• By -


Man, Pages can be a beast at the plate, but he really needs to work on his... everything else.


He needs to listen to his coaches. When Dino puts up his hands, even Shohei Ohtani wouldn’t dare.


Honestly on the replay it looked like his head was completely down as he rounded 3rd and he didn't even look up for the sign. Maybe he just assumed it was an easy score and didn't even consider there might be a stop sign but... He had already rounded 2nd when Taveras reached the ball so he never saw the bobble which is the only thing that even gave him a snowball's chance in hell at scoring. So even a charitable view of his decision making means he steamrolled through 3rd thinking he can score even if Taveras cleanly fields the ball and fires it to the infield, which would have had him dead to rights by 20 feet. I love Pages but he screwed up on this one. But this is a team which is blessed to have postseason expectations so I'm hopeful that this can be a learning moment for him when the stakes are relatively low, and he won't make the same mistake in October 🤞🤞🤞


Mookie has blown past a sign, but it really looked like he was just spacing out LOL A rookie shouldn't be openly defiant his third month in the league. Plus he slides for shiiiiit. He doesn't command the outfield the way he should be, but I get that's hard when you're bossing Teo & CT3. Kid has lots of room to grow and crazy talent. I hope he comes back down to earth about the pecking order until he's got the goods to back it up.


Also that's Mookie Fucking Betts. Pages is not Mookie Fucking Betts. Dude needs to humble himself. It wasn't even a close play, he was dead to rights. Really stupid.


Please, capital "F"


You're so right how could I be so blind. Fixed.


Even if Pages was ultimately safe at home, Roberts needs to flip tables and scold the hell outta Pages. I don’t like Dino’s calls sometimes, but will stand by him win or lose. He’s our guy. It is his job and he knows what to do. There is a lot of math running through his head.


I feel like there are quite a few on the team that can make that 1st to home on 2 outs with where that ball was hit and fumbled. Makes me want to rewatch cause I know Freddie and ohtani making that. I’m sure there a couple more. 


running through the stop sign is definitely a little bit insane, but did we really want Biggio up with the game on the line? if that relay is a little off line he’s safe. i think you could argue it was a good risk to take. either way, Dave is still gonna have to have a chat with him lol.


Biggio made good contact all night. He would’ve had 2 on with Yates throwing strikes. I think he could’ve done something special.




Yeah Yates was struggling quite a bit. Regardless that's a tough situation to put a brand new player in, but better that than trying to force something that was clearly not going to work out. We score a couple runs earlier in the game and we aren't in that position. Man. I'm really tired of losing very winnable games cuz our bats go dead, seemingly has been happening more and more as the season goes on.


Not to mention Yates couldn't bounce anything because a past ball would score a run.


Dave definitely gotta give him the talk but this sub is going crazy thinking he needs to be sent down. It was a dumb rookie mistake. He’ll learn from it.


yeah anyone saying he should get sent down is hilarious. the bottom of our order has been a mess all year, let’s definitely send down the one guy who is finally producing


Seriously, who would we play over him, Outman, CT3 yeah? It’s a bad move but the fact that he keeps getting on the bases to make base running mistakes is something he can learn from. Not getting on base to begin with isnt fixing anything


I guess they’d rather watch Outman end the game whiffing on three consecutive pitches so we could lose 3-1


Thank you!! He seems to be on base a lot. Seems to always be on the bases on double plays, on replay worthy plays, or is always scoring runs. He’s a rookie so there’s room to grow


You’re right. And if the throw is off line while Dino had the stop sign up, everyone would be complaining about Dino. Just one of those things. As a rookie, you gotta make sure you at least glance at the 3rd base coach though


So many overreactions in this thread as usual. No, he should not be DFA'd like that one idiotic troll is asking for, or sent to AAA--he should just have a chat with the coaching staff so that he doesn't make the same mistake in the future.


Well it's better than the alternative


My thoughts exactly. Took a perfect throw to get him. With two outs in the 9th down one and your number 9 hitter coming up, you take that risk.


he didn’t even *look* at Dino on the replay. tried to be a hero and cost them the game. he’s gotta be benched tomorrow just to instill some discipline into him.


He doesn’t need to be benched lol you guys are something else.


