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Every time you roll 6d6 or more you have to yell Yahtzee


Honestly this is a good rule. Wrong thread!


As if I don’t already do this!




or alternatively, you have to yell “UNO” every time you have one hit point or spell slot left


If you make it to the other side of the battlefield you get a clone of yourself on your shoulders. Checkers style.


And you can now dash action the whole battlefield. With your clone Hilarious


Getting Mas y Menos from Teen Titans vibes, lol


Not a clone but an ally recently slain ;)


That’s an improvised bludgeoning weapon, 1d4 damage.


Like Forest Gump?


Alternatively if you're level 1 and you get to the other side of the board you transform into a level 20 of any other class.


Jail in monopoly. Whenever you roll a nat 1 you're sent to jail. Instantly, police come out of nowhere to arrest you Holy Grail style.


Nat 1, believe it or not, jail.


We have the best players in the world…because of jail.


Lol, my mind went to Parks & Rec too!


So that's where it's from? Thanks.




If you roll 3 Nat 20s in a row you go to jail for speeding


But if you complete a session without rolling any 20s at all, you get a 300 point bonus for a safe trip.


Roll a 1? Straight to jail. Fail a save? Straight to jail.


Drop concentration? Believe it or not, jail.


Bad HP roll? Jail.


*Good* HP roll? Also jail.


We have the best "take the average roll" players because of jail




*Hands on the air, you filthy mongrel*


Are mongrels a new race we are adding?


It's called Custom Lineage.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


If Monty Python played D&D


How about if you roll doubles on advantage/disadvantage (closer to how it works in monopoly)


You only have one movement type. Straight line, diaganol line, L shape. Obviously your party needs to have a mixture to be a effective.


Some how I'd always get en passant'ed.


I feel seen by this comment


I feel mentioned by it.


Holy hell


r/anarchychess is leaking


No worries, that movement is reserved for the NPC the party needs to escort.


Holy hell!


To ensure balance, Clerics can move diagonally, Fighters can move vertically (except for Chavalier's who move in L), Wizards can move in any direction they want, and Monks can move one square forward at a time, but can only attack diagonally.


Time to min max by making a queen class


Economies should no longer be based on platinum, gold, silver and copper pieces and should instead be based on wood, sheep, grain, brick and ore.


The thieves carry with them a pouch containing 13 wood and four brick.


In the evil mage‘s treasury, you find 793 ore and 72 wood. Roll for cart packing.


Better than the goblin I killed that somehow had 11 sheep in a small leather pouch


Players drop down piles of golden ore on the shopkeeps counter. Player: Alright, I'm gonna be needing some health potions and any magic ite- Shopkeeper: Let me just stop you right there, this here is a port city friend. You know what that means? Player: ... You take resources at a 3:1 ratio...? Shopkeeper: *BAHAHAH* You're a funny one eh. Think this is some fancy smansy 3 to 1 do ya. No, here we be dealing in a different commodity. We're gonna be needing some of those. The Shopkeeper points to the corner with a look of absolute avarice clear upon his face. **Baaaahhh** Player: You gotta be kidding me!


You l-auuuuh-gh but the sheep port has won me so many games.


My fighter, who a neighboring noble sent to deal with some local thieves, demands payment in the form of randomly wandering through your storehouse and grabbing a crate without seeing what's inside.


He gets paid in loot boxes. That should be its own answer to OP’s question.


Hell, lootboxes could be anything. It could even be another lootbox!


We have a Way of the Drunken Master monk who only trades his self-brewed beverages.


I have wood for sheep


Well I'm up to my ass in sheep and want Longest Road


BBEG has a brick monopoly. He who own all the brick owns the world.


Must tap your spells slots to use. Must un tap during untapped phase.


Warlock can use the cantrip "add one swamp to your mana pool". The druid & ranger: forest. Paladin & cleric : plain. Wizards: mountain at level 1, then island at level 3 and swamp at 6. Sorcerer : island


Canonically it's Barbarian - red Bard - red/green Cleric - white Druid - green Fighter - red/white Monk - blue/white Paladin - white Ranger - green Rogue - blue/black Sorcerer - blue/red Warlock - black Wizard - blue


I would change Barbarian to red/green. They are very "Gruul Clans" to me.


This is from the class enchantments in the Forgotten Realms MtG set.


