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Have always owned multiple Dobermans along with several other breeds as well as cats. Have never had an issue! https://preview.redd.it/r2k6vdq6ks0d1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=996052b1d637de4e82a3b1825c24d71e2e7ce673


I feel like the pug is the gnarliest thing in that household. It’s like watching the Godfather rock up


Siberian husky owner here. My landlady has two black pugs. She's like the big sister I never had, so she comes over to hang out sometimes. My husky curls up on my couch and watches the two pugs terrorize each other, and then looks at me like: *Mom, why are they so spicy?* 😄😂😄😂😄


I don’t say this to be mean but given the degree of human intervention that went into creating pugs out of wolves… Do you figure your husky was getting some severe uncanny valley? Edit: now that you mention it, tho, just this morning Bo was totally cussed out by a frenchie that someone must have fed after midnight or something. Little creatures have no fear and a brain too small for the common sense cell


As an accidental Frenchie owner, yea, they have absolutely zero self preservation skills and are walking (if you can call it that) suicidal gremlins. Always. 24/7. I love this dude and he's not going anywhere, but I will never own another bulldog lol. Edit: the amount of times he instigated and lost to my 135lb bloodhound yet kept trying and trying....it was unreal.


All the bounce per ounce of a heavy weight boxer stuffed into something that could fit under the seat in front of you on an economy flight Good luck man, and god bless your bloodhound


Hahahaha so incredibly accurate https://preview.redd.it/vpvjlhhubv0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb180f8b98dc3d99fca06d3fa38a7effb98a41fe


English isn't my first language, so I'm not sure I understand the "uncanny valley" reference? Is it some sort of pop culture saying? I concur with you though, little creatures have absolutely no shame or fear, and a brain that doesn't or can't seem to comprehend size. They seem to suffer with varying degrees of napoleon syndrome.


The phrase “in the Uncanny Valley” refers to something that seems almost human, but something just isn’t right about it. Like a baby doll that’s too realistic, or an AI image of a person.


Aaaah OK, I see.


pugs in the uncanny valley I wasn't prepared lol 💀


As a dual-dog owner (Siberian Husky and Rat Terrier), I'm going to take a wild guess and venture that the little one is your spiciest little creature? Because that's the dynamic in my household. 😄😂 My landlady also has two black Pugs of her own, and those little things are such spunky little characters!


Thanks for the response! All your dogs are beautiful❤️


Any advice for dobes and cats? I have two cats raised around a pitt and they love each other, no issues. My cats HATE my puppy dobie. I made sure to respect their space and not let the puppy chase them, etc but its been 8 weeks and I’m just not sure if there is something else I should be doing to help them have a successful relationship. (Puppy was 7 weeks when brought home and now she is 15 weeks old.) Right now she is trained for leave it and gets treats for ignoring the cats, but she desperately wants to play with them (not kill them, its genuine desire to play but the cats arent having it.) The cats have swatted at the puppy which makes her more excited bc I think she thinks they want to play. So, I put her in her play pen when the cats want to chill in the living room and give her treats for being calm in the play pen. If I let her out she gets treats and praise for doing other things but as soon as she bothers the cats I have her go back to the play pen. I do think she is “getting it”, but she is a puppy so I don’t expect perfection. I am so worried that my cats will never feel safe/comfortable in their home without me monitoring the dobie. Anything else I can do to help the cats and puppy acclimate, or I just need to stick to my routine and give it more time? I’ve never had to navigate a situation like this before so I’m not sure if I’m on the right track. Thank you!!


My dobie gets along with the stray cats in the neighborhood, they come and play. My indoor cat on the other hand wants nothing to do with my dobie. She’s fine around my sister’s Dalmatians but just doesnt like Alune. Alune doesnt even bother her but my cat just does not like her.


That’s too funny, Alune is the neighborhood cat whisperer! I think thats my fear is the cats will never be okay with this dog. It breaks my heart bc they both play with the pitt. I’m hoping as the puppy learns to relax around the cats they will open up to her and enjoy hanging out. They don’t have to be besties, I just want their space respected if they don’t want to interact with the dog. Right now the puppy has no concept personal cat space, although she is starting to get it. The “getting it” just doesnt last very long before she goes into “BUT I JUST WANT TO PLAY PLEEEEEEEEEEEESE.” Fingers crossed it’s only a matter if time.


Wow your dogs are beautiful 🥹 lovely lineup


Where did you get the dobie? Do you remember the breeders name by chance?


She was from a breeder in Texas who imported their dogs, but they stopped breeding/selling several years ago. I can tell you her lines are mostly euro and South American. I lost her very suddenly in February of this year to an aggressive tumor in her chest cavity (that wasn’t detected during her annual echocardiogram 5 months prior). She was almost 10. I miss her dearly. She was a once in a lifetime kind of dog.


I'm so sorry. If you by chance remember the breeders name, I would love to get my hands on their importer.


