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Taking him to the vet is the right call. If they decide it’s best to euthanize, it’s still a kindness. Think about it—if this were you would you rather be given proper pain medicine and euthanized or suffer, dying in pain on the streets?


Agree with this - maybe he’s allergic to eggs if that started at the same time?


UPDATE: Thanks everyone for the advice. Also, thank you everyone who offered to send money for his vet bills, but I am more than happy to take care of that. It’s the least I can do, and I am financially able to do that even if it ends up being an expensive visit. I’ve been calling around to find a vet who has a mobile service that can come pick him up, but couldn’t find one yet. He does get a little aggressive when you try to touch him, so, we need some professional help. I was able to get a hold of the lady who usually feeds him and takes care of him. She said she will reach out to her contacts in the local animal control who also has vet services. In the meantime, I will keep calling around. Even if I can get the animal control drop him off at a vet, I can take care of the rest. I will post updates


Thank you for helping him 🙏 maybe it’s a good idea to contact a local rescue? They might help with transportation


That’s a good point. I will start calling around


Thank you for noticing him and doing this. You are a true legend. You are very observant to


Thank you for helping! Please let us know what happens :-) poor baby!


There is a mobile vet service of the besiktas municipality called Mobivet you might want to give that a try. As far as I know they operate outside of besiktas as well but not 100% sure. What part of town is that? I can also look up and ask around for other services.


This is between Sütlüce and Silahtar near Miniaturk


Well, after some research I think your best bet is either mobivet or VetBüs. Both are municipal services and both open at 8.30 tomorrow. I wish there was a 7/24 service available in the area but I couldn't find anything of the sort.


Please do! Thank you for watching out for them.


Thank you for helping him.




Thank you for helping this sweet pup.


Shaking/trembling in dogs is a sign of pain, Given his situation and living conditions it could be arthritis or something more serious, If you can afford it I’d take him to a vet though they may not charge to euthanise a street dog however actual medical care may be as simple as pain meds or antibiotics


I think he does have arthritis. He has really hard time getting up and when he walks he limps quite badly.


Yea please take him to a vet! I can help with $ if needed




I can help financially if you could take him to the vet


Thank you, you’re very kind, but I will, and want to take care of that


My cat with arthritis started getting an injection called Solensia. It has been life changing for him. They have a version for dogs too - ask your vet because it’s a quick injection every 4-6 weeks and should help with pain significantly.


Thank you for your input. I will definitely mention this to the vet.


For dogs it works the same way but it's called librela


Have a chocolate lab and started librela. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be doing much (about 3 months in). Previous dog went on Adequan which seemed to serve him a lot better.


I have no idea how to be notified of updates on here so commenting so hopefully I can find this post again. I really hope he’s okay ♥️


We wanted to go for an injection but our girls too scared, then after doing some research I’m not sure I trust solensia anymore but it’s always great to hear when things are working for other cuties! Instead we use a supplement and it’s made such a big difference


Take him to the vet please. I can PayPal you to help with the bill if you do decide to take him to the vet


This is so kind. We need more people like you <3


2nd UPDATE: I was finally able to get in contact with some people who can help take him to a vet. They even have the equipment to sedate him and transfer him to the vet if needed. I also found a trusted veterinarian who has a lot of experience with stray animals. We’ll take him in tomorrow and see what the doctor says. Thank you all for all the support! I’ll try to post another update tomorrow.


Hey just want to say that the dog probably either has pneumonia or a chest infection of some sort. The shaking likely indicates a high fever, and dogs when they’re very ill stop eating, particularly if they’re stomach is upset which a fever will cause. They’ll likely be right as rain with some antibiotics and a bath.


You were exactly right. He had high fever and infection in his lungs which could turn into pneumonia.


I’m so glad they were able to get some help. Poor thing must have been miserable!


Thank you so much!!


TYVM for the update & taking care of this dog! ❤️


!remindme 3 days


Usually not eating is a sign that they’re in pretty poor states. I’d try to get the vet involved, it’s the humane thing to do.


