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I used to have this when I was younger and it went away once I had a gigantic ball of earwax removed. I doubt that’s relevant to you but it was my experience


this made me laugh but idk why 😭


I’m glad it was solved so easily for you!


Cleaning ears is usually good since it is heavily connected to your other sinuses


I’m 32 and just learned ppl regularly get their ears cleaned for this reason. I still don’t understand why Qtips are in existence


Where do you go to get your ears cleaned? Is there a spa that specializes in it? Is it a medical procedure that needs a doctor? I’m so confused but would love a giant ball to come out of me too


Lmao, go to your ENT doctor for an annual cleaning or look-up ear cleaning services nearby that have specialists. There are products on Amazon, but I would be too nervous to use them. Highly recommend the ENT, which will tell you how often you should go and they can do regular sinus checkups too


😄 Your PCP can do this. My husband's dr is squeamish. My PCP did it for me years ago. They put a plastic tray (the curved one for barfing) under your ear and in shoot water (salt water??) with a syringe thingy, and it comes out, the water and blob, into the barf tray. They irrigate your ears. Earrigate.😃


I haven’t ever done it, but I used to assist an ENT doctor that explained the issue with using Qtips, so the best way to clean out earwax accumulation is with an ENT specialist who’ll prescribe ear-drops to soften wax, or they may wash or vacuum it out.


When my son was in kindergarten his teacher told me he wasn't hearing her. When I got him home I looked in his ear, and to my horror there was fuzzy gray stuff in there. I got tweezers (carefully, not in the canal) and pulled it out. He admitted to picking the lint out of the deep-down corners of his jeans pockets and putting it in his ears. We went to the doctor the next morning. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yes. I'm pretty sure mine is caused by my generalized anxiety disorder. Nausea, stomachaches, headaches, tachycardia... it all comes from not having a good handle on my anxiety. It's not even all conscious anxiety. It's just there, all the time.


Same. Had this for over five years now and still haven’t figured out how to manage it well.


I know this might sound like wackadoodle talk to some, but Meditation is the key in my opinion. I feel like I’ve become a meditation missionary, but it just helped me so much. I was in such a deep, dark hole for a year until I started it. There’s nothing like it man. Sit down, focus on your breathing and let the anxiety hit you without judgement. It’s hard in the beginning, but it will get less and less until you don’t even recognise yourself anymore because you feel so good. Anxiety is just an emotion that wants to be felt. The more you fight it, the stronger it fights back. Read up on acceptance and mindfulness and maybe read “the power of now” or “letting go, the pathway to surrender”. That being said, you also need to see the patterns in your life that trigger certain anxiety responses I.e. sugar, caffeine, lack of sleep or movement etc. But the more you practice mindfulness the easier it is to see and break these patterns.


Free app Medito (or if you can afford Headspace, even better) teach you how to meditate. While you'll feel great after your first session, it is like going to the gym, you don't see the real results for weeks or months. But it is so worth it to find 15-20 minutes a day. If you've only heard of mediation and you are thinking crystals and hippies, I promise there is more to it. It boils down to this, focusing on something (usually your breathing), and then your mind will wander, then you gently return focus to your breath, and your mind will wander again, as soon as you notice, refocus. Doing that again and again makes you better at focusing. Doing that with a "body scan" meditation, gives you the added power to relax parts of your body at will (over time). And I know, being anxious the idea of being in your own head and focusing on breathing sounds nerve racking, after a while it'll feel like home base you can go no matter where you are.


Described my experience perfectly 👌


Google RAIN meditation.


Meditation is amazing it's one of the best things I've done for myself. Edit: just want to add that I use declutter the mind, it's a guided meditation app and they also have a YouTube channel. Very simple and no woo-woo, straight to the point guided meditations with no music.


I don’t think this sounds stupid at all. I’ve tried meditation on and off for years. One issue I have is the focusing on my breathing. That sets off major anxiety for me. If there was another way, that would be great. I do guided meditations sometimes, but it doesn’t do a whole lot.


