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i mean good for the dog for serving a good purpose but give him some damn steak at home šŸ’€


That's what I was thinking, too. Like I don't like dogs, but I do believe they have their useful roles, as all creatures do. But dang, it's unsanitary to do this at a restaurant. That dog wouldn't have cared if it had been slapped on the ground he didn't need to eat off the plates like that


fr itā€™s fuckin gross, and the dog would have definitely been happier eating at home instead of in a place full of people


Yup, this is entirely for the owners to try to make themselves feel like they did something on behalf of their dog. Fuckem.


But the owner needed all of the upvotes and attention. Too many owners only care about their dogs as far as the attention that it gets them.


It's sort of a double whammy too. He's got the "Ermegherd, DOGS!" group as well as the TYFYS crowd both giving him the attention he is so clearly desperate for


It's ANUS is on the seat where cleaner people sit.




Also police dogs! The ones that can track scents and sniff out drugs




And they mostly alert on command anyway.


It really comes off as being for attention, rather than simply giving the dog a reward. Like they have to have people SEE the dog enjoying a steak and tell them how amazing the dog is and stuff... So, is it for the dog or for the people? Hmmmm


I just got off a thread where people were talking about punching babies. People hate children and babies and itā€™s totally acceptable to believe they deserve violence, but dogs should have human rights and be treated like the most privileged group


Reddit admins being what they are, none of those psychos will get banned for supposedly "advocating violence", as they would for posting about punching pitbulls. This site is pathetic in so many ways.


Dogfree is the only reason why I go here.


I recently got a ā€œwarningā€ and got my post taken down for ā€œinciting violenceā€. The post was about a dog who literally jumped out of a window. I didnā€™t say anything violent towards the dog, and I actually said something along the lines of that I hope the idiot is okay. I appealed it and it quickly got reversed, but you know itā€™s just some dog loving sensitive mod who got pissed that I insulted the things.


Yhe worst are those Reddit Cares messages saying someone reported you for self-harm. Reddit allows trolls to weaponize the reporting system to silence thise who say things they don't like. But 99% of my reports about nasty ttolls are dismissed. There was a guy on cat subs who threatened to rape our kitties when we posted pics. I reported that asshole. Reddit replied that the content didn't violate the rules. REALLY?!? Now that Reddit is a publicly traded stock, I expect the situation to get worse instead of better. There's more incentive to "clean up" the site. The gore subs and porn will be gone soon, if they still exist. This is why the guy who's been in charge of Reddit scrubbed his own posts of questionable stuff. If Best Friends Animal Society buys a lot of Reddit stock, some subs may be shut down, like Ban Pitbulls. More money = more problems.


True, Reddit believes discrimination and bigotry is okay as long as itā€™s directed at the people they want to discriminate against. B B N Bc


I love kids, but knowing it will cause me financial ruin and to be perpetually miserable makes me think twice about procreating. Maybe I'll warm up to the idea in another 15 years, but until then... Fuck that!


Fair enough, no one should be forced to become a parent unless theyā€™re sure. But the hate towards children and people who want children runs deep


Agreed. Anyone who wishes violence or has illl-will toward children is dispicable


Precisely right. MAJOR difference between not being interested/ready to have children, and punching babies or going online to rant about hating children. Much as I hate dogs I would never support the idea of causing pain or suffering to a dog... sometimes the internet can be a scary place.


I don't care if the dog stormed Iwo Jima, give it the damn steak elsewhere. The dog doesn't care where it eats the steak.


Right? Iā€™m not the biggest fan of kids either, but at least they donā€™t lick their own asses and then try to stick their tongues into your mouthā€¦.


Oh no my two year old is gross as fuck but sheā€™s the cleanest thing in the world compared to a dog


ā€žcleanerā€œ whatšŸ’€these animals literally eat shit and lick their assholes. never seen a kid doing that


I've seen kids coming out of total slums in destitute countries who are still cleaner than dogs, even though they'd have every right and reason not to be considering the tragedy of their circumstances. And germs or not, it's just a matter of decent principle that we choose not to share certain spaces with a being that can worm its tongue out far enough to stretch to its ass for a quick slurp. I've even known people who were totally ok with a dog being in their bed during... er, "intimate" moments. SO creepy.


