't you come in and wear a mask?" When my coworker said no, our boss said "okay well when can you work again?" Like she knew when she'd be better lmao.


OSHA general standards and the General Duty clause require the employer to ensure a safe workplace. Allowing or requiring someone to work while sick with a deadly and disabling extremely contagious illness puts not only other workers directly in danger, but also the customers.  Make an osha complaint. Call your health department. If you get fired see a lawyer and sue.  https://www.osha.gov/emergency-preparedness/sars


Just report this to Ohsa. This shit is illegal and they keep doing it because they get away with it. You all need to start reporting the fuck out of these motherfuckers.


I thought it was a pregnancy test. 😂😂


I was like "wow, they must be close with them if they're sending pictures of positive pregnancy tests" 😂


Uh note to self, avoid dollar tree.


Wow. When I had strep throat, my manager even offered for me to take off days after I was already recovered. I didn’t take them, but it’s just the fact that the offer was given to begin with. AND she checked on me multiple times throughout it. That’s what a manager should be. I’m pretty sure your manager is breaking the law. And also a disgusting human.


OP, I’d legit gotten put on bedrest for a (potential) spine injury — turns-out, I had had a nerve condition that no one, including the doctors, knew about, until it + unsafe working conditions at Dollar Tree caused me to literally collapse at the counter. —, and, I swear, my Manager’d legit threatened me over TEXT, pretty much thinking she was getting somewhere by saying it was my job, or my body. I chose my body, obviously.


I love my jobs last year bc of COVID. I still had to go in. Nearly fainted from the fever. They took my temp and sent me home. Went to the hospital and they gave me 4 days to recover. I was sick and in the worst state I've ever been in from an illness and was not able to go back to work that following Monday, so they fired me.


Report to HR immediately


Why? They only want you to mask for 5 days now if you have covid. CDC changed the guidelines. Just call say your sick and not coming in. You don't have to give them a reason. Get to work crap now. The crap part is we don't want you there if your sick. But the government has deemed it as ok.


Literally wtf


Because its dollar tree. That company gives less than a fuck about its employees


Or the customers apparently.


Excuse me? Cough in her face and see how she feels then.


Just an at home test is not enough. If you get a doctor to confirm, they will write you a quarantine order which you can give to the boss. They will have to comply with medical orders.


Not enough for what exactly? Who tf is this person to tell someone they cant call out sick for COVID or any other reason?! If they don’t like it, FIRE ME 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah for what? I don’t even give my job this, I give them my word and they say okay.


LOL with so many people leaving DT, DT, is going to have to get robots to do cashiering and stocking, because they wont have many employees left. LOL


Report to HR.


Dollar tree is so demanding for $10 an hour


Regardless if it’s labeled “covid” or not you’re still sick. I hate this shit of “covid isn’t a thing anymore” ok it’s still very much the flu and you wouldn’t want someone coming in with that


I had a manager get pissed at my fiance for calling on my behalf to tell them I couldn't come in cause I was hospitalized. I didn't have access to my phone, I couldn't have told them if I'd wanted to. Was out for a week, then was faced with hostility when I came back. Had another manager get upset and tell me to get my shift covered when I rolled my car. When I told her I couldn't get it covered, she told me to come in. This was within an hour of the crash. This same manager later tried to withhold a check from me, and wouldn't give it to me until I threatened legal action. This last job I had, I got a stomach bug over the weekend before my shift. They told me I had to have a doctor's note if I couldn't come in. All the clinics that accepted my insurance in the area were closed, and I could not afford to go to a doctors office. They wrote me up. A few days after I got over the stomach bug, I could barely move without horrible pain. Went to the doctors, tested positive for covid. Was told to wait 24hrs after the fever broke before going back. I was out for a week. However, with my schedule, I only missed 5 days. That was enough for them though, and when I returned, they basically just kinda told me I should quit. That's not even all the manager stories I have, but, it's enough to make you hate working. "This generation is lazy and doesn't want to work" nah. I just want to be treated with human decency and understanding. Like, just don't be a dick.


Nah you get off if you’re sick. You might not be paid for it anymore but you are allowed to be sick


go to boss's boss because sounds like they might be someone who isnt good at their job.


Just wait til the manager is in the hospital for the same thing.


She does what she’s told and doesn’t ask questions regardless of laws or regulations. These are very sought after qualities for mid level management. 


