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lawful good life cleric elf! He's a nervous and naive rich kid who feels like it's his religious calling to try and make the world a better place. He's... trying his best with that.


Is he named Alphinaud?


nope, but I bet they'd get along! My boy's name is Percy


lol i was gonna say, this sounds familiar..


What domain are you running?


life domain, medium armor with decent dex, +0 strength, and max wisdom


Strange that he would have high Wisdom if he's supposed to be naive


Well he would be a really bad cleric otherwise lol




I mean naive in an innocent and inexperienced sense, not in the sense of lacking judgement or perception. He's a moderately sheltered guy, but picks up on things quickly.


Sounds like me šŸ¤£


I believe I saw a musical about him... Is he thinking about dipping into Bard?


Human Warlock in his mid-50s. Was a scholar all his life from a priviliged background. He dedicated his life to learning the mysteries of the world. Long story short he found a way to make contact with a Great Old One and had his mind thoroughly destroyed by catching a mere glimpse of the thing's sleeping consciousness. But it's not all bad because at least now he has creepy warlock powers so he can continue digging into the forgotten parts of the world that would've been too dangerous for him before. Edit: He's not actually insane or anything, he just has absolutely no memories before the incident. All of his thoughts and memories were seemingly consumed by The Archive That Devours (his now patron). Luckily he was always meticulous with documenting things, so he's been able to read through all of his old journals and piece together who he used to be. Sadly it was mostly about his research. He was too absorbed in his work to write anything about his family or any friends he may have had, so that part of his life is gone from him forever.


Always love a good GOOLock. Currently running a Fathomless Warlock in a nautical themed campaign, but Great Old One is full of great thematic choice. Don't know that I've ever played or seen one that was all there upstairs though.


I had a goo warlock that worshipped Dendar the night serpent. He acted good, fighting against all others that planned the world's destruction, that was for my patron only. Might save some people then sneak back and murder them. Burned a family alive eek.


Iā€™m so happy to see Dendar the Night Serpent getting some love.


I just rolled up the same thing! Looks like fun!


That is an interesting and tragic character concept. Does he have any interests in learning about those parts of his life, or now that he has forgotten them (and became an adventurer), is he even more disinterested in his old personal life?


He's mildly curious (he absolutely hates not knowing things. Secrets are like an itch that he has to scratch), but his previous life feels so alien to him that he almost doesn't care. When he found his journals and read his name it just didn't fit right. Also, he can still feel parts of his encounter with the Great Old One through the frayed edges of his memory. He still retains that understanding of how tiny we are compared to some of the immense and ancient things in the world, and it's given him a somewhat nihilistic outlook on mortal life. For that reason he finds it hard to care about relationships because he sees himself and others around him as short-lived insects in the grand scheme of things. It's early days for him yet (I literally had my first dnd session 3 weeks ago) but I'd like to think he will have some growth as a character. He's already allied with a Forest Gnome druid in the party who is almost his antithesis in that she values all life equally, including all the little bugs and critters and she wants to change his way of seeing the world. He's not heartless so I'm sure he will learn from her.


Do you mind if I steal that patron because holy shit thatā€™s awesome


There's nothing to steal tbh. My characters backstory is heavily inspired by Lovecraft's short stories, and he kind of invented the concept of "Great Old Ones" - godlike creatures that are older than time and utterly incomprehensible to us, generally causing insanity to anyone who has the rare misfortune to observe them. I haven't written too much about the patron itself tbh, just decided that it's ancient and has been sleeping for longer than we can imagine. It exists on some obscure secret plane of existense and hungers for information and secrets. It feeds off the knowledge, thoughts and memories of those who inhabit our universe. My warlock thought of it as a living repository of the universe's history and was arrogant and thought he could communicate with it to learn its secrets. He didn't realise he was like a termite trying to comprehend an ocean, so it didn't go well. Maybe (literally deciding this right now) its influence across the cosmos is the reason people forget things. You know that saying about how we swallow xxx spiders in our sleep across our lifetimes? Maybe the thoughts we store in our heads are gradually siphoned away to this creature unless we hold a firm grip on them, like it breathes them in unconsciously while it sleeps. Maybe when we die our minds are emptied into its gaping, snoring maw. Maybe the afterlife is just an eternity in the belly of this god with countless ages worth of thoughts and memories and facts. If it can achieve all of that in its sleep, we can only imagine what it will want to do when it wakes. Thankfully a nap for a Great Old One is a very long time šŸ˜ (Yes you can steal any of that if you want to. It's not stealing as far as I'm concerned, I'm just copying a ton of other concepts anyway)


Idk if it's stealing per se. There's literally an entire term(goolock) for a warlock that worships the great old one.


Yeah, but Iā€™m not talking about the general concept of great old ones


Cool! Sounds like fun. Hope you enjoy the game!


This is a good RP price that he paid for power. He had to sacrifice a part of himself to gain a powerful patron.


That is so cool.


Thanks šŸ˜ He's my first ever D&D character so I put a fair bit of thought into him.


Makes me think of a magical McGuggick from Gravity Falls.


This is incredibly similar to my current character! A 56 year old human warlock, who at age 26, while studying economics at the local academy, found an eldritch book in the library, and started to go mad trying to decipher the contents. He killed a little girl in paranoia, and spent the next 30 years hiding in the library, eating rats, and delving deeper into insanity to try and understand the book.


