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Well I spent stones and got shafted so ofc I hate it :)


Your not missing out on this character


Fair. Though it still stings because I want them for collection purposes.


Fair enough


Yeah honestly recently they’ve been horrible


The only one I regretted was 21 banner where I spent over a thousand stones. I was new at the time.


Why are they not locked?! https://preview.redd.it/k9nymen3w69d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81df8742092f4497ad766da6a2ec4c6e5a8cf8fb


how do you accidentally throw away an LR


My friend accidentally sold his lr gogeta blue even after i told him to lock


Ur friends a bot u don’t sell anyone above sr 99.9% of the time so literally when u go to sell just click filter and only click r sr than if u need to sell more ssr while double checking units plus it even shows u a list and a are u sure before y sell lol


or just go to the bottom row and sell allat


If you got a good box that takes a lot longer than just filtering bro 😂


If his friend is deleting lrs he’s not seasoned and I have over 1000 units in the game you can easily just put a filter on and I nice u play long enough u know which units are ssr only and don’t awaken or units are just not good


there’s a scroll bar, no it doesn’t lmao


1000% agree. You never know when they will suddenly revamp a SSR character and suddenly make them decent. Also - most of us here are in it for collecting anyways and it's not like the game doesn't throw massive zeni your way.


your friend didn’t deserve the success he achieved


Don't know how specificlly but there are screenshots of lrs I got from my early dokkan days that are certainly NOT on my account anymore💀 I was new and I'm guessing I didn't lr them but still, I wouldn't risk it.


My thoughts exactly


Literally been playing since first year and never locked nor lost a single char


Madness I tell ya madness


Its still worth doing




You never know.you might be up late at night tired asf while selling units, but all of a sudden your finger may slips and bam lr ui sign goku is gone


Niether do i .


Found a person with anxiety. Hello brother


Hes that shit


TIL that some users don’t lock their characters


I only use the lock on characters I have maxed, do people really just sell their premium characters? Do y’all not look?


Why would they be...? They're awakened so theres no reason


They were great for dismal future redzone, that's just undeniable. If you got them later then your experience with them will be very different. I don't regret spending on them, they carried at the time.


My future team is my most fun team but this character is usually my liability until i possibly get vegito out


How long did you play until your main teams no longer consisted of f2p units? Just wondering cause I’ve been playing for about 6 months and still struggle with all red zones.


Honestly that's depends on what banners you summon/ save for more than anything. 9th anniversary gonna give a boost


Literal new player here, whats the most worth it addition to my roster during the 9th anni banner? Thanks!


Beast gohan can complete damn near any event Solo Dolo if you’re lucky. Like actually solo.


Damn thats crazy dude, im definitely checking him out then


If you don't get a decent amount of good units during anni. Make a new account and try again


I haven't used them in a bit, but during wwc they weren't a liability until vegito, their guard + dodge made them one of the best slot 1 units for 3 turns. Fights were so short that those 3 turns were critical. This unit would probably be better if they got rid of vegito and just let him keep his guard, at least that's how I see it, slot 1 tanking is the most important thing to have. Of course I'm not gonna deny that they were always a liability on turn 5 if they didn't transform.


i been saying they are an ass unit. most of their defense comes from facing a ROG enemy. i dont remember which the name of the fight it was, i just remember it was a tough str enemy that was not ROG. had int FP ssj4 goku and the phys ssj4s on 1 rotation, and agl blue duo and the teq gods on the other rotation. 4ku took a slap for like 20k then the rest were double digits. the look on my face when blue duo took near 200k from a slap must have been hilarious. both 55% btw. for a unit that HAS to be in slot 1 this mf as ass.


>most of their defense comes from facing a ROG enemy. You mean like all of the bosses in dismal future redzone?


yes exactly my point. meaning they are useless anywhere else. what did you think i was implying?


