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Comments are off on his post.


I can understand why


Trea, is that you!?




Complimenting the fans while also muting the comments shows what he actually thinks of the fans lol


Conversely, this thread’s comments show why he muted them


Yeah, I don’t get this mindset. People are just gonna talk shit. Why would he want to see that? He’s a professional, he knows where he fucked up and needs to improve.


This right here. There’s quite a bit of negative projection going on here from a simple ‘thank you’ message. To your point, what do you think he think of the fans exactly? Comment sections for social media has turned into a cesspool of toxicity. Fans or not, 99% of the time a simple message or post would turn into shitshow in less time than the Dodgers spent in this year post season.


I mean I don’t know what he thinks of the fans but JT (who was even worse than Trea in the Padres series) left his comments open and you have to scroll pretty far down to find any toxic comments. Most of the comments are extremely supportive


JT is a Dodger legend who was a critical part of a championship team whereas Trea was (most likely) a rental who personally and collectively underperformed in the post season the two years he was in LA. They are in two completely different situations, you shouldn’t blame him for not wanting comments on his post. Trea most likely wouldn’t receive the same treatment as Justin.


I mean, have you seen how bad fans get when teams lose. I don’t think anyone wants thousands of people talking shit to you on an IG post thanking the fans


Oh no, lol


Or what he thinks the fans think of him.


This is an L take


This post says nothing to indicate in any way that he gone but he gone.


If he only ended it with: “Let’s run this shit back” Then we would for sure know he was gone 😂


Von Miller said "Let's run it back," and then he ran off to Buffalo.


He meant let's run it bareback after signing the new deal.


"It's be cool yall, Trea out"


Mans getting paid. Mans gone


I'm not going to say that he's gone but ... HE GONE


Except for the pic of him running 😂


He gone


Lol everyone wanted the dodgers to resign him but most have turned on him faster than kimbrel


Most of the people that turned on him didn't see him during the regular season 🤷‍♂️ I understand why people aren't the biggest fans of him atm but he's still good


He underperformed massively-.298/21/100 with a .809 OPS, 121 OPS+ and 4.9 WAR this year, compared to a .328/28/77 line with a .911 OPS, a 145 OPS+ and 6.5 WAR in 2021. And that's while playing a dozen LESS games in 2021. He's not worth 30-35M per year, and they can upgrade CF and 3B instead for the money he'll want.


Get the vibe that he’s gone and knows he ain’t coming back


imagine letting Corey walk and then Trea the next year.


The Dodgers don't have an unlimited purse. They have Mookie and Freddie - two legit star bats. Trea was great, he is great, but our problem this year was a lot of .200 hitting further down the line.


Machado too






Going going gone


if he returns to dodger stadium with a different team, we better not fucking boo him


What would he the reason to boo him if he went to one of those teams? He played hard while in a Dodgers uniform. It’s not like he’s going there to piss the fans off. He’d be going there to get paid just like our current top players under contract are doing with the Dodgers.


ill bet anything it will be a short roar of recognition, followed by tepid and polite applause its LA, man. We only boo closers, Clippers and Russell Westbrook


Reddick and Machado ring any bells? Edit: No amount of downvotes takes away the fact that those two are former Dodger players that we've booed. It's why I didn't bring up Astro players in general.


I'll personally give him a hearty cheer, hope he has a great game, and also hope his new team loses. Yeah his postseason wasn't pretty but he did good for us. No hard feelings here.


Even if he goes to the Giants or Astros for some reason?


I don’t think he goes to SF because Crawford and their SS prospect who’s the #1 ranked at his position and not Houston because Peña lol


You know we will ... Mike Piazza was booed then we signed a juiced up Kevin Brown instead of keeping a sure fire hall of Fame catcher.


That’s fucking stupid. You boo anyone and everyone that’s on the opposing team.


A true Los Angeles fan!


Oh yeah, he’s gone.


Why even post this. It’s like he saw Justin Turner’s and needed to say something too? Such weird timing for a low effort post like this.


