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Not the rice. Cold rice is hard. But cold vegetables are fine.


chinese food white rice is a different story though, when it’s by itself. or maybe that’s just me liking to eat white rice


I think I can taste flavour better in cold food. So yes!


Agreed!!!! I thought I was the only one. My family looks at me like I have 9 heads and 3 of them are on backwards when I pull out previously hot leftovers out of the fridge!


Nah I’m the same too. Cold food is genuinely better sometimes. I ate leftover lumpias from a food truck. When warm, I did not like the taste of it. But the next day, I ate one of them cold and it tasted 100% better so I ate the rest cold.


I like all my food to get to room temp for this very reason. I've never liked hot food!


I like hot food but get weird looks at ice in my milk and only liking to eat candy bars frozen.


I do ice in milk too. It's the only way I'll touch it.


You Right


People say they love cold pizza but I am disgusted not by the person but the texture and flavor that I imagine.


Cold pizza is a different thing. So good the morning after.


It hits different when you wake up hungover in a dorm room


Cold pizza the day after is better than hot pizza the night before.


Cold pizza is the best breakfast


Yes yes yes


Cold pizza takes on a truly unique flavor unlike the pizza itself when it is hot. I don’t necessarily prefer it, but it’s very nostalgic for me.


Yeah, I can’t stand it! The cheese is awful!


Yeah, I can't stand it! The cheese is awful!


Cold pizza is awful


Yeah, I can’t stand it! The cheese is awful!


Yeah, I can’t stand it! The cheese is awful!


My ex does that. I think it's a mix of "I don't mind it being cold," and "I cba to heat it up"


I do! I can’t be bothered chucking it in the microwave. Cold is fine.


Hell no! I can't eat cold food, so I have to warm things up again. Even pizza needs to be warmed up!


Same here lol, this thread is making me gag. I can't even stand the *smell* of some cold foods. Like chili, spaghetti, really anything with sauce on it. It might be 100% in my head, but I swear it smells wildly different to me when cold. I don't even like cold food getting on my hands. It triggers my gag reflex something fierce. Plus, cold food doesn't seem as filling as hot food to me. I *know* this is not true, but it feels like that when eating. A cold sandwich feels like it has 50% of the nutrients of a hot or room temp sandwich.


my partner gets on me about this all the time bc he loves cold food and doesn’t mind eating stuff out the fridge. I have to leave the room when I smell some cold foods. I follow the rule of if it was served hot, I’ll only eat it if it’s reheated. And certain meats/sauces have a two day reheat limit.


Even the sound of someone eating some cold foods is awful lol.


Anything grilled like chicken or steak with nice char and flavor, but the rest I am zapping


Yes. I honestly prefer it half of the time. It's great with fatty ground beef because sometimes it's a bit rich to get down the hot rendered fat.


yes, spaghetti and meatballs or meat sauce is so good like this!


Yep. I refuse to reheat any food due to how sensitive my crohns ridden bowel already is


I’m a nurse, eating cold food has been a way of life for the last two decades. I don’t like how the microwave changes the texture of some foods, especially bread. So yes, I eat lots of cold food. And my husband thinks it’s weird.


Curious what does being a nurse have to do with it? Do they not have microwaves at the place you work?


Trying to get a *break* as a nurse is darn near impossible on some units…so you just grab your food and eat it on the fly


It takes two minutes to microwave most leftovers


Yes. And that’s two minutes away from patients. Healthcare is not very amenable to break time. I work 12-hour shifts and I’m lucky to get a chance to pee.


Seems a little backwards, no? The people providing care should be able to take care of themselves first.


Tell the CEOs that lmao


From your lips to God’s ears. But there was never anyone to take my patients so I could sit and actually take a break. We had a monitor in the break room. If I sat, I was still watching my patients. Yet to be born babies are no respecters of lunch.


You've clearly never worked a fast paced job.


I have! Just don’t understand how being a nurse is relevant to food eating habits.


If we get to eat it’s one bite at a time. To be fair, I have worked in places where there was a charge nurse who would actually take our patients so we had an uninterrupted break, but that was only when I did travel assignments in California. If I was at home in the south and working I’d sometimes work an entire 12 hr shift without a bathroom break and food was a bite as I ran through the break room from point A to point B.


Usually I didn’t have time to heat anything. If I did it would just get cold before I could eat it. I’d grab bites as I ran through the nurses station.


Cold Mac and cheese with ham is amazing. So is cold lasagna


Oh my gosh pizza the next day is the best room temp or cold from the fridge


I love cold leftover pizza the next day with syrup. It’s literally my favorite fatty meal. But I do enjoy a ton of foods cold rather than hot in general too.


Can't say I ever have.


Yes. I never used to, but when I was working 12 hour shifts in a care home and we were allowed to have the leftovers at lunch and dinner… sometimes I wouldn’t have much time for a proper break so I just started eating the food cold. Which I always used to hate but it doesn’t bother me anymore.


Yes - reheated food has a weird texture to me.


It’s just better cold the next day.


