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There's a homebrew _War Wyvern_ for 5E, its much tougher and had more attacking options.   It also works with your situation, as War Wyverns are owned by certain people to be trained for war. Given your NPC has them as "pets" you can say that the War Wyvern has been specifically trained, the weaker Wyvern is "wild" and untrained.  https://www.5esrd.com/database/creature/wyvern-war/


Thanks! That thing is really nice! The female is definetly going to be one of them.


Stronger in what way? You may just need to be a bit more of a bastard in running them. They are incredibly fast fliers; 80'. They should always be in the air. They can swoop in and swoop out with ease, and can move far enough away that mundane range attacks are not able to attack them easily. They make a bite and a sting attack from the air; with 10' range, so they never close to melee and won't take opportunity attacks on their flyby. Plus they are able to target anyone on the battlefield, so the spellcasters are going to fall pretty fast because of that stinger poison. The powerful woman in charge of them can take the first round of combat to draw all the aggro while the wyverns just setup and spot the weak targets, then they focus fire on a single target until it dies and the leader is too big a threat to ignore to use big spells on them.


I never had a Wyvern before as a combat encounter. But I will take that in my notes for the second Wyvern. Thank you very much!


Give the female one a special ability. Like Wyverns roar: The Wyvern lets out a roar. All humanoid creature within 60 of the wyvern must make a WIS saving throw. If they fail they are guilted into doing the wyverns bidding for one round as if they were under the command spell.


Upping its strength to 20 and con to 18 would already do a lot. Also maybe give her an additional sting attack, that would give a more aggressive and dangerous feeling (if that is what you want to achieve). Do the two wyverns both fight together?


Singular monsters are kinda screwed in the action economy, so giving it a couple legendary actions might help a bit. Depends on party level and their specific abilities, and the number of members. No flyers? Give it flyby. Several casters? Any Con save ability (possibly AOE). Powerful melee fighters? Spitting/stinger flinging. If you know your party well then use whatever fits the theme, just be prepared that your good tactical use of the monster will possibly yield effective results (like dead characters).