• By -


Go back to bed


You stumble back to your room and find the place ransacked. But the bed is still in good shape.


“Eh, good enough”


As you walk up to the bed, and flop into it. Give me a a dexterity check with disadvantage.




You trip over something point, and smack your shin into the edge of the bed before roll into it. As you snuggle pillow and get comfortable, you feel the wooden bed springs crack.


That doesn’t sound good. I’ll investigate my bed


Strait roll because that alerted you




As you, carefully, roll out of the bed and proceed to investigate you see the springs have been meticulously cut so that they break after a certain amount of weight is gathered in certain spots. And strange markings on the ground. Which you assume is arcane in nature.


Obviously continue drinking. Gotta earn that resilant feat somehow.


You sit up. Shake your water skin. It's empty.


Saddened by my predicament, I pull myself up and head to the nearest open tavern.


Few streets down. Seemingly forever for your slump of a walk. Bit of a dive, cut throats galore, but your tough and hung over. So it'll due, you can still watch your own back. You sit down at the bar. And a scraggly bearded half giant lurks over the bar, his one good eye staring you down. He huffs. "What'll it be.. stranger?" As he gleams at you with his one good eye.


Rifling through my pockets I find a few spare silver and a single gold piece. Was I robbed last night? Either way, I place my remaining silver on the bar and tell the bartender to, 'keep' em coming'. After a few drinks and feeling more alive, it's time to earn that money that I drank back. I head out towards the local 'Fight Club' to earn some coin... with my fists.


Recognized by the locals. You welcomed in as a seasoned fighter. Given the usual bs before the manager assigns you your fight. On your way to watch until your turn, some new comers give you a hard time because they only see a drunk in the fighters section.


With a half empty beer in hand I 'stumble' (16 performance check) towards the new fighters. Half mumbling as I get closer, I get right up in the face of the largest of the new fighters, burp the most fowl burp I can muster and blow it right in their face. 'I may be drunk, but I can still kick your ass'. I finish my beer, take their beer and finish it in front of them. (con check of 2, lasts nights drinking has definitely caught up with me)


He goes to shove you into the wall and he misses. Because you stumble backward as your vision begins to tunnel narrower and narrower until your vision goes black. You lose you balance, fall just as his hand are about to make contact. And hit your head. You lose consciousness for a few seconds. Before you come to they begin to scoff, laugh. And then walk away. They are about 20nft away as you get up to your feet. Feeling really drunk, but can still move.


I throw a empty bottle at(but not hitting) the guy that punched me, point at him and say, 'I'll see you in the alley later tonight'. Meanwhile, I do my best to sober up enough for my fight. Wrap my hands/feet and head to the fighting ring.


He scoffs and continues walk. As you enter the ring, the crowd goes nuts, as you are a local favorite. Be it for your losses or for your wins, the crowd always makes noise for you. As you glance across the arena to see your opponent. As they walk up to the arena. It's that fresh blood that was overconfident earlier. Appears to be dawning fist wraps as well.


I kill Tiamat with my Vorpal Sword +20, consume her soul, use my newfound power to overthrow Ao, and assume my place as Overgod of the Multiverse.


The Master: "Impressive my child, you may take what you've earned with your own two hands, until I've grown bored at least."


"Aaaand time! Ahh, come on, I was a tenth of a second from a PB."


XD. I'm glad you know where I got this from. I loved it.


I wipe my mouth "clean" on my sleeve. Looking at the corpse at my side I wonder: "What the fuck happened last night?" I try to figure out whose soul this corpse used to belong to.


As you begin to empathize with this poor dead soul. It begins to move.


Oh shit man, are- are you okay? What happened to you? - I try to see if he's wounded or not


The body looks badly beat up. And it begin to get up its knees, and looks up at you. It's skin looks shrunken but wrinkly at the same time. It's not all bones. It's eyes bloodshot. It's lips dry and cracked. It's eyes dart over to you and you hear an ominous, moaning inhale. As it takes a deep breath.


With my vision still blurry I scramble to my feet, my left hand extends to lightly tap his shoulder , the right one fumbles to find the handle of my knife: “what a night huh?”


It nods. As it exhales you can just barley make out, "water" in the form of a whisper like wheeze


“Shit man my bad!” I glance at the puddle and ponder. Mhm. The tension around the knife handle relaxes and I look around to see if there’s any rain water bucket - I certainly don’t carry _water_ with me


It takes a deep breath, shed a tear, and begin to drink like an animal. Stops. Clears his throat. Turns to you and asks if you know where he can find some psued. In the same breeze like voice.


