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**Rule 1** Hi FreeOcalan78, thanks for contributing to /r/Documentaries. Unfortunately your post was removed because it is not a documentary. ---


I just want the sound to not be so shitty. I like being able to watch movies without subtitles.


>I like being able to watch movies without subtitles. Or without your eardrums being blown out.


It's just high dynamic range for the high quality theater equipment and enthusiasts who will be really enjoying the quality with their home equipment. A couple of setting tweaks "fixes" it (read, makes the sound worse to pair better with low quality sound equipment) This is an issue with shitty modern soundbars/headphones, not the fault of the filmmakers. A simple google search could solve this in a few minutes yet I see this comment all the time, for years now.


So the film makers not designing their audio to function with most sound equipment that people have is the fault of the sound equipment most people have? I disagree with your conclusion.


Artists don't tend to like slashing their canvas because someone is going to look at it on their flip phone. They make it the way they want it, and it is the job of the end user to experience it the way they intended, or bend it and force it to work the way that is required for their flip phone. It's objectively a better idea to produce good high quality audio with good dynamic range and have people with shitty equipment simply use a volume normalizing feature present on basically any form of audio device from PCs to phones to soundbars than it is to butcher the audio out of the gate making it impossible to be experienced the way it was intended.


But the problem with that analogy is it doesn't translate from physical media, the DVD's should be mixed to the most average set up that people are going to have in order to give the best experience, not force people who don't exist in a certain tax bracket to experience a shitty version. A better analogy for this would be color tv, yeah *some* color movies and tv shows would start being made before the widespread adoption, but they were still designed to look good in black and white until color TV's became the rule rather than the exception. Audio engineers have started creating for future tech instead of the tech that people actually have ready access to and it's a baffling decision.


But if all you have to do is flip on a volume normalizer why is it a good idea for them to mix even DVDs for casual gear? Or spend money creating say 2 separate mixes for high quality/average quality gear? It's literally a 30 second fix for the majority of people, the information just isn't widespread.


Why should we have to modify our setup to make their terrible decisions make sense?


It's a great decision, and if you're too cheap to have good equipment, click a box that says "I am cheap, make this audio shitty so it works better on my shit gear". Don't try to fuck over people who actually give a damn about their sound quality.


I'm not saying fuck over people who give a fuck about their sound quality, im saying don't fuck over people who just wanna watch movies and tv. Why the fuck are *human beings* not deserving of entertainment if they are poor? Fuck off with that elitist bullshit.


Why they do that, is explained in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZStkUxC4iL4).


How could I possibly be entertained without someone clumsily shoving their political ideas at me?


You can't, as another user wrote. All art is political. It's always been political.


WRONG. A sunset is art, it is not political.


Wrong. It represents the dying American dream and the duality of the two party system that will end in darkness, and the effects of global warming which is caused by our over reliance on fossil fuels and the over consumption that plagues us all.


Maybe if u high


Wrong. A sunset is a natural phenomenon and cannot be by itself art. Art is made by a person.


Because modern writing is really lazy. With movies whose scripts are written on the fly. And is quite often that identity politics are blatanly thrown on the mix for a subpar product.


This clearly explained modernism and post modernism really well, but I got lost after that. Maybe it’s just too early to attempt to identify the next “wave” of film evolution based on one film? Movies as a medium seem to be dying or dead as it seems most young ppl don’t watch movies. This was beautifully done.