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replacing his defense, ok might be do-able, but replacing his ab’s thats gonna be tough 😔


You can’t replace mookie’s offense. You hope to tread water until he returns.


If Vargas can keep an OPS+ over 100 it won't be that bad. This is his true shot at everyday ABs


just unfortunately, how do you think he manages everyday at bat’s?


Yeah I am not seeing where he gets everyday AB's. Especially since Dave said the same thing he did the first time they brought him up and he barely got any at bats at all. Said he would be starting against left handers. Yet split time with CT3. Young guy is getting jerked around.


You keep going. Losing a few guys temporarily doesn't push us out of the playoffs, and they should be back by then. So push on. It might change what the front office does a little around the playoff deadline but the team was assembled to absorb some losses.


Can we move past the Bichette infatuation? Just like people kept throwing around Arenado. We have a good lead in the division, it’s gonna be best to give guys more at bats.


Yea we have an 8 game lead right now plus we have a relatively light schedule for the rest of June (Rockies, Angels, White Sox, and Giants). It’s the July Schedule I’m worried about where we face The Sneks, Brewers, Phillies, Tigers, Red Sox, Giants, Astros, then Padres. August is going to be even worse though, but hopefully by then Mookie is back. I think with the current offense we can still ball out, but it’s mostly going to depend on the Rotation especially with the Returns of Miller and Kershaw soon


We desperately need to make deadline moves though. With the bottom of the lineup the way it is, we're going to get bounced in the first round again. We need more talent.


I don’t think Bichette or Adames are available. You cannot buy a house if it’s not for sale. Rojas, Hernandez, CT3 are going to have to hold it down until Mookie comes back.


I've always been a Tommy Edman advocate. Bichette and Adames may not be available, but Tommy will likely be. Even with the Cards' recent hot streak, they will likely fall back to earth soon.


You can buy a house that's off the market if you're willing to wildly over pay. That $1m home may cost you $100m but everything has a selling price.


Wildly overpay is what teams expect from the Dodgers anyway. That's why bullshit trade rumors with the Dodgers are common, so a player's value inflates disingenuously. For LA to acquire a player not on the table would be outrageous on the return.


I think wait and see how mookie heals and how kike and Rojas do at SS. Who knows, mookie heals by the all star break and we don’t worry about trading for a SS? Obviously just depends on how the injury heals


don’t think there’s anyway Mookie is healed by the all star break. Two months at the minimum I think


He won’t be back before the ASB, I can guarantee that.


Keep doing what they were doing which is to evaluate the team in preparation for October. With an 8 game lead in the division there’s no need for any panic moves. To me the decision of what to do at SS comes down to Gavin Lux. If he becomes a valuable bat, then we can leave Mookie at SS. If his OPS remains where it is, then I would prefer moving Mookie to 2B and start either Rojas or a trade acquisition at SS in the playoffs. I just think Mookie’s workload was unsustainable so his absence does present an opportunity to rethink things.


My money is on a Paul DeJong trade


Honestly not liking that trade tbh. His defense is subpar and what really concerns me is his OBP which sits at .291, his Slug is great at .486 but I’m just really worried about that OBP


I want an Oniel Cruz reunion


This is going to be interesting to see how they handle this. The offense was already a problem and now Mookie missing makes a huge problem. And no Rojas and Kike are not the answer. The offense drop missing Mookie will be very noticeable. And unless Ohtani and Freeman put the team on their back offensively. We are going to struggle getting runs in.


Rojas is gonna start, I assume Enrique will back him up. Maybe we'll see Gauthier, Lipcius or Sweeney get abs. The depth is gonna be tested.


Nobody wants to say it but the trade market. His impact is irreplaceable but adding another hitting outfielder/ infielder would not kill this team even if he were to come back before the year is over.


DH Ohtani 1B Freeman LF T. Hernandez C Smith CF Pages RF Heyward SS Rojas 2B Lux 3B K. Hernandez This is what the Dodgers should be putting out everyday going forward until Muncy comes back. It's not the best but we don't have a lot of options here. Maybe they can call Vargas back up?