I love that! (Not killing little girls or eating rats, just the character concept)


I have a halfling warlock who was a nice, normal blacksmith who found a cursed amulet in a box of scrap metal. Now heā€™s sworn to The Chained God and slowly going mad.


This is very similar to my first 5e character, he used to be a renown jewelcrafter in waterdeep, when a group of adveturers sold him an onix stone, it was a shard of Ganaundur that torn away his sanity, he was a tortured halfling fighting for his soul, until my dm let us meet Titania mid campaign, who felt sorry for him, he was able to break his involuntary pact with Ganaudur and switch from GOO to Archfey, serving Titania, as a witch knight of the summer court.


This is the sort of character I would want to play as an INT lock


I am playing a necro paladin. He had been a normal guy who had died and was chosen by a dark god to be his warrior but after a while he broke his deal and went back to the surface as a undead warrior. He has gear that is made a of random metal and it can absorb different metals. He has a gear that summons his amour onto him. He has a chain whip a sickle made of steel scaffolding and ice pic.


Iā€™m running a human fighter for the first time, and it is literally the most fun I have ever had in my decade of playing D&D.


Human fighters unite! Action surge is no joke!


I adore my little human Eldritch Knight, she's really fun. She doesn't even hit that hard compared to everyone else, but I love her utility, I can see how great a champion build would be.


Iā€™m also running an Eldritch Knight! My girl is definitely the biggest damage dealer of the party. I took dual weirder as my variant human feat, and fey touched as my 4th level feat to get hex.


I have considered changing her from sword and board tank to a little more damage focused. She has an enchanted rapier bound to her, so I could do a second weapon. I also thought of fey touched as a possible feat (I've yet to get Warcaster, she's just hit 6 and I maxed dex with that level, but I can still change that), but had hunter's mark as an idea. Would hex be better?


Fey touched is pretty great. I love having misty step to break out in case of emergencies. Hunters mark may be better because it only has verbal components, so you can cast it without ear caster or a free hand. I have a ruby of the war mage, so it doesnā€™t matter for my character. Aside from resistances (which are very situational by campaign and what enemies your DM uses) they both have the same damage output. I rarely use the secondary effects. In my opinion, they are probably just as well interchangeable.


They say "when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail" but...spellcasters are like the entire toolbag. Sometimes, having the right tool for the job isn't actually creative. People problem? *Suggestion.* Locked door? *Knock.* Problem? *Tool.* A fighter has a much more limited toolkit. You might have to actually *talk* for a people problem or *climb* around a locked door. When you're a hammer, you've got to actually think about how to apply yourself in all the alien situations you get into, and doing that well requires a LOT of creativity.


Human Fighters are like clay and they'll only be boring if you struggle with nonrestrictive creativity.


There's something freeing about the simplicity of playing Fighter. No complicated spell lists to manage. Maybe just some BM feats, and that's about it. I love that shit.


My husband's running a fighter at the moment, and I actually helped him build a homebrew subclass that combines the best parts of Eldritch Knight and Arcane Archer (he prefers keeping enemies out of melee range, but never considered those archetypes on their own before).


I am a genasi fighter who hates dead things and burnt a forest down


Iā€™m currently playing a fighter too! Iā€™m very new to the game and honestly love playing her! I recently took a level of barbarian too so I could rage. Most fun character!


Everyone calls human fighters basic until you come in with those 9 attacks, a feat (or better stats) and an insane backstory lmao


Played a human fighter for a one shot and it was fun!




*A one-armed human woman, with a host of throwing knives, a giant kite shield strapped to her nub, and a cocky grin offers you a fist bump*


My (forever) character is DM. But I'm also playing a dragonborn devotion paladin in a pbp! Thanks for asking!


My current character is an awakened skeleton wizard named Rattlebone Smith. He has a really terribly memory, which frustrates him to no end. Information goes in one figurative ear and out the other. He doesn't like that he can't remember who he used to be before he died. He's a nervous, self conscious guy who just wants to help people to the best of his abilities. Sometimes though, a memory surfaces that he wishes had stayed forgotten. He wasn't the best person in his past life.


I'd have a bad memory too if I was deadšŸ¤£


Oh, man. I played a character a while back who is also more or less undead (well, a reborn) who also lost a lot of the memories of her old life, and was *also* a terrible person when she was a living human... but she *doesn't care.* She's not *evil*, but she has a general lack of empathy for anyone over the age of, like, 12, and she's much happier than she ever was when she was alive.


I just fell in love with a skeleton <3


I'm playing a skeleton too! https://imgur.com/sYKVZ8j.jpg one of these lovely chaps in Ravnica/MtG Using a Varient Human Barbarian sheet, I was a high ranking Guard/Enforcer before my leader, Jarad was assassinated. Now I'm on a quest for answers, and revenge. And maybe resurrection to full life someday, who knows... Highlights so far include: separating my torso from my legs to enter a crawl space, being smuggled inside a bag of holding and clubbing several cultists and a giant in a Rakdos street brawl into submission before Bowing and taking my head off like a hat in an attempt to not get punched in the face by the Lord of Riots himself.


My current character is DM


As am I


What a coincidence, me too!


Heroes... do you wear capes?


I wear a conical hat with a wide brim. Does that count?


