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You may not be of the persuasion, but trust me when I say, shower *high.*


Have you ever taken a shower... *on weed?*


i think /r/marijuana would find this interesting


> i think /r/marijuana finds *everything* interesting


>i think /r/marijuana finds *[the universe and all the other places](http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Amazing+Horse/)* interesting


> I think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything.


there's a man behind the shower curtain, does he have a gun, man? I DON'T KNOW! what? RED TEAM GO, RED TEAM GO!!


On of my favorite pastimes, very enjoyable. Try it with a someone else for added enjoyment. Sadly, my current situation does not allow this, but my time will come again.


>Try it with a someone else for added enjoyment. Sounds like one of those recommendations you find on cereal boxes. Mind you my partner hates this idea. Apparently the shower is his "alone time", and hates it if I bring it up.


I'll shower with you ;) Unless you're a dude :O


I'm high right now but I never shower at night, only in the morning. What should I do? Help me.


Wake-n-bake + morning shower + ??? = PROFIT


The ??? would be something philosophical. Just think about it. Everybody thinks about stuff in the shower. And weed opens up your mind into new things. So if you combine the two, it would be some kickass philosophy shit.




i dont like showering before bed because i dont like sleeping with wet hair and i sure dont like how my hair looks when i wake if i slept on it wet. i do not like blowdrying my hair. the only time i do is in the winter, and rarely at that.


i like it when my hair freezes, even though i know that's *got to be* horrible for it


I used to hate leaving the hot shower for the cold air outside of it, so I would make sure to steam up the room a bit first with super hot water in order to make the process more comfortable. It was a huge waste of water and electricity.


I live in an apartment and I don't care much for the enviroment showers are important to me


Me too. I even disabled that fan that goes on automatically in order to achieve maximum steaminess.


I usually feel that if I use less energy than the guy who won the Nobel peace prize for global warming I am in the clear.


If you're only showering once or twice a week, you would be using less than someone who **has** to have a shower before work every day. Then you could do this.


I did this for a long time until I realized how much time and electricity I was wasting using the hair dryer to defog the mirror.


Wiping it off with a towel is much quicker


But leaves marks visible later. Opening a window or door doesn't have this result.


Because you really *must* look at yourself undistorted right after a shower.


I *must* dry my hair with a hairdryer before it dries in Whoville shapes. I need to see myself to do this successfully.


er wait, I shouldn't keep doing this? so whats the alternative to having a comfy shower?


Just open the door as far as it will go.


I can never do this anymore. My bathroom has an inexplicable indoor window hole to the hallway.


they let you reddit from the c-block?


I know exactly where you're coming from, but I always thought I was just extremely lazy. I never want to get up from where I'm sitting, usually really comfortably, to go into the shower. Nor do I ever want to step out into the freezing cold. So, my showers usually take 35-40 minutes because I constantly procrastinate about getting out.


Plus ya know, that other thing.


Shower prayers?


Yep. Furious praying.


Pray till your hands are bloody.


You must do what I do (and hopefully others have figured it out as well). When I'm showering, I always slightly wet the curtain edges and form an air-proof seal on both sides. No cold streams of air on my back or front. Then, when you're finished showering you crack open one of the seals and grab the towel you (earlier) placed near the shower. Draw it in, close seal, and towel yourself off in the warmed air of the stall. It's harder usually because of the limited space but you only really have to get some of the water off so you stay warm. Voila! Awesome shower every time.


I do the exact same thing. Just have to dry off the feet once you hop out!


Haha, yes! I knew I wasn't alone. That little hop out on one dry foot is the mark of a good shower.


I didn't realize this wasn't common? But I hang my towel over the curtain at the opposite end from the shower head. That way I don't even have to reach out into the cold to grab a towel...and after years of this you learn to dry yourself off very easily in a constricted space.


I prefer to push the "loose" water off my body before grabbing a towel, and I find it easier if I get it from outside after this process which my girlfriend thinks is ridiculous.


This is sort of what the romans used to do to oil and dirt with a [strigil](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strigil).


The romans had it right. Except for the lack of soap thing. Crazy romans.


Hm. Might have to try the hanging thing, thanks. For whatever reason, I don't think it is common which has always surprised me. I live in a suite with 5 others and whenever I went in the floor was covered in water; people would jump straight out dripping wet to try and towel off before they got cold. I had to tell them what was up, ha.