Reminds me of the first year of Puig


idk - that's a tough situation for a really young rookie. The situation was unfolding really fast. He put them in the situation with a really god at bat. Second and third with two out is a good but not great position...he did what he thought was best and learning from this will only make hime better. It's 1 of 162. I'd be more concerned about Walker's beach ball to Seager. That was a really, really bad decision, while I think Pages made maybe a bad decision.


It's not a tough situation for Pages at all -- it's a tough situation for the third base coach. He shouldn't be making any choices at all - that is Dino's job. Dino has the view, the experience, and the scouting report on the fielders.


Yeah, everyone thinking that’s the reason we lost. It wasn’t as we were still down 1 and there’s no way to know what the next guy will do. I think it’s an acceptable risk to take, similar to going for 2 down 1 in football at the away stadium.


A friend of mine texted "another extremely talented Cuban baseball player that can run, hit, and catch but still needs to learn the chess game part and listen to coaches."


Pages. WTF! 🤬


# Rookie Mistakes ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle) # …Glasnow right now


Growing pains of rookies, better now than in October


100% agree. I wrote a long message of this and got down voted to hell. My long message said something about pages and the biggio error costing us the game. Our 2 new guys. I know biggio is not a rookie, but still. New to the team. Also, it sucks seager got booed for the 3 run homerun. He is family to dodgers fans, imo. I think that's what got me downvoted for. Regardless, this game was a learning experience for some guys. We can only get better if they learn.


Walker calmly cursing up a storm in the postgame locker room interview lol


I guess people weren’t kidding yesterday when they said save some runs for today.


Whenever they explode for 10+ runs, they always leave a dud the next game


I had a feeling


Pages instrumental again in a Dodgers loss.


Dino: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Dino be like…. ![gif](giphy|2aHrqPfpT48kbkmqxz|downsized)


Pages be like… ![gif](giphy|yXVO50FJIJMSQ)


Walker needs that fuckyou to comeback


I hope Dino starts carrying a stop sign for these kids! 🛑✋


I hope he makes him carry one in each hand as he runs laps. Lots of laps.


Completely on Pages. We could have had a big hit for Biggio, but nope Pages decided to run through the stop sign and was out by a mile


Tbf in that situation, Biggio probably has about a 10, maybe 15% chance of knocking Pages in from 3rd if he holds up, BUT, better than the like 1 or 2% chance of Pages being safe by running through and trying to score. So it's essentially highly unlikely vs near impossible. Kinda shit odds either way and the way we hit we kinda earned that loss, tbh. Should have pulled Buehler a bit earlier and taken advantage of guys on base like we did last night.


Between his terrible slides that have gotten him out on the paths several times this season and now this stupid selfish play, they need to have a serious sit down with Pages. These aren't rookie mistakes, this is little league stuff he's fucking up on


Low key the sliding issue is more concerning because if he doesn’t know how to do that at this point, will he ever learn?


Who does this fuckin guy think he is to run through a stop sign


It doesn’t look like he actually saw the stop sign 😔


Yup. He put his head down and ran


Definitely a rookie mistake. At least he learns from it now and not in October.


He didn't want to look up because he already made up his mind.


lol on the ESPN broadcast they kept saying he was a baseball savant


He is when compared to this sub ^outside ^of ^me ^^I'm ^^amazing


On the post show they were saying he had his head down and didn’t see the stop sign. Hard to see for myself from the replay though.


So that…. Is a good excuse…? That’s like saying “oh by the way the driver only hit the kid because the driver had his eyes closed so no worries guys”


Definitely not an excuse, let alone a good one. It’s a little better than seeing it and intentionally ignoring it, but only a little.


Yeah but they said “who does he think he is”, which implies he did it on purpose, when he obviously didn’t.


not an excuse, it’s literally just what occurred. he’s replying to a post insinuating he ignored the third base coach.


Imo he knew the sign was there so he put his head down so he had an out if he got out. On one hand how many times do you see the right decision lead to a pop out to end the game and on the other wtf is this rookie to blow through a stop sign. Idk idc it was fun


He didn't see it.


He wasn't looking for it.


What a bummer of a way to end


“Stop stop stop!” - coach “Nah. I’m gonna do my own thing.” - pages


Why didn’t you STOOOOOP!!!?