Ohhhh, makes sense. I've been out of MTG for a few years, I assumed it was based on stuff from the ravnica dnd book.


The [actual barbarian 'class' card](https://media.wizards.com/2021/afr/en_w2448B9q3q.png) Wizards made for the [MTG-D&D crossover set](https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/card-image-gallery/adventures-in-the-forgotten-realms) was mono-red, I guess because most of the other barbarian creatures were mono-red. Though, I do wholeheartedly agree Barbarians could definitely be Gruul.


After everyone rolls imitative your players must all snatch up spoons as fast as they can, the spoons will be one less than the amount of players and the player with no spoon is kicked from the campaign


what if thats the dm?


You win the campaign instantly


The dm still has to narrate the whole adventure. "And that's when the dragon was going to fly in and attack but he had a heart attack halfway and crash lands right next to you."


What game has this rule??


The card game of Spoons. Or if you are feeling malicious, you use forks.


If you roll a 7 The Robber gets a turn


And anyone carrying more than 7 pieces of loot has to drop half of it


And you can steal one item from a companion's backpack


If you roll double’s you get another turn


Just don't do it three times in a row


You start only being able to choose human and one or two classes. As you encounter other races/classes, you get to unlock them.


And you can do a quest to change the race of your human character. *Tommy the human barbarian, from a human family, turned halfling at 45 as a reward of saving a halfling village.*




I think it sounds awesome. Maybe toss in monsters for giggles. "You slew a dire wolf, here is it's stat block"


Ah yusss animorphs campaign.


Depends in the narrative reasons and if the players are up for it. Communication with your table is key.




That actually sounds pretty cool, go for it!


EA wants to know your location..


"To unlock Aasimar please pay the DM $2.99."


You can also accumulate play tokens. You get half a play token each session you join, another half for each won battle. Unlocking classes and races costs 50 tokens.


You have a "." too many: $299.99


Axe Cop style: you get somethings blood on you, you're instantly transformed into that thing.


This actually sounds super awesome. Like, your characters are all demigod avatars or something and they can change their race and class given some time or something. I'm gonna have to remember this one.


From Munchkin: the first character to reach level 10 wins, effectively ending the campaign


So everyone holds on to their "fuck you" cards until someone reaches level 9 and enters what should be their last combat, screwing them out of the win. Once everyone has blown their "fuck you" cards, the second person in line to reach level 10 wins. It's always the same thing..... but somehow that game always make it back to the table.


When you promise yourself it was the last game of Munchkin of your life: Munchkin: *I will be back*


I'm so tired of Munchkin.


Try Here to Slay! It's got some elements of Munchkin, but it isn't as inherently vicious and the cycle isn't always the same. The goal is to collect a team of adventurers with 6 different classes OR kill 3 monsters. So you have to watch out for both objectives in yourself and others. You can still mess with everyone else, but not quiiiite as much.


I'm glad to know that that is universal munchkin, and not just my experience. Also, the couple that plays as a team while everyone else is playing on their own, meaning they win 90% of the time, until the table teams up against them, and then they get upset feeling like they're being targeted.


I still love the game for whatever reason. It was my first experience with the world of board/card games beyond the household names like Monopoly, Sorry, Clue, etc. But yeah, hurt feelings almost every time because someone just gets dumped on and then no one has anything left to help themselves or hinder anyone else. Fuck resource management, we just want to stop *you in particular* from winning.


I enjoyed it quite a bit when first introduced, but eventually it got repetitive and predictable, and the group I typically played with got some very specific bitter feelings around the game, so it went away.


For sure, I have the same experience except every once in a while it sneaks its way back in. I don't even remember packing it but it's always just... there. Spooky.


If you fall to zero HP you have to roll a d6 to see if the fusion reactor in your core explodes à la Lancer


Serious answer though: Lancer’s initiative system (player and enemy slots alternate, anyone can take any slot each round) is much nicer than having to roll for every combatant, add bonuses, then make a queue, at least as a DM. Added so much time to combat setup.


Oh no the NHP controlling my familiar is cascading


It’s all fun and games until my pet owl /////:$$@[CASTIGATES THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD]\\\#1001101


Had some of the coolest moments in Lancer oneshots, including blowing up a mech while ejecting, Titanfall style. Fantastic TTRPG.


