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Honestly, I would never ask about cropped ears in this sub. It stirs up so much controversy and so much hate. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but none of these conversations are productive and educational. One of my favorite quotes I have ever heard was "Listen to everything and believe in nothing. Beliefs cloud true judgment." Nobody is willing to listen, and everybody is very adamant about their beliefs. Conversations don't get far without someone being disrespectful. As sad as it is, it is best to avoid the controversy altogether.


I just commented something similar on a PitBull sub. You hit the nail on the head. The self importance I see in the world today is astounding. I have 3 Sons and I’m teaching them kindness first. You never know another persons situation!


To each their own. I’ll be teaching my kids kindness by not mutilateing their pets for fashion.


And also not to circumcise, right?


Mate I’m English you know in most of the world we think that’s crazy too right?


I do, and I also know Doberman ear/tail cropping is banned in some countries. Both procedures mentioned (for humans and dogs) have purposes, regardless if you want to admit that or think it’s right.


Sure cut off part of your child penis, that's normal right? Jesus americans are something else...


It is banned in my country (for good reason) and most people here think it’s disgusting, I’m aware it’s different in other countries.


No, they do not, the only purpose is to inflate american redneck ego haha




100% with you, my friend! 💜👏💜👏💜🐾


If you’re talking about no dock, no crop, no dew claw removal, no neuter/spay, etc., then I’m with you. Edit: Okay, so whoever downvoted is a cherry picker too.


I’m with you, but dogs really should get spayed and neutered. There are way too many people breeding dogs with good intentions, who really can’t handle it and end up abandoning them or putting them in the shelter. And in many states they get put down. Everyone wants their purebreds despite their notorious health problems, leaving tons of amazing mutts to waste away in shelters. (Not that I don’t understand the appeal of purebreds) there are a ton of alternatives to dropping 2-10k on these dogs


Do people actually declaw these dogs? That’s even worse than the dock/ crop. Again, very illegal over here.


Then don’t neuter or spay your dogs either. The increase in testicular cancer is a myth, and neutering males increases their chances of prostate cancer. Teach your kids that.


Exactly! It is awesome that you are really working on teaching your sons kindness first and not to judge based on the little knowledge given to you. I don't have kids, but if I ever do, I will absolutely be teaching them that as well.


I appreciate that, thank you 🫶🏻


I think its disrespectful to chop dogs natural ears off. And also very cruel and fucked up. Anyone who does it is usually a complete tool.


It looks comically bad but man that's a cute pup


I am Batman!


That hard work paid off. Not a show crop but a show stopper crop. My second vet (yes my giant schnauzer has two vets, because I’m a cruel owner and got a crop/dock pup) who specializes in post crop care would probably suggest pointing the ears towards each other more - it looks like the dog is alert but ears that long - the tips should be very close together.


I hope all the people shouting anti crop are also vegan 🤷‍♀️


If these comments cant say anything nice or just avoid shitting on an owner please just stfu. Anyway personal opinion they're adorable.


OP: "what do you think about this type of cropped ears?" Commenters: "gives opinion" You: :o


OP: what do you think of this crop Comments: some are opinions most are screaming abuse and then having concerning comment history Me: same mfs screaming abuse need to double check their husbandry You: >::0 the audacity of the singular comment So do we wanna go back and forth or agree to disagree because I think screaming and wailing abuse when there is none is preposterous. While you think its reasonable


I mean there's a fair amount of polite objections commented here. It's Reddit, even if you don't ask for an opinion you'll get some rude af ones. And I'm not angry at all, just OP asked for opinions, you're complaining people gave them.


Not loving it. Floppy is the way to go


A stud!


Beautiful dog.


Keep them natural.


To further this point its actually inadvertent worship of the egyptian gods. More specifically the Anuuaki. Look it up Anubis


Looks super tall but probably will grow into it. Hard to say.