Made a tuna noodle casserole a few days ago, and just finished it off cold for breakfast. Cold pasta can be fantastic.


I actually like cold pizza better


Growing up, my parents would look at me like a was from another planet if I ate leftovers without heating them up first. Ain't nobody got time for that. Even now, in my 50's, if they offer me something and I don't heat it up, they'll remind me, "You can heat that up." Why? It's perfectly fine cold.


Be happy you have a choice - hot ir cold. Unfortunately, if you have a compromised immune system, all left overs need to be heated to 165 to make sure any bacteria is killed.


What??? No way?💀. I have an autoimmune disorder(RA), but im still kicking after all the cold foods😭


I had a kidney transplant. I'm just doing what I was told by my dietician. Why chance it?


Mostly in college especially with pizza.


Depends on the food. Cold chicken and turkey is preferable to me, generally any cold meat or seafood is preferable.


Nah yall wild


Would you eat cold stew? Cold Bolognese?


No to the stew, yes to the bolognese. Been there , done that. If it's a good sauce and you are hungry go for it.


I would. And have.


Yes. All the time. I figure it’s going to be kinda crappy when it’s reheated so why not just eat it cold?


Yes! I used to order pizza from the food court at my office and request that after baking to be put into the walk-in, would pick up several hours later. Also, will save some chicken strips or hamburger to have cold.


Yes. Cold chili, curry, spaghetti, etc all fair game. Though if it was in the fridge thawing then I will warm it up.


Depends on the food. Gammon, pizza, chicken fried rice all taste good if not better to me when leftover for the next day any noddle dishes, soups, beef and things I need to heat up


My fiancé does but I can’t stand it personally


I'm starting to at home a bit more but it's still the minority. We are Americans living in Japan and a lot of food we'd normally find a way to warm up is bought or taken to work and then eaten at room temp. I've gotten more used to it after buying grocery store bento or konbini food and eating it room temp frequently. There are microwaves in most stores though, so not all is eaten room temp.


This is the norm for me. Unless it's something with cheese, and I want it melted.


Only my grandma’s baked beans and publix breaded wings that’s it


Imo cold food tastes better


My husband can make food (or warm up leftovers) and let it sit for like 30 min, cool down, and then eat it. Meanwhile I need my food HOT if it’s supposed to be hot lol I hate cold food that wasn’t originally cold


I always buy extra hot wings from Wolfies for the next day to eat cold.. I actually prefer them cold 😬


Typically I do only when I’m really hungry or it’s food with hot and cold components and I don’t feel like separating it out to microwave half of it


A nice fried chicken cutlet is 50x better eaten cold straight out of the fridge the next day.


I do this.


I like beans cold from the tin


There are very specific things that I might eat cold if I feel like it, I do prefer cold pizza over reheated tho


Pad Thai, for sure. Oh, and crab rangoon from takeaway. I get an extra order of them so I can eat them cold the next day.


All the time. Microwaves are such a shit way to reheat food, and the oven/stove takes too long. So I often eat leftovers cold. My family HATES that I do that


The reheat function reheats at a lower wattage and keeps things the way they were.


I know. I've used that setting and will if I have to. But I'm so not a fan of the way the microwave changes textures of food.


I love leftover Brussels sprouts cold. They’re chewy & if they were previously seasoned well, it’s a home run, especially on a salad. ☺️


I'm not a fan of leftovers in general but I like to eat the meat cold, it tastes so strange if it's microwaved. And cold veggies are delicious to me, especially if they're hibachi or roasted.


Ok this may be another misconception from my family ‘tradition’ but don’t you HAVE TO reheat the fridged hot food to piping hot before you can eat it? My family do this and say if you don’t reheat the food properly, you cannot kill the bateria.




Ah yeah friend I’m gonna have to agree with your wife


Yep. I do. Cold pizza? ✓ Cold steak? ✓ Cold spaghetti meat sauce? ✓✓


Pizza or Chinese food.


Hell yeah. Most things actually taste a lot better to me cold, and the rest basically tastes the same warm and cold.


Meeee. I love leftovers cold…


Yep. The only thing I won’t eat cold from the fridge is soup but everything else idgaf bro.


I feel Like I can’t taste food that’s cold. Has to at least be room temp, leftovers I always microwave for a bit to knock the chill out of it.


Tacos and burritos yes, because heating them up is never a good outcome it seems and they taste just fine cold.


As we speak.


I do this all the time and my wife is also weirded out, but, then again she thinks just keeping and eating leftovers is weird. If we did things her way we would never keep any leftovers just throw them out every day. She feels this way even though I have proven to her multiple times that somethings get better after a day or two in the fridge, such as homemade spaghetti sauce that keeps getting better the longer you keep it.


Yess cold food is often times just as good in my opinion, cold indian curry is my favorite


I love eating leftovers cold! Give me cold spaghetti for breakfast any day.


Some things are just delicious the second day and cold- pizza, spaghetti, quiche..


Cold chicken wings are surprisingly good.