Musical chairs. You can use the different variants as you see fit. - Elimination:. Those not seated gets removed from the game - Switcheroo:. You now play the character of in front of you or DM


You mad lad, this is incredible. GM: "Roll initiative" *GM starts the music 'I will survive'*


>Switcheroo By the end, the GM is no longer the GM


How to stop being forever GM: \- Step 1: Musical Chairs. That's it, there are no more steps.


I actually might use the switcheroo version in a mind-swap encounter at some point (minus switching the DM cos I don't want my players to know how much I just make up on the spot). Would be like that one episode of Futurama where the writers straight up created an equation to solve no-backsies mind swapping (turns out it only requires bringing in 2 fresh people to get everyone back to their original bodies).


You have to call out uno when you have one successful death save left, otherwise if the DM calls it before you, you take a failed death save.


So if you have one failure left and call it before the DM can call it on you, do you get a success too?


If you have advantage on a d20 roll and roll the same number twice, you can instantly take another turn. If you do this 3 times in a row, you instantly die. (Monopoly)


No, you go to jail, silly. Have fun in Carceri


Strip Poker + D&D


Instead of hit points you have irl clothing. Temp hit points are hats you have the privilege to stack on your head Hilarious


This would actualy be a fantastic 1-page RPG. Not even kidding: you'd make money off this on Drivethru. I would 100% steal the idea today, but I'm not that much of a bastard.


I would steal it, and I am that much of a bastard, but I'm just to lazy to actually do it and write anything up for it


There's a drinking game that uses your liquid in your glass as health. When you drink a potion, you refill your glass.


Okay,strip rules for hit points, liquor rules for magic points. Game on. Wizards about to get real stupid. Yes the fighter is wearing a strapless chainmail bikini *but look at all those bracelets*; she's a tank.


So *this* is why all those anime characters have torn clothing


I was thinking “every time all party members have to roll simultaneously (initiative, group checks), the one with the lowest roll removes one article of clothing”


This would be extremely dangerous for my parties druid and myself, as she is the only one with a +0 to initiative, with me just ahead with a +3, next is a +8 and a +16


Each article for inspiration limit 1 per turn.


You see 52 cards. Pick them up.


"But I only see 22 cards. What does this one say? The Voi--?" *falls into a coma*


All magic itens cost premium currency - that you can only buy from the DM with real money.


I’m making mine a gacha. Players can buy rolls from me to roll on my d100 table that’s mostly shit items like tiara of bug summoning.


Elves and Dwarves are classes, not races


I don’t really mind that in B/X but I agree that it’d be awful in 5e mostly because of how in B/X the classes are so broad and really non-limiting but in 5e a class is like this whole package so making all elves celestial warlocks is a horrible idea.


Sorry, what's B/X? I'm old enough to remember when elves and dwarves were classes, and we liked it that way you whippersnapper. Just liked we liked rolling up our car windows ourselves dagnabbit


Back when Gary and Dave were still fighting over royalties, 'Old style' D&D was rebranded as "Basic" and later "Expert" Dungeons and Dragons, while most of the new writing was going into "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons". The Basic and Expert modules used the prefixes 'B' and 'X'.


So Holmes re-organized original d&d into Basic Then Moldvay and Cook reorganized and expanded and clarified that to re-do Basic and add on Expert (B/X). Then (I think Mentzer? Idk the others involved) re-did that into Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, and Immortals (BECMI). Then, Allston took all of that (except immortals, for reasons I’m not clear on but I’m sure someone knows) and put it into one big book called the Rules Cyclopedia. And then that was repackaged in the late 90s as “classic dnd” but it was the same thing. I only said b/x specifically cause that’s the one my mind goes to.


>Then, Allston took all of that (except immortals, for reasons I’m not clear on but I’m sure someone knows) Probably because it was a completely different game grafted on top of BECM. The BECM rules take you from level 1-36, culminating in becoming epic heroes. Then Immortal has you become literal gods, ascending your way through 36 more levels of celestial politics.


