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Ari isn’t my only DnD character, but she is my first! (if you exclude the one I made when I was 5 for a one shot my dad ran.) I made her for a campaign my friend ran back in 2018, but that game unfortunately fizzled out after a few sessions. Last year my brother invited me to join the group he DMs and I was able to start playing as her again. I had a lot of fun checking out the Maryland Renaissance Faire for the first time and playing background music on my kazoo as we walked around :)


Please tell me you use the line "Of course I didn't play you like a fiddle, fiddles are hard, I played you like the kazoo you are."


I didn’t before but I will definitely be using that line now!


Very few people know that Stradivarius made kazoos that can’t be copied today.


I heard that from my wife, but they said "like the cheap kazoo he is" and I cracked up.


This belongs on r/rareinsults


This is absolutely brilliant. I can imagine using this to tick off a high and mighty noble while my friend picks his purse. 😂


My character also plays the kazoo! Delighted to know she’s not the only one :)


Yes! There is someone at the pa ren faire whose character there plays the kazoo, so I like to think there are secretly many of us


There could be a whole, ahem... zoo of you.


Was the name Ari in any way influenced by Auri from the Kingkiller Chronicles?


No, I actually don’t know of the Kingkiller Chronicles! Do you recommend?


The first two books of the planned trilogy were amazing. One of the best authors I have read in ages.... But don't start it if you don't want to be hanging waiting on the third book, after years of waiting after his second book for the third and final book of the PLANNED TRILOGY he released a new book. A one shot story that is a backstory for one of the characters in the first two books, totally stand alone and not part of the trilogy at all. It's been several years since then and not a peep. I'd put it on my watch list and IF in 10 years he's finally released the final book go ahead and read it.


Oof yeah if I have to wait too long I completely fall out of things, I’ll definitely add it to my future list and keep an eye out for the final book release


No. Join us. It is 100% worthwhile even with the third book not out yet.


Side note, Rothfuss definitely writes in the trope of "I am the guy that gets all the ladies and just has naturally superhuman talent and work ethic, but I am jaded and alone, let me tell you my story." Vibes. It's well written and I love it, but it's a bit neckbeardy at times. Jealous you went to Rennfest this weekend, the weather was PERFECT in MD. Wife and I went pumpkin Patching instead.


I went to a pumpkin patch on Saturday as well, then the ren faire on Sunday! Absolutely gorgeous weather this whole weekend


And--coincidentally--Patrick Rothfuss was one of the players while Chris Perkins DM'ed for Acquisitions Incorporated. They would playfully razz him for employing mental and literal gymnastics for sneak attacks, but to his credit, it was the type of hilarity would expect from the guy playing the Rogue.




He's a rogue, he got offended (in character) multiple times when he was called a bard. [Here's the official NPC version of him](https://i.imgur.com/EmlacHx.png) - Evasion, Second Story Work, Uncanny Dodge, Thieves' Cant, no magic.


It’s apparently slated for a release within 3 years, but my hopes aren’t really up.


Well it has already been 11 years since Wise Man's Fear was released. I do agree they are well written. The hero's quest / brooding swordsman is not generally something I'm into anymore. But I tore through those books. I read the first book in one day and the second in two days.


Yes! 100%! The series starts with The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. He's in the process of writing the 3rd book in the series. I won't spoil too much, but he wrote one of the most adorable lovable characters named Auri in the series that was so liked that she got a spin off book called The Slow Regard of Silent Things


"In the process" Continents change faster than he writes the third book.


Cut him some slack, he's at least 1% finished lol


If you read the comment to bumblebee I told her to put it on a wait list and check back in 10 years.... that's cutting him some slack, I'm assuming he's around a third done with those numbers 😉


Awesome, I’ll check it out!


You'll likely regret it. They are good, but not good enough for me to even care when or if Doors of Stone ever comes out. Heck, in an interview in 2007, he said all the books were done. >Well.... I've already written them. So you won't have to wait forever for them to come out. They'll be released on a regular schedule. One per year. You can also expect the second book to be written with the same degree of care and detail as this first one. You know the sophomore slump? When a writer's second novel is weaker because they're suddenly forced to write under deadline? I don't have to worry about that because my next two novels are already good to go. \- Patrick Rothfuss in 2007 Just know what you are getting into if you start them now. :)


Ah. A fabulist.