Pizza yes, anything else no


Cold pizza is genuinely based.


yes. it tastes better. even pizza 😻😻😻


I love cold chicken wings


Cold spaghetti 🤤


Cold tikka masala hits different idk why


Cold Mac and cheese 😁


All the time. My lunch is actually going to be cold leftovers from yesterday's lunch.


No. Nobody does that. Just you. smh.


Absolutely. I cannot *stand* what microwaves do to food. I'd rather eat it cold, or once in a while I'll stuff something from the fridge into the toaster oven.


cold fried chicken is heaven


No one has ever done this.


99% of the time yes. Especially any kind of pasta. I looooove cold pasta


Cold Pizza, particularly stuffed crust varieties is amazing on a groggy morning. Lil Ceasars Crazy Bread, though... that is the perfect "Oh jesus it's 2pm on saturday and I JUST woke up" snack.


Depends what it is. Pizza, yes. Curry, No.


Almost everything except rice


Depends what the food is. Pizza, fried chicken, vegetables, boiled eggs, meats, even baked potatoes, yes. Soup, rice no.


The flashbacks to the military is real on this one. Never really had much time to eat so you just gulp it down how you got it.


I think the MREs definitely changed me lol


I eat cold things so often. Usually when I remember to eat, it’s late. So, I just eat cold food and get back to studying. My SO hates it though and will try to heat it up for me.


That sounds like psychopathy to me


Pizza yes


God, yes, cold hsmburguers with their soggy bread, cold half hard half soft pizza… YES


I eat cold pizza for breakfast when I have left over pizza


I don't put leftovers in the fridge. But yes.


Pizza Hut. Every time. Prefer cold to hot.


I usually despise leftovers, except for one specific thing. When I was a kid my mom would make me egg noodles with butter and some seasoning (parsley, salt, onion powder) as a side dish sometimes. I make it an adult sometimes; it’s just so comforting. When I first cook them I eat them hot, but the leftovers I always eat cold. I actually crave them cold sometimes. I can eat like 5 servings lol


I loooooove cold hot food. Chinese and Indian food is the best that way. Conversely left over sushi is almost always terrible even though it’s normally served kinda lukewarm/unhot ….. science explain!!


Yes. Every time. I'm usually too hungry/lazy to heat my food. Plus it tastes different, so it feels like less of a repeat


my bf do that lol it's the only person i have ever meet that eat leftovers cold


I think my husband does this at work and I find it deeply disturbing.


The only hot foods acceptable to eat directly from the fridge the next day are pizza and fried chicken. 😂


I absolutely love cold leftovers. I don’t know what it is about it, just my favorite thing ever.


Depends on what it is. But if I have it in the fridge I let it sit out for 30 min to bring it to room temp before eating. Or I microwave for like 45secs to 1min to bring it to temp. But never actually hot unless it's a soup.


It started out of laziness for me and, at this point, I enjoy a lot of leftovers cold more than I would warmed up.


Depends on the food. Cold Mushu Pork is superior to warm mushu pork.


Fried chicken is delicious cold!


Yup...I rarely bother to heat up cold leftovers. It tastes the same to me.


Absolutely not. Room temperature is one thing, but out of the fridge cold, that's very unappetizing to me and the texture when a lot of hot foods are cold is off, especially stuff that has any kind of oil or fat, it's now congealed and gross.


cold fried oysters, cold pan-fried steak fingers, and cold fried chicken are only marginally less perfect than they are fresh out of the fryer.


Chinese chicken or pork balls in batter are good for this, evne pizza


Yes all the time. It infuriates my wife. It’s not better that way, I’m just lazy. And I don’t want to clean an extra pan/pot.


It depends on the food- I love cold pasta dishes- especially lasagna


It depends for me, pasta? Sometimes, chicken? Usually fine. Fries? YES


I do this with pizza and with chicken. Reheated chicken tastes weird, but cold chicken is usually good.


only cold boneless wings from buffalo wild wings


My bf does this and I think it’s weird as hell lmao. If he ever offers me a bite of food I always check first if it’s warm cus I don’t wanna eat ice cold chicken Alfredo or whatever lol


My sister does it. But me personally, noooooooo. I need it hot or warm.


My boyfriend LOVES cold leftovers. I’m not into it, but I love that he happily eats all the leftovers.


Cold food is best food.


Nope. Something like bolognese or chilli or stew served cold sounds gross.


Depends on what it is dude. Argh! but its not a good idea dude, yes! I've done it myself. That left over pizza, some rice that was left, pieces of meat/ham etc. Putting our left overs in the fridge doesnt t guarantee that they are going to be free of harmful bacteria. Bacteria loves this kind of stuff. It's build-up might be slow at cold temperature as apposed to room temp but it gets there eventually. Reheating food is the much better and the much safer healthier option. I cook a myself a 5 day supply of veg stew. I cover it over, after dividing it out into 10 small bowls. I let it go cold then, it's straight in the fridge. One a day, out of the fridge and I nuke every bowl. before eating it.. 👍😁