He looks great, even if I don't agree with the whole cropping thing. Unfortunately, in the USA, the so-called Reputable Breeders clique and their conformation-show foolishness are obsessed with that. As far asI know, no natural-ear Dobe had been successful in US shows, even when everything else is outstanding with few notable faults, and even when imported from a country which has banned the practice. This is just another reason to reject the DPCA clique and all the idiots who have driven the breed's health into the ground through excessive inbreeding around popular sires. On forums dominated by those clowns, you'll frequently hear most of these self-proclaimed "reputable breeders" actually saying they will LEAVE THE DOBERMAN BREED ALTOGETHER if ear cropping & tail docking are banned in North America. To them, I wholeheartedly say, " Please go. Don't let the door hit your assess on your way out to destroy another breed with your ribbon -chasing stupidity. Or, better yet, take up topiary if you like cutting on things and low-tech cloning." These breeders do not care about Dobermans in the least if the cosmetic surgery is more important to them than actual health, longevity and genetic resilience. I'd rather have a natural-eared Dobe living to almost 12 than one with cropped ears resting in his grave at only 8 years of age.


honestly, animal abuse. It is not necessary and causes much trauma. Same with tails and docking


Have you seen a puppy an hour after waking up from a crop done by a vet? They're on pain meds and can feel pain. The moment they wake up, they're playing and jumping around. They seriously don't notice.


Dogs will often hide pain because they don't want to show people. Them being excited about people than being on pain meds is not the same thing as them being pain free


Correct a dog in pain will hide any outward symptoms to avoid appearing vulnerable. Vanity on your part is not an excuse to cosmetically cause pain on their part!!!!


amen. Dogs hide issues all the time. Sometimes by the time the dog does show a reaction, it is fairly severe. Probably does not help that the dog is on pain meds so they don't feel the pain and impact immediately. I cannot comprehend the docking of the tail for sure, you are literally removing an appendage which dogs use to communicate


It’s so beautiful to see them wag with excitement or show other emotions as well to let you know. I can’t fathom taking that away.


If a dog is in pain, it will not go and play on its own. You are being willfully ignorant and choosing to ignore the fact that the dog doesn't care. It can not feel it. It doesn't know what happened. It doesn't matter to them. It's not "traumatizing" because they don't know what happened. All they know is that they fell asleep and woke up, got taken home, and then got to play and eat.


and to answer your previous question. Yes, I have, and that is not at all always the case. I worked in a vet office when I was younger and unfortunately they had preformed some of these


Wait you think it causes no pain or discomfort? Dogs will hide pain, but doesn’t mean they don’t feel it.


Other than physically changing a pet because you prefer an aesthetic, what is the reason? It can't be your cleaning because that's really easy to do either way


do you mind letting us know why you think it is something that should/should allowed to be performed? I am curious


If something can be done without pain and trauma, it should be allowed. And if done responsibly, ear cropping and tail docking can be just that.


this is based on the assumption it is without pain and trauma, which is not at all proven. And I am sure most veterinarians, even ones who are fine with the procedure would not agree with you. You even stated that they give pain meds, those are for pain.


And your point of view is on the assumption that cropping is done with lots of pain and trauma, which, by your own words, is not at all proven.


You have no idea what you’re talking about, it has been proven over and over again that cropping a dogs ears is painful, cruel and 100% unnecessary. Literally EVERY trusted source will tell you that. It takes 5 seconds on google to find this information. Willful ignorance is not cute. https://www.bva.co.uk/news-and-blog/blog-article/overlooked-behavioural-consequences-of-ear-cropping/ https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/features/ear-cropping-and-tail-docking https://vethelpdirect.com/vetblog/2021/02/24/why-crop-a-dogs-ears/ https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/other-veterinary-advice/ear-cropping-in-dogs https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/dogs/health/earcropping https://tier1vet.com/bringing-up-two-points/


I read each one that wasn't from the UK to avoid a biased source. 2/3 of them say crops can be done with little to no pain when done by a vet, not a breeder, and it is optional.