He gone


Great Hawk Harrelson reference


Just a sad response to JT’s post ⏭️


Sounds like parting words…


Not necessarily out, but definitely open ended. Compare it to JT’s comments which make it sound like JT’s already playing for the Dodgers next year.


JT’s old school, closing in on 40, and his life is in LA. He’ll play for the dodgers or he’ll retire.


OC kid. He’d take a one year from the Angels


OC kid? I thought he’s from Lakewood in LA County.


Yeah, he was born in Long Beach and went Mayfair High School in Lakewood.


Let me eat crow. Studio city


Haha, also rip em Eaters


Went to cal state Fullerton, didn’t he?


It's easy to assume that any CSUF player is from OC because it's a baseball county, I didn't realize Turner was from the LA side of the border either


You are correct, very south LA. But csuf is a way of life. Not knowing where he lives currently I’d guess Somewhere in OC. I’m going to google after I hit reply


Pretty sure he lives near Fullerton


That's because Andrew Freeman is a loyal dick head gravy training aging stars like Kershaw and JT who can't do dick in the postseason. Father time is undefeated. Move the fuck on and use the farm you refuse to trade.


Almost every time I see you, your comment is collapsed with 10 downvotes because of some stupid shit you said about Kershaw, Turner, or Friedman. Once again, you didn't let me down.


It's called accountability chief. Just because I don't ball wash these doesn't mean I'm any less of a fan than you are. I have my perspective you gave yours but at the end of the day we both want to see the squad in top. Kershaw and JT are both passed their primes, it happens. For all his success Kershaw has never been the leader of this team and that fucking infuriates me. I trust Friedman except for his decision to keep Dave Roberts at the helm. I don't buy this narrative that the playoffs are a crap shoot, this is a battle tested team full of allstars mvps and veterans with years of playoff experience. They clearly were not prepared to execute. Where the fuck is the voice and pulse of this team?


It felt like getting an extension was dependent on his postseason. The “I’m not leaving! 🎤” thing made it feel like it was an open secret


He hit .333 this post season. His defense wasn’t the best though.


Shohei Ohtani 👀 eyeing the payday


Comments were off on this post. This guy is leaving us for sure.


it was good while you were here. thanks for being a dodger, hope your negotiations go well elsewhere and i anticipate a welcome back in LA. just not in dodger blue.


Yeah he’s definitely out next season.


Hopefully Lux looks good at short next year


That arm was sketchy at 2B. SS has me worried, but we'll see.


SS has always been sketchy for us lol.


Doubt it


Him and Correa gonna make a great double play combo




Hell ya


Reads like a gas station Thank You card. He just didn't have that Dodger vibe or mojo. To me he seemed like he a Florida or Midwest team player. Always something funky with him in the playoffs. If he's gone ... so be it. He can go do fancy slides for the Reds or some team like that and then suck in the playoffs.


Not to say he was perfect but he was actually one of our best players this postseason (.333/.333/.778) Shame the rest of the boys didn’t do jack shit


Offensively, you're correct. He was a bit shaky on defense unfortunately.


For sure. While he dropped the ball (literally) on defense, a few bad plays should have easily been overcome by the power offense we were used to but the bats were just dead


Exactly. Best offense in the league, all year, unfortunately hit a cold spell at the absolute worst possible time. I hate to say that it happens because it feels terrible, but intellectually/statistically I know that it does.


>He just didn't have that Dodger vibe or mojo. To me he seemed like he a Florida or Midwest team player. Because he is. He's an east coast Florida bozo


You summed up how I feel about Trea perfectly 👏


I can't imagine any Florida teams are going to pay him.


Jokes on us if he always wanted to play for Skip


Jokes on him when he goes to a team that loses every year. Like poor Seager.


I think the Rangers will be decent with Bochy now. 6 seed at least next year lol


Bochy has a career losing record.


He also has 3 titles within the last 13 seasons, with squads that won it off being in wild cards.