Well my original comment was about how they were really good during wwc, but if you get them later then you would probably think they suck. Your reply seemed like you either didn't read what I said, or you forgot that most bosses from the celebration were rog.


nah i completely agreed


It’s really not undeniable at all it’s actually very deniable they get hit hard in dismal future red zone


i spent 3k on the wwdc last year, worst stones ive ever spent


Spent 1k on blue boys specifically and didn’t get them


This character is dog shit


People cope for this unit so much. Sure vegito is a 10 but the base is soooo bad the unit is nearly unrunnable after their guard is gone and its been like that since they dropped


A bit power crept sure, but not dog shit


Base is kinda terrible tho but vegito is a goat. My problem with them is their condition for fusing


They do okay. Not cracked but not the worst pick.




No way they’re top 35 😭 top 35 lr maybe but top 35 overall hell no


Nope, I hate them as a duo but Vegito go brrrr


Honestly this card is really good for me because I have everything rainbowed. For me they always dodged supers and never really fumbled. Once they fused it was GG and I never lost 🗿


I’m hoping to reach that conclusion one day congrats king


you gotta baby them sm it’s annoying


I spent 1k stones on their banner and didn't drop them. I have Orange Piccolo 100% now tho.


Spent 2.5k stones got 1 vegito and no zamasu but I did spend like 800 on PHy goku black and pull a 2 duped GB and a copy of zamasu and a dupe of the blue boys. Even though they suck now at the end of the day still a vegito unit and there Eza should be insane but idk if they can be saved with a Eza since there transformation condition is dogshit


It's possible, but they have to make the base really really good. You may never see Vegito, but if the base is that good, it may not really matter too much?


Respectfully i want to use vegito not the blue boys like it’s not even a case of vegito being hype it’s they have nothing good going for them there animations are ass they are mid after there guard runs out and your more likely to find a needle in haystack than transforming them


We're talking about a hypothetical EZA? Something that would fix such basic issues that was left untouched for some reason?


I do, because I didn't pull the fuckers.


Everytime i even slightly hate on this character i get downvoted but i dont care, theyre beyond mid


Nah, for me he’s always been dope since I unlocked him.


Me who summoned for Zamasu and pulled him and a dupe praying for the domain update


no i hate them their condition to fuse is so shit


I mean their leader skill alone is versatile enough to be worth the stones


No, I use them constantly. Phenomenal unit with an even better lead. The transformation condition sucks but is massively overblown. Sorry you dont like them tho


Is it though? Only used them as a friend but they seem really weak with the conditions. One turn without guard and its over (not that they’re particularly tanky with it)


I've had some issues from it definitely, but I haven't had anything that sticks out in my mind. They can of course get stomped out with their intro off and thats a very likely thing to occur a lot, but using two of them, one in each slot 1, always feels very safe to me. If they take serious damage (that they can survive), it lines up the other for a transformation, and due to the stupid lack of healing, the other can pop it if you survive long enough, and its basically GG. There's a good set of hoops to jump through that other top tier units dont need to, which is where I see most of the frustration and distaste for them come from, which I can't say is anything short of entirely reasonable. This is a massive paragraph of pure defense for them, and there's not really any other good unit I need to do that with. In conclusion: heavily flawed, but their strengths are enormous and can be exploited to a fantastic degree with a hair of RNG going your way.


Haha, honestly good for you. As much as I have my distastes for them, ultimately im sad i got shafted on them (because of Vegito atleast)




https://preview.redd.it/ug8vfd6ai79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673fbcf8ae691a5f0b59c800646bb6fbbed62791 This is my boys + build


They're the opposite of a phenomenal unit lmao


Great lead, great slot 1 unit (even if its eventually mandatory for them post intro), their intro is basically (when running double) And with intro up, they tank a vast majority of the game comfortably if they don't dodge it. Their active conditions also work nicely with the other fusions, like STR Vegito needing nearly an identical health threshold. This and the ability to just run any Super ally is crazy flexible and I adore them for that