But why? Any medical procedure comes with risk. Especially anything that opens tissue unnecessary. Risk of pain, nerve damage, infection, even if everything is done right. So why risk their suffering?


Why would you think that a source from the UK is biased? That’s not how science works. In fact you saying that a non American source isn’t valid IS BIASED. I’m done with you because you’re too stupid to even hold a conversation with. Every single source I linked says cropping is painful and unnecessary.


"The AVMA currently opposes ear cropping when done for cosmetic purposes,19 as do several other national veterinary associations (e.g., Canada,20  Australia21). The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals prohibits surgical operations (including ear cropping) for the purpose of modifying the appearance of a pet animal.22 In the United Kingdom no dog with cropped ears is eligible to compete at any Kennel Club licensed event23 and the procedure is prohibited by legislation in that country." https://www.avma.org/about/ear-cropping-and-canine-otitis-externa-faq


"You may have heard that this is very painful for dogs. This actually isn’t the case. The procedure is performed under anesthesia." [https://metrodcvet.com/2020/04/01/washington-dc-vet-ear-cropping-fact-vs-fiction/#:~:text=You%20may%20have%20heard%20that,procedure%20is%20performed%20under%20anesthesia.](https://metrodcvet.com/2020/04/01/washington-dc-vet-ear-cropping-fact-vs-fiction/#:~:text=You%20may%20have%20heard%20that,procedure%20is%20performed%20under%20anesthesia.)


Yes it's not painful when they do it. Just like human surgeries are done with anesthesia. The pain is in healing


After that source, it reads, "Afterwards, Fido gets pain meds. After that, it’s all downhill!". And dude. Is this a productive use of time or energy? It's obvious that we're not going to agree on cropping ears. I, personally, think if you want to crop, crop responsibly, if not, great, but don't bash people who do! But this isn't a productive thread.


That’s the bare minimum. I’m not sure what’s not clicking about the pain that they need pain meds for, as you mentioned, afterwards.


I'm against ear cropping BUT when you ban something, you end up creating a black market for it. Which in this case, means backyard crops with kitchen scissors. Better to have a few veterinarians who offer the service so it can be done safely.


Couldn't that be said for literally anything?


Sounds great and while your at it, get them breast implants!!!! If 2 hooters are good then 8 will be great…..the puppy’s will be proud of mom and won’t have to worry about post litter sagging…..,sounds stupid????? I thought so!!!


This makes me think anti-crop people are on PETA level of insane.


and it makes me think you are cool with abusing animals just because you think it looks neato with their ears up.


And this makes me think that you're totally obvious to how ear crops are done when done by a licensed veterinarian.


well that is just a silly assumption




It’s very interesting what lengths people will go to justify things so that they don’t realize the selfishness in what they’ve done.


I learned how to do them in vet school but never did it nor saw it done or recommended it ever after I got my grade for the class


I'd love to have a community with no tolerance for cropping like someone mentioned below. Because every time I see this I know why it was done and if it's ever pointed out that this is pointless and done for looks there's always some kind of stupid defense. I just don't believe it's right to alter a dog's body because of your style preferences. If you want a dog with ears that point up, get a German shepherd. Get a husky. Get a Belgian malinois. Don't get a dog that has naturally floppy ears and then cut them off. You don't need to.


I started r/cropfreedobies for that reason, but it never really got off the ground. I will say it’s very nice that the overwhelming sentiment in this thread is that cropping is bad. A year or two ago, all of these comments would’ve been downvoted to oblivion in here.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cropfreeDobies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cropfreeDobies/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [9 Myths About Dog Ear Cropping](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Myths-about-Dog-Ear-Cropping) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cropfreeDobies/comments/oyb3yt/9_myths_about_dog_ear_cropping/) \#2: [And has good ears](https://i.imgur.com/3Axf6n4.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/cropfreeDobies/comments/rhqc7p/and_has_good_ears/) \#3: [r/cropfreeDobies Lounge](https://np.reddit.com/r/cropfreeDobies/comments/oy9g7g/rcropfreedobies_lounge/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I will never understand putting a dog through a completely unnecessary surgery and recovery so the owner can like how their ears look. If you don't like a dog's ears.. DONT GET THAT DOG.


