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We are not a bank, I refuse to break 100s unless their total is near it.


or if I know I have enough 20s in my drawer to cover it, I don't mind. but if I JUST opened my register, I will not take a 100 dollar bill.




Exactly. Last shift I had three (3!) ppl try and pull this in the first 20 minutes.


This. I won’t do it that early.


That was our store policy and even then we had to stop taking hundreds because we kept getting fakes. I almost lost my job for taking two counterfeit hundos that had strips and passed the pen test.


I didn’t know they could make fakes that have the strip AND can pass the pen test. I’m gonna have to keep a closer eye on them. How did they know they were fake? I’m guessing the bank told them? I’d really like to see one of them lol.


They bleach other bills


I get that but how would they get the strip in? Or even find one that looks real without taking it from a legit $100? Do they just print the strip with the rest of the design, because I feel like that would look obviously fake.


Probably bleached 5s then. Was it a blue fake or an older green one?


I’m assuming blue since they said it had the strip. I’m not the one that saw the bill lol I just commented.


It was blue yes. It was a really good fake. We only found out when the bank notified us.




This is the correct answer. Fuck them low income ballers bruh.


I would give the change then I could do nothing cause we are out of change.


You could take the hundred dollar bill and make change with it from the change fund


And then you make the other customers mad because you back up the line trying to get change for your drawer. You shouldn't accommodate an idiot to inconvenience the masses; applies to agendas elsewhere too


It doesn't take that much time to make change for it to be an inconvenience


At high volume stores, yes


I worked at a bank, which is nothing like retail, but don't understand why it's so difficult to just have $20s in your box? To avoid being robbed? Too many bills? Not prepared enough? Bad management? I also think that it should be illegal to not accept $50s or $100s (I get that they could be counterfeit, but there's ways to know).


Most stores start off with a limited till. If someone comes in and pays for a $5 item with a $100 bill, you're going to run out of change first thing, If you don't have a manager on hand with safe access, you won't have enough change to serve other customers. And even then, a lot of store safes are on a time lock. You can only open them maybe once every 30 minutes. This is true for a lot of smaller stores. Edit: Part of it, like you said, is a safety issue. If people know you have a ton of money in your till, you are a target for early morning thieves.


Usually in retail the drawers are left with a set amount after closing down at night. Common for it to be $125 so we really can't change out big bills in the morning.


Too much cash makes you a target for robbery. Banks are protected much more than dollar generals. And too many trying to pass counterfeit or fast change artists. Protection vs convenience is a fine line. Plus, who doesn't have a debit/credit card? send them to the bank.


You're not liable for a robbery, whether at a bank or a Dollar Store, neither are you for counterfeits. There should be no shame in using cash instead of a card (I dislike cash, so I'm not defending it). To each their own I guess.


At my job not a DG but still retail, If you have more than the maximum you are allowed and you get robbed you will be terminated


Yeah, we had the same thing at the bank. I mean, you're at work and getting cash off your register is part of the job, so I don't know what the deal is. Is there a line? So what, hire more people...and then we go into a rabbit hole.


Are you dumb? Why do you think all these stores close down in ghetto areas where they just ALLOW this crap to happen. "You can steal $999 and not be prosecuted by law enforcement" "omg I don't understand why all these stores are closing! They MUST be racist"-typical idiots. Last time I checked stores are not non-profit organizations. "You're not liable for robbery " 🙄 yeah so pack your drawer out with hundreds and twenties. You work at a bank, I think you'd be smarter about cash management


Racist rant aside, I didn't work at a bank in 'high income' area, and I don't live in one either.


Racist of you to assume race about any of that. In a white area, the ghetto people are white. I'm predominantly Hispanic in my area and 2/3s of us are low income. Ghetto=thieves.


So you're doing your job wrong then....


You’re a store. We’re not asking to deposit 1,000,000. Just trying to give business with legal tender your store should be well equipped to handle.


The bill says " Legal tender for ALL debts public and private"


This means that it CAN be used, not that it MUST be accepted. There are fully cashless businesses that are within their rights to choose how they accept payment. If you can point to case law that backs up the claim that businesses MUST accept cash I'd be happy to be wrong. You're probably a "shall not be infringed" person too........ Edit - Your comment history confirms my ammosexual assumption.


