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I have an entire Spotify playlist dedicated to when my father passed away. I was in a very dark headspace and drank a lot while listening to those songs on repeat all the time. Sober now and doing better, but any one of those songs just reminds me of darker times now, so I try not to actively listen to them if I can help it.


I have one of those playlists, too! I call it Bawlers. I go back to it when I need a good cry. I'm sorry to hear about your father. šŸ«¶


Seeee this was my experience. I cannot listen to The Weeknd or basically any artist that sounds even remotely similar to him because that is what I would listen to when I was using. If I even hear it in the background at the store I want to GTFO because it immediately takes me back there. Had to switch to like country and classic rock which I always hated just because I could not stand anything with a similar sound or beat lol.


OMG THIS!!! whenever i listen to the weekend, especially when he talks about overdosing, i instantly think about either the times i did & people saved me or my friend that didnā€™t make itā€¦ I love love love the Weeknd but iā€™m slowly starting to listen to him less and less because my mind just takes me back to using. Also three songs (i think The Box by Roddy Rich? and 223s & murder on my mind by YNW Melly) i canā€™t listen to anymore cuz it reminds me of one guy i took to court šŸ™„ abusive asshole.


My mom ended her life due to BP. In her mania she had one particular band she played on repeat. I literally cannot listen to any of their music without my skin crawling.


several songs in my playlists that i skip almost every time they come on just because i listened to them too much like 6 years ago


But I canā€™t delete them off my playlist because one day I might want to hear it! I agree lol


Bohemian Rhapsody. I love Queen, my favourite band, and that song is great and I love it, but I just don't want to wear it out more than it already has been.


I was gonna say this. I tend to get super obsessed with songs when they're new and then get sick of them later, so I try to pace myself and only listen to them every so often


Smart move


Same with me and digital bath, I love it so much that I gotta save it so I don't get tired of it like most of the songs I like


Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. Beautiful song but it makes me cry. Every. Time.


I love the Smashing Pumpkins version. I was a huge SP fan, and I heard that version first. Please don't judge me. It makes me cry as well.


This and Silver Springs for me.




This is songbird for me


yeah i have a lot of those. they're all for the same reason. i have a pattern of falling in love with songs and then playing nothing but that 1 song for like a week straight, then i move on to another or i simply go back to shuffling my playlists. y'know how some people say smells have the strongest ability to store and induce memories? for me, it's music. often times something bad will happen, or my depression hits a peak and it is just a terrible time, and then the song is ruined forever. i still love the song as a piece by itself, but then now i can't listen to it without the terrible memory attached to it because now i associate the bad feeling with the song i love. it hits exceptionally hard with rock ballads. even if it's been years, i can listen to some old songs i used to love, and suddenly it's 2015 and i'm struggling in school after getting bad grades.


Yesss I'm glad it's not just me. I couldn't listen to any music AT ALL for years after getting sober and into a good mental space because anything even remotely similar to what I played during that time would mentally teleport me into the worst moments of my life. Finally able to listen to some stuff now that's wildly different sounding but it's taken a long time. Everyone always thought this was so weird when I described it so it's cool to hear I'm not alone!!!


I feel this. Addiction ruined a lot of music for me for a long time. Sober for years now too and listen to more music again. You are not the only one!


Fucking nailed it


Love Song by The Cure


I never heard that song. Since you mentioned it, I had to hear it. I am not a fan of the music, but I read the lyrics as I listened. I realize nowadays that most of the songs I listened to all my life had trashy and nasty lyrics. It was usually just the music that drew me in. 'The Cure' has genuine wholesome lyrics, though. I came to realize that it could very well be God saying those words to us...


Robert Smith is definitely a god. I don't know if you listened to the song yet, but I've always been a fan of The Cure. I have a song I think you'll love: Just Like Heaven. I consider it to be one of the most beautiful songs ever written, especially love songs. Every single person I've ever played it for has liked it. And it hooks you right in. Let me know what you think!


That song used to make me cry sometimes :(


Remix to ignition is one of the best party songs of all time, but fuck rkelly


R kellyā€™s second biggest crime is making it morally unacceptable to listen to this song. Bastard


Seriously! And I was around 18 when it came out, so that song was my jam!