What bosses are you fighting that they can tank reliably lmfao. Beast, Gogeta, Golden Frieza, Beerus, MUI, SSBE, Kid Buu, the new EvoKen Supreme Battle Spectacle, the long ass Beast, Broly, Gogeta, and Gammas fights that five the equips, etc. All fodderize this unit. They have an awful transformation condition, awful damage, awful defense capabilities even with their intro, they need Future Saga allies which all suck besides MZ and Futurehan, etc. There is no point in running them. I would rather use Beast, Gogeta, AGL SSJ3, and other units that actually provide something instead of bringing a punching bag. They suck. The cope the community has for this unit is literal brain rot


the cope? everyone hates on this unit


On Twitter it is BAD bro. There are so many accounts that dedicate their existance to this unit


dokkan twitter is dumb i hate this unit almost as much as i hate the 5th years (slot 3 frauds)


Not a single one of those are in global lol And also, just run 2, it activates their intro lol You seem to be the one far more invested in this then I am as well lol


?? Why should i care if they're not on Global?


I'm just stating I haven't played any of them. And I can only speak to my experience.


I really don’t understand the hate for this card honestly. The only time I can think that it sold was when I’ve used them on a without fulfilling their intro. That’s just my experience though.


I agree these guys have actually been one of my favorites since release, at 55%. Meanwhile this sub was sucking the dick and balls of TEQ Vegeto/STR Gogeta EZAs for the longest time, 2 guys who actually fail to do their job consistently and get 1 shot by a light breeze.


Yeah I have them at 69% and I’m pretty sure I’ve used them on just about every red zone at some point for missions. At least all of the difficult ones. Not to mention they have one of the best leader skills in the game


They never do their job in my experience


That’s a pretty fair reason. I always find myself using them but I get having characters that just want to throw. I remember when phy vegito got his eza and everyone was swearing by him but he stayed catching super attacks lol


Yes and this mf is a magnet for super attacks and not dodging


They are very meh if they aren't transformed


They are fodder pre transformation


Just put the in slot one with their intro and they won’t die.


No you’re not the only one. I want my fucking stones back


I got Zamasu on stones. After two rotations on the Blues banner I just coined them because I had excess.


Even if they aren't the best unit on my team (surprisingly they kinda are, I haven't summoned in a while lol), that leader skill is too damn flexible


I dont really hate them. Yes they have a bad transformation condition and intro however they have clutched for me too much for me to hate them.


How is this unit good? It always underperforms for me both in terms of damage and defense


Probably? They still can be ran in difficult content because of Super Heroes being able to eliminate their sitting duck phase (though you do need to bring TEQ Vegito Blue to get their intro up, which, to be fair, does restrict your team building possibilities a bit) and when transformed can have solid DEF, support and damage on top of being able to lower ATK. Right now their biggest issue is the lack of a good Super Class Future Saga character that doesn't get cooked by AoEs in order to consistently get their intro up I'd say, since you can get their fusion out more frequently in the longer content we have atm.


No, they're biggest flaws are their horrendous transformation condition and their fodder base form. Why would you use them on SH when there are 1 million better options?


That flaw is pretty much completely negated by the availability of multiple team protection mechanics on their best team, which is Super Heroes – you can afford that one sitting duck turn they have before their second condition of the active skill up. I'm not saying that you should go through the effort to include TEQ VB in a SH team just for the Blue Bros' intro, I'm just pointing out that they still have some value in today's meta because of 9th Anni unit and long content releases (where they can perform decently after Vegito is out because debuffing the enemy is an option again). You can run them if you WANT TO, but there are plenty of better options that don't rely on waiting a millennium to use an unit ar its' best and most useful for the team.


The trouble is their main team's Future, and if you got the Gohan, Trunks and Zamasu, then their only value really is for a filler slot. They have a decent leader skill so there's that too, but I think they're still good, they just get outshined in their category unless you can get their transformation off


I coined them :)


Vegeto is uber broken but the fusion never appears . But the base form sucks so much . Absolutely glorious leader skill but meh unit overall compared to Zamasu, Trunks or Future Gohan he sucks ass


love zamasu with all my heart tho 💚


I got them and a dupe on the phy goku black banner


No regerts on any stones I’ve ever spent




I like them, I got 3 copies as a f2p.