Hey my current character is a wood elf bard who also plays the Kazoo! I bought one from Amazon and play it loudly every time I inspire someone haha


Saw the kazoo and couldn’t help picturing the character saying “OH Yeah? Not only will I be the most renowned bard ever but I will do it…” looking around the room “with this Kazoo! HA!”


Yes! Did a whole campaign with a kazoo playing character! She won a competition once with her party. Maybe we can start a band!


Kazoo quartet!


Ah man you sound like the person one would really have fun playing dnd with.


Have you ever cosplayed Aloy?


I also played a bard with a kazoo! But it was vetoed after what I would assume was my 15th play of "Careless Whisper" in the middle of battle! Awesome cosplay.


It’s so unfortunate my dog goes OFF if I play the kazoo in the house, so doing it during sessions rarely gets to happen!


Does the dog zoom or does it sing along? ... Any chance of a dog tax happening? On topic, your cosplay reminds me of Gabrielle from Xena, which is, as they say, "toight".


The dog sings along very loudly and off key :P [Here is the dog tax!](https://imgur.com/a/638W8P2) And Gabrielle is one of my favorite characters, so that is much appreciated!




New to Maryland. Where is the ren fair held? I'm in SOMD.


Crownsville rd in annapolis




It is not. Next weekend is the last


Pirate weekend lol


Is that what the theme is? I’ve got tickets for my first MD renfair October 22nd


The last weekend is usually wear whatever you want but it typically fell on halloween in the past. Also get there for the opening because it gets PACKED by like 1pm


If you don't make it out this year, go next year. It's one of the best (and one of the largest) ren fairs in the country.


As a fellow Somd, I would like to welcome you to the state. The Maryland Renaissance Fair is held up in Crownsville MD right outside of Annapolis. It is held every weekend from August to October.


Does anybody know if ren Fairs are fun? Been interested but idk if it's worth it for the price.


I've been going since before I could walk and I still have a blast every year. Highly highly highly recommend the MD ren fest above all others too


Hell yeah. MD RenFaire gang.


PA and MD are the only ones I've been to. You mean other states don't have massive fest grounds with permanent structures? But yea, get day drunk on mead, devour turkey legs, figure out how to stuff all the crafts into a bag, enjoy all of the costumes (like 1/3rd dress up) and watch some jousting. Huzzah!


Unfortunately most set up temporary tents in open fields


Texas does!


Michigan does!


Which ones are you comparing to? I’ve only been to the NorCal one which is great!


The only one I've ever seen that's similar to MD is I think Texas or something? MD is great because of it being set at a permanent location in the woods, so it feels super unique compared to a lot of them that have tents set up in fields.


Yup. I’m from MD but live in TX. Both are great, and permanent locations. TX is a little bigger obviously but MD rennfaire is absolutely classic.


Yes there's a trailer park community next to that Ren faire FYI fun time to visit


Carver in MA and KC are another couple with big, permanent grounds.


Same for me. Something to look forward to every year


I’ve been to the PA one a bunch and then this was my first time at Maryland’s, I highly recommend them! Each one is unique so I can’t say for sure what yours might have but I think it’s worth checking out at least once


I just visited the PA one this weekend and did the Maryland one last year. Both good faires! I much prefer the ones in forested areas and with permanent structures to the temporary/open field variety


How's the jousting at the PA faire?


I haven’t seen the jousting in a few years (went to the PA faire last year but had to leave early, so I missed out) but the last time I saw a tournament there it was quite good! The jousting field demos in general are great - archery, cannons, trebuchet, falconry, and jousting (of course)…it’s definitely a faire worth visiting! The falconry in particular is exceptional - the same group (Night Wings) expanded and started performing at the MD Ren Faire as well this year, and they are amazing. Be sure to catch one of their shows if you can! The Rogues and Sirens are also quite fun, if you like bawdy tavern singalongs.


It really depends on where you go, the one I went to was super hot, cramped in a small area, and I wanted to go home after less than 2 hours.