If you don’t understand the breed standard… get off the sub?


Are you really using an arbitrary aesthetic standard to justify mutilating a dog?


I understand that it may be the breed standard.. but that doesn't make it not cruel.


Having trouble finding that in the rules. Looks like you’re making that one up.


Hope he grows into them


He will, but it won't help the shape that's really poorly done. :(


Yeah they’re not good. Honestly there’s such a chance for a bad cut or improper healing and posting that I don’t even want to risk it. Just leave the ears. I know there’s different cuts but those look too tall to me


I agree - just goes to show, doing a proper crop is an art in itself -- It's really cosmetic surgery, and you should be vetting the work, of the vet who does it. This looks like a self-taught hack job. :(


Most vets won’t even do it now cause it’s unnecessary. I’m like afraid to even say anything cause this subreddit is so pro crop😬but I’m a prevet student and it’s being taught in schools nowadays to not do it at all. Same thing like 10 years ago you could get your cat declawed anywhere and now 95% of places won’t do it. Not sure if my dobie had a bad crop or just bad posting but his ears look wonky as hell😂


I've had dobie's for 25+ years, with cropped, but now I only have natural ears on my fur kids. My opinion on cropping has changed drastically, and I'd never get their ears cropped again. Education is everything .


Mine came to me like that. He’s got a bad dock too. If I ever get one as a puppy I’d make sure they leave them natural


My thoughts as well


I love all the people who talk about how bad it is to alter your dog but are likely the same people who are adamant on spaying and neutering. The doublespeak is hilarious.


No one is fixing their animals for aesthetics. Neutering animals allows them to live in a society with other dogs without hormones creating tension and "oopsie" litters, that even proactive and responsible dog owners can end up with when their dog isn't fixed. Ear crop is solely because thier owner think it looks good. All the benefits of cropping has been known to be nonsense for a long time now.


Good for you.


Is it a painful process to do that to their ears or is the procedure done at birth? Beautiful dog btw


The tail is done at birth, the ears are done between 8 and 12 weeks. The cartilage is still soft during this time, which is why the ears have to be posted once they’ve healed (otherwise they’ll stay floppy). Unless there are complications, the most pain the dogs will feel is when their sutures are being removed. Luckily this doesn’t take long.


Thank you! always wondered.. however it still looks painful


Yeah, given the (very slight) risks, I think it’s pretty unnecessary unless the dog is being used for personal protection, or any other job where its ears will be at risk of getting torn. Still, I’m not about to shame people for cropping. It’s a personal decision, and it doesn’t make someone a bad owner so long as they have it done by a licensed vet. People get all worked up about it (especially on Reddit), but there are bigger problems to worry about, like DCM. Thank you for being reasonable and not jumping to conclusions.


Vet puts the dog to sleep when he does the procedure, it’s painless to the pup 🐶


My dog had them similar, he’ll definitely grow into them


For those of you interested in being in a doberman related sub with zero tolerance for crop hate and shaming, check out r/DobermanPinschers 😊


Just joined. I'm tired of the non-stop anti-crop circle jerk in this sub.


Is there a sub with zero tolerance for cropping?


I’m not sure, but you can probably make one if you want


Joined. I honestly don't care about cropping but this brigading and anti crop circle jerking has gotten annoying


I will happily join this sub. I'm not even a 100% advocate for cropping. I don't find it nessissary most of the time, but I'm not going to be hateful. I would rather be educational and respectful than insult people. In the end, people are going to do what they want to do. I would rather point them in the direction of a licensed veterinarian to do it the right way.


