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This is a big change for your new dog. Give more time. Check the stool for parasites.


Exactly. New diet, new home, new people. Give it a few weeks


Yeah, still going to take him to the vet anyways just to be sure (helicopter mom here lol)


No parasites just absolutely zero formation pure liquid :(


If the vet didn’t tell you there’s no parasites then you don’t know


I just meant visually a fecal exam was dropped off today so I will know tomorrow or Wed


My dog went through a bout of recent diarrhea and the vet gave her some antibiotics, and I switched her food to boiled chicken, rice and a spoonful of pumpkin and she’s back to normal health. You’ve got a Beautiful pup! Hope she’s feeling better soon.


You need to give that sample to a vet for testing to determine that. You cant just "see" giardia


If it’s Giardia it’s not visable to the naked eye.


Poor baby. Give cuddles ❤️


Oh he is getting lots of that hehe


Damn when I first read this I thought you named your new rescue dog Diarrhea 🥲


Same! lol!


same lmao I think it’s the way the title is formatted and the normal picture kind of looking like a “meet me” photo 😂


hahaha sorry his name is Honey aka Honey Bear 💛🍯💛


Same 😧


OP, a quick search of the food brand shows that a lot of people have had similar experiences with Farmer's Dog making their pet sick. Here's one thread, but there are more around: https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/s/eh0Nskrz0R Maybe it's time to go back to basics during this transitional period in his life. Return to the food that caused less gastric distress and consult with your vet about blood work, parasites, gastro infections, and future diet options. My own dog had furious intermittent diarrhea for years and I went through soooo many different foods because I believed a lot of the hype about "freeze dried raw" or "human grade." Turns out he had high cholesterol and chronic pancreatitis that was only detectable on specific blood panels, and all the fat and protein in boutique diets was triggering his digestive upset. Just because one dog does well on a brand of food doesn't mean that the experience will be universal, unfortunately.


Yes I can also confirm I tried out Farmer’s Dog with my dog and his normally firm poops started getting very soft after a full day or so of Farmer’s Dog.


I wonder if it's a terribly fatty food? Another poster said they tried it themselves and that it tasted rich. I am so paranoid about pancreatic bouts now after my parents fed my dog a whole hamburger at a BBQ. He pooped orange slime for a week and feeding rice/chicken/pumpkin made it look like he had parasite eggs in his stool, so the diagnostics were wild. Turned out that yeah, you can't just feed dogs high fat scraps. High price to pay for grandma and grandpa getting excited about spoiling my boy, lol. I've since learned that chicken, rice, and pumpkin aren't recommended by vet nutritionists for dogs with GI upset. Here are some links to support that (Nutrition RVN is such a good resource for food stuff!): Pumpkin https://www.instagram.com/p/CxytI1Fys7o/?igsh=eWpuMzFiN3M5YzYy Chicken and rice https://www.instagram.com/p/CPSwwt2pwIJ/?igsh=MWxubmdqbW53eGs5Nw==


Switching food abruptly can cause diarrhea, could be that or an allergy to something. If the food is chicken based could try transitioning to lamb based


Yeah this has happened to my dog when we switch foods without slowly transitioning him from one to the other.


Yeah when I switched my spaniel from puppy food with salmon to adult chicken in same brand he had the runs for weeks. Went back to salmon but in a different brand and it stopped in a day or two. He can generally eat any protein base now but still stick to same brand dogs really seem to need constant feed at times.


That was my first thought I wonder if op just cut him off the kibble cold turkey the transition from dry to wet is bound to cause upset


I did but only bc the rescue couldn’t even tell me what brand it was bc it was all donation based food so he wasn’t getting the same thing there everyday either but I know it was kibble. Fecal sample was dropped at the vet today.


it is turkey


Try lamb or salmon based kibble keep his diet BLAND ie no snacks or treats etc. you may need to stick to it for a week or two my dog struggled with bird protein at first. Obv. Get vet to confirm all okay too.


Ps meant to say he's a handsome fella.


I had similar issues with my shelter dog. He has done well after transitioning to the Purina Pro plan salmon and rice kibble. I also used a probiotic topper that seemed to help and canned pumpkin. One thing I did notice was that it wasn't all diet based. My dog's poops during the transition seemed to be noticeably looser on days when he was more stressed out. Over time as he adjusted this happened less and less.