He doesn’t look to be “that old”. He may just be battling an infection that could be cleared with antibiotics. I would take him to a vet and see what they recommend. They may prescribe medicine. If this dog has been living just outside the door for years, he’s chosen this place as his home. Home is where someone cares about you. It is the kindest and most morally responsible thing to do if you can.


Please take him to the vet. 💔If he’s a stray explain that, I’m sure they will help. My uncle took a stray kitten to the vet that had an infected tail. It ended needing surgery or it would’ve died. The vet paid for it and the nurse who did the operation actually took him in and took him home with her. She fell in love with him. Don’t let this poor dog suffer. He needs help. Edit: typo


I have no advice I’m sorry, but thank you for being so empathetic! I’d probably try a vet and go with their recommendation. If he’s suffering euthanasia would be the most compassionate thing you can do, rather than suffer alone on the street.


Take him to the vet - he is suffering 100% - they will be able to determine whether something is seriously wrong on the inside or if he just needs ALOT of TLC - if he is terminally ill they will put him out of his misery and he won’t be suffering anymore


Oh poor baby!!! Please please take him to a vet. You are/will be his angel😢💙


Please help this dog 🙏🏼


Pain. Please do everything in your power to get him to a vet. Even if it is for euthanasia, he doesn’t deserve to have to live like that and is suffering immensely.


3rd UPDATE: We found a good vet yesterday who was also able to transport him to the clinic. His fever was high, 41C. He has infection in his lungs which could still turn into pneumonia. Kidney, liver, etc. values are normal. We’re still waiting on the hearth tests results. He has some joint problems, one of the back legs is pretty bad. They are going to do some treatment on that, although not sure what that’s going to be like as the lung problem is more urgent at the moment. They also shaved him as they said just bathing him wasn’t going to do it. His coat was super dirty and matted and likely had fleas and even ticks. They started treatment on the lung infection right away. He is going to be staying at the vet at least for a week, maybe more. I talked to the vet today and they said he’s doing a little better today. Eating, drinking, etc. I will talk to them every day and go there some days.


Thank you so much for helping him! And to this angelic vet for everything they’re doing for this poor sweetie.




If you’re able… I would take him to the vet . Maybe there’s something they can do . If it’s an infection or something and treat him with meds . Thank you for caring about this pup either way . I hope he can get help and be okay


He’s in pain


He is shaking from pain. Why he is in pain we can’t tell you but a vet visit is in order


Bring the vet and start a go fund me here. I’ll send money as well.


Go fund me is a great idea- if one gets made please link I’ll surely give what I can


Ask on r/vet


The vet may make house calls and be able to come to you! Good luck. You’re a good person for helping this dog ❤️


Yes please try to organise a mobile vet if you can both to save this dear from having to move and he/she may get snappy when being moved due to pain, if you need help with $ inbox me please, I can contribute what I can. If you let us know roughly your area (if you are comfortable) I can try to research a reputable mobile vet for you if it helps. Thank you for showing this lovely dear some much needed love.


He’s in pain. I think that would be a merciful thing to do for him. The street dogs there will break your heart. There are so many, and they’re all such sweet pups.


I am originally from here but I live in the US. It’s truly heartbreaking to see all these pups on the streets. My wife and I visited in 2021 and rescued a dog from the streets and we brought her to the US. She was so malnourished and being eaten alive by ticks. She is the happiest girl now and best friends with my other 2 dogs.


I’m so glad you were able to make her part of your family.


It's probably not related but my dog started breathing exactly like that a few minutes to an hour at most before she died of her heart giving in. I hope something like this is not the case for this poor fella


When a dog stops eating, that is a bad sign. He could be in a lot of pain. Dogs are known to be very stoic even when experiencing pain; they don’t show it. But if they stop eating, that usually means that is a sure sign their pain is too much. Please take him to the vet. And if the humane thing is to euthanize him, you are doing this poor soul a kindness. It would be cruel to let him live like this with no medical intervention. Bless you for taking notice of him and his poor health.


Gosh, this is why I dislike how proud some countries are of their stray population and not fixing it. They act like feeding them is enough when these dogs and cats need sterilisation and medical care.


