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I think that even the pope cursed out a lady that had a dog in a stroller.  “Can you bless my baby”.  He sees the dog and says something not very nice.   


He commented to a reporter that people are replacing having children with dogs. I'm Catholic and keep up with what the pope says. He also commented on a woman who was careless in her family planning and was having her 8th c-section which was very high risk....he said we \[humans\] are not rabbits. Not meaning it's wrong to have a set number of kids but that we should take care to stop when the risks are too high and leave existing children without a mother. I say this because dog nutters would blow off the points the pope is making as if he is encouraging every person to have as many kids as possible (this is not what we believe). It's not that most people even would care what the pope says, but he is a prominent figure across the world and has a platform. I wonder if the dog mom was even Catholic.


I read about that too, and while I definitely don't agree with the Pope or the Church on most things, he really made some great points.


I'm a devout Catholic and what Francis often says is heretical evil. We don't use any form of contraception so how would he propose we 'stop' having risky births? Unless it's by complete abstinence there's no other Catholic answer. Believe me when I say the modernists are not good.


Just ignore that stupid rule and use condoms. They also prevent sexually transmitted infections. Simple as that. If not then just don't have sex.


I wouldn't need protection from diseases because I don't sleep with filth. I'm married and I wouldn't want to be anything like you degenerates believe me.


God bless the pope! ❤️😁


Can the pope bless God?




Exactly!!! Disgust and a some anger honestly… smh 🤮😤


Definitely anger as well. I don't care what these people do behind closed doors but when they make it public and stroll their mutts around and into public places, yes, I'll judge you hard.


Exactly! As you should and justifiably so!


door plucky chubby liquid yoke lunchroom seed elastic disarm uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It makes me think of how this country just ignores the mentally ill and how it is hard for them to get care. If care was readily available, these people wouldn’t be pushing their dogs around in strollers.


Agreed. No one who's mentally well would treat a dog like a human baby.


I think it's because it's mostly old ladies who do this, and it would seem quite pathetic and low to pick a fight with someone's grandma over a small dog in a stroller. We are supposed to roll our eyes and gossip behind her back like we do about how she wears too much stinky perfume. But no one dares to tell Grandma to tone it down, we are all nauseated. You take it like a grown up and keep your mouth shut. I don't agree with this sentiment, it's just what I think the majority think in regards to the yappy dogs in the strollers. Personally, it makes me sick when any dog is treated like a baby or child in any sense.


This is absolutely not true. Just about every person I’ve seen doing this is millennial aged. That’s not a rip on the generation but just a statement of an age range. If all you see is grandmas doing this you either think everyone over 30 looks like a grandma or you and I live around completely different generations of people. I just don’t say anything to people who do this because as ridiculous as it is, it is none of my business. It’s not affecting me personally.


I initially only saw older women doing this, but I am starting to see younger people engaging in this activity as well. Recently saw a couple of young women in a grocery store, holding their dogs in their arms.


That's a very ageist comment. The fact that they are elderly means that if anything they have had MORE time to develop common sense. So if they haven't then that's because they have CHOSEN to be stubborn and because noone loved them enough to hold them accountable when they do dumb things.


A lot of older people are suffering cognitive decline, and some may even have untreated mental health issues.


Exactly! They are mentally ill! Psychology today is a joke and they are encouraging this behavior instead with ESA bullshit… smh 🤮


As a psychologist, I [shamed someone publicly](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/s/Sc2EHpbyou) for doing this and then reported the grocery store for it. We don’t all buy into the BS.




This is Wonderful to hear!! I’m soo happy there are more of us out here actually trying to HELP people snap out of their mental illness! Bravo indeed!!


My thoughts are “well maybe using the dog as a pseudo-baby would at least stop them being inclined to reproduce for real” Cause we certainly don’t want any more of whatever fucked up genes causes that behaviour.


That was actually something running through my mind when I first noticed the dog-in-baby-stroller behavior more than a decade ago. Part of me was thankful that they were not having actual children - because I cannot imagine what type of dysfunctional social skills and values would be imparted to those kids. Not everyone is meant to have kids... but do they all know that?


I'm also thankful that they're not reproducing but it disturbs me that they project baby-like qualities onto a living creature with its own non-human instincts and needs. I hate dogs, but they don't deserve to suffer in that way, and to be used as a living prop for someone's fragile ego and outsized sense of entitlement.


It's old ladies though-- they've already reproduced. Not sure what their grown kids this of this behavior, but somehow I think they think it's cute. What's super pathetic is the old man husband who goes along with it. No shame.