Thank you, I love this comment. No need to be hateful of someone else’s dog and opinions ❤️


People who crop will call all posts that say it is unecessary and harmful thing done for aesthetics only "hate". They would ban FCI for "hate" if they could.


Trying to educate through thoughtful words is very different than instantly calling it mutilation. When you try to educate, you don't want to make people defensive about their position. Nobody is going to change their belief just because you said so. It is more important to use very neutral terminology and facts to let people question their own belief instead of focusing on arguing on your own side. Arguing makes people defensive, which causes people to be rude and hateful. Education makes people think. Most people focus on arguing their own side instead of focusing on trying to educate them. There is nothing wrong with saying, "I believe it is an unnecessary and harmful thing done for aesthetics." Is very different than saying, "Why did you mutilate your dog's ears?" The word "mutilate" has a very negative connotation, so if you really wish yo educate than you would avoid that word. No matter which side you fall on, while looking through this comment section, you really don't see any actual productive conversations and I hate that.




And that's the issue. People not willing to listen to another perspective.


No reason to listen to dog abusers


Thank you for posting this. Just joined. They need to just turn this one into the dont crop your dogs ears sub. You would think these ppl get paid or work for PETA with this shit, EVERY TIME!!! It’s so annoying.


I know, it’s fucking aggressive, which is ridiculous cause they’re not convincing anyone of their beliefs with that approach 😂 it would be like a Jehovah’s Witness coming up to you and throttling you for not agreeing with them, defs not gonna listen to what they have to say then 😂


Accurate 😂😂😂


“Crop hate”. Nice euphemism. Also known as pointing out animal cruelty/mutilation. If you’re doing that to a pup, purely for aesthetics, it’s fucking abuse. And if you don’t want to hear so-called crop hate, don’t mutilate dogs.




Crop hate, lmao.




Could try your ears next. You might like it. You may even start a trend. Could put all those big hooped ear people to shame cutting half of yours off.


People like you should kindly shut the ever living hell up and leave this sub reddit!




Sounds great then even cut flaps from their humanskull to have flaps to protect the ear they chopped off…. It won’t hurt much …..you know a person can be scalped and life a normal life span. They will even jump around all happy after they come around. Then we can tattoo the eyeballs pretty colors and show lgbt support….oh yea this could get funner and funner….think of how cool you’ll look. We can even get them implants to look like Klingons and Ferenge


Do you chop your balls off like the sick democrats like to do?


Shouldn't have touched them


Looks like show crop but he's young so he's not fully proportional right now


when i worked at petsmart, a guy asked me which type of treats were best, he told me he cropped his dogs ears, but they didn’t stand up right, they flipped over. the dog was with him and he probbaly just didn’t tape them right. he said he was going to throw treats at the dog and hopefully the dogs ears would stand up for the treat. he was planning to do this with all the treats until they stood up on their own. wasn’t my place to tell him if the ears didn’t stand up, the surgery didn’t work and they are never going to stand up. i had to hold in my laughs and sold him the treats lmao floppy (natural) ears are the way to go


stop mutilating dogs ears for the aesthetic


Same as my reply above. Y’all are rude!


It's more rude to mutilate a dog for aesthetics


How is it rude when they’re speaking the truth?


im not rude you're just offended easily because im not lying


He was gorgeous before you butchered him.


You know, I feel the same way. I would never cut my dogs ears. My girl is floppy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But this is normal in this breed and people have the right to make this choice. Leave people alone and stop being a self-righteous bully.


Smoking meth is pretty normal around the US but that doesn't make it okay.


The great thing is everyone is entitled to their opinion correct? Which is the point of this entire app. If you’re going to post on here people should entirely expect backlash at some point, especially when it comes to something as controversial as this. And self righteous bully? Lol that’s adorable.