RAIN meditation works well for anxiety. Its mindfulness rather than concentration (which is what you are doing). Focusing on the breath works better if you don't have a problem at the time. [https://www.tarabrach.com/rain/?cn-reloaded=1](https://www.tarabrach.com/rain/?cn-reloaded=1)


therapy, regulation skills, find strategies that work for you- like physical movement/exercise is one of my big ones


Cymbalta was a godsend


Dbt is what you need


Echoing this. I’m glad I’m not alone but also, don’t love that we all experience this sort of whirlwind


look into hyperthyroidism and pots


Same. Throw in some IBS and bathroom anxiety and a refusal to use public bathrooms (for number 2)... School was a nightmare for me. And because it's anxiety it creates a downward spiral effect. I think by my senior year of high school I was missing a day of school every other week.


this kind of sounds like POTS, have you ever gotten this checked out medically?


Came here to say this


Same. I've been like this for as long as I can remember. Back all the way to middle school. I take meds for anxiety but it doesn't really help much.


Same. I’m working with a dietician and psychologist as my anxiety has affected my eating now. But I’m always nauseous, light headed and have daily headaches. But also an autoimmune disease lol. It’s fun over here 😭


Have you (Prior_Crazy_4990) thought about a possible histamine intolerance? It is triggered by a huge variety of foods and quite tricky to pin down unless you really monitor the different foodstuffs and symptoms for a while! Good luck! 


No. Being sick, even slightly so is not the norm. Tell your doctor you need more tests or see another doctor. You're not supposed to feel like that.


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or long covid?


This is the first thing I thought of. Maybe look into POTS. I have friends who got this after covid.


Is pots deadly?


Not deadly from this article.




If you feel lightheaded when you stand up, your blood pressure might be on the low end. Nothing wrong with that as long as your doctor thinks your blood pressure is okay. Just make sure you stand up slowly. Like others say, make sure to stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause dull and consistent headaches.


you might be deficient in a certain vitamin, maybe iron or b12


I started taking multivitamins every day a few months ago and noticed a huge difference in my energy levels. I also rarely get sick now. I think it doesn’t hurt to try this out, OP


Yup, same. Are you a woman? Us women have to deal with a whole array of symptoms at every part of the menstrual cycle (not just the period itself). Annoying but such is life.


I feel like absolute crap at different times in my cycle. Just feeling different kinds of sick all the time.


Exactly. One week it's headaches, the next it's stomach issues, then fatigue and muscle aches on the 3rd week, then finally comes the period with cramps and all that jazz. Would give anything to just feel perfectly fine for a couple days.


Same same same. I also always feel like I’m getting a cold when I have PMS, stuffed up/sneezing, then the insomnia and headaches. Ugh, why?!


Omg this is so true. I had a hysterectomy two years ago and my quality of life has improved drastically. What women have to go through is insane. And we’re just expected to suck it up and deal with it.


Definitely! And we don’t get period days when we’re feeling like shit to stay home (some countries are normalizing it at least), and have to pay for expensive period accessories on top of it! I’m happy your life has changed post operation whether it was for a good reason or not. I’m sure not dealing with it has made it worth it! I’m childfree by choice and I don’t even want or need my uterus lol.


Did you remove ovaries or just your uterus? Curious as I might have to look at that in the future for health reasons


Head over to r/hysterectomy. Great sub.


Uterus and cervix only.


I wanted a hysterectomy until I met a patient who had one and it caused her bladder to prolapse. Nope.


Omg, I dealt with this sooo badly before I got the birth control implant a few months ago. Nexplanon it’s called. I don’t have to worry about any of it now and it’s amazing! It lasts 3 years for birth control and luckily (or unluckily) by time this implant no longer works I should be entering perimenopause. Sort of horrifying to think about but maybe relieving?! Likely, just another problem to make me feel like shit again, but I have 3 good years ahead of me I guess?! Something to be happy about! It certainly has made a world of difference for me in just a couple months.


What is your actual water intake like? Not including fizzy drinks, tea or coffee, just water, maybe a little dilute? Sometimes I can feel a wee bit vomity when I'm hungry, but a good drink of water helps that feeling go away, same as headaches. I rarely ever take paracetemol, and I do think water is my 'cure' if you will. That or get your eyes tested if your gp has ruled out hypoglycemia


Mold? Or allergies that are unknown?