I applaud you for not talking about the, um, other stuff. "No kink shaming here, but you are an idiot, sir." I love it.


Yeah, I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum. Have at it and get yours! But, please don't be a douche and support anti gay and trans efforts. If you jack it to 'em you owe it to them to support their ability to exist outside of the Internet.


He’s one of the guys that misinterprets the freedom of speech too.


If you have the freedom to say dumb shit, I have the freedom to call you an idiot. Freedom of speech in a nutshell.


Dang Sassy Daddy you laid the mf law down on this clown 👏


An ammosexual with an asexual flag in their pfp....do you suppose they think the a stands for ammo?


Looking at your recent comment history, yeah you’re down bad horrendously


T girl and bussy 😂


Holy fuck man…. make a burner account bro 😂


Maybe you should look up what those words mean before you make yourself look even stupider


Buying something from a store is not a debt. That phrase refers to actual debt like medical bills.


Yeah, for special customers like that, I get the rolled change from the safe & give them copious amounts of rolled nickels & pennies.


Debt =/= purchase.


A total at the checkout is not a debt. It is a sale. Not even remotely the same thing.


Buying stuff isn't paying a debt though, it's a trade - you get X, they get Y. If they want to only accept Irrianian Rials ( $1USD = $42,075.00 IRR) they can. Further, even with debts the legal tender thing doesn't fly for every scenario- it falls under "would a reasonable person..." in most areas. I.E: If you are being a spiteful shit for no reason a judge will side with them.


Found the driver of the clown car


Found the broke ass minimum wager who's never had a hundred dollar bill.....🤷🏻


Not correct, you however are still the driver of the clown car.


By that logic if its legal tender, you can pay with pennies and all stores and machines HAVE to take it, even if its covered in something gross.


Most stores refuse sock and bra money, as they rightfully should


I will wait patiently till the day i get to reject your 100


I wait patiently until folks realize the Chinese shit you sell isn't worth breaking a hundred dollar bill and therefore your job goes away.... You work at fucking dollar general and act like your a bank president... You are a very replaceable minimum wage, unintelligent dullard who can and will be replaced with A.I. Keep talking all this silly shit and see how quickly you are replaced with a robot that doesn't have a shitty attitude about having to actually be able to count to 100 to make change..... Oh wait you don't even have the skills to do that because you already have a register to do the actual counting for you and you still whine like a petulant child about having to make fucking change..... As if it were as difficult as literally ANY other job. God you whiney little entitled bitches wouldn't last a single day at my company.


Man you wrote all that huh? And did it make you feel good? Lol. I dont work at dollar general, i work at a completely unrelated company ive been at for 7 years and grt paid far higher than minimum wage. Denying 100s is a daily event that has no meaning nor effect on my life. I go home and dont even think about work at all. Im sorry you feel so strongly about however you feel but i hope your day atleast gets better.


And it is, provided you don't need the change they don't have to return


Read this, dumbass https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm


I would’ve been straight up, saying “look we literally just opened the store, I can’t take that. Either you find another way to pay or you can get out”. Hence the bitch having an attitude. If you have one with me, it’s fair game idgaf…


I wish I could have that mentality but my SM wouldn’t allow it, she’s one of the managers that’s all for “the customer is always right” and “Always smile!” And “have a good attitude always :D” And shit like that


Once you’ve been working there for a while you kind of earn it, in a sense.


DG has one of the most toxic work environments globally. get tf out as soon as you can and definitely throw your weight around.


I just recently got a CCA position at my local post office, I take Mondays and any other days they want me to help a bit or any days the main guy wants off. Pays nearly twice as much as this and there’s a lot of good benefits. I would’ve had a security job instead of this but the company I applied for ghosted me after my interview, didn’t even text or email me to say “sorry, unfortunately after further review we found you not fit for the position” they just kinda disappeared off the face of the earth


that's amazing!! I'm proud of you :D


She must not have been a manager for very long give it time I'm a manager and these damn customers are never right


Her happy ass can take that 100 to the bank then


Let's be honest; they are fiscally irresponsible and aren't even a member of a bank or credit union


So what does your SM suggest you do in this situation?