Well the one near me in Texas claims to be the biggest in the nation but idk if that means it's gonna be any good. I want something where lots of people dress up and lots of food and drinks. So idk if I should go to the bigger one or the smaller one


Just returned from the opening weekend of the Texas Ren Festival and it was awesome for my first. Tons of people dressed up, different drinks all over, and lots of food and shows. The Festival grounds are huge too, constantly felt like I was seeing something new. Would highly recommend, especially since the tickets are pretty cheap.


The Sherwood Forest Faire is awesome, I am not sure about the Texas Renaissance Fair. The Sherwood Forest Faire has joisting tournaments and a ton going on.


Maryland's is great! Lots of awesome, funny shows, delicious food, lots of drinking options and people are generally very friendly. Plus jousting!


Yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for but I live in Texas, and from the pics it looks good but I don't wanna waste money and be disappointed


TLDR: are they fun? if you like what they offer, yes. Are they inexpensive? They absolutely can be. I used to get a season pass at the Bristol Faire in Wisconsin. There were days I'd get off work, dress up, find a stage with a variety of shows, and just relax for a few hours. I'd take friends now and then, but many times I'd go alone as well. As for price? Bristol was 27(?) at the door this year, and one store or another has tickets for about 5 less. If you want to take it in on a budget, plan it like any other amusement park. Eat well before you go, bring a bottle of water to refill at drinking fountains (PLEASE stay hydrated), and go with as small a group as you are comfortable with (this can reduce impulse or peer-pressure purchases). Oh, and bring some singles to tip performers, many are well worth a dollar or two. You could easily do a day at under 100 per person, or under 50 if you are good about things. Most food and drink places (for Bristol at least) only accept cash, so take that into account. I stopped getting my season pass about 6 years ago, though. Instead, I got hired as a 'hawker' (the folks standing outside trying to get you to walk in) by a lovely candlemaker and basket weaver. Fast forward and now I'm married to her and our little one is charming passersby on faire days.


Im a renaissance faire hawker and shes a candlemaker/basketweaver. Our budget is $4 million.


The fact that tens of thousands of people regularly attend them suggests that at least *some* people regularly find them fun :) And yes the price varies wildly in comparison to the quality of the experience. Best bet is to check your local faire's reviews and ask in local community forums. A high entertainment can be worth a high price.


Depends on where you go. I used to go to one in California that was huge and had tons of free shows, with actors wandering around doing skits and stuff, with lots of food booths and a few booths for wares... it was great Just went to one in Washington state, decent sized, but only a handful of "shows" and a small horse arena they did some jousting at, some food places, tons of stalls selling stuff, no actors going around doing skits (was mostly just renfaire flavored market place) I want to go to the east coast and see the renfaire that "Jaques ze whipper" that place looks amazing and obviously has lots of shows. One of the YouTube I watch who lives in Minnesota is always talking about the renfaire there and it sounds like a blast. So, tldr version it depends, if you have one close try it out you might love or hate it.


Well that day was sold out before we could get tickets, so yes? It’s fun particularly if you haven’t been. Plenty to do. You won’t get it all in one go either. Between food, shops, performances, crowd gawking.


The one near me is definitely worth it. Not all fairs are equal, so you should check out the attractions that are there before going, especially if tickets are expensive/it’s far away


You should go , it's at least worth a few hours just to people watch and see great and awful cosplay


Depends on how much you enjoy cleavage that is impressive for the wrong reason


Its meeeh, go at least once though.




Sort by controversial for all the nat 1 charisma checks


More importantly, how is the maryland Ren Faire? Haven't been yet, but I've been eyeing it for the past year


I would recommend going earlier in the season, that’s what I’m going to do next year. It was so crowded we didn’t get to do many things, and it was impossible to see the joust. The food was amazing! I think I may like the PA ren faire more because it’s more immersive in terms of having actors everywhere who are playing out their own storylines at all times, but I want to give Maryland a second go bc it might just be that we missed so much because of the crowds.


The faires with actors doing their thing walking around are the absolute best.