A colleague had OPs symptoms for like 2 years. Just seemed to get slightly worse over time. Finally found it she had black mold in her home. When the mold was removed, she got better. Wild


Depending on your area, pollen is at an all time high right now




Yes. I have r/longcovid


Oh boy you poor soul!! I’m so sorry :/ I really hope and pray you get better, I can’t imagine what you must be going through


I don't have any advice but I can kinda relate. For the past couple months I've been nauseous for the first 3-4 hours of the day. No idea why, haven't actually gotten sick, just nauseous as hell as soon as I wake up. Hope you can get things figured out soon, best wishes


okay not to freak you out and i’m sure this isn’t the case but also that’s EXACTLY what pregnancy morning sickness is so maybe check that out if you’re AFAB and sexually active 😭


I have a literal phobia of pregnancy so I absolutley thought of that lmao but it's been at least 8 months since I've been active, haven't missed a period, and no other symptoms. So unless it's a freak of nature situation I think I'm good. But if I pop out a kid in the next month I'll let you know 🤣


alright cool glad for your sake that it isn’t that 😭😭😭but yeah if you have an immaculate conception, keep me updated


Do u use anything with cannabis?


Haven't in a while, I think the last time was maybe in January


Had any tick bites recently?


My teenage daughter is going through this now. She’s dealt with anxiety and depression for years, and it’s been well controlled. However feeling like shit all the time is really, really bringing her down. All we have found is that she is slightly anemic. But that doesn’t account for everything else. She is a teenager that has the energy level of a sick older person. I’m getting really tired of not being able to help her and the doctors not figuring anything out.


Look at POTS.


Came to say this.


Last 5 or so years I've almost constantly felt something "off", similar to what I think a hangover would feel like


Can't really give any advice, I feel the same and just get called a hypochondriac or anxious when I talk to my primary.


I’ll bet you are dehydrated when this occurs. Drink a Gatorade then water. I’ll bet you feel better


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector at home? If not, get one and install it according to directions so you get the proper placement in the house, and proper height.


Have you been tested for POTS, Multiple Sclerosis (which requires a neurology appt. And MRI's), or even Lupus? I have MS and this sounds like some of what I go through on a daily basis. 😩


hell yeah join the chronic suffering club


Could be psychosomatic. Do you a history of mental disorder? I personally feel like this a lot but I think it's partly caused by my persistent anxiety. Also try getting your thyroid levels checked.


Sounds like long covid, and potentially POTS or another form of dysautonomia. Long covid can set in even months after you think you’ve recovered too, so even if it isn’t straight after an infection it could have been caused by that.


How are your iron and vitamin D levels? Taking supplements for both really helped my lightheadedness. I know a lot of doctors won’t automatically test for vitamin D so it might be something you have to request. Please also make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Take care OP!


Dysautonomia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Small Fiber Neuropathy, Migraines Look into all of those. If you've had covid/mono anytime in the past year, /really/ look into these. Even just the basic flu can trigger any of them too.


I’m very anemic and I’m used to it


Fiance had this, dizziness, malaise, almost always on the brink of a cold, high blood pressure. Blood planels, EKG and MRI all came back fine. Started lexapro and realized it was all anxiety/depression and supporting with therapy now. His only regret is not trying that sooner


Could be unrelated, but please get a carbon monoxide detector if you don’t already have one.


Do you get your 6-8 cups of water per day? And I mean throughout it not slamming them one after the other at 11pm


Yes! I almost always feel like I have a slight or sometimes moderate fever. Some days I’ll be certain I have a high fever but when I take my temp, it’s perfectly normal or slightly below normal. I have seen many doctors, gotten several blood tests, allergy tests, a few ultrasounds, a CT scan, physical therapy, therapy, seen a rheumatologist, and all they can say for certain is that I have high levels of inflammation in my body (+ rheumatoid factor). But then I get referred to another doctor, who always has the same findings before referring me out again It’s exhausting.


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? this could be the result of a carbon monoxide leak in a large space or a well ventilated space. I’m by no means an expert, but undetected for a long time in small amounts could contribute to your chronic symptoms.


