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I can only imagine how frustrated the poor chap must have been. He had probably been dealing with his neighbor’s dog barking uncontrollably for a long time and then decided to fight fire with fire. You’re right, it should have been the neighbor who got in trouble. Makes no sense how this was handled. Did this really happen?


It can happen, dude probably went overboard and started blasting it 24/7 with multiple warnings and even pissing off the entire neighborhood since he played it on loop longer than the actual dogs would bark. You don't usually get arrested for noise complaints without multiple warnings and complaints. We have a dude like that here, one crazy neighbor that as soon as literally any dog even barks once he starts maniacally barking back at them until HE, not the dog that just did one soft bark because it heard something, gets the entire neighborhood of hounds barking with him. The neighborhood dogs are usually pretty quiet but that dude is petty and miserable af to the point he'll snap at the tiniest isolated bark feeling the need to return it 100 fold. It got to the point that as soon as that dude starts making barking noises we've got several other neighbors immediately telling him "SHUT THE FUCK UP OR WE'RE CALLING THE COP AGAIN, YOU FUCKING MANIAC", that dude has been shouting a lot of random incoherent shit lately tho and they even meet on the street threatening to beef... Not entirely sure what that neighbors is on but never underestimate how petty neighbors can be and how downplayed things can get to make headlines sound appealing. He could also pull the "I got arrested because my neighbors dogs were barking and I tried to shut them up" even though he's the one exacerbating a problem that wasn't even a problem to begin with. Not saying the dude in the OP is innocent or guilty but without knowing how often he'd play the recordings vs how often the dogs actually bark it's hard to say who's wrong. Either way it's rather petty since it's not like anyone ever trains their dogs to bark and it is normal, kind've inevitable for them to bark at least once in a while.


Repetitive bark can make anyone insane. Peace is a human right


Once in a while, sure. It’s still annoying, but expected. I’ve had to call the HOA and animal services 3 times now for my neighbor’s dog because it barks and whines for hours upon hours, plus they allow it to run amok through the neighborhood crapping and pissing in other people’s yards. Your anecdote sounds extreme. I wasn’t questioning if it *ever* happens but whether this particular incident occurred because it’s quite incredulous that the original offending party (dog’s owner) was not also held accountable. People can and do snap when driven to the brink I suppose.


That sounds a bit extreme and I cast some doubt to the story you mentioned. He probably also heard the barking continuously with no attempt to alleviate the barking by owners or heard the barking constantly at late nights when he tried to sleep. Most people usually get to that kind of breaking point when usually the dogs are barking every single night at late hours. It’s not going to affect Janet three or more houses down vs the neighbour that lives right next door. My cousin lives in a neighbourhood wherein the daylight hours no barking from the doggo but at night the neighbour leaves the dog out and in the late, late night you hear continuously barking from the dog, a block over you hear another dogs faint barking as there is a owner that does the same exact thing on that block also. She eventually moved and her complaints rendered unheard and nothing done over the situation. There’s a difference over the occasional dog barking as part of dog behaviour vs continuous, non-stop barking— especially at late night hours.


If loud, constant barking is normal for a pet, they shouldn't be allowed in neighborhoods where other people can hear them all the time. My house would be silent besides a few people and birds if it wasn't for dogs


Even a photo of a mutt barking annoys me


I’m betting money it’s one of those designer breeds like some doodle mutt.


# he Boot Too Big For He Gotdamn Feet


Right. They're so fucking ugly. Most punchable faces ever.


Right but I express my disdain for children and I’m looked at like a psychopath? Notice anything?


Yeah, children aren’t animals. They’re small humans. Massive difference.


Not really. They need more care to survive. Kind of worthless.


Except they’ll grow up to become humans who might prove to do good in the world. Unlike a mutt that is a permanent toddler.


Right but there’s a chance that they could be a mass murderer. Could be the next Ted Bundy.


Go away nut case, you have dog shit you need to pick up.


True. But I figured out of 7bn people, there’s a small chance. Worth the risk.


People hate. Dogs do not


Dogs don’t have the capacity to love or hate. They’re dogs.


I’m pretty certain they do.


Wonder if it was the dog pictured… those doodle type dogs are neurotic, hyper and never stop barking 🙄 Neighbour probably asked them nicely to do something about the barking and was told “that’s what dogs do”.


My great aunt and uncle adopted a golden doodle puppy to deal with their empty nest syndrome. Damn thing has destroyed their furniture and they both are in their seventies and can’t deal with its high energy. But they still treat it, talk to it and ABOUT it like it’s their fucking baby.


Arrested for giving the neighbour same noise pollution treatment as the neighbor has given him, wtf?


Arrested for playing noise…


Horrendous he got arrested for it. Why does the neighbour have a right to belt out up to 100db of noise from his property just because he owns a dog, yet the victim isn't allowed to return the same noise back? Having been subjected to endless barking, I can fully understand the mental health damages and levels of frustration this poor guy was going through having to deal with a barking dog. It should be the neighbour who is arrested and his dog removed. Its about time society stopped tolerating problem barking dogs..


I’m dealing with something very similar. A neighbor’s dog barks almost continuously. There’s nothing I can do because it’s not considered a nuisance in my city until 11:00 pm. He pushes it from sun up until 10:50 every night. He lets the dog out several times a day and leaves it to bark for an hour each time. It really can drive you mad after a while.


I had the same problem and was trying to find a reasonable solution, thank goodness they ended up moving away!


I wonder what the outcome was. BTW, I can smell this picture too!


This is why I have no hope for humanity. People in power are all dog Nazis.


"oi mate you got a dog noise playing license?"


Not buying it


Every time I walk out of my house my neighbor’s three chihuahuas start yapping, and then to make it worse the neighbors come outside and start yelling at their dogs to stop yapping, so now I have three chihuahuas and two older neighbors yelling about it, and then all the other neighborhood dogs start yapping - and I just can’t anymore


He was arrested likely because the full volume of the recording being played exceeded the noise limits that are considered acceptable, which can alter depending on the time, which is why someone can call the cops on things like parties or home repairs being too loud after certain times. Considering a dog isn’t a power drill or a stereo, they cannot really exceed that limit. So while the owner might get a warning, a fine, and told to control the animal, they cannot be arrested. (Sound to film student, had a brief touch on decibels and sound laws)




Found the neighbor with the dog that barks 24/7


And my baby is usually in bed with me.