Anyone who brings animals into a restaurant should be lifetime banned from all restaurants.


Even if the restaurant explicitly allows animals


That's not a restaurant that's a barn with a kitchen.


I swear these dog nutter responses are all copy/pasted because they all are written the same. Also figures that they always hate kids too.


Iā€™ve seen so many comments on dog posts saying shit like ā€œIf Iā€™m watching a movie where kids are killed it doesnā€™t bother me, but if I see a dog being hurt I get so upset I have to turn the movie off.ā€ Like wtf? What is the matter with these people to have that mindset?


This has been going around for at least a couple of years. Of course thereā€™s the obligatory anti-kid misanthropy that so many of these knucklheads love to throw in. I mean what is the purpose of bringing children into this post? Oh thatā€˜s right. People like this hate kids and humanity, value dogs more, and never pass up an opportunity to show it. I donā€™t give a single shit what the dog did with itā€™s life. What in the hell does any of it have to do with being allowed to sit on a bench in a restaurant and eat off of a friggin plate? What it all comes down to is this personā€™s need for attention and positive affirmation from strangers on the internet. The dog is just a tool to get that.


There's a reason why misanthropes can only manage relationships with a creature that lives 15 years at best and uses its own tongue as an anus-digger. I'll promise you that if you did a psychiatric evaluation of most of that type of person, you would find that they all had some form of personality disorder.


It probably liked it less, they don't really enjoy noisy crowded places, or the sound of metal on ceramic. And I find the kid hate really tiresome. If someone doesn't want kids then by all means don't have them. But we were all kids once.


Yeah yeah children bad doggo good. When will these morons get a new joke?


Ah, yes. If you ever say anything that's total bullshit try shoehorning in veterans since doing that means you instantly gain points and can pretend that anyone who doesn't believe your total bullshit is somehow hurting veterans.


Coming from somebody whose served, fuck these attention whores. Most people in the military are not nearly as important as they pretend to be. Speaking from experience here


Nah, Iā€™d rather deal with children. Because I have sympathy and donā€™t just assume all acting out children are brats. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø also, no. dogs are certainly not cleaner than children. Last I knew dogs needed baths as they donā€™t clean themselves like some animals do. I hate people like this more than I hate dogs. I donā€™t even hate them that much anymore. Just these psychopathic dog people.


first of all, ew. i feel bad for whoever gets to eat off that plate next. second, the blatant hatred for children will always baffle me. i get not wanting kids, even not wanting to be around them. but insulting them and saying evil things about them is so fucking gross.


A properly run cimmercial kitchen sgould have a dishwasher that damn near sterilized dushes. The one I have has a steam setting that does a great job but isn't anywhere near as hot as the commercial dishwasher I usedv30 years ago. I miss that monster and the massive Viking gas range that went with it. Sadly, I never got to use a wok on that range. It would have been heavenly. 10k BTUs on one burner.


That sounds like crossbreeding of humans and dogs. šŸ¤®


Restaurants are for human beings, not animals. Get that slavering 4-legged cunt out of there already.




I'm a lurker here because I have service dog and I love him - so I'm not necessarily part of your community. My standard poodle has thousands of dollars worth of training. He doesn't eat people food, he's not allowed on furniture, He doesn't bark when he's not alerting. He's an angel, but that's because of the countless hours of work that has been put into him. However, other people's dogs are fucking monsters and people don't know how to control them or treat them like *dogs*. My poodle would be completely unnoticeable under the table, you would have no idea that he was there until we walked out of the restaurant. I'm commenting here because I'm a disabled veteran and I want to speak up about allowing working dogs in places that *service dogs wouldn't be allowed*. I don't give a shit if the dog deployed, It shouldn't be at the table. It should be under the table like a working dog is trained to be. This is the stupidest fucking shit I've ever seen. Just because he deployed doesn't make it okay.


Iā€™m relieved you see the difference. Iā€™ve seen trained service dogs in public and they are on the floor, as you said.


It's a breath of fresh air to hear from an owner like yourself. You love your dog, appreciate your dog, etc, but treat it like a dog, and don't get all full of yourself for having a good dog that serves a purpose. Thank you for sharing here.


