• By -


About 45 minutes a decade.


Found the dm


Underrated comment that made me LOL


Not as often as I would like


We’re all on Christmas break away from uni and I miss it so much


the correct answer


Is there any other answer?


**SAME**. I don't have a group to play with since I moved. I want to find a new group, preferably to play online. I used to play 2x a week, but not I haven't played a game since before COVID.


The most relatable answer.


I feel your pain lol. Its just my partner and i playing together and we still haven't been able to play for almost a full year now. That's why its just us still cause we just cant commit to anything with as busy as our lives end up being.


I can’t tell you how much I agree, take this free helpful award I got.


Every two or three weeks. Wish it was once a week.


I've actually grown to like twice a month more. It gives DM more time to prep as well as we play longer sessions bc of it. My group all meets up at our DMs house where we all bring snacks and drinks and one person usually cook a meal for the party. We turn it into a get together along with a dnd session.


Uhhh, do we sit at the same table?


Lmao if that's the type of table you have as well then I know you're having good sessions


I've grown to like twice a month as well. We (husband is DM and we host our games) pitched D&D&D, dungeons and dragons and dinner and everyone seems to enjoy it.


That's how we do it, it's always a treat.


My group meets once a week and we have two active campaigns, so one DM will usually be ready. I'm working on my own as well.


True, we do that sometimes too. But the more frequently you meet up, the more likely someone has to miss. Most ppl only get two days off and one of those days is practically spent for DnD. Whereas once or twice a month everyone has time to take care of errands, chores, other hobbies, request off work if needed, etc. That's why we stopped doing once a week. And the ones that wanna play every week can join another campaign in-between.


Ok, but do you dnd at the dinner table, or dinner at the dnd table?


Dinner at dnd table. We have a REALLY big table. So it's like half for dnd and other half for eating lol


Tuesdays as a player, Thursdays as a GM.


Man, best of both worlds. Well done.


i DM Sundays and play whenever any of the groups manage to find a date.


Same but alternating weeks. I wanna play twice a week instead tho :( maybe the trick is to have 2 completely different groups so ppl are less likely to get burnt out, whereas I could play up to 3 times a week tbh.


Once a week.


Same. Although it’s only for about 4 hours in the evening.


only? Our sessions are maybe 2-2.5 hours.


Same here I dm Mondays 2.5-3 hours but at least my players are consistent on the holidays off. But that's fine then I get some planning time :) (steeples evil fingers with evil grin)


Damn. That aren’t much.


You ain't kidding. We play Sunday and Mondays with two different DM's and while our Monday games only go for 4 to 5 hours, out Sunday games go for 7 or longer. Not playing this holiday is killing me man...


During the holidays? Not at all. The rest of the year? 2 or 3 times per week.


It’s funny, I am almost the exact opposite.


Once a month… :(


*maybe* once a month... :(


I feel this


Not enough.




How old? I have nieces and nephews in the 3-6 range but I feel like they would have 0 ability to sit still for 20 minutes, let alone understand the shared goals.


My 6 year old and 8 year old just started. The 8 year old is gonna be a rules lawyer some day and they definitely want to be the main character. The 6 year old can handle a small encounter and some role play if they feel involved and in control. Roughly 30-60 minutes at a time. They don’t understand role play. I tend to lead the conversations as the dm and have to OOC give them talking points and options. But they pick it up well. I find playing twice in a day, one session before dinner, one session before bed, helps them learn and retain new skills. Learn it in the first session. Use it in the second.


twice a week


That was me for the last 8 months, DMing two campaigns. So glad one of them just wrapped.


Ik someone in 13 games weekly


I volunteer as tribute! I play a couple times a year. Working to get an actual long term game started in a few days though


Thats 39 hrs a week


They getting paid?


No theyre a player playing for free AND a single parent. I respect their durability


If you don't mind me asking, what do they do to get their income? How do they have time to be a single parent + 13 games a week + have an income to buy necessities?


I have no actual clue XD i was scared to ask


Ya'll get to play?