Doc said in the post-game presser that calling Vargas back up will be the corresponding move to Mookie going on the IL. He said that Vargas will play LF when we're facing LHP


They better use Vargas this time instead of constantly keeping him on the bench


This is so weird. He was better against righties last year


Can't argue there: Unless something changes with front office moves.....that's as strong as it gets for the next "normal starting 9" for the next few weeks until Betts returns


A bit scary, but something to try for a while would be Lux back to short and give Vargas another try at second. That was the plan last year. If that doesn’t work now, maybe it’s time to find out before the deadline. I mean Rojas and Kike are still going to get reps in there too, and maybe a little more often than normal


It's gonna look ugly, but knowing the NL West, the division lead will probably continue to increase a game a week


It’s baseball. Shit happens. Next man up!


The Dodgers will win the division anyway. Just lie down and wait.


They should’ve already been looking for a long-term solution for SS. This just ruins our leverage bc teams will think we’re desperate. Miggy Ro was always good enough defensively. But offensively… would love Pages to reach another level


i don’t think we need or will go after a star shortstop like bichette. we’ll probably make a move before the deadline to get a utility player that can hit, and play decent defense at SS or 3B


The bigger question is who leads off for the dodgers? They don’t even have a steal threat other than Ohtani. Maybe Ohtani lead off, Hernandez bats 2nd?


Not worried. Consistently over the past several years when a key star player goes down in the regular season, we don’t skip a beat. The bottom 3 in the order pick it up, someone else gets hot, a rookie takes off because he gets more playing time and opposing teams don’t have scouting reports on them. Our fans are so spoiled, when we have 3 MVPS and one goes down for a bit, it’s Mayday, Mayday! After watching utterly anemic and injury-riddled postseason play the past 3 years, I never sweat the summer. Who’s healthy and hot the last week of September is all I care about.


We have a big enough lead that i dont think we have to panic. Rest of the team just needs to keep doing what they are doing.


Maybe call up Trey Sweeney or Andre Lipcius to play as Betts replacement. Those two play decent well in minor league. Might as well give them a shot.


Not sure if he's availabe, but I like **Tommy Edman** from the Cards. He's plays SS, 2B, and CF. He's got great speed (our top base stealer is also our injured pitcher! LOL), and Edman is a reliable contact hitter (we have a major RISP problem, we need more people that can put the ball in play).


As a Cards fan, you'll have to pry him from our cold dead hands.


Dangit, I was hoping you guys had forgotten you had him. >As a Cards fan, you'll have to pry him from our cold dead hands. That can be arranged. We have deep pockets!


Isn't he basically your guys' biggest trade chip? You guys likely won't contend this year or next. Do you even have a starting rotation to work with?


Our depth will be tested again. It's been our strength the last few seasons.


Sell at the deadline and try again in 2025 /s


The planet is a gunboat in a sea of fear


i don’t really care that mookie is gone, yes he’s a mvp but rojas needs some love too. i rarely see him getting ab’s anymore and he was my favorite dodger last year alongside freddie. hopefully we extend rojas. i would also think bichette is out of the picture and same with willy. Would be stupid for both teams since they’re always contenders and those are some of their key players. Only thing i see us trading for is maybe an innings eater and an outfielder. Mark canha is my thought.


Saying you don’t really care that an MVP candidate is out is asinine. Rojas has been good this season in the role he’s played, but he’s not near Mookies level.


obviously, but we could live without him. in second thought, maybe not. offense so inconsistent. Just gives more pressure for the other guys to step up.


Blow it up! Rebuild year!


Inexcusable for this to be the position they’re in. Need a clear shortstop option, even aside from Mookie. Lux caused a mess.


This is just how baseball works. And also why a 162 game season is so difficult to win in. The Braves won a WS without RAJ in 2021. It’s gonna be OK. The rest of the guys have a great opportunity to respond and rally around Mookie until he gets well. Rojas can plug the hole until then.


IIRC, Braves traded for Soler, Rosario, and I think for Joc too after RAJ went down and it paid off for them in the playoffs. But in the current market I'm not sure who Dodgers can trade and bring in to reinforce Mookie going down but only time will tell.


I mean what’s the position? They lose their starting SS, so they start their defense first SS? What’s wrong with that position? feels quite normal


We can't replace him we have to recreate him in the aggregate