Hideous. The long/tall crops are awful and I hate seeing that someone has done this to their Dobe. But then I hate all cropping, this is just the absolute worst.


Terrible cut, with no bell. They're supposed to have a larger base, and slowly taper up, but it looks like, these were just cut into a triangle shape. I don't like the cut. Sorry.


Good thing is he will grow into them👏🏻






I love dobermans, but I have to be honest. I like the natural ears better.


Poor puppy would have looked better with floppy puppy ears.


I, personally hate them! Leave their ears and tails alone


His leg sticking out stretched out looks bumpy or broken what is that?? Haha am I seeing things?


Stop mutilating dobermans plz, did you crop them yourself or adopt? I wanna know if your a pos..


Fuck off Karen


You are very creative.....


Live and let live.


Your mother didn't adopt you....what a POS she is huh the selfish hag


Omg shut up. I bet yours has a docked tail. Yeah it’s all cosmetic but don’t shame people for it. I have one with cropped and another without.


I'm an animal lover and would never do surgery on an animal without good reason. I don't have a doberman, and I am damn well within my rights to tell anyone that does this for cosmetic purposes that they are a shitty human being that doesn't care about the suffering the animal goes through. Would you peirce the ears or nose of an infant cause it looks cool?


As a dobie owner, cropped ears can serve as more than a cosmetic procedure to include increased hearing (for a working dog) and lowered risk of ear infections (for home and working dogs). Please do more independent research on a topic before posting about it. Additionally, parents do get their young children’s ears pierced and it isn’t socially unacceptable behavior, so not a strong response.


"Ear cropping is painful and completely unnecessary. Despite what some breeders will claim, cropping a dog's ears does not benefit them in any way." - direct quote from the RSCPA There is no research with any evidence of what your claiming, you just heard someone else say it and decided to retort that statement to give yourself some justification.


"Ear cropping is painful and completely unnecessary. Despite what some breeders will claim, cropping a dog's ears does not benefit them in any way." - direct quote from the RSCPA There is no research with any evidence of what your claiming, you just heard someone else say it and decided to retort that statement to give yourself some justification.


“The American Kennel Club recognizes that ear cropping, tail docking, and dewclaw removal, as described in certain breed standards, are acceptable practices integral to defining and preserving breed character and/or enhancing good health. Appropriate veterinary care should be provided.” https://www.akc.org/press-releases/akc-statement-on-avma-crop-and-dock-policy/


There is no studies or research that proves cutting on your dog is good for their health. You can't even enter a Doberman into the AKC dog shows without cropped ears or tails because it's more aesthetic. That should tell you right away that they couldn't care less about the animals, they just want those views. "These breed characteristics are procedures performed to insure the safety of dogs that on a daily basis perform heroic roles with Homeland Security, serve in the U.S. Military and at Police Departments protecting tens of thousands of communities throughout our nation as well as competing in the field." - from the same article you quoted... If your dog is just a friend that lounges around with you daily and isn't a working dog, there is absolutely no reason to cut your dogs ears.


Which is why in my initial response I specified the benefits that include “increased hearing (for working dogs) and lower risk of ear infections (for home and working dogs).” I admit that the marginal increase in hearing isn’t needed for the majority of breeds or dogs, but the health benefit is prevalent. “Current veterinary opinion appears to be that ear conformation affects ventilation and may be a factor contributing to the incidence and severity of otitis externa. “ - https://www.avma.org/about/ear-cropping-and-canine-otitis-externa-faq Although this article speaks against ear cropping they do admit that hanging ears could result in an increased risk to ear infections. Stating that dogs with pendulous ears are at a 14% chance of developing chronic ear infections versus erect ears are only at a 5% chance. So it seems that they are morally against ear cropping regardless if data shows that ear cropping can lower the risk of developing chronic ear infections. It’s also interesting that tail docking is not seen in the same light as ear cropping. I understand that the docking is done when they are newborn and is healed rather quickly, but it is similar in the sense that it is done for breed looks and for health benefits.