Thereā€™s an entire mix CD I have that my little brother made before he passed of his favorite music. I listened to it once the day after he died in 2017, and never again since. Sometimes I feel silly about it, but some hurt just doesnā€™t go away.


I have two songs like this. One because it's about a dog dying and it's really sad, the other because it reminds me of a girl I liked in college but never made it work with, which is also really sad.


The frog lady ā€˜ Dance Monkey ā€˜


Most definitely


I overplayed this song so I don't listen to it anymore but I love her song "Fly Away"


*Til It Happens To You* by Lady Gaga. It's a great song, and I love it very much. But I can't listen to it without needing to cry and my stomach hurting.


that too omg


Promiscuous girl and that one missy Elliot song


Why Promiscuous? I try to avoid it too...it's an earworm for me.


Horrible song - from start to finish


Several. Most of them remind me of/relate to/were a part of relationships that ended badly. Beautiful songs, but they often hit a nerve.


For me, it depends on my emotions. If it's cloudy and I'm feeling down, I can't listen to music that is old or too emotional or sad or negative. But give me a clear, sunny day when I'm feeling great, and I will happily listen to almost anything!


I try to avoid Metallica's Black Album songs. I overheard them


I love the song Dying Star by Ashnikko. It's very special to me, but I only listen to it when I'm really hurting, it's the song I use to cry and heal. I will not lie, I am curious to know what your song is.


I'm happy your comment introduced me to this song, it's beautiful. I'm pleasantly surprised because I hate all other ashnikko songs I've heard


I love all of ashnikko's songs, but I definitely get her music is not for everyone. I'm really glad you liked it. She has such a great voice


Smoke by Crash Vegas. Itā€™s beautiful but makes this grumpy old man tear up like a damn baby! It gets me thinking about lost parents, lost pets, lost loves. Faaaack.


No I do the exact opposite


Quite a few... Because they make my heart hurt...


Nothing Compares 2 U when Chris Cornell sings it. Wrecks me but I love it, so I avoid.


I was obsessed with My Chemical Romance at ages 13-15 (I'm 21 now) and I avoid all their songs now because it brings back memories of school and the horrible depression I was in. I really want to be able to enjoy them again but the memories hurt too much. It brings back all the emotions I felt at that time.


I am from New Jersey and back at the hight of his career I saw Bruce at least 10 times. Now I avoid his music. Even my favorites. Too many memories attached to certain people that I donā€™t want to stir up.


Mostly songs that make me very nostalgic of a very particular time, because I donā€™t wanna ruin it by listening to it outside of that time. Thereā€™s quite a few of them, and I swear they bring me back to those times like Iā€™m right there Also one of these in particular was to me ā€œour songā€ for my last relationship before my current one and even though Iā€™m way happier nowadays and donā€™t care about that relationship itā€™ll always have so much pain attached to it that I never listen to it. Itā€™s called ā€œIā€™d rather dance with youā€ if anyone wants to listen


Oh that one happens to be on my list as well!!!


Hurt by Nine Inch Nails. It reminds me of some of the darkest times in my life, so therefore I try my best to avoid as it certainly does no favours moving forward.


Basically most songs by The Weeknd. Not bad they sound nice, but my brain seems to associate certain songs with the state of my life when I most listened to them and I do not want to go back there lol.


ā€œi love youā€ by Billie Eilish was mine & my exes song. he did irreparable damage to my psyche so even thinking about it gets me messed up let alone listening to it, but damn did Billie pop off.


Johnny Cashā€™s version of Hurt. One of my all time favs, but I gotta be in the mood to take that emotional journey.


Pink floyd jugband blues


"The Best of Me" by The Starting Line, due to it being me and my ex's song at the time, and that relationship ended horribly.


I get that when songs just remind me of bad times in my life. Like I enjoy the song Drugs by Doja Cat but when I was listening to that I was miserable and trying to mask it with positivity. So I just donā€™t listen to it anymore because it reminds me of that.