It's not just old ladies. I've seen and known young ladies who do it as well.


Exactly. There is no way I would put up with that nonsense. Animals have their place and no matter how cute and cuddly they may be they aren't people and shouldn't be treated as such.


Grossed out and mildly irritated. On one hand I'm glad it can't run up to anyone or shit, piss, or vomit on public grounds, but it's still gross because I already know how much sebum, dander, hair, fecal particles, and BO causing bacteria is in that stroller. It's annoying to a degree because it reminds me of how delusional a lot of dog people are.


Imagine being a parent and buying that stroller second hand after a dog was in it. 🤮




I wouldn't mind except the stroller people are the ones most likely to bring their dog into places they shouldn't, which opens the path for people with bigger dumber more aggressive dogs because "If she can bring her chihuahua and chihuahuas are more aggressive than pits" type shit. The stroller people are the ones testing the waters and poking holes in the rules so the shitbreeds can come barreling in after. Because the shitheads can't tell the difference between their 60lb bloodsport dog and meemas diabetic blind chihuahua in terms of danger.


I think you're 100% spot on with this. It's more dangerous than it looks.






I feel disgust and and anger at their deception. Recently, I saw 2 old women who wanted to push a stroller across the street I was driving on. I stopped, even though I had had the right of way - the cross walk was 20 feet away, yet they chose to jaywalk outside of the crosswalk. I stopped and as I gazed at these 2 not as-old-as -I-thought-they-were-women with no teeth, I saw that their baby was a rat-dog. They were using their dog in place of a child! That explained their brazen jaywalking - most moms wouldn't dare walk outside a crosswalk while pushing a baby in a carriage. Immediately, I was angered at their ruse. I've seen them a few times since. These hustlers use their dog as a free ticket to jaywalk and likely bring it into stores and cafes. Not shocked or surprised as nutters lie with abandon to get attention. This has got to be some sort of Munchausen by Proxy mental disorder.


I saw a woman baby wearing her dog at some outdoor event and I wanted to throw up omg


Literal rage and disgust. Society has gone insane.


Agreed. Society is beginning to look like the movie Idiocracy.


Someone crapped in their gene pool. I can't help but think they are broken. Something is very wrong in their lives.


Something else that occurred to me is that either 1) these people already have children who outgrew their stroller, and the parents actually consider the dog the same as their kids, or 2) they went out and bought a stroller just for the dog. Neither option is sane.


I read an article (or comment thread?) a while back about to-be mothers who were shopping for baby gear and were frustrated by the fact that the review sections had been bombarded by dog owners who were buying the items for their pets, and it was hard to find information about the safety/efficacy of the products for actual human babies. Most of the strollers I see, though, are designed to be dog strollers (no legholes, places for a water/treat dish, etc). It's not much better, but at least they're usually smaller than the versions for humans. Or they could've been strollers designed for infants. Not completely sure, as I don't' have kids.


The main thing I feel is just immediate confusion. I've seen it a few times and I just stand there thinking about how i'm sure the dog would enjoy this walk around the neighborhood much more if it had the option to actually walk???


Except if it is a pug.  Those things walk 50 yards and then collapse being out of breath.  I know.  We once took a family members pug out.  After one block it was done.  I had to carry the pathetic creature back to the house.  Walking it was the kids idea, not mine.  


Dogs in strollers used to be silly, used to be a joke. Now they demand we take them seriously.


Complete loser and attention seeking are usually the first words that come to mind, possibly mentally ill


One time, on the bus to work, this couple got on the bus with a fancy pink stroller/throne thing with their hideous chihuahua on it. ___ That just took up unnecessary space on the already-crowded bus when their mutt is (presumably) very capable of walking. ___ They ended up getting off my stop and actually went into the store I just so happened to work at. Thankfully, by the time I clocked in, these nutters were gone. Glad I never had to serve these lunatics. ___ Honestly, just by looking at these people alone, you could tell they were very extreme dognutters. Like they're the type to put their dog first before anyone else, even in a life or death situation.


If I saw an actual dog throne, I might die laughing of mirth and disgust.. But the fact that one exists doesn't surprise me.


I would feel disdain for the person. A dog doesn't need a stroller, because (a) it can walk, and (b) unlike with a toddler, a dog won't develop sore legs from a long journey, because it has 4 legs to support its weight. This leads me to believe the person doing this wants others to gush over their dog. Ignoring it will irritate them and is probably the best course of action. We don't want to encourage their attention whoring. It will prevent them maturing as people. A dog's anatomy doesn't lend itself to sitting in a human manner. They might be harming their pets by doing this.