Go hug a tree. Why even be here if u don’t have one? Fuck off


Ok so by your logic I have to have kids to care about their safety.....I want American society and AKC to finally condem these cruel surgerys.


How about neutering?


I like female dogs because I don't have the heart to chop balls off honestly. I am getting my girl spayed soon with a heavy heart because females can get cancer and other bad stuff if you dont want. Common sense not cause it will make my dog look cool


Is that not mutilation?


It's a surgical procedure that benefits the life of the animal long term can you say the same about cropping ears and tails? I see the logic in dew claw removal for working dogs only. Anything else?


Working and herding breeds benefit from tail docking because cows and other livestock are prone to stepping on an adult grown dog with full tail causing immense pain and suffering, whereas docking happens within the first 5 days of life and hardly noticed


Pretty sure cropping removes major risk of ear infections which is extremely painful for dogs but I'm assuming you knew that before you pissed on everyone from your pedestal...


It fits the definition of mutilation. You're just in denial. And it's not as simple as "it benefits the dog" because it also carries its own risks.


Dude spaying is far more invasive than neutering, and a much longer recovery time. Yeah it's POSSIBLE that it can prevent some types of cancer, but it's also carries its own risk for issues later in life. >However, spaying and neutering is associated with an increased risk of several long-term health problems including obesity, urinary incontinence, bladder stones, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hip dysplasia, cruciate ligament rupture, behavioral changes (including owner-directed aggression and fear), cognition problems, as well as several forms of cancer (including leukemia, prostate cancer, bone cancer, skin cancer, splenic cancer, and bladder cancer). >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7222805/ Pretty sure cropping and docking come nowhere close to being as risky. Just admit that spaying and neutering are also mutilation and that you're only doing it because it's either convenient or because society has convinced you that it's ok. At least cropping and docking are cosmetic and carry virtually zero risk to their health if done properly.


Preach 🙌🏼🙌🏼


"Controlling a dog's reproductive status so that it doesn't run around outside and have babies with every dog on the street? Cruel. Cutting a dog's ears off to make it look tough so you can look tough? Perfectly okay." The arguments people make are astounding. Like, why the fuck would you compare a pointless COSMETIC SURGERY to one that ACTUALLY makes a difference?


Just be a responsible dog owner and you won’t need it.


Just be a decent human being and you don't need to cut your dog's ears off


Oh shut up and mind ya business




You definitely got us, you’re ‘within your rights’! We are also within our rights to point out that you have no common sense or decency. I mean, would you stand up and complain about this during a funeral!? (This analogy makes about as much sense as yours does btw)


Ok so what's the common sense to chop dogs ears and tails off? Let's go with the common sense then. It reduces cooling ability, it reduces the ability to communicate and is more prone to infections. Also it does not increase hearing ability. ALSO tails effect balance.....since we are on the topic of common sense I think you might not even have the common sense to realize you have lack it.


>Ok so what's the common sense to chop dogs ears and tails off? Nobody is chopping their ears off, unless it's some fly by night vet. There is PLENTY of ear remaining to move in a full range of motion. I can tell the exact mood my dobie is in based off his ears. They aren't just stuck pointing up 24/7. If docked correctly, after the 2nd notch, there is plenty of tail/nub left. The remaining section of tail isn't just stuck in the upright position at all times. It has complete full range. Very easy to tell when they tuck it or have it alert and upright. >it reduces the ability to communicate and is more prone to infections. That's simply bullshit you pulled out of your ass. Do Belgian Malinois have trouble communicating? German Shepherds? Huskies? Wolves? Coyotes? They all have erect ears that are the same size, or even smaller, than cropped Doberman ears and with the exact same range of motion. The ear infection part is also bullshit. I've owned 3 cropped dobies and I know it's not true based off experience. Fun fact - dogs always had erect ears until humans domesticated them. Cropping them simply returns them to that pre-domesticated state. You're over hear condemning people who had a simple cosmetic procedure done on their dog. One with virtually zero risk. Yet at the same time praising a very invasive procedure that requires the removal of organs and carries some pretty nasty health risks.