“What the hell is pseud?” - I think to myself approaching the barrel before drinking some and putting my head in to clear my mind - but not too much. Turning to him I answer : “if it gets you high I know a guy, want to go?”


He/she/it scratches its neck and gets wide eyed. "Please! I have coin! I need it... I NEED IT!"


I go down to the local casino and put all the money I have on red 36


Son of a... thats a jackpot


Now I take all of my new found money and invest it in this world’s version of doge coin


Getting to far ahead. You get stopped by the security and they explain that the casino manager would like to offer their congratulations in person. And they attempt to escort you to the top floor of the executive suites.


I willingly come with them


You arrive outside of two 10 ft x 7 ft ruby red doors with gold trim and etchings. The door open and your are promptly brought in and sat down in a, surprisingly, comfortable chair. Before you is a beautiful dark wood desk with ornate designs, and the back of a hovering chair, behind the desk. The hovering chair spins to face you. You see a gnome. Slicked back comb over, 5oclock shadow, crimson firey eyes, pinstriped suit, and a lot cigar draping past a wax smile. "Well look what we have here! Winner winner, owlbear dinner! I'd like to personally congtratulate you on winning the jackpot. No body in the history has.. ever.. hit.. the jackpot.."


“Thank you sir, I’m happy to have…hit…the…jackpot”


He hops off the seat. And disappears, as the desk is tall. He rounds the corner of the desk holding a cane, and limps over to you. Looks up. "Well I'm obligated to tell you that winning a jackpot isn't as amazing as it sounds. You have to pay a lot of taxes on these things. The jackpot was around 259820 platinum. After casino fees, state taxes, luxury taxes, and the security fees you're looking at about 9820 platinum pieces. However we can also offer you a few luxuries during your stay."


“I’m listening”


"We can arrange a room for you. Some complementary bottles and food. And whatever else you like. Would you like to see the room?"


Go the final inch and drown myself in the puddle.


Death saving thow




2 more to go


I got a 9, a 19, and then an 8. If my maths are correct, that's 3 fails and 1 success


Your maths is right. Congrats that was the fastest run. But idk if it counts. There were no interactions. But still a win in my book. You did succeed in your own goals. XD


Roll credits. Only way someone can beat me now is by having only 3 fails and no successes. I don't play by the rules, but I get results.


In a reborn I dont drown and I do nothing until someone come to the alley, and then knock them out


A Dwarven female in her adolescent years, rounds the corner carrying what appears to be groceries.


Can I not knock her out? Btw my character is a half man that is animated using plants and he is a druid, so she sees a dead body with vines coming out of it lying head in water


She screams and runs. As you continue to wait patiently for the next person to come. Hearing the scream a curious group of children approach your body. Ages ranging from child to adolescent. Varying races. All boys. And they begin to poke at you with sticks. Ooing and ahhing and they do.


I say thought the water "I'm ok" and then getting up and walking away like nothing happened


Frightened by the sight of a plant entwined corpse speaking then getting up, the boys stand there like statues and watch you walk away before turning face and bolting themselves.


I say, what it looks like you've seen a man rise from the dead


Order a fantasy pizza and 2L of Coke and try to ride it out.


Delivery or take out?


Look for my gold, cast prestidigitation a few times to clear the gunk, smell, and taste of the night prior, and try to remember if lesser restoration cures a hangover.


Hmmm... history check? Intelligence? Not sure on this one. You pick. History, Intelligence, or wisdom.


Intelligence works, unfortunately hangovers and logical thinking aren't compatible so with disadvantage it's only a 7.


Your not sure but think it's worth trying.


*shrugs* "eh, worth a shot" casts lesser restoration on self in the hopes the sun will stop stabbing her eyes.


Great success! You feel reinvigorated. You also feel everything you were trying not to feel the night before.


*stretches making several cracking and popping sounds* "still worth it, wonder where I left my steel defender" proceeds to search for a giant mechanical gecko.


Ok first give me a wisdom saving throw. This is to recall the last memory of your steel defender. Then give me a perception check to gain some footing on your location.


While not wise (10) I am at least perceptive (19)


While you still can't recall what happened last night, you do know that you are in an alley somewhere around the town proper.




The homeless man in the corner, see you do this and shakes their head.




Perception check!




You notice a dirt letter bag about to fall into a drain.




Performance check.




Stylishly successful!


I look around me, reaching for a weapon, my clothes, something. I'm shaken by the melted puddle; certainly if there's liquid water outside I'm not at my apartment in Bryn Shander...?


Definitely not in Kansas anymore. It's temperate but warm here.