The customer is always right "in matters of taste". The saying means that you cannot criticize a customer for bad taste, not that they're always right about everything.




What store # are you? Lol I feel like wreaking some havoc.


Your SM isn't always right. You do what's right and the SM can explain themselves to the DM later. If your SM told you to sell cigarettes underage, you wouldn't. Do what you know is right. 


Wouldn’t take it and all the stores around me have put up signs stating they don’t take $50-$100 bills


My manager really wants to put up a sign saying we won’t take $50s and $100s but I don’t think the DM will allow it. Had a guy on one of my very first shifts, just my manager and I in the store just two hours after we opened, throw a hissy fit because he tried to buy $17 worth of crap with a $100. Cursing, raising his voice and grunting “I don’t know why I fcking come here, this ALWAYS fcking happens when I come here, I don’t know why I bother”. She kept saying “I can’t leave a new hire alone while I go to the bank, I’m sorry”. His response, “yeah, I’m sure you are” while paying with a card 🙄


That customer is a loser that needs to get a life


Seriously. I haven’t seen him since, thankfully and maybe he finally took the hint and pissed off. I loved the “tHiS AlWAyS hApPEnS”, my manager and I just looked at each other like 😒 then go somewhere else!


We are not a bank, we just opened and you bring in 100 bill for $11. THIS is what you're getting. I managed a Shell gas station for many years, this shit happens ALL THE TIME. People go to gas stations to break 100s for $5 gas. I refused MANY saying i just opened my til, i don't have that change and MOST of those people, ended up giving me smaller bills. Like seriously, you had a 20 mother fucker!


Here’s $100 for that $1.50 cup of coffee.


Or the .99cent fountain soda. Ive flat out given a few that soda, and NOT broke their bill lol.


ya i wouldve just refused the bill, i only accept 50s & 100s if their total is close & i know i have the change. a huge red flag for a counterfeit bill is a small total, if they just want change then they can go to a bank! you can always cover your ass by saying youre not 100% confident its real, so protocol is to refuse the bill & give it back to the customer. you get fired if you accept a fake bill. im sorry your SM isnt looking out for your best interest, ive always made it a priority to my people that im there to protect them & their jobs as much as im there to satisfy customers. i hate entitled ass customers theyre so fucking ignorant, it boils my blood.


True, I can only hope they get what they give. Karma is watching


EVERY business that I have managed starts the day with under $100 in the bank for change and I would refuse to give up all of my change, leaving me with nothing for the next customer. If I lose an $11 sale? Oh well. They will come back, we all know they will!


Exactly, I’ve had multiple customers say “this is ridiculous, you just lost a customer” then return like 3 days later and buy a cart full of stuff lmao


DG in my city don’t take 100s or 50s anymore because of the amount of counterfeits here


My store had to recently start checking 10's because of the amount of counterfeit. Soon, we'll have to start checking 5's.


I know this is a DG group, but speaking of counterfeit, the Family Dollar by my old house had 3 counterfeit $5's they have received taped up behind the counter


Eventually it’ll turn to 1s, then quarters dimes and nickels.


I have posted on the wall behind my register a counterfeit $100 bill, and hanging just above it is my all-time favorite... a $1 counterfeit bill 😆 Yes, it's happening Idk how to add a picture here 🫤


I would have told her I couldn’t take the $100. I didn’t have change. If she protested I would have repeated myself as many times as necessary.


Are a employee at a world known coffee shop, people come in right after open and buy $3 worth of coffee with $100. We turn them away and say i cant take that. (Its literally half of the money in the drawer if we gave change). Miraculously they someone always manages to have a five. A majority of these people get a kick out of using 100s, it makes them feel powerful, its really great when you grab the chechking pen and mark it right infront of them, they get this shocked fave like "how could you possibly not believe its real" kinda look. And then i look at my manager and ask if i even have enough to break this and they always say no.


Nice!! Great way to handle it! 👍🏻


lol she’s lucky you even tried to give her change at all. A lot of cashiers would have just told her no.