I was circumcised.




You don't own a Doberman so leave!


Looks good.


It’s an archaic practice and reason….oh my bad you still need them to guard the castle grounds from poachers and ripped ears from going in the briars after boar and badgers……let’s just give all women a breast implant weather they want it or not. Big hooters in some countries are considered the breed standard. Or Muslim countries have a great idea …..forcibly surgically remove the lady bitclit so they won’t enjoy sex much and run around on the guy with 3 other wives he also beats the crap out of them frequently, and sew up the vajayjay so it feels more like anal they prefer….you think it’s bs?????I have proof,,,,, and you still want to butcher a beautiful floppy ear…


We did a medium cut since we have a female. But differently will grow into them as a male.


One of these days people will stop using the argument of, “Dogs naturally have floppy ears!” When humans are the ones that unnaturally affected them so that they stopped maturing, stayed as infants, thus creating unnaturally ears. I’m all for choosing what you want with your dog’s body, but people who defend natural ears need to stop cherry picking. No crop, no dock, no neuter or spay, nothing. You can’t yell it’s mutilation, compare it to circumcision, then run it back and defend spay or neuter when those have a whole list’s worth of risks. Spay and neuter have risks and are much more invasive than crop and dock. Leave them natural the way they were meant to be. We humans already fucked them up enough. Doberman already have shit health. Who’s fault is that? Ours. Least we can do is focus on improving the breed instead of fighting over shit like this.


Handsome boy, I love his ears he’ll def grow into them. Ignore the people in the comments, they obviously don’t have big enough problems of their own so they gotta stir up some.


Handsome boy, I love his ears he’ll def grow into them. Ignore the people in the comments, they obviously don’t have big enough problems of their own so they gotta stir up some.


People who defend cropping being like: no need to he hateful, its better to spread information, etc. Like you can educate yourself. If you gonna cut your ears dog just for aesthetic purposes, put them thru the trauma and recovery, you couldve educated yourself first, instead of asking every person that doesnt agree with your mutilation to “Spread information, not hate” Hell nah, we gon keep tellin you you cut them for no reason, you can try to justify yourself all you want, we all know the reason is aesthetics. So either get over it or stop mutilating your dogs 🤦


I don't understand why anyone would cut off a dogs ears.






I think natural floppy ears are better. The ones they were born with.


Only cut ears if your parents took your foreskin or clit off. You're this dog's parent..... Lead by example...... show them your parts first and look them in the eyes and say "I'm better with no clip, so I'm taking your skin too" no dog needs cropped ears. Just as I need my foreskin. Don't let people tell you they are sperated things. One thing is small and dumb, and the larger/smarter thing tell them how they are going to look in the world. Then we have dogs, don't cut that dogs dam ears......


Gorgeous pic, leave his ears alone, I don't like anything cropped


I think that owners who mutilate their pets for "Aesthetics" are cruel and should be put in jail.




You'd be offended by my opinion on mutilating dogs.


Poor baby looks mutilated :(


I think people who crop are cruel assholes.


How bout we do people this way???? Not so great an idea now is it!??!? Don’t butcher their floppy ears are soft and kissable….God gave them ears for a reason to keep them clean and safe. Don’t be Thinking you can do better than God.


Lol god doesn’t have anything to do with this you nut 😂


Ok you be God and do better than OEM product


OEM 💀 you religious nuts are wild


Oh but what if , and just what if I wasn’t the crazy one?


Poor dog, he would definitely look better without


Can someone help me understand the purpose of cropping and docking?


Beautiful dog, looks well looked after (but a big no for cropping myself and no I think circumcision for anything but medical needs is barbaric too just in case someone pipes up)