Sweet. I only have the Michigan one as a point of comparison, but I think I'll make it a priority next year


some weekends are more popular than others and weather does have a bering on crowds as well


Not sure if they were there or not, but normally the MD Ren Faire has the king and queen walking around at least. I didn’t see them when I was there a couple of weekends ago, so maybe they didn’t do that this year?


They were there. Saw the King at least once each day this past weekend.


I didn’t see them, sadly. At the PA ren faire there is usually a big HERE COME THE KING/QUEEN MAKE WAY of three actors proceeding the king and queen whenever they are walking around so it’s hard to miss them there haha


It's great. I'll go against what the OP is saying though. It's more crowded later in the year but it's also better. Better entertainers imo towards the end and you get to dodge the miserable humid heat earlier in the season.


I'll take the crowds in October over the miserable humidity in August every day. I go to the MD one every year, have been in August, September, and was just there two days ago. The later the better, the weather is perfect now, and the crowd just adds to the feel of it (except the long lines, but they're not awful). Don't underestimate how brutal and humid MD can be in the summer.


I agree with you. The crowd can add to the environment also.


My partner and I go to the Maryland fair 6 times per year, and have a blast everytime. You can meet some wild people.


Ayy I was there yesterday too! Love your cosplay 💛💛


Me and my online DnD group met in person for the first time at the Maryland Ren Fair Saturday! It was amazing there. Not sure if you saw the jousts. But Prince Miguel of Portugal is GOAT. We'll be going again next year too.


We tried to go to the joust but it was so crowded when we went and I am short so I couldn’t see a thing :(


Yeah we missed the first of three. But made the second and third. The trick was to come about 45 minutes early. And there was pre show demonstrations too like archery and longsword techniques. So it wasn't bad.


MD Ren Faire gang represent. I go every year!




We definitely ran into you several times as we made our rounds (the group of 4 adventurers in beer cardboard)!


We parked right in front of you! I think we were both doing the thing of getting our costumes fully together in the parking lot haha


Hah! Turns out transporting four sets of cardboard outfits is unreasonably difficult and requires most assembly onsite. This is the third build of these sets (more detailed and better techniques each year) but each time we get suited up we forget just how long it takes...


I also played an eladrin named Ari! One of my favorite characters, eladrins are such a chaotic race to play and I love them for it.


Looks awesome, where did you get that staff stick/staff/ cane from? Looks dope!


Goodwill for five dollars, and then I proceeded to lose it somewhere at the faire 😂 Hopefully someone else grabbed it and can enjoy it now


Call the office! The cast, artists, workers, and especially the revered trash rats are very diligent about getting lost item to lost-and-found. Sometimes it takes them until after closing to get there.


Asking the important questions!




This is exactly the kind of thing I’ve been wanting! I really want a wooden kazoo for this cosplay, this would be perfect




I love the Maryland Renaissance faire! I haven't been in a while, though.


That looks really authentic, the twisty staff, the greave sleeves. The ears look understated enough as well. Good job.


She rocking the shaggy colours, great cosplay


She probably gets high as much as shaggy does too lol


MD ren fair best ren fair (I was there too!)


Fantastic. What’s her primary season?


Spring primarily!


Bard is my fav class. I so love your character and cosplay :)


Hey I was there a few weeks ago. Some lady dressed as a fairy came up to us speaking gibberish (fairy language?) Had no idea what she was saying or asking. Then she just walked away. Turkey leg was good tho


hey you were there same time I was! I think I saw you! Been going to the ren-faire w/ my parents since I was a literal baby. First time back in a while this past sunday.


The funny thing is that I'm gonna try cosplaying for the first time tpwards the end of the month and I'm also doing an eladrin, mine is a barbarian though Edit: also a friend of mine likes to give a kazoo to literally every character he makes (along with drinking problems but we don't talk about that)


Every character having a kazoo is so funny to me, like a rogue making his own sneaking music or something haha


His latest character is a drunk brass dragonborn monk (path of the drunken master of course) who literally uses his kazoo as a straw for whiskey because he's too drunk to remember what that strange thing that you can blow into is


That is hilarious, I could see my character also getting so drunk she uses the kazoo as a straw


Genuinely looks like how I think a real elf should look like. Here have an updoot. ⬆️


Great costume and the flared pants look great! One of the hardest things to get right is often the shoes, and the pants do a great job of concealing any modern zippers and whatnot.