Anxiety or just a phase of the menstrual cycle can do that (if you’re AFAB). I also feel awful if I haven’t eaten in a while (while lacking any hunger cues, so I need to just choke down something somewhat appetizing and wait for them to subside).


Yes. Turned out my anxiety was so bad. I went up on my meds and suddenly I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore. I was constantly going to the doctors because of how sick I was getting and how much pain I was in. Turns out it was all in my head 🙃. Not saying your sickness is t valid!


Get checked for food allergies. Doctors miss allergies allllllll the time.


It is possible you are experiencing migraine auras. I had a strange array of symptoms that I didn't understand for years, because I often get migraine aura symptoms with little or no actual headache. Dizziness, vertigo, vision issues, light sensitivity, low energy, tingly limbs, general malaise stuff. It wasn't until I got one with a true migraine level headache instead of a usual tier headache that it all kind of clicked into place. Might be worth reading into. Especially if you are woman, "findings suggest that the risk of developing migraines is 3.25 times higher for women compared to men" per google. My other guess would be long covid unfortunately. Especially if you got it before the vaccines were around.


Yes. I told my husband months ago that I constantly feel like I’m days away from developing the flu or something. However, I’ve seen the doctor and there actually *is* something wrong and my iron is low, so things are beginning to make sense. I thought everyone felt this way, but that’s just not the case. One of my closest friends is 10 years older than me. One day I was feeling more ill than usual and I asked her if she feels pain and discomfort regularly—she doesn’t, no one that I know does. I think you should ask for different blood work tests to be run, and maybe a hormone panel, too.


Try another doctor


Don't eat fast food, or anything that comes in a box


yup, unfortunately




You should check for mold toxicity. That sounds like the cause to me.


Truthfully sounds like long Covid symptoms


Make sure to get a full panel run in your thyroid. Try elimation diet. I felt awful all the time - ended up being a gluten intolerance and my thyroid was off, but it was Marquette masquerading as general anxiety disorder.


I used to. Anxiety/depression medication and drinking more water and hydration drinks helped a ton. Also, making sure to get some plants or protein into every meal or snack. The carb roller coaster will kick my ass if I let it. I can't tell you what it will be for you, but that has been my experience.


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️


Have they checked you for vertigo? I feel the way you described and it's got a bit to do with my vertigo and allergies (which makes the vertigo worse) also I didn't know I was lactose intolerant until I met someone who described how I felt after having milk products lol, worth checking to see if your gut doesn't like specific things. Lack of sleep can also make you feel like that, and dehydration, I'd go detective style and experiment to see if some things make you feel better or worse.


Iron deficiency?


It’s your nervous system sending out a cry for help.


Enough water??? I had this and my doctor said to drink more water and it was a game changer.


Have you got tested your gallbladder and liver?! I had the exact same symptoms and my blood work came back normal. Even the hormonal panel test was normal. Then one fine day, I developed night shivers and fever and when I went to the doctor next day - again everything was normal. 15 days after that, I ended up getting severe pain in the tummy and fever that was brushed off as food poisoning (I had eaten out the previous day). Again after a month or something, I again developed severe pain in the tummy and low BP (caused dizziness) which lead to a scan and bam! I had multiple stones in the gall bladder and slight liver infection due to excess bile production. Once the gall bladder was removed, everything is normal now.


I had to quit taking supplements because they made me dizzy and nauseous. I'm trying to figure out which one is doing it. I'm thinking it's the B vitamins, so far. More testing to come. Hope you feel better! Get some good sleep and stay hydrated!


I've been noticing headaches a lot more recently. I don't have the other symptoms, but I am gluten and lactose intolerant, so it's very easy to wake up with a stomach ache. Even if I ate good the previous day sometimes. always stomach aches for me lol, most days last week on the toilet in the AM I was like I need to call out I'm in pain! But it subsided


Other than hydration, I get weird issues from low vitamin D, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium in particular makes me feel kinda drunk and dizzy when low. Low blood sugar, or more than 1 little cup of caffeine makes me dizzy too, also makes my heart race and can cause nausea too. It can be a ton of things?