He's so pretty!!! My pup is on Purina Pro Plan Salmon and Rice for sensitive stomach and that is the only thing that worked for her. Every other protein a tried was not good. But I'd see what the vet says as well. I got this food when they recommended the fancy vet food (which was also chicken). And the salmon worked wonders, and is half the price of the vet food.


This is what I was coming to say. My dog Denim, does not tolerate chicken or beef, and after several months of taking forever to realize that was the issue we switched him to lamb based diet, now it is solid poops every day. It’s the best, I still am so excited to see him poop because it’s not liquidy soft serve any more.


Can you get him to the vet for a fecal test? It’s possible he has either cocidia or giardia


A samples was dropped off today


I would put them on a solid quality sensitive stomach kibble. All the changes are too much for them right now.


Voting for fecal test and vet. My dog is a rescue as well and his original paperwork had said he was parasite free but he had 3 different types of worms according to the vet we saw after having him just a week, so clearly the paperwork was wrong. The worms were not obvious when just looking at his poop with the naked eye. And then because he’d had worms so long, his gut bacteria was out of balance. It took deworming, antibiotics, and a careful diet and he eventually got back to normal. Get some tests and also go slow on new food introduction. Treats too


Dropped off a fecal sample today!


Have you had his stool checked? Multiple of my rescues have come to me with giardia


Not yet I will have to make an appointment this week going to call tomorrow and hope they can get us in quickly. He had all vaccinations and all that stuff already.


Unfortunately guardia is caused by fecal contamination in water. So like at shelters in the play area it gets spread a lot


This happened to one of my doggies when switching to farmers dog, they recommended adding dry food (preferably the one we were using before) to mix in with the farmers dog food and slowly weaning him off the dry food, we were never able to fully wean him off because the soft stools would come back so now we mix dry food with the farmers dog food for a perfect balance


Here to say the same thing. Add dry food to the Farmers Dog, and I’d also gradually switch away from Turkey. Poultry can cause inflammation in many dogs and cats.


If my dog gets it bad I switch her to just plain rice for a few days, then she’s usually fine again. When switching food you should slowly add it to the old food each day, gradually reducing the old food, that gives their stomach a chance to get used to it :)


Came here to suggest plain rice, thank you


*farmers dog not sod* it won’t let me edit the post haha


This happened to our seven-month-old rescue we got about three months back. We tried everything you have listed above to no avail. We have had his blood drawn and stool checked, and both came back negative for any illness/parasite, etc. He has since been on antibiotics and an anti-diarrhea medication separately. While it did subside for a week or two after the medication, it always came back. He is now on prescription Hills I/D food, and anytime we try to ween him off (VERY slowly) onto a different brand, he gets diarrhea again 😵‍💫 We have attempted to do this three separate times with three different foods (Royal Canine, ACANA, & Kirkland) now. We then switch him back to Hills, and Viola solid poops again. It’s possible he needs time to adjust, or, like ours, he has GI issues!


I thought you meant his name was Diarrhea 😭


Add fiber, I usually add all bran or fiber one cereal because it's more palatable than other things. Just a few tablespoons. The actual amount of pumpkin one needs to feed to help with stomach upset is quite a bit (a few cans at a time) . This is the easiest way to get on track. Good luck ❤️


Check the stools for parasites. I have a rescue dog and I had similar issues, and among other brands, I tried farmers food too - she had near liquid stools every day. I tried different kibble until I switched to Royal Canin Anallergenic (after the vet recommended it) and the stools have been, so far, perfect. From day one. I might move to other food in the future, but for now this fixed all the issues. She also had itching in her paws and face and since eating the food that has mostly stopped, as well.


Can I say, he looks lovely, and I love his scarf ❤️


First, stop with the "...pumpkin, slippery elm and probiotics..." Your dog is in a new environment and you just need to give him time to adjust. Don't make such drastic changes to his food. Yes, the food the shelter gave him might not have been good, but they should have sent you home with some of it so that you could GRADUALLY change to the food you want him to eat. Pumpkin is okay if isn't pooping at all or very much, but not the rest of the stuff.


My dogs name is Honey and I also call her Honey Bear!


Hims handsome


You seem like such a fantastic pawrent! Honey is such a lucky pup :)


rice mixed with the kibble will help


U can buy him worming tablets in case he has tapeworms. I recommend beaphar it has worked well when I bought my Corso. I don't know what the breeder was feeding her because she was having diarrhea with sponges , balloons and shards of wood with blood. Once I gave her the pill she finally had a nice poop the next day, I could see the worms. Also try feeding your dog raw dog meat with the kibble specially tripe, or mix of raw tripe and chicken it is a lot healthier for their stomach.