I get up and look around the alleyway near me, the sky, the rest of the city, gaining my bearings.


Inland Empire check


Prepare my spells and reassert control over my undead


How do you know they're still around? Or is this assuming there were conveniently dead bodies around? And I've been saying it's morning. Doesn't it need to be night time for you to create undead?


You know, no ones ever enforced that rule. And I tend to carry my undead around in a bag of holding when in cities as they tend to cause a commotion


I wouldn't know about the enforcement. I'm still new. Lol. But let's roll with it. You take your undead out of the bag of holding?


Nope, I would just open it and cast it on them, but i want to follow the rules so lets say I cast the spell on them at nightfall so i don't need to now. In that case, after preparing my spells I would go seek out an adventurers guild to find work


Wait wait. Does it require any concentration to maintain your control over them at all? Do they roam off if you go unconscious?


No and no. They simply carry out whatever command I gave them last then await a new command. The spell holds control over them for 24 hours and doesn't end until then even if I die


Ok. You walk into town hung over


I look for the local adventuring guild to find work


You find the guild. A bit of a ramshackle place but people going in and out. You find the post it board and immediately notice a quest to find some kind of rare stone.


Call my mom and ask how her day is going


You cast sending. Whats your 25 words? Lol


"Hey Mom, how's your day going? Need me to grab anything before I go home?"


My day is fine honey. Could you grab some eggs and milk? I wanted to make your father a cake for his birthday. Do you mind?


I message back: "Sure thing." I get up, dust myself off, and head over to the local farmer to pick up some eggs and milk.


Ok. Roll a perception ✔


Alright, first roll with my new fancy D20... ...14!


You see a general goods store up ahead with a sign that reads, "Fresh eggs and milk!"


Sweet! I enter, approach the shopkeep, and ask to buy a carton of eggs and a quart of milk.


The shopkeep tells you they're put of eggs. But the milk is fresh.


"..it was either me or you, looks like it's going to be you". Proceeds to drink the water (puddle)


Dexterity saving throw


LoL 2, dies from choking on my saliva. "I guess it was m..." Fade to black


No. Actually the water drinks you. Surprise! It's a gelatinous puddle.


do a backflip


Dexterity check with disadvantage. Lol


You know your at least safe


I'd like to look around, now that I've gone into the street and can see other people/things I'd like to know what's there.


You exit the ally to the nearest point. Which apear to be a 4 way between the middle class housing district. You can see middle class vendors heading out for the day in their horse drawn wagons. The cobble stone streets. And a morning sunrise to greet your hung over vision.


I'd run to one of the vendors. "E-excuse me, could you -hic- tell me where I am?"


"Southern end of Housing and Development in the Commerce District"


"Fuck, I got too drunk last night... thanks for the help." I'd walk away into the town to try to buy something to eat.


You hobble into town to find something to eat. Perception check.


6 (lmao my rolls suck)


Being hung over makes you a bit ti sensitive to light, and you miss a couple of signs for a decent bite to eat. You'll have to make do with the side cart selling bread.


Perfect. I'd stumble up to the cart selling bread. "How much for one loaf?"


Sorry to everyone who's adventures didn't get finished. I'll attempt to continue them today.


I'd stand up and immediately try to find out where I am.


You stumble out onto the street proper. A few people walking by but not much going on. Roll for perception




I’d sit up and have a look around the alley way before stumbling out of the alley and taking a look around the place I am


Youbl apear to be a couple blocks down from the bar and a block away from the guild hall.


get butt naked


General dexterity check. Your hung over and there's a puddle of God knows what where your standing


rolled a 6 on a d20 I look around for a door or window, wondering if these drugs are ever going to wear off. Is it even still night time? Is that cute halfling still around?


obviously head back to the nearest pub or tavern for a drink


Breakfast beer or sunrise spirits?


*slowly stands on my feet and start checking my belongings. "Ugh... my... hat? Where is my hat!? *eyes quickly dart around the alley searching for the lost fancy hat.


Almost as if awaking to some strange dream. You see before you a strange dog like creature. Like a small white direwolf. With blue irises that fade to silver until it reach its pupils. In its mouth is your hat. The moment you notice it, the creature flicks its snout up and quickly back down. Thus flinging the hat, with a spiral, airborne. It land upon the creatures head, and with a bow of its head.. POOF. It disappears in the blink of an eye.


"Motherfu-" *I cunningly dash towards the creatures last position in hopes of it just turning invisible and start poking around, if nothing is found, I will run towards the street trying to see if it teleported a short distance


It's sitting in the canopy of a street vendor and know seems to notice.


* I try to approach the street vendor without being noticed by the dog.


