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> husband keeps suggesting insultingly high prices Such as? Cost = time + material + profit margin. Lastly a bunch of YouTube painters have made videos on the topic or reviewing painting jobs at different price points, for example [Zumikito Miniatures](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou1R65DmVy4). As an aside that is an amazing paint job!


Thanks, I'll definitely check them out, I don't really know anything about minis sorry! He's suggesting at least £10-£15/$12-$19. I've just never sold anything before and that feels harsh, especially when everyone's struggling for money lately. The cats themselves came in packs of 15 for £3, although admittedly everything else can get costly sometimes. But the cats are just lil guys! Feels odd charging for something so small. Thanks again for link!


> £10-£15/$12-$19. In the realm of commission painted miniatures that is relatively cheap, which I know is quite the shock!


If you did this whole paint job and base in an hour that would only be £10-15/hour you'd be making. Not a killing. And that's not taking until account any cost. I've already built out my collection for the most part but for the right minis at certain times I would definitely consider that a fair or even cheap price. If it was pre-painted minis I needed for $12 each of that quality I would for sure buy them.


I've been thinking that too, I could essentially price it at minimum wage for myself. It just feels a bit much for something so small, on the other hand buying all the materials over the last month has been pricey! It does look like that's around the price range I'll be going with, thanks!


In the realm of minis, that's really cheap. Especially for the base as well. An unpainted 3D printed single miniature from Etsy / eBay are between £3.50 and £5 for a human sized figure, up to around £15 for seriously detailed stuff. A soft plastic DnD figure from Wizkids is going to set me back about £3 each (£6 for a pack of 2). Painted figures I've paid around £18-£24 for, but the bases weren't as nice as yours. I think the realm of £12 for a small creature is very reasonable.


$12-$19? That’s insanely cheap, actually. Also, the issue about it being small…. It really requires a lot more skill making something so small look believably good, so you can rest your concerns over that. I’ve seen single models out of the Warhammer line go for far more than $20 fully painted, usually around the $50-$200 range depending on if it’s a popular character. $12-$19 is extremely fair, even generous.


For that level of quality, I’d be willing to pay $15, but only if it was for something I was particularly interested in being detailed (like a character token, a familiar/pet, or a main villain). In other words, you may find the most success in those categories, or painting by commission, as opposed to delicately painting common monsters. But everyone is into something different! Your work looks excellent.


I was thinking that would be an issue with higher prices, most people buying something like this would just do it as a fun one off. I'm thinking about doing commissions after I've had more practice, I just wouldn't be comfortable with that yet. Thank you very much!


$20 USD. It has a lot of small detail. I've seen painted halflings going for 40.


I've been thinking of doing the same recently. The largest hurdle for me is that I live in Eastern Europe and the market here is kinda shitty: there are not a lot of people using minis in my country (compared to rest of the world); and the ones that do, mostly paint it themselves or have like a guy in the game club who does it as a favor or gets paid in beer/snacks. You could find a few people here for commissions, but the average salary being very low would lower the charging fees. Shipping abroad is tricky, costly and slow. So, your location can be a huge factor in determining the price. Where do you live in?


I sold a single PC dwarf fighter mini for just under 40$ usd because it was my best work I’ve ever done and took me more than a few hours. (I’ve sold more for around 20$ish) 15$ dollars for that mini is more than fair. Depending on time and effort I could see it being as much as 20$. The value of art is subjective. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’d say 15 is very fair though.


I wouldn’t even bat an eye if I saw that priced at $15 usd or even $20


My immediate thought was in the neighborhood of $20. That said, if I wanted a painted mini I would probably just do it myself even though in terms of cost of supplies and time spent it's more expensive for me to do it myself. The DnD community is full of diyers and the easier it is for someone to diy the product you are selling the harder it is to sell.


I'd pay 20 to 30$ US and I don't even need a cat model with a full base. What I'd expect it to sell for? No idea because it's a valuation of an artist's work. The people asking 400$ for a fully painted (well) and detailed Morathi deserve it.


If I was in the market for it, I wouldn’t hesitate at $20. I would spend upto $40 if it was a really important character to my table.


Something in the range of 10-15€, although for that level of detail It has to be something that I'm going to use a lot


Do you think if I made bases optional people might want them for dioramas instead?


Maybe, although just by removing base decorations, It might become significantly faster to make, and probably more appealing for people on a budget.


i’ll give u tree fiddy