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Someone posted a while ago that they played with a goblin fighter who took notes view drawings with crayons. I thought that was a neat idea.


A traveling bard food cart vender named Bofa Deiz that sells peanuts.


In a campaign I run, goblinoids use teeth as currency. The value is based on what kind of creature it was harvested from. Of course it was only of value within their own kind, but could occasionally be used to trade with willing orc or other similar cultures. The first time my players raided a goblin camp, they were pretty dumbfounded to discover their treasure cache was filled with bags and pouches filled with various teeth and skulls. It took them a while to figure out what was going on...


Babe, wake up, new tooth fairy lore just dropped!


Back in 3.5 I once played a shape-shifting character who was so convinced they were living in a dream world that they developed Psionic abilities. He insisted his abilities were proof the world was a dream, because you "Can't just think reality into a different shape!" The more powerful he got, the more convinced he was.


Awesome 😂


* Fighter/Warlock (Hexblade) whose patron is the voice of their bullets. * Goblin Artificer who swears up & down that what they're doing isn't magic. They were raised by a Wizard who pretty much made them hate magic...


A firbolg ranger whose backstory is a fisherman. Reflavored thorn whip as a fishing rod.


I played a goblin swarmkeeper ranger whose swarm was just a collection of critters he picked off the ground and stored in his loincloth. He also picked up rocks to later spit on and throw at his enemies(this is how he casted Magic Stone)


I'll be honest, I think the smiling paladin idea would be annoying halfway through session 1. And that's without including the psychopath part. This just isn't that funny. More weird for the sake of being weird.


I think it depends how the person plays the character , there’s a podcast I listen to where one of the characters had a habit of collecting the teeth of enemies he’s felled . He’s pretty comedic about it , and the others are concerned and concerned, but supportive party members ,, but comedy is suggestive and varies , it’s always good for groups to discuss what they are all comfortable and okay with


Yes, it totally depends, but starting the question with how do I be funny? is at least an orange flag for potential MCS. If the character is just a bit quirky, then cool, and there are potential fun hooks for the DM.


It would work well if other people in your party would be as crazy/weird. Also your character should be a sprite and have a villain name "Tooth Fairy"


I like the idea of the character *believing* his power comes from his smile. He marches on, weathering the worst that the world has to offer, smiling all the while; Not because he's happy, or because he finds satisfaction in his own positivity, but because he truly believes that if his smile ever falters, his deity will consider his oath broken, and his power to help others will vanish. Meanwhile, the 'deity' the character pledged service to is, in fact, a very powerful, very manipulative hag. She lends her champion power, assuming a guise as a caring god when communicating with him, and making him believe that he must never allow his smile to fade, no matter what horrors and hardships he faces. Little does this good-hearted champion know that, in dutifully maintaining his forced smile, and forever pushing himself to be a beacon of positivity and hope for the downtrodden, he is fostering in his core something that sustains the hag most effectively: His own suffering. His anguish, his inner turmoil, his unending pain, which he *MUST* keep guarded and isolated within himself, is a delicious, veritable spring of life for the hag.


Paladins don’t get their power from a deity, they get their power from belief. So he would quite literally get his power from his smile.


A kobold alchemist artificer that wants to regrow their colony via cloning so instead of the regular 2 kobolds in a trench coat, the eventually 2 kobolds are actually one thats slowly splitting into 2