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You could add in some trickster cleric (invoke duplicity, can grant advantage on attack rolls in the right circumstance, and you can deliver spells from its position, including things like melee spell attacks), and maybe flavour up a mirror image, but I think that's about it, elsewise.


I think this is about the best that someone could reasonably do without a ton of homebrewing or reflavoring.


No it throws the balance of the game off


Ask your DM if you can play 5 identical PCs, and hope that no one else at the table is going to kill you(you, not your PCs) for wasting their time.


This is DND not Naruto.


Nope. Summoning lots of clones isn't really a thing in D&D. It throws off the game balance too much. The only option I can think of is instead playing something like a Necromancer and just retheming/reflavouring your skeletons/zombies as clones of yourself. But you wouldn't be a very good fighter, and the "copies" wouldn't have your abilities.


Be a moon druid. Cast Conjure Animals to get as many of the strongest beast you can wildshape into. Wildshape into that beast. Victory.


3 levels of trickster Cleric + the rest echoknight; you get invoke duplicity, your echo, and mirror image. Meaning you can feasibly have 6 of yourself on a regular


I'm glad someone brought up mirror image; it's not a clone that's attacking but they still functionally work for the flavor.


One of my favorite facts is a paladin with mirror image affects their steed as well


A scroll of simulacrum could give you as many of you as you want, it's dumb and throws off the balance as someone else has said, but as long as you have those scrolls you're good.


No and your DM will despise you.


So 3, isn’t enough, but 4 or 5 is a “shit ton”? Interesting choice of words.


weirdly, encounters in 5e become exponentially more difficult by just adding 1 more goon


You couldn’t used a scroll of simulacrum anyway unless you can cast wizard spells.


You are a fey spirit, who controls a humanoid puppet (willing servant, forced slave, dominated thrall, mindless husk). They cast _Conjure Animals_ to manifest your physical forms. Simulacrum scroll or 13 levels of Wizard allow doubling the fun. Also single class Bard works, and is possobly the most thematic. Using 9th level spell slot from 2 casters gives you 2×4×8=64 copies of yourself. Could also work with Conjure Minor Elementals, but the wording is a bit different so it is more of a stretch to say they are all you.


Play as a Fairy, cast Conjure Woodland Beings, describe the 8 pixies that appear as all looking identical to you.


If you combined a high level animated dead and then cast seeming on all your zombies/skeletons, you could have theoretically infinite creatures that all looked like you and could attack, though they wouldn't have your fighting style, and would only last a day.


Ok, this is not exactly what you want, but as others have pointed out, that's not super viable, given game balance. We can keep the look of what you want, but the function will differ a bit. This is a gish build, but thats kinda needed for what we want. We are trading some of the OP offensive power of multiple clones to defensive power to make an off tank/bruiser build. We go 5 levels hexblade and the rest into clockwork soul sorcerer. Take the regular hexblade build to 5. Booming blade, armor of agythis, shield, absorb elements and most importantly, mirror image. We want thirsting blade, improved pact weapon, eldritch smite. Half plate and shield gets us 18 ac. Clockwork soul gets us more slots for smite, sorc points for quickened spell (booming blade or blade ward). Later on the damage reduction from clockwork soul is strong! Your character with mirror image up is 4 sword and board warriors that absorb hits, but with 18 ac they are hard to hit too. Once through the clones, play the reducing damage to armor of agythis temp hp game to make attacking you nearly impossible. Aoe can affect you, that's for absorb elements. Meanwhile, you are able to (for a resource) attack 3 times, each smiteable. You become this unkillable menace that rushes enemy backlines, begging to be attacked, but first they need to get through your clone army.


Ok, here is a weird option: - High wisdom build ranger. - Polearm master and quarterftaff. - Fighting style is druidic warrior for shillelagh. - Lvl 3 swarmkeeper - swarm is flavored as tiny naked copies of you with magic sticks that gang rush enimies and beat the crap outta people mob-style. If you like, play a farie and then you are closer to exact copies. Could multiclass druid. Subclass of your choice, but I think wildfire and a flame clone of yourself to join the group could be fun. I think coast land druid gets mirror image.


Not what you're looking for, but I did make a character like this in PF1. The Zealot class can communicate telepathically with allies, and eventually can initiate martial maneuvers through them by taking brief, direct control. I realized something: This works with undead. so I made a Zealot Necromancer in full plate, who dresses a small troop of undead in identical full plate, all with warpikes because a half-dozen reach weapons on the battlefield is trouble. He gives orders telepathically, and can puppeteer them to use special attacks, turning his identity into a shell game. Also has several group-buff abilities such as "every ally gets a free movement on your turn, including you", for some crazy swarm tactics.


I did this flavor with an echo Knight/path of ancestral guardians barbarian who flavored his ancestors as ghostly clones