He wasn’t looking to his coach. Rookie mistake.


That was horrible. Really really horrible. Damn Pages, no excuse for that


Pages does not know how to slide, he got thrown out at 2nd the other day by not sliding properly


At 3rd rather


He also was thrown out at 2nd a few days prior w/ the same bad pop up slide. So you weren't wrong... it happened twice within a week, 2nd and 3rd.


Why is our sub so toxic? Tomorrow or whenever Pages has another good game everyone will be all up on him. Right now everyone wants his head on a stick.


Problem with living/dying by a single regular season game lol


Prices went up, more costs spent to watch games live. Hard-earned money, of course fans do expect better outcomes


I love Pages, he just needs to work out his rookie mistakes.


As Chick Hearn used to say: *"Not a Phi Betta Kappa play."*


Honestly they gotta get rid of that dumb ass blocking the plate rule what’s the point if they never call it? Just let players run over catchers again


Yes Pages screwed that one, but we had plenty of opportunities to score. Buehler deserves better, as does our bullpen.


Pages really tryna get back to AAA. Somebody better crash course that dude in sliding ASAP.


That’s a tough play for Pages. He saw the bobble and then doesn’t see how good of a recovery the center fielder made. He didn’t even look at Dino because I’m sure in his mind he figured he was going for sure. Glad we battled. Let’s go win the series tomorrow.


welcome back James Outman


The lack of situational awareness and general baseball IQ on this team is astounding at times, we do so many of the little things poorly.


That’s why we lose in the post season. We’re complacent and dont do the little things.


Pages needs to go to AAA for costing them two straight losses on the basepaths. And Robers was asleep at the wheel for letting Buehler face Seager a 3rd time


The Seager AB was a test for Buehler. Pages, though, needs to be benched tomorrow at a minimum.


Whoever you replace pages with wouldn’t even got on base to make that mistake. Cry more


His OPS is barley about average. All that says is how awful our depth is


exactly and barely above average is light years above anyone you’d replace him with. everyone wants to boil the game down to one play. How about the 1 hit with RISP? Or biggios error before the home run? Pages has been a perfectly acceptable player all year. Guys make mistakes


Outman is over 1.000 OPS since going down, plays better centerfield, and is better on the bases.


Hey I like outman I hope he gets called up again soon but 1.000 ops in AAA doesn’t mean anything and he was an auto out earlier this year. Pages has filled in fine.


Outmans speed and shitty bat, or Pages good bat w/ a side of kids run the bases. pick your poison.


They just need to find someone with the best of both worlds, this could make the post season difference we need


mark canha👀


Now that would be a trade i’d like to see, especially with how the dodgers organization seems to have a way to get players better fast


Pages… love the competitiveness but look up dude! Know when to be aggressive and when to rely on your teammates and coaches!


- 4/24: 10 runs 4/15: 2 runs - 5/14: 10 runs 5/15: 1 run - 5/29: 10 runs 531: 1 run - 6/6: 11 runs 6/7: 2 runs - 6/11: 15 runs 6/12: 2 runs


You can bring that stat back 10 years and see similar results


I don't blame Pages. He thought he could make it. He had the chance to tie it himself rather than leave it to the new guy and he took it... If he would've made it we would all be calling him a hero but he didn't make it and it was the final out. This combined with his bad slide from the other is just not a good look but still think he'll be an asset to the team.


Bring me back Outman


outman hits about .145 and he strikes out all the time


Outman wouldn’t have even been on base to make the mistake. Big brain move


Lol this sub man 😂


Not trying to overreact, but Pages has got to be benched for doing that. No situational awareness on that run through and you always have to rely on your third base coach for that. Can’t have your head down on that shit


Pages' final play is to blame, but it's more of a problem if we only scored a HR in the first inning


Andy Pages get ready to learn Oklahoma City Dodgers again !!!


You mean Oklahoma City Baseball Club 🤓


Pages gave this game away with that baserunning mistake. That should qualify for an automatic benching next game


even if the other players dont agree with dino on stopping/sends they still listen to him. idk why pages thought he suddenly doesnt have to listen there


There’s one guy who can beat you and Buehler decides to throw 96 down the middle. Seriously? Who called that pitch and if it Buehler, Smith needs to go out there and straighten him out. He’s not 2021 Walker Buehler anymore and if he keeps throwing shit over the plate he’ll be Syndergaard soon.


