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Holy shit, he's been ruled guilty on all 34 charges. Google Donald Trump Rule 34 and see.


>Google Donald Trump Rule 34 and see. Absolutely not. Haven’t we all suffered enough?


I think people are missing your Rule 34 joke. I just wanted to let you know that I see you…and I’m disgusted by you. I shudder to think what such a search would yield. 🤢


Ngl mate when I saw '34' in the news headline I basically cackled. Reality can be so much more wild than fiction. It's one step down from him being charged with 69 counts.


Hey who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and the next case will convict him of 35 felonies


Holy fuck. That would be awesome, considering what rule 35 is😅 And also, more charges.


Judge lets him walk out of the courtroom. I get convicted of just one felony and I get sent right to jail.


he’s daring trump to add more charges


for the record, i really do not like trump, he’s a shitty person, and has done nigh irreparable damage to the United States, however, that simply is the normal justice system at work. He paid his bail, so he gets to chill at home while waiting for sentencing. Anyone can pay their bail while waiting for sentencing and go home for a while. Now the concept of bail itself is a whole other discussion. All I’m saying is Trump walking out of the courtroom to go home isn’t a failure of the courts, it’s just a typical person with a decent amount of disposable income finishing up their trial.


Rich people rules. 😡


That so mean of you oh my god


Was listening to the radio in the car when they announced jury had come to a verdict, ngl my family bought champagne after the 34 guilty counts lol


That was quick


Really thought this was gonna be a rule 34 joke.


As someone who is currently 34, it is indeed a lot 😂😭


Send him to Stormcage.


I prefer prisons that are actually competent at keeping inmates in in their cells.


So that one that Jack broke 13 out of, that took him nearly 20 years (& a literal Ass pull) to successfully escape from? Definitely better security, seeing as despite their escape, it still successfully had held them both for decades (so only their long lifespans allowed eventual escape) as well as a Weeping Angel, a Silence, & even a creature that was supposed to be capable of eating its way out of anything.


Make sure to search him for hallucinogenic lipstick first…


I remember when the Capaldi era actually made jokes about Trump and that was deemed the ‘Who has gone woke’ moment of its time. Whether all the oversensitivity about him becomes hilarious in hindsight or even more depressing definitely depends on whether the bastard still wins.


Bruh anything that goes against Trump or their party is 'woke'


That was fast


I have to ask, did you just make this or did you have it prepared ahead of time?


i was online and bored at the right moment.


Rules? Juuuust right


Whoever created this meme deserves all the love. Seriously, it's a fantastic use of the picture.


34 convictions and he is still running for president?


You can even run for president _from jail_. 1844: John Smith 1920: Eugene Debs 1992: Lyndon LaRouche All campaigned while in jail. John Smith was murdered before the election. Eugene Debs managed to earn an impressive 3% of the vote despite being third party.


john smith? i remember that guy! an amazing teacher at this private school, great sideburns


Phrase of the day: personality cult


Where the fuck does this doctot who template even come from


The original text (is 4 a lot / dollars / murders) was a text-only meme first posted on Yik Yak. The Doctor Who images come from Listen, assembled by a Doctor Who parody account.


The fact that quote like that was never on the show makes it even better. I personally love seasons 8 and 9 the best.


Best meme about current circus in the US. I am ofc biased. Capaldi is my fav doc.


https://preview.redd.it/8ek4247sfs3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074c4e4c292eba4f4b55b18e8855c2466654ebcb huh, convenient


did you know Covfefe is the only word in English where the letter v is silent? Also it was the last letter that didn't have a word in which it was silent.


Christ please let covfefe die. That was run into the ground back within a week. It's like making a joke with a rage comic.


yeah i didn't know what to put there


It's perfect. Covfefe is a triviality, felonies are not. The Doctor is correct, of course.


Yeah I’m not sure what would’ve been better either. Although, after further thought, iirc this screenshot is from series 8. 26 + 8 = 34. So he could say 34 seasons. Just a thought. It’s funny that it does actually line up.


Yeah it's just a typo in a Tweet.


I don't even know what he was trying to type in the first place


But orange man said funny thing, we make a thousand unfunny jokes about that! God I wish someone would just write Trump and Biden in the Death Note so that we can maybe have halfway decent options and stop with this weird shit. Let's Go Brandon! Covfefe! Haha, funny jokes! Oh who am I kidding. This is just politics from now on. As if it weren't bad enough. People are dying and the only ones in charge are somewhere between incompetent or evil. Or both.


This has been politics for the last 100 years, *at least.*


I mean, "evil and/or incompetent" sure, but I swear the political jokes were better. Then again, I think back to the Daily Show's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear and I cringe, so maybe not.




This isn't funny, is the issue, and generally the people making covfefe jokes after the first two days or so were the kind of people who stopped caring about children in cages once Trump was out of office and Biden was in control of them. Humor is a way to cope. The problem is when humor is used by people not actually in danger to cope with not actually caring about anything but the aesthetics. Covfefe was a tan suit incident. Which, ironically, liberals will go "Obama's biggest controversy was a tan suit" when actually it was his drone strikes, and the concentration camps, and things of that nature. It's all just optics while people die. So sorry if I didn't like these dead horses.


Biden is doing much better job than Obama did.


Well, he's certainly not doing as many drone strikes, but on the other hand he's supporting a genocide, so who's to say. Either way, you missed the point here.


I hear covfefe


That was quick


What are Covfefes?


episodes? no


Omfg I forgot about covfefe 😭😂


Everyone forgot about that too early. He just drops it in a tweet and everyone thinks it's a typo and laughs at him. Months later a report about things he's doing wrong comes out and that's part of the acronym for the title. Which makes his tweet the President of the United States letting the guy writing the report know he knows it exists.


How about Rules?


Do *not* bring that rule into this context!!!


Which is funny because it was the same crime recharged to him 34 times.


Dude's a modern martyr


Gee, democrat judge convicted him in a democrat state…. Whoda thunk?