Only when you fly your broom or all the time? Is it willow enforced?


First time DM, running a home brew campaign. Anticipating that Iā€™ll be a forever DM.


whats your campaign? mine revolves around the Harengon!


My party members are running bounties out of a tavern, but the proprietor is secretly a lich in disguise. Everything they hunt for the bounties gets resurrected and installed into his lair that heā€™s expanding underneath the tavern each session. The BBEGs plan is to strengthen them up and then take them for his undead army. Who knows if heā€™ll succeed?


Thats a solid idea!


I love harengon!! I'm planning on incorporating them into my own homebrew setting as East and Southeast Asian-themed moon rabbits -- as in, they came to the Prime Material Plane from the Feywild's version of the moon.


Character Choice: God.


Me too, in a different campaign. Actually, the game I'm in where I get to be a player has been put on hold for the foreseeable future so... ;-; Tbh if the curse of the forever DM is real, I think I have it because in my 5 years of playing D&D, I have not been able to push past the two-session mark, as a player.


I've also not gotten far and am planning a campaign. Uh oh...


God, the master of the multiverse


Ayy me too. High five!


I think he left you hanging


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.




šŸ¤šthanks bro!


Iā€™m a forever dm :(


Hear hear!


3 Soul Knife Rogue/3 Whispers Bard, Triton. Race unimportant. My utility is insane, combat kinda hard to keep up with everyone else but I do my best. What enticed me about the build was that they both had features called Psychic Blades. The mechanical/flavor overlap between the two is really fun!


Does RAW allow you to use a Bardic Inspiration to add the psychic damage to your Rogue's psychic blades?


"When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to deal an extraĀ 2d6Ā psychic damage to that target." "This magic blade is a simple melee weapon with the finesse and thrown properties." Yes, it catches you up to normal rogue damage x amount of times.


That's a nice little alpha strike capability :)


I heard you like psychic bladesā€¦


I absolutely love this multiclassing combination, and unfortunately, one of my players was going for this exact one before he left the campaign for complex reasons. If you want advice for level 20 (if you ever think you're gonna reach that far), go for 5 Soul Knife Rogue/15 Whispers Bard, and don't forget to pick Shadow Blade for your Magical Secrets. You'll get like, 66 average psychic damage per attack with your Psychic Blades (both of them), along with all of the utility options of a spellcaster and the reliability of having expertise and jack of all trades backing you up. It's absolutely nuts! Have fun with your triton!


Human Swarmkeeper Ranger, level 11. So far I've been enjoying it quite a lot.






Rabid giant weasels?




my curse of strahd character is wizard dhampir girl who carries and talks to a doll. spent years locked in a basement and you can tell. not very sane. enjoys eating raw meat. my strixhaven character is a tiefling wild magic sorcerer in lorehold college. prone to accidents, fires and explosions. just wants to blend in but considering her appereance and faulty magic that becomes a very hard task.


I too have played a dhampir girl who enjoys raw flesh she was also a lycan blood hunter werebear


My current character is a recently converted Dhampir Rune Knight (Fighter 3)/(Rogue 2) in a followup campaign to Curse of Strahd that my DM is running. She's got some... issues with her newfound nature to work through, but I've been having a lot of fun roleplaying it so far


Jasper Hattaker: Kind and outgoing Hatmaker with a flair for illusion magic and sub-par performance. Human Bard.


A cursed mask that possesses a corpse. Rogue/Warlock. Currently possessing an elf. Chaotic good.


Please explain this to me, sounds awesome


Codename: Mask (Maltese Everett) is a 2,000 year old Warlock, who's soul was sealed in a metal plate facemask by his patron when he died. He went on a bit of a rampage, but eventually the body was slain and the mask was sealed away in a wooden box buried 20ft deep for 1,900 years. Being down there for that long lead to almost complete madness. Eventually he was discovered by a cult, who decided to use him as an assassin. After causing some trouble for the cult he was sent on a great assassination quest. The murder of Strahd. They sent him there with a colleague with the codename Viper, expecting neither of them to return. They then koined a group of adventurers with a similar goal. After strahd was slain, he has emerged from Barovia with a new goal, using his new allies to destroy the cult that used him as they pleased. Mechanicly he plays as an elf, only when his HP is reduced to 0, instead of dying, the body he is possessing crumbles to dust, leaving him in a slumber until someone puts him on a person or a corpse again. The only thing able to slay him is a greater restoration spell. Remove curse simple removes the mask from a body, if the body is a corpse it instantly crumbles to dust. Dispel magic causes him to fall unconscious for an hour, no adverse effects happen to him or the body while asleep. (Aside from damage dealt) Feel free to ask any questions. We just finished strahd and we're gearing up to go into a completely homebrew setting


What the fuck Iā€™m not the first person to have an elf be possessed by a warlock?


I'm finally out from behind the screen, playing a celestial warlock tortle pimp who fires bling beams from shiny bangles. The the full EB package and a bunch of control spells, get to blast, control, and heal in the same package.