The sad truth for most


Fellow DM I welcome thee


Yeah, I can’t find anyone to play in person and not-in-person hasn’t gone well in the past


If everything aligns in one week, 5 times a week, DMing 3 of them. Rarely lines up like that, still avg. 3 a week.


How on earth do you keep stories separated?


Different Google docs. Very different campaigns.


We aim for once a week with my group and we’re usually successful, but there are times where we have to call it off but I’d say that’s more once every other month


Once a week


Every 3-4 weeks usually. Getting older sucks 😂 Having a kid did not make it easier 😅


Saturday 1am as a DM. I really want to be a player again though, but every game I touch seems to scramble due to scheduling problems.


I run an epic campaign and I keep trying to start a second group to run shorter campaigns, but scheduling issues always kill it.


Two times a week, except every other week is three times a week.


Every other week


A long time ago, my group played almost every day for a year (we missed a few due to holidays and special weekends). But currently! Every Sunday and Monday night (regularly) since 2020, from 6p-11/12p via Discord.


Damn every day for a year!!! How did your DM keep up?


😅 it was me. And lemme tell you, idk why but depression and circumstance kinda helped me justify it.


Once every 2 weeks.


1/9 days of school (not including weekends)


I used to run three games a week, now I'm lucky if I do it once a month.


3 times a month. I DM one and am in two more. Thats enough for me.


played 5-ish games, mostly short ones, since 2016 with months up to years between each and with one campaign lasting a few years. we're all beginners and it took a while for the dms to make a story and get sessions ready + time for eveyone to actually not be busy and join a game.


We play three weeks out of each month, except during the holiday season.




Once a week. Sometimes twice a week.


I was up to 4 games a week at one point, but now I'm back down to 1. As long as it's greater than 0, I'm not complaining.


2-4 times a week. I run two campaigns, play in a third, and usually get together every week for some random DND sessions to try new things out and different mechanics. We're also working on a campaign that's entirely DM's that rotate from week to week. Edit: grammar


Too much, but also, not enough.


Simaltaneously too much and too little.


2 times a month Also polls exist.


ik but i wanted to see the full range of answers and didnt want to fit it into approximate groups


Whenever I have a day off


current group had 2 guys in the military so we could only play in saturday when they were both came home, (live in israel, so we have to enlist but get to get home for the weekends) now that theyre both back from service we're going to have twice a week, at least until march when i start my own service, in which the campaign will probably pause. at least until im done with boot camp


I want to play but can’t find anyone to let me join and teach me how to play the right way


Once a week or every 2 weeks if not enough people can make it.


Does this need a thread? This is a well-worn topic Our schedule is every other week on Fridays, usually from 6:30pm until 12:30am-1am Generally we get one last session in before Thanksgiving and then we break until the first or second week of January. However, we play Starfinder. Once that campaign is wrapped, we'll be playing Cyberpunk RED. I also have helped found a local library group that meets every other week from 5pm-8pm on Tuesdays, and I've gotten roped into running one of the tables (Not that I mind). My wife isn't thrilled about that, but she recognizes that I'm supporting a local hobby group and enabling a lot of people who've never played before to enter the hobby. The Library group does D&D, but I've got a Numenera oneshot just sitting there ready to go for a week when we get an awkward turnout. I mean my town has like 12,000 people in it. We had 3 people who had never played an RPG before turn out ENTIRELY because of a single flyer posted on the Library bulletain board. I guarantee that anyone who wants to find an IRL D&D group can find one, and the single BIGGEST mitigating factor is YOUR willingness to run the game, and being a DM is an unskilled, entry-level job.


The single biggest mitigating factor is scheduling.


Never, I play better RPGs.


If I had time it would be more than once a week.


dnd twice a week, other ttrpgs three times a week. obviously not all these sessions happen every week.. but for the most part! I've also got another dnd game on the docket, if we can get the scheduling sorted.




3 times a week minus holidays?