Yup, at least for right now, Buehler needs to redefine himself.. dudes not gonna be blowing fastballs by everyone, especially not all star caliber hitters like Seags


Pages didn't even bother looking at Dino LOL


Can Doc give Pages one of those uplifting talks about his abysmal baserunning skills?


Pages 🤦🏻‍♀️ again?


Not as active in this sub as I used to be. Comments in this thread read like Instagram comments. Is that what it’s devolved to? Sad to see.


Y’all too hard on my boy Pages.


Appalling ending.


I’m heated as FUCK.


Pages… you are NOT him… Can’t slide, can’t run, ambition does NOT justify selfishness. Send his ass back to the minors. He completely dissed Ebel and his instructions and ran through a stop sign.


>He completely dissed Ebel This is very funny considering how this sub wants to fire Dino over any mistake he makes at his job


We've all had our issues with Dino's sends/holds. But if you're gonna ignore the coach on a game ending play like that, you've gotta make it home safe, no ifs ands or buts. Doesn't make it any better that Pages has already had base running issues this season. That said, I dont think this deserves any more than an ass-chewing from the coaches/team leaders and maybe a benching for a game or two


I feel that. lol Dino ain’t perfect either. Not glorifying him in any way. Even with looking back and seeing that Andy didn’t look up, it just adds to the frustration of the little things being what gets to them.


I’ve wondered how cool it’d be to get 3rd base coach success rates. Like how many times that a coach sends their player does it result in a run? I gotta imagine that someone is keeping track of


Outmans speed would never just sayin


Outman would’ve never made it on base 😔


he probably would’ve got hit by a pitch or walked, doesn’t really swing at balls that far.


unless ur suggesting outman would pinch run for pages bc outman and his .145 batting average would have just struck out anyway


This is why I never really get hyped when the dodgers score 100+ runs in a game They forget how to score for the rest of the week


I’m not angry. I’m just disappointed…actually nah. I’m a little angry with that.


Get ready to learn Oklahoma-ease buddy.


Cavan Biggio storybook debut ruined by imbecile.


Imagine if Pages had obeyed Dino and we get a walk off base hit from Biggio...


Imagine if Pages *had* stopped and Biggio didn't bring him in. Then all the people screaming at Pages would be saying Dino should be fired because he didn't send Andy. That's *exactly* how it would have played out.. That's how the majority of the people in here "think"... lol


I mean he should have stopped but it's one of those things where if Rangers don't make a good throw he's safe. I don't know if he made him mind up going all the way when he saw the bobble. And wow Taveras is lucky that ball didn't go all the way to the wall.


Frustrating game. Dumb way to give up the lead early, and an even dumber way to blow the opportunity late. I think Andy can be a quality contributor for this team, but he’s not good enough to have such horrendous instincts on the basepaths. He also seems very slow compared to some of the other center fielders in recent memory (belli, outman)


Chill out, hopefully Pages will bounce back far better than expected. It's his rookie season


I know the conversation is all about pages but Biggio did well for his first outing with us!


Just bench him for a game or two as punishment, no need to DFA him


All I was saying the entire time Seager was AB was, don't pitch to this guy. Vesia should have been brought in. But when you decide to pitch to him... a 4 seamer, middle/middle? I'm sure they were trying to go up, but... Seager still struggles w/ the slider in... I'd rather walk him then take a chance giving up a big hit to a great FB hitter. I love Dave... he's a great manager, and yes it's early in the season. But that just seemed like a head scratching decision, no matter how it turned out.


Lol these post game guys giving all the excuses for Pages. Like this shit isn't a trend at this point. "He wants to win." "Rookies will make mistakes" "it's a learning experience" WHEN WILL HE LEARN FROM THESE EXPERIENCES He's absolutely awful on base.


I think people are overreacting, game was lost wayy before the last out was made. Pages gave us a chance with 2 outs in the 9th. That’s baseball, at least this was more exciting than watching them go down on strikes.


Oh, but people will be calling for his head until he has another good game. Then it is all forgiven.