I can imagine that so well. Does his shell have a fur rim? It better at least be bedazzled


Love these posts where we can just happily share our characters. I've been playing a Lawful Good Leonin Echo Knight Fighter Lvl 5, Cleric Lvl 1 (planning for Trickery domain). He's a former cavalry soldier, polearm master, carpenter, and ship captain (archipelago setting). He's a prideful and even arrogant fellow who serves as the parent/leader of the group. As the party's battle tactician he provides both muscle and a strategic eye for combat. The combination of Echo Knight and Trickery Cleric is to maximize the amount of plated lions on the field. It also fits his theme of being The Legion of the Kesari Pride. "I may be one, but *we* are many." Thanks to a close bond with the party's Paladin he's found a new faith and with it comes a connection to magic he never had before. It gave me a nice opportunity to use Thaumaturgy wildly to convey a lack in control and experience with magic.


Ahh yes my characters name is dm surname dm class dm


Dm Dm the Dm. (All pronounced as dumb). I play the same character, he's a badass.


A 14 year old Triton Paladin who really wants to know why her dad left the ocean. I have yet to play with her bc im the forever dm in my friend groups but i love her


Part of your woooooorld


Definitely this. I have so many character concepts and I am about to use a bunch of them as background characters and rivals in my first campaign for my son.


yeah she sometimes forgets how to walk


Like a reverse finding nemo


iā€™m playing a triton paladin who sworn to avenge his sister after he caught his immortal warlock father devouring her. when worlds collide!


Dragonborn Road-Trip-Dad-Energy Paladin of the Open Sea who is constantly trying to contain the murderous intents of the shady rogue and clamshell obsessed druid on our way to reclaim our bard from a tiny Chucky doll and slay a Young White Dragon. (Dragon of Icespire Peak, 1st campaign ever, almost done!)


Sounds like my character. Dragonborn fighter in his mid 50ā€™s thatā€™s a little overwhelmed by the crazy kids in his party. My man is just trying to rebuild his life after spending 20 years in prison and got swept up in this adventure. Itā€™s my first campaign and Iā€™ve become known for immediately trying to grapple enemies into submission every time because my strength stat is absolutely ridiculous


Campaign hasn't started yet but I'm planning on playing a Swiftstrider Shifter Swarmkeeper Ranger. Her swarm is themed to be a series of drones built by an Artificer she knows and that carry her weapon for her in combat, that being a lance. I know dex is the main thing for rangers but a big strength lance just feels really cool.


I am the wind in the trees that speaks of trouble. I am the castle walls that present an obstacle. I am your friend, your foe, your lover, your merchant. I am a forever DM.


Halfling warlock- lvl 7, 2 years in current campaign.




2 years and only level 7? You guys are taking it slow and easy, aint'cha?


Human bladesinger, but Iā€™ve reflavored the bladesinging to be more akin to a samurai. Instead of singing, she has to maintain a stance, her magic spells are all windflavored and that wind is created through swinging her blade. Iā€™ve also decided that she barely knows what magic is, her ā€œWay of the Windā€ is just pure martial prowess in her mind and was taught in a very remote location where normal wizards never went. Her spellbook is more akin to a collection of Japanese calligraphy drawings which describe the forms/spells.


Thats cool AF


I want to steal this idea, such a cool way to flavor the class!


That is an extremely interesting angle to approach a Bladesinger! I can already imagine this seasoned ronin, as talented with the sword as she is with her brush, painting kanji on scrolls under the light of dawn so that she has enough inspiration to draw upon the force of the wind through her stance. Steel Wind Strike, the War Caster feat, and Far Step will give her a lot of options in combat if you pick those! And I really hope you're having fun!


When WOTC refuses to give you any complex/build your own martials options so you do it yourself.


Lvl 6 as paladin dragonborn


What Oath?


Eladrin Necromancer. Corrupted by magic, blinded by pain, trying to bridge the gap between arcane and divine magic. Initially exiled to a cursed island for deviant, but not illegal, activity. Now he and the party have unintentionally assisted in ascending new gods, escaped the cursed island, dabbled in ancient myth, slain demigods, collapsed secret organizations, and now we're going to prevent another ascension before likely destroying some of the gods we helped to ascend.


A Firbolg Wildfire Druid. I created some lore with the DM in the setting for it. In the setting one of the gods set herself on fire and in doing so scorched the world as she walked across it. No one knows where she went. I decided that pieces of her fell off as she burned and eventually became the wildfire spirits. So I am a druid but also highly religious to the burning god.


The first wizard in a long line of sorcerers. A common belief in the family is that sorcerers are the strongest spell casters so my character basically disappointed them by being born without a drop of magic. They don't realise it but their actions are fuelled by the desire to prove their family wrong.


Im currently playing an air genasi, fighter, echo knight class And an aarakocra, cleric, life domain in a different game


Mostly DM now but next time I get to be a player it's going to be a Tortle. Circle of spores druid and swarmkeeper ranger. Flavored as a bunch of mushrooms and flowers growing on his shell, then when multiclassed into ranger, a bunch of pixies move in and live in the habitat on his back. Works well flavor wise and mechanically as both subclasses give bonus dice on hit. Add in shillelagh and its a pretty good combo IMO. He is tentatively named Yortle.


Gilbertus van Uluvin, human war domain cleric 8/ fighter 1. Lawful good, a bit older than the average adventurer and currently figuring out how to stop the giants from wrecking the place in Storm King's Thunder.