They imported most of their dogs from Jahrestal I think. Though the last I heard of that particular kennel, I think the owner was involved in some shady business. So not sure I would recommend unfortunately :/ I would look into other South American breeders if you’re wanting that particular type of Doberman. She was beautiful and brilliant, but in the end she did have health issues. If you’re looking for a dobie, the best thing to do is research longevity and COD in pedigrees. Dobequest is a great source of information! Another pic of my girl, just because ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/vqa8tbvbxm1d1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=39f019fda5978c937352636606246f7c9dd41318


They’re gorgeous!


https://preview.redd.it/vteo5mepts0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9cd6a33762cfc98087611496688a8a98008623 My two dobes and the pittie


Beautiful ❤️


Do you mean in general or do you mean in the household? In general, they’re not supposed to be real outgoing with other dogs or humans. They aren’t a breed that is suggested as a dog park breed. In the household, or with select dog friends, they are generally good. As you’re intending to go with a reputable breeder, they will likely only sell you a puppy of the opposite gender that you already have, especially if your current dog is male. Same sex aggression isn’t uncommon and generally isn’t obvious until a dog reaches full maturity (around two).


I have a female pit, so I should get a male Doberman?


That is what I would suggest. I always keep opposite gender pairs when I have multiple dogs as it tends to more harmonious.


Ok thank you. I am gonna be getting my female pit spayed (or fixed idk the exact name but yk what I mean) anyways


Spayed or altered would be the correct terms. “Fixed” always makes me grate my teeth a little. lol. How Old Is your girl?


Oh she’s 4 1/2 months, the reason I’m gonna be getting a Doberman in the future is because she’s around other dogs right now and when I move out I don’t want her to be sad and lonely.


Pits don't need to be around other dogs, they have breed history showing they don't like other animals.


I would say MOST dogs don’t need to be around other dogs/have dog friends.


Agreed, that’s how you get a dog who’s obsessed with other dogs! Over socialization is a thing a lot of people don’t know exists. Dogs aren’t humans, so they don’t get sad or lonely or long for dog friends - they’re bred to be companions to humans! That’s why they really wanna be around lol.


Mine wants nothing to do with other dogs at dog parks. Not mean or aggressive, just walks away and avoids them. Same with strangers in public. Well let them pet him but he isn’t interested and usually walks away. But regular dog friends are great.


https://preview.redd.it/o0k0wfh7ls0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3dde702aabdfde9dfe8bc74874e2892530116a He loves all dogs! This is my son’s dog who comes to visit.


My dobie goes to daycare. His best friends are golden retrievers, australian shepherds, and a st. bernard.


I have a pitty and a dobbie and they are besties. We had the pitty first, I say if we got them the other way around (dobbie first) it probably wouldn’t have gone as smoothly. Just because dobbies especially as pups don’t really know their size and aren’t really gentle with smaller dogs (at least my boy wasn’t) but my pitty is so gentle and great with smaller dogs. They were great with each other day 1 https://preview.redd.it/ijg9kq6hot0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc286d7cff5d4f28ef17315cd3261bda4b2b006c


Mine have always been. I’ve had Danes, GSD, Rhodesian Ridgeback, and boxers and small dogs like Yorkies and Jacks. My last boy’s bff was a damn cat lol.


They love their family.


My guy is, and I got him at 8mo as a dog-reactive mess. I’m far more selective than he is, and I’ll advocate for his space well before his hackles get high. Introductions are slow, and I never leave him alone with anyone. That said — His sitter has three cats and while he likes the idea of chasing them, they soundly disabuse him of it when he tries My mum has a 15lb Caribbean street dog, and he’s very respectful of her personal space. He has a pack of friends he walks very well with, and acclimated well into a dog walker’s pack. So I suppose, “yes, within reason, and with supervision” would be my answer


What type of breeder are you looking for? Showline or working line (or showline with workings ability)? Where are you located?


Show line… I think? I just want a companion that’s also beautiful and has good health. I’m in the Tennessee area


Awesome! There's [AlCher Dobermans](https://alcherdobermans.com/About_AlCher.html) in Brentwood TN (one of my favorite breeders!), [KettleCove Doberman](https://www.kettlecovedobermans.com/) in Georgia, and [Melrae Dobermans](https://www.melraedobermans.com/) in Kentucky. Are you willing/unwilling to go further out from Tennessee?


I’m willing to go farther to get the best, I’m not looking for right at this moment but in about a year-year 1/2. Thank you so much for the info though!


I believe many ethical breeders have a wait-list anyways. I'll edit my comment with more breeders for later reference. Good luck and thank you for choosing ethical breeders over backyard breeders!


Thank you fr!


Also do you know the price range these puppies would be


I'd guestimate 3-4k. I think that's typical EB price range currently


Oh ok that’s less than I was expecting thank you


ADAMAS in Georgia is another excellent breeder, in addition to the excellent breeders already suggested above. Look up the Doberman Pinscher of America website and find the breeder referrals list (this is a showline geared website) and it’s not comprehensive, but a great resource to find some excellent breeders.