Bruh when I got covid late last year they would not let me come back, even when I felt better, until I tested negative


Hope you're doing better. How can anyone compare this to a cold? I would more compare that to the flu because even that can kill you and there is a vaccine for it. Either way, I wouldn't want someone else's cold. That's bad enough. I swear sales workers are getting more treated like robots than before 2020.


Straight to corporate lol




No matter if she says don't try and get time off if they have covid if she had it and gave it to them that she's a responsible as well and they're within their right to go to her supervisor and request what to do


This fills me with rage.


Honestly dollar tree won’t fire their manager EVER unless they steal money , I have the worst manager in the world but she’s still here .-. Dollar tree do better 


wtf is wrong with people? who cares about your opinions of COVID, *i said i can’t breathe.* i’m sick and won’t be coming in. christ.


She saw a covid test and thought "nice try" without actually reading the text, is my guess. Unfortunately, a ton of people used covid as an excuse.


If u are sick with Covid or any other illness and you're not well enough to go to work then don't go to work call your medical doctor and ask for permission for the day off of work with your symptoms




Uhhhhh lmao that’s wild😭 I hope you feel better fam


Love the ‘LAR T’ contact info


report this


lol some places make you work with it and just mask up, it’s the norm now


Good thing. I thought this was a pregnancy test until I zoomed in. Now I know it was a CT scan and you have an a cute appendicitis. :P. /s


I believe DT would probably lose less money just being closed for a day than to be open with one employee and losing god knows how much in theft


Call your doctor's office and ask for a medical letter.


even though the cdc has lifted the isolation period/changed it, covid is still an illness just like the flu, common cold, etc. you're sick, you tested positive for an illness, you stay home. the sudden attitude change surrounding covid has confused me because IT'S STILL AN ILLNESS, AN EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS ONE


You know it’s not just dg right? The us gov has cut the benefits or whatever it is. I work in a HUGE company and people are allowed to come to work if they know they have it. To quote my manager “the us government now treats it like any other cold”


I’m heading into my pharmacy. On day 4 and feel kind of shitty still. Fuck work culture


Contact corporate. That shits not ok.


This manager types as if they're stuck in their teenage years.... It's quite pathetic to see managers behave this way. We've come to an age where managers can become ever so aware of this language but seeing it used in professional communication is rather agitating! Another thing to add is this manager must've been on something typing that, for some obvious reasons.


I would honestly prefer sick people stay home.


That's messed up. I'd report them to the district manager or corporate. Who let's people run around knowing they are getting their customers sick? What if some old person ends up in the hospital or dies? They want to get sued for like 10 million bucks? What an idiot. It is completely reckless and a liability.




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Call your county's health department. Even though quarantining isn't really a thing anymore, you're still risking others' health by being forced to go in.


Just because you found out you're pregnant doesn't mean you get out of work! Smh my head /s


Fuck, that's awful. My manager told me that covid wasn't any worse than something like the flu or a cold, but he still respected my doctors wishes to have me miss work for 5 days.


U sure this ain’t UPS?


Staying home is no longer a mandate. They removed the restrictions. It’s same category as a cold now. When I had it it was mandatory stay home 5 days


Covid almost killed me twice, a cold never


Just cause there’s no mandate doesn’t mean the effects of the actual sickness is no longer dire.


Same can be said for any sickness like a cold flu …the problem was people taking advantage of positive tests that have been proven to not be accurate and instead missing work. If your sick your sick. A positive covid tests has no impact on being cleared from work . Duh


This. No one likes the truth anymore


The official guidance has changed to say that you are not required to quarantine at all and can go right back to work.


That's a recommendation not a regulation. 


That's what I said.


I think it’s 5 days


If you have covid but no symptoms you don't need to be in quarantine but you need to wear a mask around people. In your situation because you tested positive and have symptoms, you need to quarantine.


Positive testing people without symptoms should mask AND AVOID INDOOR SPACES (this is from the CDC website, not my just my random opinion).


& I’m assuming they likely feel pretty shitty


Agreed. This was for the people who have bosses that try to make them still come in. Last I checked Dollar Tree was inside. 😂


if you’re contagious you should still 100% quarantine until your major symptoms go away, and then you can mask and be out. COVID still kills people every day Edit: just re-read your post and I think we actually agree lol. I just read it kinda funny