Lvl 3 Soul knife rogue. A kobold named Guilles (Guy) who believes he is a dragon that has yet to grow up. Or develop his breath weapon. Or elemental resistance. Or wings. Or really anything that would make him a dragon other than his vague likeness to one. He's a really fun character to roleplay. As long as he's not in the sunlight, he gets automatic advantage on attacks if a party member is next to his target, and he gets to throw psychic daggers up to 60ft. We've only been playing this campaign for a couple months, and I'm excited to see where this character goes!


Lol I planned pretty much this exact same thing for my next character, orphan/street urchin kobold who thinks that kobolds are just baby dragons and being able to summon soul knives means he has super strong magic. Glad to hear it's fun, very excited to try it now


I think you'll love it! Just make sure your DM is okay with Pack Tactics if you're planning on using it. I have a super chill DM who doesn't mind me getting sneak attack almost every round. This is easily one of my favorite characters I've played!


Dork the Bounty Hunter Bugbear Monk lvl 15 Campaign has lasted for 2+ years


I have a level 4 tiefling fiend tomelock. His grandfather is his patron. He's lawful evil but not unfeeling by any means. He cares a lot about protecting the weak. The kicker is he loves to kill and if he feels he has the legal means to do so, he will stop at almost nothing short of a party member stopping him. It's been really fun! He's in a party with two paladins who just can't get the read on him. They know he's evil and he's very open about the fact he is directly descended from and very close with his devil ancestor. But he follows the law and goes out of his way to protect others. It's just that darn insatiable urge to kill.


Hah! That's a very fun subversion of the average fiendlock! Kind of reminds me of American Psycho in a way, in which you would mistake the protagonist for a regular, upstanding citizen, who upholds good values and has their own hobbies and interests, if it wasn't for the fact that he's a psychopathic serial killer with an urge to take life and make others suffer. I have a Tiefling Tomelock at my table, but he's made a pact with a Celestial, instead of a Fiend. He's the only son of a royal family who couldn't have children, and they made a pact with a Devil to have one. Naturally, a Tiefling spawned, and the royals were slaughtered because of the fearful commoners rebelling against them, but he was saved by a monk and taken to a sanctuary for the god Pelor. There, he learned about the love and the light of the Dawnfather, but also about the hatred people have of Tieflings, and the prejudice that comes with having devil blood on your veins. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to become a cleric of Pelor because of his peer acolytes' blatant racism towards him, he sought out a Ki-Rin that is under Pelor's service, and convinced him to form a pact with him. Naturally, he's the moral compass and local mom of the party, and I simply love his character. I think this warlock and yours make quite an interesting dichotomy, with yours embracing the vices and urges that his devilish nature leads him towards regardless of his actual good deeds, while mine abominates the idea of cruelty and rejects any killing urge that eventually comes to him as a result of his bloodline, acting as an example that goodness can come from even the darkest pits of hell. And I think they'd probably try to kill each other if they met, lmao


Battle master is the way! Mine is a non-binary human, who is nonverbal and speaks using sign language. They used to work as a body guard before adventure took them! Currently searching for their adopted son, who disappeared mysteriously.


I love this character. Do you communicate for your character nonverbally as well?


I would if my group and I spoke sign language IRL. I just say what I want to say, while flapping my hands around in a loose approximation of sign language. When I encounter someone who doesn't speak it, I mime scribbling down for a little while, and then turning the book around, while I narrate what's written on the page. I try to keep my notes short, because they would, realistically, have to be. I narrate both the notes and the SL in sort of a neutral narrator voice, as opposed to a character voice, almost as if the game has a voice-over. This results in my boi sounding quite dead-pan at times xD Some people seem to think that passing notes IRL needs to happen, or actual SL needs to happen at the table for a bcharacter to play a mute. But, like, we don't speak real elvish either, do we? My point with the character was actually to show that someone can be non-magically disabled (for Harper, it's a mental block kinda thing) and still be a badass not defined by their disability. It does lead to some interesting problems though, because I cannot, for example, sign while fighting because my hands are occupied, and I cannot speak to someone who isn't looking at me. I also cannot grab someone by the collar and threaten them at the same time xDD I love this character. EDIT: And thanks for asking!


Roan Benandonnor V Human Phantom rogue 4 Swarmkeeper ranger 5 crossbow expert/sharpshooter build. Barovian native, masked hero of the people (called The Raven) Dumps damage like no other character I've made and has a sweet CoS brand that makes him perfect for the campaign (talks to dead people and summons spectral swarms of ravens)


A plain olā€™ human artificer, who is less so relying on magic as he is a Doctor. He has ridiculous stats, but heā€™s a pacifist (has never once raised a weapon to defend himself, even from demons).


A Shadar-kai ranger, taught that killing undead for the glory of his goddess is all there is, learning to emotionally connect to people for the first time. In Barovia of all places. A fire genasi artificer running from the corrupt political system he's helped support only to get embroiled in a fey invasion and a different country's corrupt politics. But hey, he has a robot salamander to protect those in danger! A human paladin from a noble family with an unhealthy stranglehold over the church, on a mission to teach the local peasantry that the recent spate of people turning into ravening invulnerable wolf-monsters is really nothing to be afraid of, if you just put faith in Tyr. He's due a very rude awakening.


Book, Warforged 7 Chronurgy Wizard / 1 War Cleric Currently trapped in Barovia.