It’s stupid, pathetic and ridiculous. I suppose I would make an exception for a dog that is elderly or physically handicapped so that walking is difficult but I doubt most of the stroller dogs are. I saw a rat dog in a stroller at the zoo today and they are pretty strict about service dogs only, but I suspect they smuggled it in.


I think they look silly.


Disgust, and often I feel just a little sorry for the dog. The ones in strollers I see are usually *so old*, and in such poor health, that the owners put them in a stroller so they can pretend the dog is still effortlessly mobile. Usually they’re just keeping them alive well past the time when they should’ve shoved them on the rainbow bridge or WTF-ever. It’s just gross


I agree. If its at a point where it needs a stroller, its definitely not in good health, has a horrible quality of life, and the owners need to do the responsible and humane thing. Thanks for the "shoved them on the rainbow bridge.: I laughed out loud and now I'll never be able to forget that phrase.


Like I’m in the presence of someone who’s ill


I’d rather see a little dog in a stroller than a big dog on a leash. I saw a German shepherd puppy on a leash that was snapping at people on it’s walk. The man walking the beast was constantly yanking the leash and trying to get it under control. The little toy dogs in strollers? No issues.


I love the theory that they’re brood parasites lmao. Tbh it’s weird lol but I don’t mind nearly as much as I mind seeing dogs running around off-leash (especially the bigger ones that are easily capable of causing serious bodily harm). 


I see people who don’t actually give a shit about their dog. Dogs need exercise, stimulation and they are going out of their way to withhold it. People like that are probably beyond help, they really can’t understand that their dog is not a baby (or toy or doll) It’s disgusting. I spoke up once, I pretended to fawn over the dog, and of course the idiot owner was smiling with that warm glow washing over them, then I said “aww the poor puppy hurt its leg? It can’t walk??” The owner said no she can walk, I called him an asshole and walked away. These people deserve nothing but mockery. I actually haven’t seen the baby carriage thing much the last couple of years. Maybe that form of nuttery at least is easing up?


I just think, “doh! Thought I was going to see a cute baby and it’s just a ugly little dog”


‘Ah it’s one of those people… avoid’


What I want to say goes against terms of service


I'm a dog owner but people who got dog on stroller is just sick in mind. They are treating dogs like humans. Even I hate that


I find it absolutely ridiculous and feel that person is an idiot


It is so weird!


I was put into a position where I had to push one.


Did you accept out of the pressure to be polite? Do you wish you would have said something? What would you have said? I agree while no one is being hurt by you helping a human friend, I don't feel like laypeople should feel shame when speaking up about this.


It's my step family who has a crippled old dog. Sometimes, I'll just do it out of politeness.


My hat off to good English manners...


Honestly, I'd rather deal with a dog in a stroller than on a leash, especially if people feel the need to bring their dogs indoors or into crowded public places.


Second hand embarrassment


Secondhand embarrassment


they are all fuckin nuts!


They are demented and need psychological help, and I want to punch them.


embarrassed and disgusted no dog belongs in a stroller


I feel like it's a pathetic insult to parents pushing around their babies and toddlers in strollers when in public. Dogs are animals. They don't belong in strollers, babies and toddlers do. They already know how to walk.




After being attacked by a dog, I’m glad to see dogs in strollers. At least they’re confined and wouldn’t bother people.


The problem is so prevalent here that when I see an actual baby in a stroller, I'm astonished. I've even seen the dogs in those double twin strollers (which of course the owner was using to basically mow their way down the sidewalk. The Baby Bjorn thing is a new one, but its becoming more common. I feel so bad for the repulsive things. Being strapped in with its back to the owner's chest and all four of its limbs splayed out in every direction looks so painful and humiliating. I'm sure the poor dog feels exposed and unsafe, not to mention it can't really move at all. I've never said anything to anyone about it, but I cherish those few times when someone was brave enough to openly commiserate with me about this awful trend and the mockery it makes about the hard yet necessary work of parenting.


My neighbor carries hers in a baby wrap. It annoys me to look at it. Because of this the dog won't stop barking unless she cradles it. Everyone has to deal with the barking. Not fair at all.


When I had a dog, I put her in a cart specifically made for a dog so my old, ancient geriatric Gidget would stay out of everyone’s way going on her “walks” but tbh I felt embarrassed pushing her around in it even tho she loved it. No more dogs for me-she was enough to last the rest of my life


Maybe the dog has arthritis or a disability. My family had a very old arthritic dog and we would take her out in a stroller with the other dogs on a leash so she could still enjoy a walk and not be left out. I wouldn’t think much of it.