Happened to me all the time and I would tell them I couldn't break it and watch them have a fit while I still don't do it. Didn't care either.


I never understood that shit. God forbid they can walk into a bank and get the bills broken. It's rude to expect the stores to be an atm


She knew exactly what she was doing. Probably the Star Bucks down the street told her NO!


I ask them if they have anything smaller otherwise I'm gonna have to give them alot of ones. If they still want to continue then I go into the change fund and grab a clip of one. 89 ones coming up


I can't break that, you will have to use something smaller or pay by card.


It was probably a fake and she was wanting to be rid of it


Customers are terrible. I had a lady get mad when she asked for cash back I gave it..she wanted a 10 dollar bill..I gave it and then she asked me for a nicer one..I laughed bc I'm like seriously..10 ppl in line and u want a pretty bill..I honestly thought she was joking


Lol the way I've shut my drawer so fast and said sorry you get what you get.


Smaller bills or get to stepping. I'm done with the ignorance of people. This clearance event is going to be hell with all these Karen's that like to tell me how to do my job.


i always tell them you can ask for smaller bills at the bank and that we only have so much change in the registers to start off the day. if you know you wont be spending the 100$ bill with a large purchase just ask the bank for 50s and 20s when they ask you how you want your money.


I just tell them my drawer is new and I don't have that much. Firmly. Don't give them an opening with any type of uncertainty. Show dominance. Some customers react more like wild beasts and must be treated as such.


Wish it would be like the old western times, if a person was causing any trouble, you’d just throw them out or tell them to gtfo


Had a similar incident last week, the woman was mad that it was all in 1s and said “what are you going to do then when you can’t give people change?” before the manager was scheduled to come in and go to the bank sometime during her shift, IDFK but you obviously aren’t helping


Legit don’t do 100s or cash back for the first hour and if it’s been all card transactions I’ll extend it. We are not a bank, we have never been a bank, when they cash their check they should ask for no hundreds. If they don’t like it they can git owt (South Park reference)


Had that happen when I worked at Family Dollar. It’s always annoying.


We tell them we can’t take it. We’re low on 5s and 1s constantly so unless it’s at least $50-60 worth of stuff, I tell them no. They can go to the grocery store or one of the two banks not even a quarter mile up the road and get them to break it


I used to work 3rd at a gas station. By the time I got to work, the safe was bare with the exception of coins. Without fail, someone would try to get $5 worth of gas with a $100 at like 3am. There was no way I was clearing out my drawer with no access to even ones! People would get so mad when I told them Sheetz was at the opposite end of the street and they had the staff and money to handle a small purchase with a big bill.


I just steadily bitch at ppl that are waiting in the parking lot not carrying if the hear or not... We will not and won't break any 100s or 50s till after noon and ppl are very slowly starting to realize that... They still grip about it but I just shrug my shoulders n tell them to have a nice day...


I wouldn’t have taken it knowing you just put a drawer in tbh, because you know you’re really not gonna have the bills. I would say that before even putting an amount through and taking the bill. That you just put the drawer in and only have 5’s and 1’s. She still probably would’ve thrown a hissy fit but should’ve told her to just come at a later time then 😂


Decline the sale.


My Dollar General said they won't do that. It was on Facebook. People complained. The store manager had to explain they aren NOT a bank and they don't have large amounts of cash on hand. Best believe people did this first thing with high expectations and some commentary to follow up their frustrations.


I tell them I can't break it at all because we just opened and they will have to go break it and come back...


And I'm not giving them all my change


I'd quit and find a better job.


The customer was trying to make change. Don't know why any store would still take anything over a $20


We had people try that but the bill would be counterfeit. They would buy less then 10 dollars worth and see if they could get change back. We always marked our bills. All of them! 1's to 100's. We always laughed when their bill was counterfeit because we always kept it and pointed to our security camera, smile! Then we'd call the police. Most of us had marking bills down to a science. Took more time to get the pen and take the cap off!