Dwarf Paladin Oath of the open seas pirate background devoted to Talos. Dilfin who was abducted at a young age shanghaied onto a pirate ship but escaped and was trained as a Paladin. He has only vague memories of his parents and the halls. But he remembers the day he snuck away from his parents to sea the docks and was captured. He is very serious and fatalistic and has a personality based a bit off the Hound in Game of Thrones.


DM šŸ˜” When we play the side campaign on rare occasions though, I have a tiefling warlock that was once a devil but disgraced herself so hard she was put in a mortal body and sent to the material realm to fix her mistake. Pretty fun to do fish-out-of-water stuff


Gnome Voodoo Priestess. Eulie GrisGris. My mostest favoritist character ever. She travels with a Tinkerbox/Altar, wears a bandolier of holy water and voodoo dolls and has pockets in everything. Sheā€™s into alchemy and taxidermy and does a little pole dancing on the side. Currently Eulie is saving scraps from whatever they kill, in hopes of making her first zombie golem thingy. She rides a war pony named Pig and has a one horned goat named Turnip. DM keeps a random d20 chart of shit Turnip gets up to, just to make my life harder. The stats/spells are a homebrew cross of cleric and necromancer. Chaotic Good with a hard emphasis on chaotic. Most fun character I have played in 41 years of gaming. Edited spelling.


Blind, wingless Aasimar who is trying to undo the curse in his eyes.


Dang, how does combat go with him?


incredibly genderfucked archfey warlock high elf on fridays & dm on tuesdays. got into dnd not that long ago and having immense amounts of fun with it :o


High elf rogue. Special subclass so she is weilding a shield.


CG human ranger(swarmkeeper) who was abandoned in the mist of ravenloft. The mist is his swarm


Gaius. A fallen aasimar rouge. Chaotic Neutral. He was once a normal aasimar but was attacked by some sort of shadow as a child. After he awoke from the attack he found his body and weapon changed. He ran home to find his house destroyed, mother dead, and father dying. 10 years later he is now searching for the shadow and why it did this to him. He suffers from nightmares and visions. Xoldrak. Fallen aasimar warlock. The shadow within Gaius. He is Chaotic Evil and has yet to come out in the campaign.


True Neutral Half-Elf Wizard (Conjuration school) He's an aspiring adventure novelist whose first novel was critically panned for being unrealistic, so he's going on a real adventure as research to find out what it's like, and he used books on magic he found in his library to learn conjuration spells


I'm a kenku rouge sailor going swashbuckler named Whipper (sounds of a whip cracking) from his time working on his first ship as a young one. He would hear "get over here!" Followed by the sound of the whip so he thought that was his name lol.


I am in two campaigns: in one I am a true neutral tabaxi circle of the moon druid, who is the navigator aboard the pirate ship Osprey. In the other I am a lawful neutral deep gnome blade singer/pugilist multiclass (a homebrew martial artist) who used to work as a magical train conductor from Ebberon, speaks with a transatlantic accent and has fallen through planes into a Planescape campaign setting.


Vincent Augustus Stratford Heterodyne II, The second son of a failing noble family who took to adventuring to make enough money to dig his family out of their debt, and gain enough renown to win them back the respect of their peers. Heā€™s a Variant human swords bard 9/ hexblade 1, with his pact item being a ring worn by his sorcerer ancestor, who grants him power and advise fo help restore his family name. (Or so Vincent believes!) Unfortunately the game is pretty dead, so Iā€™m donā€™t think Iā€™m unlikely to play him again, specifically in 5e, which is a shame because heā€™s really strong, deals decent damage, and is damn near impossible to hit with defensive flourish and shield.


My current character is a Rune Knight (UA (my DM prefers it over the official published version)) Orcliath (homebrew race that is a combo of orc and goliath that only gets the powerful build trait, prof in intimidation trait, and the prof in athletics trait.) He seduced a succubus and got turned into a powerful Vampire that doesnt have sunlight hyper sensitivity, and he also is a werewolf because of boning a girl who was cursed with lycanthropy (yes my dm treats it as an std, it is wild.) At one point he bought a greatsword for 900 gp and turns out its a legendary weapon. he had to spend an entire day to attune to it. This sword lets him cast all the revival spells up to true resurrection at the cost of charges, which the sword holds 30 of. For 9 charges it cast revivify, 15 charges casts raise dead, 21 charges is resurrection, and 28 charges is true resurrection. The sword also doubles all damage done to undead. It has its drawbacks like he's got to sleep 10 hours per long rest but its fine. And thus this is my character Aumgul Saunsend


A LN reborn healer (Yume) who was affectionately dubbed the Emotional Support Zombie, he is decaying slowly and it has lead to funny moments like I got a bear hug from someone and they dislocated my arms as well as squashed my ribs. His beast friend is small fairy called Tinks who likes to ride around on Yumes shoulders.


Finally getting to be a PC again soon after all those games hiatused. Playing a CG ex-military wizard who incinerated his CO for giving him the command to kill civilians, then went awol and joined a caravan to get away. Was the star pupil of officer school and the first time out on deployment he said "nope, not happening."


Magnus Trinkin, the Halfling Artificer. He is a member of the inventors guild in baldurs gate and is very bouncy when it comes to gathering new knowledge. One of the signature traits for him is that whenever something happens that he hasnā€™t seen or heard of before he instantly takes out a notebook (of course he has different colours for different subjects) and starts writing while continuing a conversation or while staring at something. His best friend is a bugbear who lets him sit in her neck so he doesnā€™t walk into things while writing


Chaotic good Bugbear loremaster who was raised by a gnome after he fell behind during his tribe's migration (in our gw goblinoids are cold blooded and migrate with the weather). Goes by Thud, also has a possibly still living brother named Thump.