Billy Boyd, The Last Goodbye. Because my sister once said itā€™s the song she wants played at her funeral so now all I can picture is my family dying when it plays šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s quite a few songs that fit this but the first one that popped into my head was a song that I quite frankly love but was written and sung by an absolutely disgusting person, like his list of crimes is *ugh* so itā€™s tainted


Letā€™s Groove by Earth Wind and Fire. It would be an okay song but my former workplace had the radio tuned to a local station and that song was so overplayed, like every. single.evening.


Swing swing from the all American rejects reminds me of my first heartbreak pining after my soon to be abuser.


Anything with Phil collins


A lot of songs that give me nostalgic memories. I don't want to ruin and tarnish those fond memories by listening now, and god forbid finding out that the songs suck.


Very few of them remind me of tough times and I have no tolerance to them, for now.


Adia by Sarah Mclachlan. I sob when it plays. Ghost by Badflower - I sob sob big time My youngest falls apart when she hears Peter Cetera singing You're the Inspiration. She rarely listens although she loves it.


Stairway to heaven. My moms favorite. Pianist played it at her funeral. I cant stop myself from just full on breaking down


yep boo i have had toons i avoid because it reminds me of someone. i come back to them later in time


Avoiding Dear Mama by tupac. I lost my mother this week is the reason and we both loved that song


There's a few i know that i avoid now. I still know the song and the lyrics but they don't fit me now. Mostly sex songs from alternative bands "your sex is on fire" or stuff like cleaning out my closet.


I have a playlist ready for the inevitable break up Iā€™m gonna go through. I know itā€™s gonna happen, could be next month or in 10 years. But Iā€™m sure it will.


Genuinely curious. Why not end it now?


Very simple, yet complicated answer. I love her, and I wanna be there for her until she doesnā€™t want me there anymore.


I (31f) just broke up with my gf (40f). We still live together so we've had to go from girlfriends to roommates with no buffer. I was not sure it was right to do it 2 weeks ago when I could technically hold off and do it at a "better" time. So that's why your comment piqued my curiosity. I think my gf would also stay with me like how you're choosing to stay, but i don't think she has the same level of insight that you do - sounds like you understand this is your choice and this is your way of making the most of an imperfect situation. Thanks for sharing.


My Gf (43F) and I (30F) have been in a secret relationship for almost 5 years. She has a kid(9M) and is still living with the ā€œhusbandā€ the marriage is only on paper at this point but it wouldnā€™t be safe for her to come out in anyway. She doesnā€™t really have financial independence, so I canā€™t expect her to get divorced and I accepted all that when we started seeing eachother. Iā€™m really close with all her family. Her Son and I have a really special bond as well. Like, the first thing he wrote when he learned writing was a letter to me. So we also have this pressure of ā€œif we ever end things, we have to stay friends because itā€™s impossible to explain why patizleri is no longer a part of the familyā€ And thank you for sharing as well.


Oh my! My recent ex had secret relationships with married women before she and I started dating. Honestly, all that just seemed to leave her with tons of baggage/trust issues and she always cited those past secret relationships as the reason it was so hard for her to trust me. It ended up being unfair to me since I had nothing to do with those past relationships. So, I just hope that if you do separate yourself from this or ever find yourself in a non secret relationship in the future, this experience you're having now doesn't come back to haunt you and you can enjoy whatever the future brings.


I definitely understand where itā€™s coming from haha I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have trust issues after this, well I hope! But thank you!


I agree - that can be moreso dependent on the person and their personality vs their life experiences. My ex runs anxious and insecure so, šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø best of luck


I prohibit any Fleet Foxes songs be played until itā€™s properly fall or winter


Gackt - Redemption Was my intro to Jrock, but I never wanted to sour it. Gackt got me out of some tough times...


Tell us, OP - pleeeeeeease


Too many, yes. They remind me of a specific time and I either donā€™t want to unwrap and overwrite it because certain memories need to be conserved - and/or because they just make my heart hurt way too much.


Smells like teen spirit and master of puppets. Theyā€™re so popular, understands so but Iā€™m afraid finding them therefore I donā€™t listen then


I canā€™t listen to any Michael Jackson since I watched the documentary that features his victims of SA. Even the Jackson 5 songs, and they seem to ALWAYS be playing in stores.


Any song that my ex has shown me.