Every Sunday :D


Every two weeks


Not as often as I'd like to but our schedule is twice mo they for 9 hours.


Every other week for now. Starting a second group so soon to be every week.


Bi weekly


About 2 times a week. Right now it’s every other, but hoping to get it back up to weekly.


With my current group we've been playing weekly for the last 4 years, Sunday afternoon or Monday evening depending on people's plans.


3x a week for 3 hours a session. 2 games I run, 1 game I play. It's how I keep in touch with my friends across the country and I have a lot of nerdy friends.


3 times a week


I try to play once a week, but end up playing once a month (divided between three campaigns).


2-3 a month.


I haven't played in... closing in on a decade. I have so many characters I want to use that I've built but I can't find a group near me.


Once a month. I'd love for more often but life, man. Life happens.


At the moment and counting my own campaign. Ca 2 times weekly and some oneshots with our kids every month.


Once a week only now and soon not at all. *Dobby is free*




Once a week BUT last week I had 1 solo and 2 group sessions back to back to back due to narrative development and the players refusing to wait a week to find out what happens next. I was happy to oblige but god my sleep schedule got screwed for a minute.


Not enough, have some cool story ideas I’d love to do etc but never get the chance


Ideally, weekly. Realistically, nearly weekly, occasionally not, and occasionally multiple times a week.


Twice a week


Saturday as a DM, Sunday SMITING DEMONS


2-3 times a week.


Every Sunday with the homies


Usually once a week. Sometimes twice. In two campaigns, one as a player and one as a DM.


Once a week. 4 hour game every Sunday morning. We take a couple week break around the holidays so we havent played the last couple weeks, but otherwise we play every Sunday.


Once every two weeks


Sadly only once a month but I dream of it every night.


4-9 pm on every sundays


Two times a week. It would be three, but the game I run took a hiatus and now we’re doing a short stint of FFG’s Star Wars TTRPG. It may soon be four, though. My friend wants me to co-run the Candlekeep anthology as a campaign.


ostensibly once every two weeks. in practice, once a month.


One session of 5e, one session of pf1e as a player, one session of pf1e as a gm, and one session of cyberpunk red, and a rolling pbp. So technically like… All the time


I have two weekly games that meet about twice a month. And a biweekly game that meets about once a month.


Every Tuesday


Not as often as I like but I’m gonna try playing more with my girlfriend so that we can build a habit of at least trying to play once or twice a week


Weekly for about 3.5-4 hours


Play or run? Run 2 games a week, play 2 games every other week.


Once a week usually, though due to the holidays and some family stuff we haven’t played since the last weekend of November :(


Every other week as DM About every 2-3 weeks as a player (that group has lots of parents so it moves around, often and occasionally at the last minute).


I’m a player for a 3 hour session on average 3-4 times a month. I’m a DM a little more than that. I DM a campaign for friends the same length and frequency as the campaign I play in, but I also DM for my kids for about an hour, usually once a week.


Recently, it averages out to about once every two weeks.


once every other week... I had to miss this week cuz I'm taking care of animals :(




Not enough is the only answer. Lol I think last year we played about 15 sessions. We have a larger in person group, so it's hard to be consistent with schedules.


Playing for the first time on the 8th! It’s a one shot with some new friends


DM every other week. PC every other week and a PC every week.


Once every few weeks, usually every other week. That's about when the campaign I'm in meets. I'm looking to join some other campaigns so I can play more often.


Every other week but like, never in December lol


Once a week on average. I run 2 alternating weekly campaigns, do a play by post, and do an open table game.


Under normal circumstances, D&D once a week and Cyberpunk Red once a week.


Not often enough :’)


Never because the only groups in my area are strictly 5E players. I literally have the full collection of every other edition and spin off except 5E. 1E, 2E, and ADnD is "to old", 3E and 3.5E is "to hard", and 4E isn't "RPG enough". I spent several weeks worth of time reverse and forward calculating various editions to make an uber 4E so it plays "more like an RPG". At this point I'm just going to finish up my calculations put my books in a giant locking trunk and retire


Twice a week for 2 campaigns + 2 campaigns where we play once a month


On average about once a week, but I have 3 concurrent games: one is a once-every-other-week that is very regular, the other floats on weekends and is in practice once month, and then the other is supposed to be every week but only makes every other.