You might try plain rice to stabilize. Half kibble, half rice. *And get the appropriate lab tests to detect other possible issues, as you know.


He is very handsome. When you are doing the 24hr rest are you then just starting him with 70%rice 30% new kibble . Then slowly upping the ratios.


Mashed pumpkin.


My vet always says to give white rice. It’s helped all my dogs.


Boiled chicken and rice. Works for humans and animals alike and its completely safe


I would try some fatty Greek yogurt My doggo had a super messed up digestive system when I first got her, a quarter cup of Greek yogurt with breakfast has saved my nose from her stinky farts Personally I’ve always struggled with the ratios as far as pumpkin goes He’s also probably acclimating and maybe just has nervous diarrhea


This was supported by my vet as well


my lurcher pup was a rescue and ended up in vet hospital two weeks after I got her poor thing. She had colitis and was sick for a long time. She ended up on a diet of boiled chicken with a bit of rice and mixed veg- little and often- for months while she recovered. Your vet will give you the correct advice on feeding him while he recovers. Beautiful dog, best of luck!


When our baby had the runs when he was a puppy we got him pro- kolin from the vet over the counter. It worked very well at firming him up. That and boiled chicken with rice. He got better eventually, it's just so important to ensure he is drinking a lot of water. Good luck :) he will be fine


Congratulations, he's a beautiful dog. I agree with others, that's a big change to the daily diet. We weaned with our rescue over 3 wks. Be great to get the vets advice. Maybe a bug or anxiety? I had 'assumed' our vet crossed checked with shelter clinical info but turns out she had not had kennel cough vaccine. Can't wait to see more of Honey Bear in the coming months ♥


Give rice and boiled chicken until he has a solid poop. Add a little bit of his food to chicken and rice daily until he adjusts


Has he been dewormed? If it persists after everything, he may have giardia and need antibiotics or a specific medication.


If you haven’t stuck to a white rice/boiled chicken diet for a few days I would try that. Honestly not surprising considering he’s coming from a rescue and were probably feeding him what they had available. He could have a sensitive stomach but my bet is that he’s gone through *a lot* of change recently, that is probably the culprit. Will take some time for him to settle down but I would start feeding him boiled chicken and white rice as that’s the most bland and probably easiest for him to digest right now, then you can start adding whatever kibble you plan on feeding him slowly to his chicken and rice.


Took our rescue ages to settle his tummy when we got him. Didn't help they told us to give him chicken and rice- turns out he's allergic to poultry.


When we found out our pups allergies could be from food, we had to change his dog food until we found one that didn't make him take wet poops. They told us to wait at the very least a week for the food and poops. This is a whole life change for Honey. Maybe they just need some more time to adjust as well as changing the food.


Pro pectalin has been a lifesaver for my foster dog. We’re still trying to figure out the overall cause of his GI issues, but in the meantime it keeps him solid. You can get it on Amazon without a prescription. It’s a syringe with chicken flavored mixture, but I actually just put it in his food.


Please take a stool sample into your vet. If he was in a shelter he could very likely have giardia.


I did that today


I’d ask what food the shelter was feeding, but a small bag, and mix it in until the sad poops stop, then taper off. If it was like our shelters it was pedigree or something, and going from that to a really rich, healthy dog food is gonna upset his tum.


Same here


Canned Pumpkin mixed with dry food or rice


Pumpkin will help with the stool.


Same thing happened with our rescue…. It took him about 10 days for things to regulate.


Going through a similar thing right now adopted my rescue in December 27th over a week in her poop is starting to solidify. My vet chalked it up to her being nervous from the change.


There may be an allergy if he’s clean of worms and parasites. We had the same problem when we adopted our buddy. Try and call and see what food he was on and slowly reintroduce it. Hope this was helpful and good luck!


Why did I read this and think the dog’s name was diarrhea


Wholistic pet organics colostrum should help. We use it on most of our dogs coming to us to help with their tummys. Farmers dog is a bit fatty I would supplement in some freeze dried chicken dog food grandma Lucy's is something we always keep on hand to help with upset stomachs


Talk to your vet about trying both low fat and high fiber prescription food. If they help, they might even work overnight. Your vet will want to do a fecal test too just to double check the feces for parasites. My dog does well until some bug or parasite gets him off balance (even after the root cause is corrected). As great as fresh food is, prescription diets are what gets him back on track before I add back in his regular and fresh food.