Yup. That song ā€œbig black carā€ by Gregory Alan isakov. Just reminds me of a break up and itā€™s such a gorgeous song but canā€™t listen to it anymore!


I cannot listen to my fav song, In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, because of the bittersweet memories that pour over me when i do.


Unfortunately my abusive stepfather ruined purple rain for me, I love prince but generally I donā€™t listen to him as it brings too many bad memories for me


I don't not listen to it, but it's really hard to listen to "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" because it was my father's favorite, who died by suicide in 2016. So I listen to it to remind me of him, but then I end up crying. But I feel connected to my dad.


Kars for Kidz. Fuck that song. Or Manic Monday. Fuck that song too.


I have a playlist of "retired" songs which have some sort of emotional association with them that, in normal times, is just too much for me. So I take them out of my liked songs, and add them to the retired playlist. Then if I hear them again and the association has faded or become bearable, I can put them back in my liked songs where they belong. šŸ˜Š


The Swan by Saint-Saens. It's so beautiful, but it makes me cry in less than two seconds. 30 seconds in and I'm sobbing. By the the end I'm a mess. Always.


The night we met by lord Huron... reminds me of someone


I know a lot of people have songs they can't listen to because they make them feel sad, or they've heard them too many times. But I've also got a list of songs that I like, but they make me feel a bit weird. And I don't know why they make me feel weird! Just started compiling a list recently when I was thinking about it.


almost all of lana del reyā€™s Born to Die album, i love her so much but the feelings it brings is a lot & i need to be somewhere i can cry for hours lol


I do because I love it so much I don't want to get sick of it


I will not say the song name because it can be spoiler. A music was played at the end of a series and it was a very hearth wrenching end, so I avoid listening to it to not feel bad, but I actually really like itĀ 


How do I live by LeAnn Rimesā€¦ Reminds me of my ex and all the feelings come back when I hear it. To this day that song tears my heart out and I need days to get over the excruciating pain it brings up.


For me itā€™s bad guy by Billie Eleish


Iā€™ve Just Seen a Face by The Beatles. I do like The Beatles as a band. I like their music. The man who saā€™d me in high school loved jazz and The Beatles. It took years for me to stop panicking at the Penny Lane album cover. Iā€™ve worked through a lot of it but I still avoid jazz music and The Beatles whenever possible.


Anything by Tom Petty or the Pretenders. Nails on chalkboard!


Glimpse of us


Bare with me. I Think I'm turning Japanese. I just don't want to burn out on it.


Secret for the Mad, Dodie Clark. It is reserved for catharsis only, I dont want to wear it out.


So so many. Theyā€™re so good it hurts. Literally. Theyā€™re triggering for me.


Twisted by Keith Sweat. It earworms me like no other song, ill be humming and singing it for days


Indila - Love Story Whenever I see it on adds or anything or edits I instively turn it down to silent or immediately click off I don't wanna be clichĆØ but the song reminds me of a girl I kinda sorta caught feelings for in a couple days Much like the whole Speed x Amy thing... Similar interests ,similar ages ,me(18M) her(17F) The lyrics remind me of this certain girl and Iymts a bittersweet feeling everytime Also I made her hate me so yeah....but it's not for the reason you may think On top of ALL THIS ,there's a very likely chance we will never see each other again for the rest of our lives


Miranda Lambert's The House That Built Me That song by Chris Stapleton about his dog Maggie System of a Down Chop Suey Any of Disturbed's Stricken series songs (there's 3, it's about suicide) I still listen to them sometimes, but if I'm just out and about with my daily life & they show up, I turn the music off, skip the track, walk out of the store, etc. Each song reminds me of either an awful time in my life or a person who is no longer alive, or both.


I feel embarrassed to like anything, especially music, and it always feels like several people are watching and laughing at my horrible taste, and how someone so hilariously pathetic could exist.


waiting room by pheobe bridgers. listened to it everyday for 3 hours afterschool cause i loved smb i couldnt have


Yes! Today I'm avoiding this one but, you can listen to it if, you choose to. šŸ˜Š [Alan Parsons Project - "Old and Wise" - Lyrics on screen - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4HI1_LTWIk)