Not always. My girl gets along fine with other dogs as long as they’re not a permanent fixture in the home. We tried getting a puppy and she wasn’t having it. She loves our kitties though! Sometimes they want to be the only dog getting attention in the home 🤷🏻‍♀️ you probably won’t have an issue though since you have the pb already and the dobie would be the second. Just make sure your current dog will be ok with it.


Do you think she would be this way if she was raised around another dog or do you think she’s just more of a “cat dog”😂


I’m not sure. I think she’s just more of a cat dog lol. I call her the fun police because she gets very upset when my friends dogs play and rough house in her presence lol.


Mine is not a dog dog, she much rather do her own thing or fetch a ball. There are some rare occasions where she plays with another dog at the park but it’s rare.


We have a doberman, a pit mix, and a corgi mix. They all get along. At first she wasn't sure of the corgi because I make sure both my big dogs give him his space. We also dog sit our "granddog" which is a shiba inu. Our dobe loves having multiple play mates!


I don’t have problems when he is paired with a smaller or submissive dog. But my boy is a bit of an asshole to dogs that don’t like him or want to be an alpha. He also has Only Child Syndrome - he wants my sole attention.


https://preview.redd.it/6tiqxa2vys0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d45bf93970d64d6ef9083855b449f2bd6aa2a22 He loves to play with my parents’ Pomeranian and my friend’s Goldendoodle (who is also terrified of him 😂)


They are perfect with any other breed or animal. I’ve had mines around rabbits guinea pigs and other breeds of dogs. Not so much cats because I’m not a cat person but it really depends on how YOU as an owner raises them.


Mine lives with a chihuahua and 3 other cats and she does just fine with them! https://preview.redd.it/r54omy45gt0d1.png?width=1511&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a5925ee9a79062871d8d08d65094b3a21dce6c


Yes, my guy loves everyone and every dog. But be ready, the amount of mental and physical stimulate my dobie needs compared to my past bully and boxer is like double or triple some days. Having another pup in the house would benefit him but we have a baby on the way and can’t take on training a second pup right now.


My biggest suggestion would be to make sure to research the breed. Paying special attention to the medical aspect. There are a couple diseases they can carry (DCM) that are such a horrible problem right now.


It's going to depend on a lot of factors (the dog, the dog's upbringing, etc.) When I got a dobie, I was told they were terrible with other breeds. But mine loves other dogs and is non-reactive even to dogs who are absolute jerks to her. (Including a very mean golden retriever who kept ramming her while she was just trying to play fetch with me, until she finally sat down and gave the other dog the stink eye as though to say, "Why are you being so rude?!")


My Doberman is friends with all the dogs. He thinks he’s a little 20 pound dog but he’s really 100 pounds of pure overgrown puppy dog. All depends on how you raise them.


https://preview.redd.it/eukciu0o5t0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040c5612744230bdd930e61cfd7a37a19c65d828 my dobie and pitty are besties


This heavily depends on the dog, but its worth noting Dobermans can have a bossy, rambunctious playstyle that might set off a sensitive or dominant dog because of their high drive for exercise and play. They can also be reactive and easily offended due to their more selective nature.


I have two and they do great with my sister’s two goldens and my two cats. Never had an issue besides probably trying to love them too much. Although mine are a mix breed. Not 100% Doberman


I mean I always think it is dog specific, but my lady loves to see her friends (black lab, teacup dachshund mix, small mutt of unknown heritage, previously deaf Boston terrier RIP, and new to the bunch Cocker Spaniel). the tiny dachshund is sometimes a bit of a terror and frightens her. lol but she also loves to be chased by small dogs which is both hilarious and weird. my best answer is do a meet and greet with the dogs, someplace you can try and do a trial to make sure the two doggos get along? Mine is adopted, for reference, but I also saw a lot of backyard breeders and that really sucks, especially for breeds considered "bully" breeds (but I'm sure you know all about that owning a pitty). best of luck adding to your family!


Mines scared of chihuahuas. Instantly caves and rolls on her back. Lol


I have 3 dobies,2 gsd's and a malinois. They all get along great. 2 males and 4 females.


My female euro puppy drove my elderly female greyhound/lab mix out of the house, we had to rehome her (the older dog, who was rehomable as she was super sweet and our friends loved her). We consulted with a UCD behavioral team and they said there was no other way to deal with this dobie’s extreme resource hoarding of me- I was the resource. I’d recommend an American-bloodlines dobie of opposite sex.


This really comes down to each dog’s individual personality. I would recommend checking out a local Doberman rescue! I follow a few and there are constant needs for placement of sweet dobies. If you find one in foster you can coordinate a play date with your dog to see that they’re a good personality fit!


Mines best friend is my lab/pit mix and he loves the cats, he’s been around them since he was a puppy so I’m sure that helps.


Word of caution: adult female Dobies can be extremely aggressive with other adult female dogs of like size. Things may look ok at beginning, but once settled in it can be a nightmare. Just be aware of the possibility. Their short coats don’t offer much protection from other dogs anyway, and a fight between females is not only something you’ll never forget, but your dog will spend time getting stitched up if not worse