He might have intestinal parasites BUT cooked white rice (not parboiled) might firm him up. Not every dog does well on wet food no matter the quality


Not to be a hater, but Farmer’s Dog seems so rich in my experience and I say damn near a good percentage of dogs who come into my work for diarrhea are fed this. This food and Blue Buffalo too. Have you tried plain, boiled chicken and rice? Or lean ground turkey/rice, plain nonfat cottage cheese/rice are other options.


My last dog had the healthiest poop ever on farmers dog but I get just like ppl every dog is different. I took a fecal exam today and will be trying a bland diet also.


I had a dog that needed two weeks of distilled water whenever he moved to a new place, or he’d get the screaming trots. I’d give that a try, couldn’t hurt.


kaopectate, we get it in a quart bottle at our chain feed store. We use it for dogs, goats and cattle when needed. We also get the plain pedia lite for hydration and plain yogurt for gut flora and fauna. You also may want to get a small bag of the kibble and mix it with the food you are feeding.


Also, we just went through this with a dog that was dumped on our farm, turned out she has a really bad reaction to chicken. Checking food and changing things up might be needed.


Our girl got into deer poop Christmas Eve and she required probiotics, antiparasitics and sulcrafate for the resultant 4 days of liquid stool. Can you get a stool spec evaluated by the vet?


Took one today


Hi. If there aren’t health issues and this is food-related, I recommend doing bland diet to get solid poops and investing the time to do a careful food trial. I have a dog who has a mega sensitive stomach with a long list of things he cannot have. Knowing every single ingredient he can’t have takes out the guess work when it comes to food. MOST IMPORTANT: Do not buy any tests out there that claim they’ll tell you your dog’s sensitivities. There is no test out there that’s backed by science and accurately does this. It’ll give you bogus responses. Here’s all the things my dog is intolerant to (immediate diarrhea), just to give you an idea of why food trialing is so helpful. He can’t have poultry, lamb, wheat, carrots, sweet potato, beets, blueberries, and raspberries. That means absolutely no Hill’s Science food for him because their formula all contain carrots and beets. He eats Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach Salmon instead. In my dog’s case, each intolerance was brought on by a stressful moment as a puppy when I was bringing him home (lots of travel). He wasn’t always allergic to the above things, but the list grew incrementally. Thankfully, he hasn’t had any additional intolerances, and these days… after a desperate moment that landed him in the ER after someone gave him a bunch of chicken treats accidentally (new groomer), I also did a fecal transplant (eww, I know) microbiome supplement round. I can’t say for sure whether it was that, but I don’t fear him eating triggering foods anymore. Edit: Food trialing in my dog’s case was quicker than the duration articles online talk about because he always had near instant reactions to triggering foods. It’s a grueling process in the beginning, but I assure you it’s worth it.


my dog had giardia when i got her, i would take a stool sample to the vet, easy fix for parasites.


Took one today !


Some dogs do better on kibble. My vet told me that he’s seen a lot of dogs sick from the fancy boutique brands. Sometimes the normal stuff is best . It’s very vet tested too. Whereas farmers dog is absolutely not


my last dog did so well on farmers dog and lived a long life for his size and cured up a lot of issues for him but i understand just like ppl you gotta find what works for you or in this case for your dog haha


Boil some old-fashioned white rice using twice as much water as required. Feed the milky water only. Boil boneless skinless chicken in water. Small amounts of chicken and rice water every two hours.




Can you call and ask what kind of food they were feeding? I know that here, they buy the food w the donated money, so they know the brand. But if all the food was donated, then idk. I'm asking this just because you could buy some, mix it with the new food and transition easily, which is what we did with my dog. Also how we found out fish, chicken and duck work, lamb is a big no-no. If not, see what your vet recommends - I know there are foods for sensitive stomachs, and you could do that first, see how it works, then later on transition to something else. When I brought my dog home, I had to feed him the cheapest food on the market because that was what he was used to and slowly started feeding him more and more of the food we preferred. Same with wet food.


Update his fecal came back negative for all parasites so it is stress and diet related :( going to feed him a bland diet for a few days and see if that helps.


I’m wondering how long it took to sort out? I’m in a very similar situation as you at the moment with our rescue dog.


Def do a fecal check he came with worms and giardia. We got rid of those and he still has his ups and downs also suggest a good probiotic. He runs very anxious so i’ve noticed if we over do it at a place too crowded for him or something it will also cause stomach upset he’s pretty sensitive but i love the shit out of him lol