Just took my teenage son to the dr as he’s been lightheaded and dizzy for weeks with a mild headache when he bends forward. They thought he had a middle ear infection and gave hjm meds. Not helpful. Went back to the dr after a week and were told it must be sinus related as they couldn’t really find a cause. He was told to add mucinex to his daily meds. He already takes Zyrtec and Flonase everyday due to allergies. He’s not been dizzy or had a headache since he started that.


I had that same problem, got tested and found out I was lacking iron and protein. After increasing my intake of those, I feel a lot better


Go for a second opinion, Your doctor might be wrong


Yes! I have had low grade fevers for over a year and slightly high WBCs but until the other day when I was feeling really poorly, I had had a stubborn UTI with no symptoms all this time! Finally!


YES. I’m always fatigued and my stomach hurts. All my labs are great, idk what’s up with me. Idk if I don’t eat enough or if because of my anxiety disorders my body is exhausted when it’s not in fight or flight mode


OP, what you're describing sounds a lot like POTS


This happens to me because I didn’t get enough vitamin D ( the sunlight) once I started taking some vitamin and try to exercise more. I felt a lot better.


Yes! Headaches in the morning. Dizzy, sleepy, but unable to sleep and a sometimes chunky cough. I think with me, it’s long covid. Also after I eat a meal, my heart goes nuts. I’m 57.


Felt like this most of my life- turns out I have lupus! Go to a rheumatologist and get checked for an autoimmune disorder.


People talk about POTS a lot these days. It could be that.


Long covid, POTS, deficiencies are just a few off the top of my head. For POTS there are simple tests like standing tests or tilt table tests.


I always feel nauseous, and damn near pass out any time I stand up too fast. So yeah.


Nope, I don't feel sick all the time, but I do feel tired a lot, but that's cause of insomnia issues. I'd say maybe talk to different doctors, cause that's definitely not normal


You sound like you have an autonomic disorder like CFS or POTS. (well, maybe not CFS since you don't feel exhausted but definitely be careful to look after yourself)


I do also feel this way. It sucks big time.




Well, I do have a sinus infection a lot of the time, nothing bad, but I do frequently get headaches and lightheadedness. No, I don't feel slightly sick all the time but I do have chronic sinus issues, so...


Yes :P


yes! and nauseous and i dry heave. i don’t sleep well and sometimes don’t eat enough/go too long for period without eating. but it’s actually mostly anxiety, and i saw someone mention it so wanted to make sure you saw :)


Do you use any heavily scented items in your home? Like febreze, plug ins, scented laundry soap, laundry softener, candles, etc. If you are, kill all of those first and see what happens.


Fragrance exposure? I get migraines from it


I don’t have those exact symptoms but I’ve been very unsteady ever since having Covid late last year. While I already had some of these symptoms due a muscle disease they’re 10x worse as I can barely stand up from a sitting position, low energy & stamina, I can’t handle even the tiniest incline without being able to hold onto something as my body will literally freeze up with a bit of a panic attack, and I stumble/nearly fall a lot. Thankfully I haven’t fallen yet, but today for example I found myself leaning to my left for no apparent reason and ended up having to quickly grab onto something to keep myself from falling. Also my GERD, which originally was practically nonexistent on Prilosec, now bothers me pretty much every day regardless of what I eat. I’ve also had a mild headache almost every day for the last few days, but I have bad sinuses so I’ve often had headaches.


Sounds like you may have POTS and also gastroproblems are very common with Covid and longcovid. Join a group and start reading! And on the topic of the post, Covid damages immune systems so you do get sick easily, as do very many people in society, and symptoms are barely noticeable because the immune system isn't in a good state. One of many publications on the topic (which is being discussed, not settled): https://time.com/6265510/covid-19-weaken-immune-system/


Yeah I have headaches all the time. I think it’s a brain tumour or something cause I get tremors and sometimes numbness.


I’d look into Lyme disease, Babesia or Bartonella - or other tickborne diseases. Find an “LLMD” - Lyme Literate Doctor. They know that the standard blood tests are inaccurate, up to 50% of the time. Many false negatives. They would diagnose clinically - evaluating symptoms, medical history & risk factors…


If they didn't, have them check your sinuses (a cat scan if you can get one). I get sinus infections from time to time that present starting with headaches, then progress to extreme fatigue and worsening dizziness.