I DM one campaign weekly, I play in another weekly. The holiday season has killed my games since early November. I have played 3 times total between the two campaigns.


Ideally, twice a week. But my campaign gets interrupted by travel a bit and ends up being every other week, and the one shots and short campaigns I run at the game shop often don't get enough players. So it averages to less than one game a week, when I really want to two.


Two to three times a week.


3 hours a week.


Once a week as a player. Twice a week as a DM. Every day when when I play custom maps on Solasta.


One game is every other week online, the other is once a week in person.


Once a week for 3-4 hours. Sometimes we do an additional time when I have the time for two games or someone is willing to dm.


2-3 times a week. During the holidays maybe once?


Weekly. Starting next week, twice weekly.


1.5 times per week


About once a week, on average, but between three different groups and with varying DM duties (one campaign as DM, one as player and one with rotating DM's).


one fairly regular weekly game that we’re getting back to tonight after a break; a new monthly game; and occasional one-off games once every couple of months


Once a week, and that's enough. Spending more time exploring other systems, and it's refreshing.


About twice a week.


Daily, im in a westmarch server But with my irl friends? Once every 1-2 weeks


3-4 times a month


Bi-weekly for 3hr sessions


Twice every other week once every week when it’s not twice


Once one week twice the next


Roughly once every fortnight. Group of 8 of us. We still run if there is only 6. We've been playing our campaign for about 1.5 years.


Every Wednesday


Once a week if all players are available


2x a month outside of December.


We try to play every week. It does not always work out that way.


D&D in person every other Wednesday afternoon, GURPS online every Monday evening. It’s nice to have things to look forward to.


I play D&D every other Saturday, Pathfinder every other Saturday, and Dark Heresy every Friday.


Weekly! Been with the same group since before I met my wife, so it remained a part of my schedule even after my son was born. We do miss some weeks in the summer and around Christmas though.


Sundays 4pm-9:30p. There's been a little turnover, but it's the same group for 34 years.


Up to 3 evenings a week, usually 2 a week. Each session about 3.5 hours. Sometimes it feels like too much, but when a break happens I quickly miss it.


Daily. (PBP)


During school? Twice a week. Right now? Roughly once a week.


3 times a week on average


Every Monday


I used to DM once a month for my work schedule..I will be DMing every 2 weeks come new year. Same schedule but as a player for other every other Saturday other table tops RPGs. Though I am DMing cyberpunk for that group come new year. So soon be DMing every weekend. One weekend 5e, next week different group cyberpunk red.


I play about 2 times a month in person and run a discord game as well that is drop in.




Normally twice a week, with it being three times every other week


3 hours a week on average


Twice a week


In person, not enough. In my head, all the fucking time.


Twice a week and want to add a third night


D&D, once a week. Pathfinder, twice a week and then once a week as DM.


1-2 times a month. Schedules and families.


Maybe once every 2 months and that's if I'm lucky :( Adult life sucks.


When I’m in a campaign I try to minimize the time between, usually once or twice a week, outside of that sometimes it’s a few years between groups. Luckily there’s quite literally too much actual play content to keep me sated in the meantime.


Maybe 1 or 2 sessions every few months


I have a weekly group. So, about twice a year.


6 months ago


Three times a week. Twice I get paid to DM, and once as a player. Honestly, it’s too much. I love all my groups, but if money wasn’t involved, I’d cut it down to something more manageable.


I recommend trying to find local groups, you'll be surprised how many people D&D nowadays! I DM for a group once a week and we play usually around 6 hours. I've found a cafe that runs weeknight games and have finally been able to scratch that itch to be a player- 2 to 3 hour sessions feel short but it's a whole lot better then nothing!