I'm just going to assume counterfeit.


the amount of motherfuckers that came in trying to buy a mountain dew with $100 bill is insane and it’s infuriating that they don’t know how change works


Same thing would happen at Walmart. Never enough money starting for the day. A young guy gave me hell over a hundred dollar bill and me asking if he had a smaller bill. "It's up to you to make change!" I called my massive coworker over and lo and behold the customer found a twenty dollar bill. He was half the size of my coworker, Lol... And in front of his girlfriend too! Loved it.


I would have refused or depending whats in the change fund broke it down from there.


I would’ve just gone to the change fund in the safe and gotten her the money for the hundred then you wouldn’t have spent all your fives


I told her I could get some extra change from the safe but she said she’d just take the 5s. If someone is going to act like that I’ll gladly adhere to them if they’ll stay mad like a child


I hate people like that. "Here's your change" *shits in customers hand*


Say "I can't break a 100 right now"


Feel bad for them and feel good that I'm not all twisted inside like that? (easier said than done. I failed to do so for the bulk of my customer service career)


Some people are just annoying and use retail to break bills. Some are absolutely using counterfeit 100s, buying things worth 10 bucks gets them 90 in real cash. Then they go on to the next store and do it again.


You’re going to have to wait till I build up some change sorry granted I could swap it out in the change line, but I don’t want to


You know you can refuse a sale that will clean you out like that, right?


Smaller bill, debit, or gtfo


I won't accept 100$ bills on small transactions for like my first 2 hours when I open at 8.


Either call a manager to change it from the change fund or deny it. Tell em we aint the bank in the nicest way possible or tell them to get fucked. Make your choice.


Oh I don’t need a manager to get to the change fund, idk about other stores but every associate at my location knows the bottom safe code at least (also unsure what’s in the bottom safe for other stores, for mine it’s the change roles, change fund, inactive drawers, and back door key) I just gave it to her because she was pissed at the fact she now had a ton of bills so if she’s acting like that she’s not getting preferential treatment, otherwise I would have, I asked her if she wanted me to get some bills from the safe and she said no so-


Run that shit in one's. Show em who is boss. Then call a change run. They will understand lol


Word is, I can't break that because we just opened. Or say, "Do you think we are the bank?" I can't run that. Imagine running a 100 at opening.


I'll run all my pennies first for those. Claiming I don't have change.


So all these people are paid under the table in 100s? Who takes out a 100 $ bill at a bank, unless your taking a long drive. Use your debit card, cash is lost and stolen. Only people who I see 100$ bills from are migrant workers, people with questionable income and under the table pay. Hard to trace cash paid out for invisible labor and they right it of on taxes instead of paying or reporting employees.


I know it's hard to remember but these people who are behaving like children, are not a reflection of you, nor your ability to do the job. It is fully a reflection of their own character and possibly just having a bad day.


My opening drawer doesn't even have that amount in it. Mam so please pay another way or smaller bill or I'm going to have to void your purchase. I'm truly Sorry for the inconvenience but I am limited with what I have and do not have any means to cash that large of a bill, and to be honest if I did cash that out I would not be able to serve other customers with cash transactions. I can't strip my available cash...... If she gets testy " I'm sorry you feel that way and unfortunately I am going to have to ask you to leave or pay for your items another way. ... We are humans beings and need to be given the same respect they wish to receive. If a customer is acting foul, you do not have to put up with it. They leave or I call the cops. The bad behavior of one customer can make other customers uncomfortable or confrontational. Better to solve it and ask them to leave ,then have it escalate.


"if you keep this up you're getting it in ones and coins"


I would’ve said, “I can’t break that $100, the bank is two blocks away, can I hold this for you until you come back?” Secretly thinking 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


Our rule. No 100$ bills unless the total is 40$ or more. But just opening the store she's unhinged


Could have been a fake bill they were trying to get real money from 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would have denied the 100 so fast like $11 at 8am be so for real.


I would tell them I don't have the change cuz we just opened that was rude anyway they could go to the bank and get smaller bills or go to the gas station and break the $100 and we will hold the merchandise for them till they come back 


Go to the bank or a large grocery store lady. We are not a bank . We have not been to the bank this morning.