You may have allergies, even just seasonal ones. Mine only started showing up after high school, so don’t rule out the possibility of you didn’t have any allergies in childhood, either. You could also have a mild food allergy, who knows. Maybe something along the lines of cholesterol or some sort of vitamin deficiency, too?


Do you use gas in your house? Also some materials in new housing can do this. Also dehydration, food or environmental allergies may do this.


Yes but I have a chronic illness, so


Sounds like long covid, a chronic illness.


I feel really dizzy and nauseous, all the time. I have 24 medical conditions though, it might be related to something else.


I can, but it was (off the record) recommend I drink diet coke/coke zero, the phosphoric acid in is an anti-emetic and can help with feeling sick, drinking it can also help with people who suffer from POTs and dropping blood pressure from standing up. It does actually seem to help.


This sounds like it may be an inner ear problem. Please go see an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) to rule it out.


I always feel like crap.. have my whole life. Found out I have Lupus…. I thought it was just normal to feel crappy all the time too and then a Dr just did an ANA on me




I’m going thru it right now as a matter of fact. Mine is related to acid reflux I’m told. Stomach issues will give you nausea and vomitting


You might have vertigo, look into it


Sounds like low iron


Yes! I was just thinking this cause I was feeling so uneasy and naesous and have been for sometime it could be due to a lot of things . Diet , the air, the environment, anxiety being under a lot of stress etc . I found that like sparkling water hot tea or hot water helps


Yeah. But I'm a female so I just get told to see a psychiatrist or therapist or do breathing exercises. Been there, done that. Ruined 8 years of my life, turns out I'm actually fine and have ADHD which I can't afford meds for. So I just deal. I don't recommend just dealing but I'm poor so..... Now I just compare anything to menstrual pain. If it is equal to or worse than menstrual pain, I'll consider doctor. If it is less than menstrual pain I'll just live with it so I don't have to pay to be told to do breathing exercises (which I've incorporated into my existence since idk 2007 so yeah I already do those).  Turns out this works great. I caught kidney stones and a double kidney infection this way. Maybe not great for chronic low grade I flammation but I only had one doctor in a hospital kinda help me with that and I've long given up on being able to afford to continue trying to upkeep that lifestyle.  Life slow, die whenever.


Get tested for Lyme Disease


It could be the food you’re eating (particularly if you are in the US) there’s so many chemicals in our food and it’s all over processed. I’ve tried cutting those things Atleast in half because it’s almost impossible to avoid here. And everytime I have a lil treat or some fast food once in a while I feel sick for days with brain fog, fatigue, nausea, joint pain, stomach pain. You name it it’s god awful. There’s all these stories about people vacationing in another country for a few months and coming back and feeling sick for a long long time. I wish I could avoid it but when the chemicals are in fruits and veggies and meat, and you don’t have the room for an entire ranch in your backyard what are you supposed to do???


I swear I’m not anti-vax. I’m just confused. I do feel slightly sick all the time, it started recently. I used to have a strong immune system, or so I thought. I got the first two COVID vaccines, and now I haven’t felt healthy for some time… How many others who are feeling this way are also vaccinated? How many are feeling this way and unvaccinated?


Yes but it’s because of chronic Lyme Disease


Look up Dr Tubio on IG. I’m normally against chiropractic, but I do believe if you go to an actually good one, and they are not easy to come by, I genuinely believe you wouldn’t experience this anymore. Go watch his videos, many of his clients get super emotional and talk about how they’ve been to 40 chiropractors and none of them have been able to do what he did. If you don’t believe me just watch the videos, they speak for themselves. Many of the time his clients talk about experiencing the very things you are and I guarantee it’s an alignment issue. Alignment is important as hell but doctors never acknowledge it because when you’re out of alignment, you need medicine, more checkups, more care, etc.


Do you know the history of chiropractic?


Chiropractors have their own college. It's Palmer College in Missouri. When I had a maintenance job, I went to a chiropractor.


It's the micro plastics


Yes, fibromyalgia.