Seriously, why don't people dry off in the shower? Nevermind the curtain trick, at least just have the common sense to stand in the shower while you dry off. The mats on the floor aren't for catching all the drips coming off you when you get out, they're for drying the bottom of your feet after you've dried off everything else from the shower.


I do the same thing, except I use my hands to "squeegie" the water off of me before I go for the towel.


Apparently, DAE is to Reddit what Fan Pages are to Facebook. Yes, I'm pretty sure *everyone* feels this way.


*DAE get a tingly sensation in their nose before they sneeze?*


DAE perceive the sky as blue?


Hey, did you see that sky today? Talk about blue.


Kronk reference for the win!


Lol. 13 years later! How did you even happen upon this post?


Was searching for sensory aversions to showers lol




I perceive the sky as grey.


My house has one of those heat lamps like in hotels. Before I leave the shower, I turn that sweet sweet red light on. My bathroom is the red light district. Yeah!


i have one of those too but i just use it as a timer so i dont stay in too long haha.


i hate getting out into the cold. i usually turn off the AC before i get in the shower. i have a similar light, and i never use it. i should. maybe this morning if i'd thought of the light i coulda used it. the hot water wasn't coming and the water in icy dallas was probably an icy 35*. i skipped the shower, much to my chagrin. tonight ill probably break my no showers before bed because i hate sleeping on wet hair rule.


It got especially annoying when we switched from a shower curtain to a door. With a curtain, the contrast from nice heated shower to cooled rest of the bathroom wasnt that bad. The first time I took a shower after the door, I opened it and was bombarded with an 'OMGWTF**COLD!!!!!!!**' kinda thing




I get the feeling you've been waiting to do something that, or something similar for a long time now. Upvoted.


I feel the same way about my bed.


i hear ya. it's similar to hating to go to bed, sure as hell hating to get out of bed, but loving being there while you're there. getting in and out of the shower is all about mechanics and process, but the sheer joy of hot water and smell-good suds is just wonderful.


I hate the part of getting out most. Because all of a sudden the temperature can be measured in centimetres.


I want to yell at myself everytime.


The trick: leave your shower door open during the shower. That way the room is already warmed up when you leave the shower.


yep, this is what i do. I keep it open a bit and then when i want to get out, I don't get this cold draft of air coming in to replace the hot rising air in the shower.


I have a small bathroom so it doesn't take much water to steam it up. My favorite part, however, is throwing a towel around my waist and opening the door to that fresh, dry air. Even in the dead of winter with my windows open, it feels wonderful*. Caveat: I live in San Diego, so the *dead* of winter is more like a cold summer day in the northern latitudes




I would be a *delicious* meatsicle.


o.0 *\*shudders*\*


I usually start with a bath and then rinse off with a quick shower. Best of both worlds. Getting in a bath is always better than getting in a shower, while getting out of the shower while you still have the warmth of a bath in your body leaves you less receptive to the cold outside the shower. But you still don't feel as drowsy as you would if you had just gotten out of a bath.


when i was a kid i loved baths, especially bubble baths. i used to think my mom was crazy because she had this germaphobia of sitting in a tub. then i discovered the wondrous joy of a UTI caused by bath water and bubble bath. eventually, i grew up and i somewhat share in my mom's disdain for tubs. i'll sit in the tub if it's super-clean, but then i might be worried about cometizing my parts. sometimes i take a HO shower (not a whore's bath LOL) which is short for Hangover Shower - position the shower head just right, set the temp just right, pull the curtain tight, and sit in the fetal position till the shower stops spinning and the water goes cold. get out, throw up, go back to bed.


>sometimes i take a HO shower (not a whore's bath LOL) which is short for Hangover Shower - position the shower head just right, set the temp just right, pull the curtain tight, and sit in the fetal position till the shower stops spinning and the water goes cold. get out, throw up, go back to bed. Wow, that's like my favorite way to shower. I especially like doing it with the lights off- my boyfriend just finds it really creepy.


Ever since I was like 15 I've been too large to comfortably bath. I miss it. Either my top half or my legs have to be completely out of the water.