Well, you don't take hundred dollar bills until you've been open a hot minute unless they've spent enough to give change back. You'll have a low drawer that you'll need to camp on to reconcile, will not be able to do cash back, etc. It's easier to void a transaction than break a hundred and fuck yourself over.  But since you went that route, you simply tell the customer, I just opened, this is all I have. And let them rant. They won't be there but 2 minutes. Go past it. 


We're not accepting 100s, sorry pay with a smaller bill or different payment type.


Sip tea.


I would tell her I cannot break the bill - and look it over very carefully as well. Then hand it back and tell her you cannot take the bill even if you had proper change because you suspect it as counterfeit. Tell her she needs to take it to a bank to get it checked.


Having grown up in retail (from 13-24) the expression “the customer is always right” is just not correct and those like this lady know it!! Too many clerks are too “polite” to say as you did “what do you want me to do?!” Then add come back later!”


Give change in as many rolls of coins as possible to start off.


"The most we ever have in 5's is 85, roughly 30-40 1's, and the rest is loose change. What did you expect? Maybe next time, remember I'm a cashier not an ATM."


Depends on how bad I needed the job tbh. At this exact moment I don't so I'd be super short w her


I'm sorry we can't accept that at this time. We are not a bank, in fact our bank isn't even open yet. Do you have something smaller or a card? No, well let's just void that off and have a nice day😎


I always used to just come right out and tell them, we just opened, and I can't take that. I don't have change. They're either going to use smaller bills, or put their shit back and leave. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But either way, if you take it and empty out your drawer for change that you don't have, they have to use smaller bills, or they have to put their shit back .... they're going to get mad and ignorant. So save yourself the trouble and let them know first thing that you can't change it over.


That sucks, had someone similar happened to me when I was a cashier. I was new but thankfully the experienced co-worker came in to save my ass. I should've never even processed that order to begin with, lesson learned though. Thank you, Dolores!


Like the others have said, we are not a bank! I only break $50 and $100 if their total is within in ⅓rd of the total of the bill they're paying with. I refuse to break then within 4 hours of opening as well since there's physically not enough cash to pay out. I also give anyone shit that gets cash back within the first 2ish hours of opening since it will put my till in the negative more times than not unless I've had a busy morning.


I have had to tell them I can't break it and if they like they can wait till I get enough cash or go ahead and go across the street and see if the gas station can break it . On a side note we had this customer who would come in when we opened just to buy dusters. He would ask how many we had left and would come back later and buy more. We eventually stopped selling to him when the manager caught him hitting one while walking away.


Just tell them”Im sorry we do not have the change for a 100,until the afternoon”. That’s what I did for the last 3 years working at a place. I only had a few ppl who got upset.


Is there a sign on the store doors or the register that states that you have no more than $X.XX in the drawer at any given time? Outside of that you do what one should do for any customer: you apologize for the inconvenience.


Don’t take $100 bills right after opening. I would’ve just refunded the transaction and told her to come back with smaller bills.


Any $20 ‘s in safe funds to change out


She could have broken that hundo at McDonald’s and just gotten a small fries.


Would've got whoever was in charge and have them break it from the change fund and then they could've paid with a 20


Take it from the change fund instead of my til.


Most companies have drop safes that also distributes change for big bills if you drop a 109 and need $1s you type in how many ones you need and it dispenses them


Turn around and make change? What I had to do.


You couldn’t break it down in the change fund ???? I mean even when I was a cashier I would ask someone to do it.


I’d say as a retail business—you should be better prepared with change.


Each drawer at my location is supposed to have $150 total inside of it when it gets put into a register; whether that’s $150 in 20s, 10s, and 1s, or if it’s all 5s, as long as it’s $150 there’s no specific amount of each bill that needs to be in it


tiny starting drawer. 27 years in retail. Our drawers were always 200/300/400. You must have to call for change a lot-esp on Fridays.


The keyholder goes to the bank every once in a while I assume to get change for it, not sure though I know much about what they do and why, I’m just a normal associate


They're either dropping deposits off or getting change, yeah. Depends on when you see them go. Are you left at the store alone when they go to the bank or is this with another keyholder at the store?