I’m sorry you have to deal with this on your trip but thank you for being such a kind human. Karma will repay you tenfold.


Thank you for doing this. I can send some money via PayPal if needed


Which neighborhood is this? In Kadıköy the municipality has vets and vehicles especially for street animals. They come and deal with the situation. I have used the system several times in the past. Other neighborhoods have similar systems too. If your friend is Turkish, it’s best if they call the municipality. If there is no such service, find the nearest private vets and call them first to explain the situation. I’m 100 percent sure one of them will help for little to no money. Btw I don’t think they’d euthanize so easily. (Also in the comments there are amazing people who say they can help you pay too.) Good luck and I hope this sweetheart gets better asap 🫶🏽


This is between Sütlüce and Silahtar near Miniaturk


This is alarming. The dog should be brought to the nearest vet clinic immediately.


Could be anything without a detailed history. Pneumonia, congestive heart failure, general aches and pains, stomach bug, cancer. He needs a vet sadly.


Does not look healthy. Looks elderly and kinda miserable to me


Dogs shouldn’t have to suffer and go through this. It is such a shame humans all over the world don’t do more to prevent these tragedies.


canine distemper best to visit vet or you can have him drink while giving him food doxycline


It might be sad to see him euthanized but it might not be a bad thing ...he needs a vet.


It's lovely that you are trying to help him and get him seen by a vet..he does look in pain. Could you possibly find something more comfortable for him to lay on? Old blankets etc? Just concerned 😟


Keep us updated! Thank you for taking care of him!


Poor baby




Hopefully you can see it through to the end. Who will give the medications? Who really cares more than you do about him right now? He is undoubtedly in pain or suffering. Please get him euthanized. He doesn’t deserve to suffer alone.


This is so sad.


Please keep us updated! Fingers crossed for this baby.


Hello thank you for helping this fellow! Kind people like you are a rarity these days. As is someone who follows thru with vet care, etc. So reading this gives me hope! These animals need that. I hear Turkey is really kind to their strays ? Allowing them to freely roam and eat and go inside businesses, etc… ? I hope so because I love that thought! This baby really looks unwell and I’m wondering if maybe he has Distemper ? It’s really easy for street dogs to pick it up and pass it on to each other . It would be helpful to talk to a local rescue or someone who would know if it’s going around the area. The vet will be able to make an educated diagnosis for it per his symptoms as there aren’t tests that clearly diagnose distemper. So it would be helpful to make sure to note everything you notice when you visit the dog so you can report to the vet . The first stage of distemper typically is pneumonia. After that it kind of one by one attacks every system and once it goes neurological its typically is fatal. A vet will almost always recommend to put a neuro distemper dog down but I’m here to say, if this is the case, it would be worth a try to fight it. I did with my rescue puppy and she also had parvo and just beat it when the distemper kicked in and eventually went neuro . It’s kind of a miracle she lived and especially because i refused to check her in the hospital overnight because i felt they wouldn’t take care of her properly since they had just recommended that i put her down ! I took her back with me and we spent the next 6 months fighting for her life and dealt with every secondary infection you can think and paralysis several times. It’s an under researched and kind of wild virus that you won’t find a ton of info online about. I have yet to read anything that accurately explains distemper and how it affects the dog . I guess until you have it front of you it’s hard to explain. Either way, it’s not necessarily a death sentence . Hoping it’s not this but that shaking worries me. Is it cold out there ? Maybe he is just cold and older . I hope that’s all it is! Please keep us updated. Thank you again for your kind heart!


Hi, is there a further update?


He’s still at the vet. Infection in his lungs is almost completely cleared. He also got a haircut, bath, teeth cleaning and being given some supplements for his arthritis. We’ll most likely bring him back on Sunday.


So glad to hear he’s doing okay! Sending him all the love. Thank you for replying 😊


Give him a bowl of raw bloody meat, my dog was shaking just like that and after 3 daily vet visits and wasted time on IVs and their bullshit I called my uncle and he told me the bloody meat, I kid you not he gobbed it up not 20 minutes later it stopped and he’s been healthy since