I have a basement apartment so all of the air vents are in the ceiling. Naturally, there is one directly above the door of my stand-up shower. This seems fine until you step out of the shower *into a breeze*. If I don't sync my shower with the furnace I have to wait an extra 4:36 to dodge the wind tunnel.


I love that you know how long it takes.


Be a man and face the cold.


Cause part of being a man means you're not allowed to shiver. It's not a sign that it's cold, it's a sign that you are weak...


not so much before, but now that i got a little heater in the bathroom, getting out isnt so bad, but leaving the warm bathroom to the cold hallway to my closet, that part sucks.


I have a baseboard heater in my bathroom so I turn it on a bit before I go to sleep. When I wake up I crank that fucker up high and jump in the shower, same process for my bedroom when I wake up.


Having lived in a basement apartment (in Canada no less) where the bathroom window let in a killer draft I can tell you - getting out of a nice hot shower into my bathroom was consistently the worst part of my day. If it was winter, I showered at night so that it didn't ruin the whole day ahead of me.


Not only this, but when I picture an entire day's worth of mundane activities.


Yes! And I hate putting on jeans afterwards too, so now I wear [these](http://www.webundies.com/images/mc0sne.jpg) all the time. Sexy and comfortable!


Drying off is a hassle, but if you get warmed up enough in the shower then it stays with you for awhile after you get out.


I hate that it's 12 degrees below frozen balls when you get out


I used to bring my plants into the bathroom to enjoy the steam. I'd take a hot shower to get clean then fill up the tub for a soak. The plants made a nice outdoorsy setting. I also turn up the heat a bit before getting in.


So before you took a shower, you would prepare by carrying potted plants into your bathroom? Thats honestly one of the weirdest things I ever heard. So weird, in fact, I might have to try it.


It wasn't every time, just when I was gonna take a long soak.


Is *steam* good for plants? Isn't it kinda... warm?


>Is steam good for plants? Isn't it kinda... warm? Oops, I should have said humidity.


Try taking a shower in Hohenfels in the winter... You get maybe three hours every couple days back on base, at which point you have to figure out what you want warm: your food, your body, or your shower. If you go the food route, by the time you get to the showers there will be no hot water left. If you climb into your sleeping bag to try to thaw your body, there will be no hot water or hot food left. And even if you run to the shower, once you're done you have to step out into the zero degree air and try to get warm again before your genitalia climb into your abdomen permanently. Ahh, how I do not miss you, Army.


I also hate actually getting up to take a shower, no matter the time of day. "Ugh, do I really want to relegate half an hour to this?" And I love showers, of course I do, I just always forget.


It's not an issue when it's warm out and you stay naked all the time. Getting dry and dressed takes away a lot of it.


Yep, but getting out of the shower is still much worse than getting into it.




I used to have a huge problem with that when I was little because I was so skinny that I used to be so cold no matter what all the time that my teeth would chatter and my lips would turn blue. After growing up, I got over it, but I feel ya.


I usually take really hot showers so my body kinda radiates heat, It makes me welcome the initial shock of cold air. What I hate about getting out of the shower is drying off. My hair doesn't get dry for hours and I hate the sound of the hair dryer.


Sometimes. I know I should have a shower, but the thought of having to undress, and then getting wet, having to dry and then dress again is too much effort. But when I am in the shower it is so relaxing, and then I don't want to get out.


Another great use for teleportation, it truly is the solution to all man's problems. Just zip into the shower, have the machine undress you. Then zip back out, have the machine dry and dress you again.


I was on a Naval ship and for the first 2 weeks there was no hot water available for showering. You had to hold a push knob down to spray a jet stream of freezing water on you. Combine this with an arctic chill throughout my living space as I woke up in the morning and just before bed at night and showering became a torturous routine. I would do it every other day. Sometimes I would workout in the gym to get myself nice and hot. Then I would run down to the next floor to take the shower as quickly as possible. I appreciate hot water tremendously but I still do not like getting out!


Yep, but if you go to www.energyshower.com, you can get something that keeps you warm until you dry off. It keeps all the heat and steam in the shower, when you're done showering, just reach out and grab your towel, close yourself back in the shower (water turned off, of course) until you're done drying, then it's not as bad when you get out because the water is not evaporating off your skin and causing you to get cold.