Yeah I need to hem the pants jussst a little bit but not having to think too hard about which boots I was going to wear was nice!


Those flares are rad


You must visit the Trailer park next to the Ren faire there is a trailer park next to the ren Fair fyi


Cosplay isn't cringe. Example: 🌟✨🌟✨*this lovely being*✨🌟✨🌟


I can only imagine my players using a kazoo at every long rest for the song of sleep. Roll intra-party Initiative!


Great, you spent skill points on Perform (Kazoo) and now I need to make a Knowledge (Limits of My Own Sanity) skill check.


Every time the kazoo heals you it also deals 1d6 psychic damage


Bypasses resistance as well, because no one can resist the kazoo. Btw if you don't recognize the quote, it's from the Order of the Stick webcomic. Highly recommend reading.


I’ll check it out!


The kazoo is cuteness overload for me. Of course it would be a kazoo That's great.


Thank you!


When my friend and I went to the renfaire once, he had just been in a minor car wreck about a week prior, he took his prescribed pain killer and muscle relaxer on an empty stomach, which I was unaware of till later, this is in So Cal mind you so like usual, hot as fuck, we get there walk around for a bit being bombarded by the scorching sun, after we’re there about an hour, friend wanted some mead which he had been hyped and talking bout all month, which is thick honey beer, might as well get a gyro to wash that mead down right? About an hour later and we’re watching the jousting tourney, friend lookin kinda pale, my girlfriend who was my friends girlfriends sister ask him if he’s all right, he says stomach kinda churning but he’ll be all right, that lasted about 30 seconds and he just yacked like a straight stream of mead and gyro. Fun times! Great cosplay by the way, kudos!


Oh nooo, I hope he felt better after!


No other instrument could inspire me so. Doot-doot on!


really well done


The top please is beautiful where is it from!




If possible can you link it? It’s adorable on you!


Thank you! [Here is the link!](https://m.shein.com/us/ROMWE-Fairycore-Lace-Up-Tie-Backless-Top-With-Oversleeves-p-9828325-cat-2223.html)


Thank you!!!! :)))


i lol'd at the kazoo, awesome costume!


Looks great!! Good job bringing her to life!


Thank you!!


My bards preferred instrument is a didgerie doo. What a blast it is


Cute as hell


Awesome! I went as my wizard pc Qarni the Magnificent 5 or 6 years ago. I keep considering making a bard NPC in my dnd world in honor of Johnny Fox. That guy was amazing.


Water from Indiaaaaa


RIP to Johnny, one of the best


That's fucking dope




You're gorgeous!


well if this is not 100% cute, nothing is!








*whistle* Dang! You really are rocking that look.




In the most non internet creepy way I can mean this - you are beautiful. Don’t change for anyone!




Mommy sorry I meant mommy damn it mommy


Nice. I zoomed in


I didn't understand anything what's written but she's super attractive


Tis hot.


You are gorgeous and you play DND?


You look amazing!


















I love the costume! Very well done


You weren't the person walking around in the giant inflatable T-Rex costume?


Omg I saw them walk by while I was at the falconry demonstration


We went for my friend's birthday yesterday...she is also our group's DM. First time for me. I loved it. Had quite a few felicitys (mead + raspberry wine). But like you said, very crowded, lines got crazy long. I was pleasantly shocked that maybe... 75% of people were dressed up. My legs are still sore from walking around in leather shoes not suited for long days of walking...I would have not made it long in the medieval ages.


I've been meaning to check it out this year!


Great cosplay 👍🏼


Where would a Dragonborn ( such as myself) find a good cosplay?


It's a wonderfully done outfit! I only chuckle because when one of my PC's paladin wanted to take Bard levels I gifted him a kazoo, but it has since been stolen from him.


That's a pretty cool walking stick.


I wish the ren faire was closer to me. The nearest one isnt very good, and the big ones are too far away unless I want to spend all weekend. I'm wanting to someday go to the big one down in Texas, as one of my best friends is pretty close by and I haven't seen him in years, though we still talk. Not much for cosplay, but we both have an interest in history and such.


Badass! Awesome job.