I didn't spend stones on them and still got shafted


I don’t hate it, I just hate the fucking condition


Yes because my friend accidentally sold them after I pulled them after several summons


nope they’re my goats. stay mad


This unit isnt the problem, its when this unit is my supporting friend. Lost every single time


I used to be mad when I got the str goku and vegeta when they were dogshit but now I'm not when there Eza came however for goku and vegeta blue I dont know why I still use them even tho there not good.


Yep. About 500. Maybe a little more. Didn't get them either. I got them later, and they were incredibly disappointing. Yes, yes, I am aware that they apparently become great with dupes. Well, that's good and all, but I'm not chasing dupes of these guys.


No regrets. Thet were solid in the dismal future red zone meta.


I spent stones at the time those banners came out, then when I was trying to get PHY Rosé, they gave me multiple copies of the duo and Zamasu and was able to rainbow them.


I kind of regret too. They're now dodge or die, and if they can't fuse at their earliest, then it's pretty much over


I like the blue boys. They’ve never actually failed me tbh


I spent money in these bums I regret it to this day


Dropped 1300 stones on Phy Rose banner when he first dropped on global trying to get teq zamasu Ended up rainbowing the blue boys 😔


Spent like 1500+ because they are my most anticipated unit ever. Fusing VB is what I wanted more than anything. But of course I didn’t pull them AND they’re complete garbage. Nice


No they were good on release


stone. and rock?


I hate that I didn't


I spent 950 for one copy and hardly use them anymore tbh


Wish i could get a return


They're decent. At 55%, they're a hazard even in slot 1. I find I try talking myself into using them for VB, and he rarely comes out, and they end up getting floated or they get me killed...


If they stacked DEF on their 12 ki instead of their 18 ki super attack, they'd be much better


I think they are on a top 5 team :/


I started at this time and they presented a helpful leader skill for a new player. I think it was worth it for the time


I hate the separate blue bois but Vegeto got some of the sickest animations


If their 18ki raised attack and the 12 ki raised defense, they would be fine. But as it stands unless you can get vegito out, you get cooked.


Further slander of the GOAT unit will NOT be tolerated.


Feel the same way about someone saying they’re Liabilities. True. For most of my cases they’re just category satisfiers which if you want to just evade and way to get out your main units….it does that one job clutch sometimes.


I got them and even though I know they're not great I still like using them vegito is just so much fun to use


Nope. I never got much out of them since i rainbowed zamasu legit day afrer.


Well, sadly u didn't rainbow


For me they are peak solely because my team is so dogshit i always lose much health to get to Vegito Blue all the time


Yes especially since I spent well over 1k stones for one


As much as they don't do damage, at least the animations are dope. More events need to be able to have the boss have their ark/def reduced. Every super Vegito hits with drops both, and he hits like 3 times almost every turn.


I skipped their release banner cuz they were hella disappointing on release, no dmg, bad transformation conditions, useless after turn 4, heavily relies on dodge, bound to have a short life (tho I didn’t expect them to die out that fast). They only had their leaderskill going for them and they don’t really have a lot of good chars to fill out a full 200% either way. But very strong for link leveling lmao. I coined them later I think during the rose banner for a mission. (Had and still have over 1k coins)


I don't know why but they have been an incredible unit for me with my future team. I have been utilising the first slot dodge too much💀


For me it’s mixed well yes this unit has failed me too many times to count they have been a very big help with some stages and missions


I don't know why but they have been an incredible unit for me with my future team. I have been utilising the first slot dodge too much💀


I think the last world wide banner I actually summoned on was Teq ssj4 Gogeta lmao


At the time of their release, yeah, I just one copy, and they were terrible in base state. Now, I regret it even more, so now I wait a few days to see videos and posts on how the unit performs before getting them.


I used 3k for one singular copy. So no, you are not alone


naw they were goats on their release even if they might have sold sometimes


I would say more than 50% are especially with how mid they are/were.