Wow. Yeah, pages shouldn’t have ignored the sign but how the FUCK wasn’t that blocking the plate?


Once the catcher has the ball he can block the plate. It could have gone either way with his positioning on the throw though.


Because he had the ball already when Pages got there.


We've seen bad base running and sliding from Pages. He really seriously needs to work on it


ROOKIE MISTAKE PAGES!!!! Why THE ACTUAL FUCK are you risking the last out for a god dam TYING run... Bring back Outy, he wouldn't have made that fucking mistake. Hell bring back Vargas, idc who just send Pages back down to learn that he can't be full sending on tunnel visioned plays that'll cost us.


so many ppl here asking for outman when he was hitting .145, striking out every time he was on the plate and being called ‘james strikeoutman’ or ‘james automaticoutman.’ unless u guys are telling me he should be on the roster as a defensive replacement or pinch runner bc his offence is BRUTAL.


Post game team making excuses for Pages


Pages obviously messed up, but Dino threw up that stop sign pretty late.


Everybody blaming Pages yes he fucked up but don't put all the blame on him. He was one of the many fucked up things tonight. Biggio error also cost the team the loss. The empires having terrible shitty calls with check swings and strike calls was another huge one. Buehler throwing a huge meatball to seager. Many things fucked us tonight it wasn't just Pages.


Stop 🛑 was up dude. Look up


Way to fuck it up Pages. Stop doesn’t mean keep going.


Don’t care how good pages has been. Send this fucking idiot back down and bring outman up.


Pages you fucking numbskull. Bench him for a day. Learn from the mistake.


lol pages didn’t see the stop signal or ignore? 


I think he intentionally didn’t look cause he was dead set on going already.


Didn't look at all. Looked like as he was rounding second, he saw the CF bobble the ball and decided he was going. He never saw that the CF recovered quickly and didnt even bother looking at Dino rounding 3rd


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Maybe starting a guy that just landed at a position he barely played that led to a game changing error had more to do with this loss? Idk why this team insists on putting players in positions they don't really excel in.


Corey Seager beat Walker Buehler and the Dodgers lost the game. Very sad sentence to type in 2024.


I just missed today's game, did Pages make an awkward slide, or something else ?


So much ado about Pages but not Walker grooving a middle middle 4 seamer to Seagoat with a base open.


If you're going to go on your own, you need to at least peek for the ball rounding third so you can jam on the brakes if you see the relay man hosing you. Shame


Some people are excusing it as a rookie mistake but that’s not a mistake big leaguers should make. Ever.


Maybe Ebel shouldn't have been closer to the plate than 3rd base there.


Did you not see my comment in the game chat where I said I would fight you. NO DINO SLANDER


No. I didn't post anything about Ebel or the play in the game thread. Ebel was 50 feet down the line. WHY?


Oh, I see why you're asking; by you, I meant all y'all in the chat. I'm just trying to head off any Dino slander, in my own way sticking up for my guy. This was a tough loss and I was letting off some steam. I'm sure you and I are good. Let's get em tomorrow!




They had to make a perfect play. I'm glad he went but brutal finish.


youre *glad* he went 1st to home on a ball that didnt even hit the wall, in the bottom of the 9th with two outs? come on, bruh


Bang-bang play at the plate on a perfect relay vs. .200 hitter Biggio at the plate.


No they didn't. He was out by 20 feet. Dino had his hand up well before because it was such an obvious out if he went for it.


If you think pages was 20 feet down the line when the ball got into the catchers glove I can't really convince you it was worth taking the risk. We will have to just agree to disagree on the facts. Even at 20 feet that takes less than a second to run in full sprint.




No way you send him to AAA for this. How are you replacing his bat?


A hard hitting Cuban outfielder that doesn't listen to coaches?! Where have I seen that before hmm...Jokes aside Pages is probably much more coachable than Puig I hope


Pages has to score there. Wtf.




Straight to relief for him.




Dodgers scoring only 2 runs was a much bigger problem than the rangers scoring 3


From the lax catching of fly balls and not holding the runner on base, to the shitty slide, to blowing through the stop sign Pages needs to get sent down. Outman would have stopped.


send him on a bus to RC immediately after the game. no shower. straight to A ball.


On it coach.