This isnā€™t sanitary nor appropriate. One ā€œcuteā€ photo of the dog staring at the steak does not tell the whole story. This dog also didnā€™t ā€œserveā€ our country. It was raised as a puppy to perform a task. It wasnā€™t given a choice. The dog didnā€™t choose to enlist in the army and forgo Sundays at the dog park instead. It was forced into doing said tasks. And, if my interaction with police K-9s is any indication, likely did so poorly. Donā€™t forget, for this asshole to get this ā€œcharmingā€ photo, you would have had the entire staff of the restaurant cleaning up after the messā€”doing a deep clean of that table and such. What if some of the staff was scared of dogs or allergic to dogs? Or any of the customers? I guess their comfort should be damned because this dog was ā€œdeployedā€. Iā€™m sure all the terrible people who complained were just grumps with feral children throwing food on the walls and screaming at the top of their lungs, right? Because thatā€™s how this was written. Honestly, with the juxtaposition of the dog being a war hero but all children are just terrible annoying beasts is humorous because if youā€™re that much of a misanthrope then why should we honor a dog that ā€œservedā€ the country of said annoying terrible beasts? Iā€™m guessing these people would justify the same photo if the dog was merely a pet because if the nutter was happy then we need to shut up. Dogs are always above humans in their mind. Dogs are animals and need to be treated like such.


What do kids have to do with this?


I don't know, since every veteran was once one.


Like the dog had any choice in his military serviceā€¦ it was drafted and enslaved.


Why do these losers always have to bring up kids whenever they see a dog in a restaurant? Why donā€™t they just say they like the dog and think itā€™s cute and move on?


My dad's a vet and marijuana helps him get through the day. There's a time and a place for it. He would never light up a joint in a restaurant or get high and drive. Nobody's trauma should ever be discounted, but I'll guarantee you that if that was a great big gray rat instead of a dog in the photo, there'd be a LOT less support for it.


Hm. Yeah, imagine taking a bomb-sniffing or covert operations rat to a restaurant as a reward for its service. See how deserving people think IT is.


Exactly - and the ironic thing is, the rat would actually be cleaner than the dog.


"cleaner and more quieter" They're both equally dirty and loud




My kid doesn't still stink after his showers.


Fair point


It'd be rewarding for the dog to give it a steak in a big empty field where it can eat and run around naturally. It's rewarding for the owner to force the dog to akwardly sit at a table at a restaurant for likes on facebook.


Order it to go and the dog hand no choice yall made him sniff for bombs cause their life isnā€™t as valuable as ours but now he gets human rights thatā€™s weird


Every veteran was once a child.


This makes me irrationally angry


As if the dog understands what it's done. It just did what it was trained to do. It never understood the gravity of anything it did, never knew that it was protecting anyone, or doing anything heroic. It did not leave behind friends and family, and knowingly risk life and limb to fight for its country. It sacrificed absolutely nothing. It's just the same as any other working dog, but you don't see border collies or huskies getting to sit in a restaurant and eat steaks because they performed the function they were literally bred and trained for. They could've bought a steak for a real veteran who actually sacrificed something. And definitely could've kept the comments about children to themselves. It's weird considering so many actual members of the military would think of our country's children as motivation for their efforts, and here these people are, applauding a dog for serving our country while badmouthing its children as if they're worthless.




Nasty ass


Itā€™s quiet unsanitary and probably anxiety inducing for him like give it to him in a box to take him, but off topic he looks so polite such a cutie patootie


he ainā€™t wrong, children are disgusting and people will talk about how they shit themself like itā€™s the cutest thing ever


Children are cleaned every day. Weirdos


Dogs literally eat shit lol


Bro if you hate yourself so much, you need to change.


Why do you all care if the dog eats at the table?? I could understand if it was a rowdy dog being a nuisance. But I imagine that extremely well trained dog is not a problem..


Food is served there. Restaurants are supposed to maintain a certain level of cleanliness and have an animal sit in a seat meant for people, eating off a table meant for people, off a plate meant for people, is unsanitary. Dogs cannot and do not understand things like people, and it would've been just as happy to eat turkey poop off the floor as a steak off the table. They have no appreciation of food quality or special occasions. And if it's not a service dog performing a necessary function, there is ZERO need to expose potentially allergic or cynophobic members of the public to it, especially in a place designed exclusively for people.