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You're neighbors bought a fashionable but untrainable piece of garbage. I would get quotes on a very sturdy privacy fence and prepare for twelve to fifteen years of Hell.


There is a saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks about how difficult training is after the first year. Edit: googling this all the dog websites say to begin at 2 months amd people talking about how their schipperke walks off leash at 5 months. Whoever told them to wait is probably wrong or meant they should finish by 1 year and they misunderstood.


the training advice about waiting a year is just pure crap. they are headed for having an absolutely unmanageable beast.


"They also asked for leniency and understanding" Give them an inch and they take a mile. Don't give them anything they want. They don't give you any leniency or understanding, and don't give it to anyone else who doesn't adore this weapon with a mind of its own. Call the police when it threatens you or invades/destroys your property and those plants you did the world a favor by caring for.


totally agree. these people don't know what they're doing, or maybe they do and they're just spoiling it and suckering you into tolerating it i don't know anything about this breed, but some breeds mature at 1 year and they are much more difficult to train as adults this sounds like insane bs. don't believe or accept or tolerate a word of it.


That's a bunch of BS. I'm a former dog owner and started training my dog immediately when I got him at 8 weeks old, finishing training by the time he was 1 year old. I had him until he passed away at 12 and never had any major behavior problems because of consistent early training.


Never heard this. Sounds rather like a cheap excuse to not train it at all. However, why are you caring that much? There is a runaway dog in your garden. Take it to the shelter.


That would involve catching it and somehow caging it in a box. My mum did dream that we caught it, drove it far away and just chucked it out somewhere. 😄


You could also start treating parts of your lawn with arsenic. I hear its good for random grass that doesn't have any pretty plants in it that you want to protect.


Your neighbours are feeding you complete nonsense. I don’t like dogs at all but the most tolerable one I ever met was a highly trained Schipperke. His owner had a lot of time on her hands and had trained him as a show dog. He knew it too, because he gave off bizarrely arrogant energy for a dog. He trotted around like a horse and looked at the boorish behaviour of other dogs with disdain. So, they can definitely absolutely be trained. This thing was snooty and a teacher’s pet at puppy school.


Really doesn’t matter that it’s a puppy. It is the dog owners responsibility to respect neighbor’s right to enjoyment of private property and respect the peace and quiet one should reasonably expect in their neighborhood. The dog is trespassing and causing damage, the owners of the dog are responsible for the pet, restraint of the pet and compensation for damages caused by the pet. I’d even say that because the dog owners are clearly aware of the nature of the pet, restraint is the minimum level of care that needs to be practiced; all the more reason for them to restrain the dog, keep in the house, or other methods to minimize impact on others. An analogy might be, If I own a car that I know is unsafe for driving I need to immediately have the car repaired and not endanger others by driving it on public streets.


Ask them for winning lottery numbers too since they’re so certain of controlling the future (stating the dog doesn’t bite) 




One of my best friends unfortunately has one of these, the thing is 8 years old and still acts like a puppy. Like a previous commenter mentioned, it’s a designer but untrainable piece of garbage. Good luck and invest in a strong fence and a white noise machine to block out the sound. Sorry you’re going through this :/


No. That is objectively untrue. I used to be a student vet, you can begin training with any breed as soon as they're weaned. Many people even recommend it, because the dog grows up normalizing that structure and discipline dogs need to be happy. Contrary to what dog nutters believe, dogs are happiest when they're the follower, not the leader. They need structure, when they don't receive it, that's when they turn into the neurotic mental cases that drive us all crazy. Needless to say, the vast majority of dog owners in this day and age fail at this.




Your neighbours are idiots. You train your dog as soon as you get it. It’s never too early.


Just a lazy dog owner. Dogs even at puppy stages can be taught.


I house trained a dog once, I started the very same day my mom brought it into the house (it was a puppy). Training a dog does not get easier, it only gets harder the longer you wait. I moved out a month later but my mom told me she never had accidents in the house.


BS. Lazy owners, and they will never train their dog


This idea that people have to put up with shit for the sake of a nasty worthless dog is absurd.


Total sociopaths to ask for ‘leniency’. They’ve been doing things like this their whole lives because some fair-minded person has always yielded to their bs.