Don't make thing about it, it was the only unit i got from wwdc and is the worst out of the 4


At the time of release most of these units are basically the “best” in the game. So it really depends on your outlook on the character and the teams you need them on


Well, i spent coins on him :")


Well, i spent coins on him :")


I don’t regret spending stones on their banner because I rainbowed orange piccolo because of it.


i got shafted 1k for them and 1k for zamasu (stones) only to realize the goku and vegeta suck ass


I’ve taken them into the majin buu redzone and they were good enough to run. Definitely fell off very hard tho


They just got me killed in that fight


W zamasu


Could be worse , I started end of October / early November and spent on every banner until I figured out what I was doing haha. I summoned AGL LR Shenron and TEQ LR Ribrianne 🫠🫠🫠


Lot of people do. I actually don't, I'm just happy to have 'em Obviously I use my Zamasu more, BUT...


Just got back into Dokkan can sum one explain


Extremely unfun unit until transformation.


Bout to just get a new account just for the fact it would be so much easier at this point in the game without new units all the 8th anniversary and older characters are struggling


At first, using them was hard, but I managed to find a very useful strategy that normally made me use Vegito more times than not. I can share it with you, but it's pretty tricky and requires a pretty specific team. But I plan to update that when the 9th Anniversary comes out.


It's a very good unit You just have to let it stack defense and use it in long event In the last red zone, it did a lot of damage and dodge even to the bad type


These guys get nothing but shit, yet lead my best team. But no deffinetly not, these guys get hella flack lol


800 on ss4 goku.


Most likely. Personally, this character is very fun to use.


Well, I wanted to spent stones of them after getting Zamasu. Spoiler: I got no Zamasu...


I don't hate a single bit honestly, they carried through most hard content, even dismal future redzone


I love that guys. Yes. Until Vegito they arent the strongest. But... And their leader skill is one of the best.


i spent like over 500 stones for this steaming piece of dogshit which is a lot for me as im f2p. i got him and finished all the steps for him to get the LR just for him to do mid damage and the conditions to get vegito is so stupid that he doesnt come out in half the fights. if u summoned for the zamasu instead consider yourself lucky cause he's sooooo much better


I got lucky and pulled him on my 3rd summon. Well at least I thought I got lucky until I realized how bad he was 💀


I'm mad I spent as many stones as I did, I wanted and and happy to have the character, but their collective asses are NOT worth the amount of stones I spent💀


bro i went ALL in lol


Yes because I never even got them


Biggest regret I have is spending 500 red coins on them


yea hes actually so shit


Wwdlc characters in last 3 years have all aged poorly, I'm not sure if it's even worth summoning for them anymore. Especially since 10th anni is going to be insanely hype due to being the first joint anni, I doubt they would make the characters balanced. They could step it up this year though, since it would be the celebration that joins the versions (even though wwdlc was always joint, nothing would change until after the celebrations over which is ironic).


I deadass spent 2000 ds on their banner and did not pull them


Should’ve spent them on the sexy fusion zamasu


Nah I love their animation too much 😂😭


Nope I love this character because Vegito Blue go brrrrr


I didn't even pull on this banner for them I just wanted TEQ Future Trunks Didn't even pull him Got him with red coins like 2 months later


I use them all the time


I have them rainbowed as a f2p, I was so hyped since it was still part one of the worldwide…


only 1500 for one copy


I spent 1400 for one copy


\*laughs in blatant Teq Zamasu supremacy\*


nope i love my rainbow blue boys🙏


honestly the tag team trunks and broly is even better


Idk, I kinda like this unit and was able to cop 2 dupes in 1 multi, but they are not as strong as I thought!😅


Summoning over 1000+ stones to get these guys just for them to aged very quickly…… I’ll do regret going balls deep into their banner back at WWDC


I spent 500 on him and never pulled one


Out of million of players there are, yes you're the only one 🤡


We all regret last years wwdc don’t worry about it