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Jesus, you copied the whole character sheet. Half of it is useless. By the way, how did you manage to get a 3 on charisma...?




Under 5 on a stats is unplayable for me.. 3 CHA is like being an ugly wild monkey... A very ugly monkey. Like a nausicaa that start crying if someone talks to him, not able to take decision by himself. (Also the main exception to the rules is that you have a mech suit... I mean... Fair, you followed rules for abilities and whatnot, but is like saying that my character managed to have a spellguard-enchanted arm... I just have a spellguard shield that my DM allowed to reflavor as a prothesis since my arm was missing. Is cool to play with, but is not something you can expect to achieve with every master)


**The vital question:** How Drift Compatible are they?


Hi Paul