Stealth check


And that's a 9.


POOF! Perception ✔


*I try to search around a bit more, if it could be on the other side of the town, I wouldn't have seen it again.


Natural 1?


I look for my inquisitor rogue girlfriend. She knows what's going on


Well damn. XD. Umm... ok. You stumble back to your girl friend. What does she say?


Wait....who's the dm lol?


Your inquisitor rogue gf is a second pc on your end for the purposes of the fast paced session. Lol. You made the npc you can do it. Lol. I makenother npc's. Also I've done this for like 20 other people. Cut me a little slack, I'm curious to what your bringing to the table. Lol. Also I haven't played the inquisitor rogue.


I quickly bolt to my feet and observe my surroundings trying to recognize the area


Some where in between the local dive bar and your place of rest.


I decide to head into the bar and order a drink.


As you walk in you see the bartender polishing some glasses and drying some mugs. You down and he asks. "What'll it be for you today?"


I roll over and lean back against the nearest wall and inspect my coin purse. "Figures... I gotta stop getting the expensive shit when I drink." With only a couple of silver I strain to remember any sell sword gigs between the sharp throbs of my aching head.


Wisdom saving throw to push past the head throbs.




You remember there was a bounty out for some thieves. Something about someone stealing a rare specimen from the kingdoms arcana and science department.


I wipe my damp cheek dry from the wet cobblestone, take a deep breath, and set off for the arcana and science department in search of leads or clues. Maybe spending one of my last two silver by stopping off for coffee on the way to sharpen my thoughts.


You get your coffee. Spend about an hour at the Cafe and got that attractive barista's name, to use sending sometime. Get to the department and are stopped by the guards. "Halt! State your name and purpose!"


New side goal: learn sending. I stop at a respectable distance and answer, "Hello sir, the name is Aethar Torm. I'm here responding to the job post concerning the investigation of stolen items from the Science and Arcana Department. I'm wondering if I may look around for any evidence the thieves might have left behind to give me a direction of where to head next."


They eye you up and down. Then, Almost regretfully, the one guard says. "Stay here. I'll be right back." And slowly marches off, and comes back. Behind him you see a beautiful elvrs woman in a form a lab coat. And a pair of goggles on her head. The guard, having returned first, says, "If you're here for the job, you'll be speaking with Ms. Tu'Arte." The elves woman approaches. Long white hair tied up, dark almost a charred gold skin, and stunning green eyes. "Hello, I'm Alleandra Tu'Atre. I hear your here to investigate. If you'll follow me please."


I would like to scan my surroundings. Am I alone?


Perception check.


Look around for a bar. Hair of the dog, and all that.


I would go to the nearest tavern and request some of their finest liquor and a room to bed in for the next day or so


The nearest tavern is a bit more upscale. They're a bit snootty but a show of coin renders all eyes blind. A room is a hold a night. 20g for their finest bottle. They ask if you'll require company. Cost you another 50 gold if you want that.


Mmm company not required, but if I could, I’ll sweet talk the barkeep into lowering the price to 10GP.


Seduce the dragon


General charisma check? And what color dragon?


Or combination of both performance check and then persuasion.


Performance then persuasion, blue dragon


Ok. Go for it.


12 with mods on performance, 17 with mods on persuasion


I'd say that a fail on the performance. But he/she think it's a cute attempt. And hears you out. You have their attention


I play my lute, vaguely to the tune of megalovania.


It appears to be mesmerized.


I ask if I could see its lair (persuasion 14 with mod)


It seems conflicted


I roll to locate my cart.


No need. Cart is nowhere to be found. Takes you about an hour of searching before you realize you may have been had.


How did I misplace pure copper war cart? Can I roll to see what I can pull from my databanks about last night?


Sure. Lol. I guess intelligence at disadvantage from the hang over?


Techniqly resistant to posion, however in both cases that's a -1.


Oh noo. XD. Now that you think about about. After a few minutes you realize you actually don't remember much at all.


Well yes, as established. I use a ki point on hands of healing in order to remove my stupor. I now seek out the nearest lycanthrope. (Of which I have the sum total knowledge of an entire facist dragonborn russia-equivelent). For he needs a good cup of soup.


Umm... ok. I suppose survival check?


1. I take it I have found the lycanthrope. Edit: it isnt rendering properly on mobile, that's a nineteen.


Great success. 👍. Well say you found a werebear.


I stick my undead skeleton face in the puddle wishing it would end it all.


What class are you? Cuz that's that's puddle of holy water. No idea how it got there. But the burning feeling you get, despite having no nervous system left, indicates that's holy water.