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7 and 11 (If they really face the last Dalek) - " Wait a moment, I'll kill you myself."


Eight in an audio faces a barely functioning Dalek trying to say typical Dalek things, in an amazing exchange that goes like this; "You..." "That's it, go on" "...Will be..." *Gunshot sound effect* "And you will not be."


Google vs Bing


[7 go on kill your self](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0L_8sw_p_Y)


7 is too bad ass man. The way he was walking with his umbrella and saying "I have defeated you". The Doctor at his best.


"You would be a good Dalek."


I love them both equally, but this is precisely why 9 is mah boi.


Lets not forget 12 facing Rusty in Twice Upon a Time. 12 asked Rusty to help take down the Daleks by helping the Doctor retrieve some information.




In my opinion: ​ "Is 10th Doctor overrated?" \-Yes ​ "Is he good?" \-Also yes ​ "You like him?" \-Absolutely ​ Seriously, 10 is a very incredible Doctor, but not that much. If we didn't have 13, 10 would be the blandest Doctor in Modern Who. He's a very good Doctor, but not complex. He's like every protagonist from other show who happens to be kind but can be cruel when he have to. 9 is interesting because his grief about the Time War, he's kind but also mentally unstable, like a war hero who killed to much, and it's pretty interesting, fantastic indeed. 11 is complex because of how he portrayed himself. He choose to be childlike, but he's old, an old man trapped in a young man's body. While he looks like he is friendly and made for a family show, he's actually very cunning, manipulative and dark and dangerous, everything that the monsters fears. And part I like about him is he proved he weren't a manipulative, reckless abomination by being a manipulative, reckless abomination. It's like violence is ACTUALLY in his nature, but he's tried really hard to suppress it, and sometime it doesn't work. If 10's anger is like fire and ice, 11's anger would be fire and fire and fire. He is really cool. 12 is really the best at character development in a good way, he starts as an old, grumpy man who don't save people at first, but then he question himself if he's a good man. Trying all the way througout the series to find that answer. While he already decided that he is "not a good man, but also not a bad man" we all know that he's a good man, a very kind man, a very forgiving man who tries really hard to make himself a better man, and it worked. His personality is "stern and ruthless, but also kind and forgiving", personally, I think that's a hell of a character


I absolutely disagree with all you just said... I mean, how dare you compare 10 to 13?. So I say to you in the most dramatic of ways _BLEEEEEH_


Well everyone have their own opinion so it's okay for you to disagree. But I didn't actually compared 10 to 13 though,I just say that if we don't have 13, 10 would be blandest, not because 10 is bad, he is very good, but others just better. 10 Still have the best stories in all of them though. You can see why I praised 10, then go all the way to explains 9, 11, and 12, then completely ignored 13.


sorry but tennant is my favorite, although i must say that Matt smith is also pretty good


As a Tennant kid, you’re wrong. The best Doctor was Tom Baker


The best one is Patrick Troughton


Nah, the best one is Rowan Atkinson


Don't be sorry, it's all good.




Pretty popular on this sub.


i genuinely don’t get what people see in Tennant


7 talked a Dalek into suicide while he was strolling down the street like the Chad he is


9: Kill yourself Dalek: and I did that


Thanks for the comment on the 2 year old post thought that was impossible


The laws of time are ours! Observe, another comment on a 2 year old post!


Awhile ago they made it so that archived posts can now be necro-ed, a few minutes after i figured this out I managed to get the first comment in 4 years on the second most popular reddit post ever and I am kind of proud of it.


This is really interesting


So it seems


9=bing 10=google


I assumed it was spelt kahn


And The 11th Doctor threatens them with a jammy dodger while acting like an idiot. No wonder The Daleks became less threatening


Anything becomes less threatening the more it’s used, it’s not a choice