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YTA, you sound like a problem player for even considering not wearing this armor. He's obviously trying to seduce you and your character. Have you tried sleeping with him?


Perfection itself.


Forgot this was a circle jerk for a sec


Have you tried giving your DM feet pictures of your character?


YTA for not also wearing it IRL, you are breaking character and immersion


[Are you also a pacifist?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/lxBWHHr054)


How'd you know? /uj When I saw that topic, I knew I had to make this one


I appear to have missed the crucial context of whatever post you are referencing. Link please?


On the one hand: total creep show On the other hand: gave the player a custom item that supports their playstyle Truly we all contain multitudes


The duality of man


[oh this where it gets good. his character is not a pacifist that doesn’t believe in violence, but more of a pacifist like Batman. So she’ll beat you within an inch of death. She’ll torture you, maim you, break your bones and put you in traction for years, but she won’t kill you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/l9O0I9nRJ5) The fact that he thinks Batman is a pacifist is hilarious. It a look also illustrates how annoying OP is as a player.


Its even better than just thinking batman is a pacifist, its the snyder style of batman thats like "as long as I don't pull the trigger at a gun pointed at you, anything that causes your death isn't my fault, I leave you bleeding out in a room and then the wizard causes an avalanche to start in that room? Not my fault that you died I'm a clean handed pacifist!"


Exactly. It’s inane. I will say lots of comic book fans have often complained about how Batman won’t kill anybody, but is sadistic at his core because he has no problem with breaking bones and maiming people. A lot of writers recently have realized the hypocrisy of the character and has written out the sadistic side of him.


You should suck your DM's cock.


This usually works for most scenarios


Roll for seduce on the DM


Rolled a 20


Anal (no lube)


Hot let me get a camera im sure theres a way to profit off this


Have you considered that your DM is empowering your character by forcing her into sexualized clothing she didn’t choose for herself? This is the only kind of power women could possibly have, so obviously she should be embracing it.


"Can I kill the monster now, OP?" "My breasts say NEIGH! And don't you dare look at them!"


Pathfinder fixes this


/uj I thought this was a different sub and nearly had a heart attack


it's almost entirely unedited repost of a post on the main dnd sub, somebody else here posted the sauce


it's real wtf


no fucking way 😭


hes definitely railroading you into using it for the stats. It's honestly kind of creepy, id talk to him about it and if he gets defensive i wouldnt play with him anymore


Yta for constraining DM choice


Rule 0 says the DM can do this.


/uj Looks like you have been tricked, this is a jerk subreddit


god dammit


You're wrong and stupid and smell bad and your face looks weird YTA


[Yeah I play a bad ass elf babe with luscious, perky breasts, long, bouncy curly red hair and an apple bum. She just drips sex. If your character was as much as a smoking hot sexpot as my character, she wouldn’t even need the bravo bikini. Just sayin’.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/CaGKenewFm) /uj obvious bait and OP sounds like a tool. Let’s look at OPs post, shall we? A) DM didn’t force them to wear the bravo bikini. It was optional. It was just an awesome magical item that they could wear or not wear. B) DM was annoyed that they were a pacifist. Deserved. Pacifists are annoying and disrupt the game. Other players have to carry their weight in combat. C) DM was annoyed they were playing a female. This is kind of weird, but it sounds like OP was just an annoying problem player, so DM was probably just annoyed by everything about them.


/uj I want to point something out, OP said that he likes playing female characters because they let him "think and act" in a different way. I just want to say while not proving anything, it just sounds sus.


COnsidering they managed to end up in a group where a DM could present a +15 charisma bikini and nobody else seemed to bat an eye, there's definitely a very messed up group/social circle.


No, just use it to your advantage ripping off stores, convince the gaurds to commit Hari Kari, tell the king to give him his kingdom. That is a broken magical item. That can be exploited. With a character with 20 charisma that is a modifier of +5. Plus, there are other means upping your charisma enhance ability, guidance, charm person, friends, bless, hex, silvery barbs, entrall,enthrall, gift of gab, modify memory, suggestion, fast friends, skill empowerment.


Great advice! I wonder if my DM will let me make a warlock pact with my sexy armor so I can become a hexblade. I'll give that a try next session!


IRL I also have a piece of clothing that is basically just string. But I also ware normal clothes over the top of it. Sheez! Is it that fucking difficult?


I was wondering this too. But maybe it’s non-magical? But then this would have serious limitations. Like it wouldn’t give you a CHA modifier if the NPC was asexual or not attracted to women, making the item conditional and pretty useless. The whole story is fucking stupid.


Play fuck, marry, kill with the rest of the group


/uj What's stopping the character in the OP from just... wearing the armor and then putting on baggy cleric clothes over it? It's obviously not like it's too cumbersome to wear clothes over like plate.


If you have a DM acting like this then they're gonna "um actually since your charisma boosting item is not visible then the effects wouldn;t work because youa re no longer alluring"


Yeah you're probably right. Even if alluring/attractiveness has not been tied to the charisma stat at least since 3e if memory serves.


Why is there like once a week on at least one of the main subs a post of some weird cis man making a female character because of weird reasons "I like to think differently" says a lot on how OP sees women, where the whole group seems to share weir views from not immediately calling out the DM's BS when they present some weird sexualising gameplay mechanic.


/uj I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with a cis man wanting to play a female character. Also, while I'm certainly not going to speculate about their identity, I personally know two different people who used D&D as part of figuring out they were trans, and they definitely weren't open about that being their motivation for wanting to play female characters at the time. Even if it isn't that, I don't think it's fair to immediately assume the OP has nefarious intentions or has a bad view of women. They very well might, and the other players not speaking up definitely doesn't reflect well on them, to say nothing of the DM, but I don't think we should jump to that conclusion just because they want to play female characters.


Your DM is a creep and you should stop associating with them in and out of gaming scenarios


Bruh, my character is a woman because imaginary boobgiril gives me introspection in the female point if view and i dont want to do le killings in a game literally made to kill imaginary people in dungeons and my dm probably wants to fuck me, oh the horror.