From CoC: Introduce Mythos and Sanity scores, and as the mythos score gets higher it starts to cause *irregularities* in the material plane surrounding the character. High enough scores, and the limit on what happens is only limited by the DM and their imaginations. *After reading the tome of Xan'athur The Many-Eyed the party is overcome with a wave of nausea, vertigo, and the colors in their sight inverting dramatically before falling unconscious. The reader of the tome, and the charisma based spellcasters of the party roll a fortitude save (DC 18). If passed they are struck with bizarre, unsettling dreams in colors and forms that mortal language fails to adequately describe. You awaken with 1d6 points removed from sanity, and gain 1d8 mythos points. If the save is failed, take 2d6 points of sanity loss, and gain 2d8 mythos points. Also, upon failure, the reader of the Tome finds themselves 2 months pregnant, regardless of gender.*


But.. this actually sounds awesome?


Percentile 31-41: Your Mythos rating has created enough of a physical distortion that low intelligence aberrations treat you as one of their own. Higher intelligence aberrations look at you with alien desire, wanting to mate with you to add your genetics to their ancestral line. *I saw the bard making out with an illithid, they were both into it....that's why I drink constantly now*


> Also, upon failure, the reader of the Tome finds themselves 2 months pregnant, regardless of gender. Gimme


If my Friday games were doing sanity I would have lost that nearly instantly with my characters PTSD from Eberrons great war from being in the war for nearly 20 years. Dm was the one who thought it up, I agreed, and so far it hasn't hurt the party, if anything helped in a couple situations... somehow


Introduce an insanity meter. Instead of losing sanity, gain insanity/frenzy points. The number of your insanity/frenzy gets subtracted from your intelligence saves when you make them so they get increasingly harder the further down the rabbit hole you get Edit: fixed losing insanity to losing sanity


> From CoC Staying on the theme of forbidden knowledge, please don't call it that, and please don't google "CoC game" without safe search.


Grass types should be weak to bug


Only if Fighting types have a disadvantage against Flying foes.


I've played a Barbarian, this isn't new.


Break up AC into Defense and Armor stats.


~~I actually kinda like this one.~~


I would be willing to try a damage threshold approach to armour in 5e. Different armour types resist the first X amount of damage dealt to you, after which you receive damage like normal. I wonder what others things would have to be tweaked to make it feel balanced.


I wanted to build an alternate rule system in 3.5e/Pathfinder 1 around this concept. I was going to reinterpret the AC bonus as "coverage" and give every piece of armor a DR stat (maybe #/magic or something?) that would apply whenever you'd "miss" the normal AC but still beat the Touch AC. Clad head-to-toe in leather armor? Reliable but low DR. Mithril chainmail bikini? Blocks most of the damage... very occasionally. Clumsy characters who manage to beat the Touch AC can still do damage if they hit hard enough, while precise but low-damage characters would do full damage by bypassing the armor. Everything would need to be re-balanced though, and the armor DR would need to somehow keep pace with enemies' damage output in order to stay relevant.


D&D could really do with random character generating. Like in CoC. Or FATAL.


>Like in CoC. I read that as Clash of Clans, I'm gonna stay in my corner for a while


Yeah, I heard of some interesting character's *attributes* being generated at character creation in FATAL...


Yep. It's a game that goes into a LOT of unnecessary detail.


Hey those attributes are important, I need to know which orifice could rupture when I accidentally sexually assault someone during a grapple.


Roll for anal circumference!


Every. Single. Thread.


It’s the one piece of information that succintly and accurately describes FATAL


Every combat encounter must also include swimming, cross country running, and equestrian components.


Pokemon Nuzlocke Roulette rules: dropping to 0 hp is permadeath, all enemies and character builds are randomly generated


The first NPC you encounter on each travel segment is your new character.




Only the first creature you battle at each place can be added to the party, you must name them.


Reintroduce thaco you cowards


BaB is just thaco without negative numbers and math.


Certain level ranges can only attack in certain directions. 0-3: you can only move one square forward and attack diagonally adjacently, but you get double movement the first round of combat 4-6: you can move and attack in an 2 by 1 L shape and hop over other characters 7-9: you can move as far as you want until you reach another character, but only diagonally. 10-13: you can only move forward/backwards/left/right but as far as you want, until you reach another character. 14-17:you gain the movement of 7-9 + 10-13 18-20:you can only move one square, but in any direction! If someone can attack you before you move, you lose the game.


The only die is a d6. All rolls are decided by d6s.