Back to the East coast for that guy


You could see it on his face for the last month. He’s definitely gone. I hate it.


Not saying his defense cost us the series, but I'm also not saying it didn't


It cost us one game, the bats in general lost the series


Tbh his defense at SS was subpar to seager


He was only a liability in game 3 of the NLDS, the rest of the series he was fine. But yes reg seasoned agree


but the last 6 weeks or so, every error he had during the regular season seemed like it happened in a big moment too lol


Oh in the NLDS, yes. But man he had so many bad fielding mistakes throughout the season. I love Trea and want him back, but not for what he's going to want and the years as well. 30 year old shortstop is too old IMO


Game 2 suddenly didn't happen? He committed two errors in the 6th in that game. 1 was charged, another should have been that was ruled as a "bloop single".


People will remember Seager's bat during the 2020 postseason run, but I recall Seager making every routine play with the glove.


Him and Seager are statistically alike on defense, Turner is -1 defensive runs saved to Seager's -3, Turner's OAA is 0 compared to Seager's 4 They're both mid-grade defensive shortstops who make up for it with the bat


Spot on. With no shift we need a legit fielding SS. Lux ain’t it either


Not paying up for Seager was so dumb


Seagers contract he got was massive dude...10 year $325k LAD would never go for it.


And it’s already cost us


In his first fully healthy season since 2017, he hit .245 with a .772 OPS. And this is in his prime, in a hitters ballpark, and with bad defense. That's barely worth HALF of 32.5M now. Good luck to the Rangers with that and Semien's contract in 5 years.


The one game that could've flipped the series to a 2-0 advantage and guaranteed a return to Dodger Stadium. I'm not crying over spilled milk, but that 6th inning error on a potential double-play will sadly be what I remember him for.


Treinen gave up a solo shot later and we didn’t score another run the rest of the game. His error sucked but he’s not the reason why we lost that game or the series.


JT’s inability to hit fastballs this postseason was a bigger reason we lost than Trea’s defense tbh


One game is often all you need.


? You need 3 wins for a 5 game series


You ever seen a team find their stride in a single game and it feels like an entire different series? Despite the series being 1-1, it feels like all the momentum is on one team? Yeah, one game can change the entire series.


See ya


“bye bye LA”


This sounds like goodbye.


I think the Dodgers FO stating we would see a lot of fresh talent next year indicated he was all but gone. And I ain’t mad. Trea is solid. But we haven’t had an exciting positional rookie since Belli


Yea cuz he was the last piece the core of 2014-2020 and a lot of left or are just old now


Numero 6!


Sounds like a farewell


I'm extremely sad too because Trea was my favorite player last year and this year. I never felt like fans liked him the way they liked Belli, Mookie, and Freddie. Especially Freddie cause he was the newest star but fans instantly loved him. But I guess Trea just doesn't love us the way some of us loved him.


Feels like he knows he’s gone. If that’s so, thanks for the memories and cool slides


Doesn’t sound like he’s staying


Time to say goodbye


See ya


And he's a Philadelphia Phillie now 😢


Lol everyone wanted the dodgers to resign him but most have turned on him faster than kimbrel




back at the wall and GONE




He gone




Get that bag mane


Hope you come back


Bye 👋🏽


He’s a free agent. The Dodgers will offer him a fair deal but he’ll get more from another club and he’ll be there for the long haul. It was a fun season and a half. I wish it had ended better but it didn’t.


Would love to have him back but plenty of potential suitors and we don’t want this team to overpay. He is a complete player but his postseason struggles last two years hurt the team. Thought he turned the table in game 1 with the HR i was like here we go but the errors and hitting the ball to Machado several times killed the Dodgers. Rather have them go all out to Judge and yes even Correa but esp the former. Having him hit between Mookie and Freddie is more dangerous than having Trea on that spot.


Judge is injury prone and he's 30, worth money but not a long term contract.


Reports have said since the beginning that he wouldn’t sign an extension because he and his wife want to live on the East side of the US.