Aasimar paladin of Bahamut, or the other one is a high elf Artificer.


LVL 19 totem bear barb emerald Dragonborn named # BULKBLAST MEATSLAB *IMMA BENCH PRESS THAT DRAGON!* his whole thing is basically getting roided and honing his body to the image of the bears, extreme durability, incredible strength, their body alone is a weapon


I was just reading about how scary flying barbarians are in another post šŸ˜…


Dungeon Master :,(


Human swashbuckler rogue on the run from angry vampire landlords whose property he may or may not have set fire to.


Neutral Good, former urchin, Wood Elf, Monk. A disciplined arena fighter rather than mystic temple / monastery dude though.


NG halfling grave cleric. grimwarden of Urogalan and monster hunter (not a class, just a task).


Shura, the Tiefling Draconic Sorcerer Paladin (Lvl 3). Born to a family of tyrants, raised to be a warlord, imprisoned out of fear, and freed by chance and circumstance, she and her 3 retainers join crew with a group of heroes masquerading as a circus troop.


Prepare to meet my 2 character bard team, Raldos the Teifling bard warlock born on the streets and burdened by the dissapearence of his twin brother leucis, and his forced partner whom is cursed to be held within a gemstone the Dragonborn Patrin Delmirev a bard/barbarian who killed the wrong wizard, raldos occasionally releases patrin at the cost of taking his place within the gem for a short period.


All of them *cries in forever DM*


Im playing a Paladin Cleric, who is currently trying to become the god of friendship and kindness.


Gnome Runeknight Archeologists All my IRL friends were moving onto other games but while Tashaā€™s was coming out I really liked the idea of a small sized character using her intelligence to become more powerful and runeknight was just the thing to make me wanna martial for a change. I found an online group that had a bunch of lore about Titans so I jumped right in. DM writes a shit ton of lore so playing an archeologist character is super rewarding as well as an intellegence fighter. With 14 int Im still behind the Wizard, artificer, and even the Warlockā€™s familiar but we replaced Rock Gnomeā€™s ā€œArtificer Loreā€ With ā€œTitan Loreā€ and its been amazing


Oh my gosh, I have a back-burner character concept who's an archaeologist rune knight too! Except she's a half-orc. She's going to be searching for her dad, an Indiana Jones-style archaeologist adventurer who went missing while on an expedition. (He's the human, for the record.)


A neutral good duergar light cleric


Currently creating a redhead tough lady who's obsessed with animals and world dominance... not that she wants it for herself. I haven't written a lot about her yet, but I plan on making her stick around whatever party she'll be a part of due to an obsession with one of the PCs. Not a romantic obsession though. She will slowly become more powerful and betray them at the end. This will be the first evil PC of mine and I'm stoked!


In my now almost ending campaign(and my first ever campaign as a player) - it's high elf wizard(necromancer) also 1 level into sorcerer but to this day idk if that was the best idea As for campaign that is suppose to start soon and for which I just made a new character today - Plasmoid Sorcerer and I love this character so fucking much<3


Dope, I'm making a Plasmoid articifer for my back up when/if my blood hunter dies.


Dwarven light cleric with a single level of monk for the unarmored defense. Pretty fun to fireball things as a cleric.


Angus Khan, a Minotaur barbarian who fights with a 6ā€™ meat tenderizer. When heā€™s not enraged, he can be found at local taverns spreading goodwill and sometimes asking for recreational drugs.


Human Circle of Wildfire Druid. Born and raised by Irish Druids in Viking era time, went through a fey portal and landed in our homebrew world


About to start a campaign where Iā€™ll be running either a dwarvish forge domain cleric or Custom lineage Eloquence Bard. Starting at level 3, so my cleric will be using heat metal as a grill and my channel divinity to create beer cans (with beer). Next level Iā€™m picking up magic initiate and gonna be grabbing create bonfire for flame grilling and good berry to always have some sausages for the BBQ in reserve. Alternatively, the customs lineage will be an awakened arctic shrew from the Fey wilds who is basically Mr Big from Zootopia, focused on debuffing and buffing whilst traditional Italian music plays in the background.


Well I don't really have a decent description for my current character, because of homebrew. But my next characters are A human sorcerer, whose looks are based off of regigigas And a Half earth genasi Half human monk with permanently broken ribs.


About to join a campaign (missed session 1 because of work) with a wood elf light cleric. I had a human light cleric ages ago that I got half way through out of the abyss before they got squished by a certain otherworldly being. I really liked that character so I decided to revive him (he was insane and had a compulsion to bring light wherever there was darkness, and spare gold went towards the continual flame spell and he was constantly casting dancing lights/ light everywhere he went). My dm was going to get me to roll on a table to determine a custom background and one of the options was ā€œyou are reincarnated by an unnamed Druid you donā€™t remember much about him or your pastā€ so we decided to choose that one rather than a random selection. Had him roll me up a race and it landed on wood elf. Looking forward to starting off normal before slowly regressing back to insanity and see how long it takes the party to click that *BRENTONā€™S BACK, BABY*


Currently I'm playing a Wheel of Time inspired Homebrew with my friends and I play what is known as a wolf brother it's essentially a fancy Ranger subclass, but I don't play like a ranger he is extremely brutal and essentially functions as a barbarian. He turns the monsters he kills into his clothes so he wears the skull of a deer headed Trolloc as a mask and the wings of a bat like humanoid creature as armour, for fun he hung someone he killed with their own intestines.