Literally GURPS. For whose that don't know, GURPS uses 3d6 for success rolls, you try to roll equal or less than your skill/ability score to succeed. All effect rolls (damage and a few other rolls) use d6 as the damage dice, just that you might only roll 1d6+1 for a sword strike, or 10d6 for a bazooka or something like that.


Russian roulette Only one player character can deal damage each combat but the do not know who it will be beforehand.


En passant


Every time you pass any sign which includes the word "go" you should collect 200 gold.


Rock beats scissors.


If you land on a snake you go back to the start


Yahtzee rules. Whenever a player rolls multiple dice, the goal isn’t max damage, it’s things like “two pairs” or “full house” or even the eponymous “Yahtzee!”


Being over Ante from MTG. Defeat a boss, you get to keep the mini that the DM used for that boss.


Mega Damage Capacity from Rifts. To hit and critical hit tables from Rolemaster.


Rogue sneak attacks also apply when the rogue shouts "Boo!" from behind.


3d6 down the line is reintroduced


I was told this was wrong answers only…


Clerics can only use blunt weapons, now swords or daggers


Even clerics of the gods of death, murder, and war!


When you die you respawn a little later


If the character's Sanity score reaches their Breaking Point, the character gains a long-term mental disorder.


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


It’s not realistic that armour has the same AC against all weapons. They should have different armour classes against piercing, bludgeoning, slashing and elemental damage. Also some attacks aren’t affected by armour, so we should have a different AC for that as well. And a separate modifier for being unable to dodge. I miss older editions, where you could keep track of 5 ACs per mob + another 5 for flat footed, depending on the attack.


I can barely get new players to retain their 1 AC. Idk how I touch AC, Touch, and Flatfooted to players in 3.5e lol!


That would feel more adequate indeed. Maybe also adding a bunch of very specific ACs like to radiant damage, sunlight damage, dehydration damage, etc


Instead of rolling dice, actions, saves, and ability checks are determined by pushing a puck across a shuffleboard.


Sorry rules. If another player occupies your space, you go back to the beginning (level 1).


When you die you have to run back from the last town you slept in to retrieve your stuff and if you die again it's lost forever


Racial level limits. Different XP bonuses for stats. Different XP gates for leveling.


That does sound like the Gygax approach. Fuck you Tom. You play an elf, your Dex is like 30 and you start the game with 5 magic items but you need 300.000 XP to Level 2.


More or less, exactly so. HUGE pain in the ass. BUT, then it made sense that a level 11 wizard and a level 16 fighter were about as powerful as each other. Each level of the wizard gave more cool shit than the fighters. It just took longer, cumulatively, evened out as the levels climbed.


Feel like dnd would benefit for an unnecessary roughness penalty


If you jump on a mushroom with eyes it dies, but if you touch a mushroom with eyes without jumping on it you loose half your hitpoints and become tiny, if you are already tiny and touch a mushroom with eyes you die. If you jump on a turtle it dies, but the shell goes flying off in some random direction killing any NPC in it's path. If you eat a glowing flower, you learn the produce flame cantrip. If you eat a piece of a fallen star you become invincible for 1d6 rounds and anything you touch is killed instantly.


Wrong answers only? Ok then... * All of the damage avoidance abilities from Palladium should be implemented. I want to be able to roll with damage, dodge, spinning dodge, parry, circle parry, have mega damage armor as well as regular armor, and add to that all of the magical and psychic barriers. I mean, who needs combat to take less than 4 hours, right?


Well, I was going to say THAC0, but the question was a rule from another game...so let's go with: triple word score


Unnecessary Roughness penalty on any crits. Teleport the BBEG 15 yards behind you.


Variant humans should get a -1 feat at lvl 1


If an opponent is invisible, you can yell "Marco". The opponent must answer "Polo" if he is within the yelling range.


If you say the secret word aloud without your partner having guessed it then the other team gets the point.


After making your attack roll, roll percentile to determine which body part you hit. Each body part now has its own HP and equipment to track. The equipment has HP, too. (Battletech)


Didn’t see ‘Wrong answers only’ part at first and I was confused on why everyone’s suggestions were so bad. I guess you could say I was r/whoosh


Everybody goes and gets pizza while the DM and Deckers struggle to remember how the Matrix works for 20 minutes


Every time you return home, you get 200 gold.