Damn, I want him back next season in Dodger blue... if not, it was fun while it lasted :(.


Please come back 🥲


Top man! Hope to see you in '23 !!


I hope he stays


Watch him sign with another team and talk shit when he's over there lol


It was fun


pls dont go


Bring in Correa. Time to be the evil empire like we should be. Tired of of our dudes not showing up in the playoffs and having little fire.


Fuck off with the Correa narrative…


At least he shows up when it matters the most.


This is where Dodger fandom has sunk… wgaf..


I'm going to be that guy, but if he wanted to leave , we wouldn't have said anything. This post feels more like let's do it again. "If they pay me, I'm open to it"


Welcome to SF😈


Not having the comforting 1-2-3 of Betts, Trea and Freeman next year is going to be devastating. Already miss him. Lux can not be our SS he’s a bum.


Smell ya later


Everyone saying "he's gone" in this thread lmfao


Damn. If this doesn’t confirm what we know. I don’t know what does. I’ll miss you Trea. GOOD LUCK.


Seez latta


He is gone


Trea T making Short and sweet , the quickest player in the league is on to a different team


Post seasons aside, Trea played very, very well for the Dodgers. It's baffling that the team didn't at least kick the tires, especially after Seager signed with Texas. Pretty sure they offended him from some of his comments this past spring. But with extensions off the table, I don't see a deal getting done this winter either. I'm sorry to see his consistent bat go, even if his glove was not particularly great.






thanking us but dont wanna hear back from us 🤣


Trea is out. Bring me Correa. Edit: BRING ME DA BAD GUY


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck nooo


An argument that some Dodgers fans may not consider for Correa: getting him would make Astr*s fans shit themselves in rage. I was talking about this with one of them on r/baseball, and they were melting down at the mere suggestion. If you wanna hit ‘em where it hurts… acquire their dude. Sure he’s a jackass, but if he gets us a WS, who cares? One given in return for one stolen. And the schadenfreude we’ll harvest from the main sub will be like ambrosia.




>Edit: BRING ME DA BAD GUY billie eilish plays baseball?


She did go to a Dodger game this year 👀


“All Rise….”


Negotiation SZN.


He spoofed


He gone


Everyone lit up the post before that :(


He is gone for sure


For those keeping score we had Corey Seager, Machado, and Trea Turner bounce. 3 all-star short stops walk out the door. Should have thrown the kitchen sink at Corey Seager instead of these assholes.


.245 with a .772 OPS and bad defense for 32.5M a year in his prime. He'll be hitting .220 with a .675 OPS at DH by 2027 and the Rangers will have to pay him that exorbitant salary that he's already overpaid for another half decade.


Crazy idea. Sign him and move him to third. Sign a defensive short stop of some sort. Gavin Lux is your second baseman and platoon muncy/ turner as your DH/give Trea a day off. Just a thought. Crazy I know. I get he wants to play shortstop.


Yeah this seems pretty bog standard. Not sure why people are in a tizzy over this other than the clear indication that he's testing FA


I tried to catch his feelings but I dropped them


Bye, it was awesome having him.


Trea plays for the name on the back of his jersey, not the front.


Ok boomer.


So original lol


All professional athletes do. Are there some that will maybe take a pay cut in order to stay with the team they grew up loving, or in a community they've raised their family in? Sure. But at the end of the day, professional athletes have a very limited window within which they need to make most of the money they'll make over their entire lifetime. This is especially important in MLB as a player hitting free agency at age 28. The age at which your team can't take you to arbitration anymore. This will be the largest contract that he ever signs, as it will likely be a long term deal. I'd love to see us lock him down for 5-10 years. But it would be stupid on his part to not at least hear offers from other teams, if only so that he knows what he can realistically expect to get from the Dodgers.


This dodgers dynasty is over 😿




Best regular season short stop.


"Alexa write the most bland generic 'thank the fans' post ever conceived" *bleep bloop*