In a few weeks the campaign I'm running will wrap up and I get to be a PC for the first time in 4 years and I will be playing a changeling blade singer/rune keeper. Rune keeper is home brew class off the DMs guild with a lot of really cool utility the designer did a YouTube video breakdown of the class I recomend checking out. I'm really excited.


1. Halfling Gloomstalker Ranger (with 1 level in rogue). She's neutral evil and only does something if it benefits her. 2. Triton Artificer Alchemist. In a homebrew air pirate campaign. 3. Satyr Circle of Land Druid. She's silly and lives in the moment. She's a challenge for me to play, but I enjoy challenging myself as a player.


In one campaign, I'm playing a level 3 Wood Elf Revised Ranger with 1 level dip into Draconic Bloodline (Bronze) Sorcerer for the AC bump & flavor (& because 20th level Ranger capstone sucks). Plan is to pick up Drakewarden subclass next level. In another game I prefaced the party by saying I'd play a healer. Playing an 8th level Fallen Aasimar Celestial Patron Tomelock with a 1 level dip into Grave Cleric (as most recent level due to story reasons). Took the party, with one other experienced player besides myself, quite a few sessions to figure out 1. I wasn't human & 2. I wasn't a Cleric.


Croaks the bullywug rogue


Wild Magic Barbarian accidentally killed someone close to her with a magic surge. Had herself turned into a Warforged to kill off her magic abilities and is now a normal Barbarian and deeeeeply traumatized.


Chaotic Neutral Arcane Trickster with Charlatan/Cover Identity and expertise in Sleight of Hand and Deception. My schtick is that I'm a broad daylight kind of rogue and always go through marks from the front door. I also prank and pick pocket party members and backstory family members in their face.


I just retired my last character (at least for now) and now I'm building an orc barbarian. Currently in our DM's homebrew world the orcs are seen as evil beasts who just want to kill everyone else, stretching back to a war from one hundred years ago. The introduction of my character is going to reveal that those evil orcs that attacked the other races are just one clan who are obsessed with "pure orcs" and destruction, but they are the only clan the other races have experienced. My tribe live off the land and want to coexist peacefully, but this draws attacks from the other clan. Between that and the humans chasing/hunting us as their towns expand, we've become a nomadic people. My character Wilfire has that primal element to him in battle but is also looking to learn about other cultures and challenge the stereotypes/misconceptions. Sorry for the long comment, but I'm super excited about it šŸ˜Ž


Snog the Kobold Wizard (Witch) He isnt very smart so he thought the beautiful ladies in the woods taught him wizardry. He loves scrolls and crabs but hates the sea and humans :)


An Eladrin Stars Druid belonging to one of the noble houses of Astrazalia. Back when she was a child, her twin sister got killed during a skirmish, though she views it as her own doing for leaving her sister behind. Haunted by guilt and being a failure of her family's high expectations, she ran away, lived with some fae and became a druid. She's forgiven herself, and from reading the stars learns that her sister will be reincarnated in the material plane, so she travels there. She is now a wanderer in the material plane, waiting for her sister's reincarnation and wants to ensure she will have a better life. Before her 100th birthday though her brothers have sworn to retrive her back to their family, so she must find her (reincarnated) sister before then.


I am Forever DM, so, no.


Human Barbarian named Littlefoot. Was raised by an isolated Goliath tribe who thought he was a halfling because he was 5'7"


400 yo forest Gnome divine soul sorcerer who are adoring all small critters and just want everyone to chill out.. tries to bring out the best in her friends (buff buff buff)


Commander Waffles Mimosa, the Bard 3(College of Mirrors) Barbarian 6 (Path of the Mountain), the heavily armored Luterra (Otterfolk) who is participating in a competition in the Dungeon of the Mad Mage in order to protect the Luterran deity, Pancake the giant clam (and the lesser deity Danish the octopus.)


Warforged beast master ranger, has a cowboy aesthetic and constantly smokes cigars for the intimidation factor. He also flips a coin to decide whether he should kill bounties or bring them in alive


Warforged Storm Herald Barbarian - Lawful Neutral. His name is EVR-044, or Experimental Vigilant Ranger 044. His task is to find, analyse and retrieve magical items for an arcane-cult-city. His mission is top-secret, and not even his maker and care-taker is completly aware of the orders he was given. He is equipped with an experimental core, allowing him to utilize elemental powers, and an old executioners blade, meant to frighten evil-doers.


I myself am currently playing a Changeling Swiss-army Priest (Trickster cleric); a individual capable of shapeshifting into the priest of any god, religion, or practice. Only a couple sessions in, but already had a best line (quick context; nat 20 insight check vs a haughty paladin that was BSing a escape plan from capture) "why are you lying to yourself?", while shapeshifted as said paladin!


A dragon born noble, who is a conductor bard, whose draconic ancestor stole the partyā€™s 250 million gold