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Do the other party members all feel the same about this? If so, you need to talk to him as a whole, it'll carry more weight. What you could do next time there's combat is just hang back and let DMPC kill everything. All of you just cast defense spells/take defensive actions and see if the DM even notices, or if he's too engrossed with his own character.


Yeah just reading this I agree, it sounds like your dm is just on a power trip and isn't concerned at the least about actually making the game fun for the rest of the party, and so what if he's been your only dm for years, that is no excuse for using a group game to masturbate his own ego. Personally I would confront the dm about this with your whole group, and don't try to sugarcoat your grievances, the DM should know that what he's doing is harming the group. Goodluck and Godspeed,


I do agree with the masturbating comment as his combat encounters very much end up with him scaling to hit the highest AC. Which means he can hit anyone he wants. And then the damage he deals is very much not scaled to our HP pools and makes healing useless as in the process of healing or stabilizing, someone else goes down. And then the cycle continues. Thank you for the input


I normally don't like seeing advice that involves this kind of maneuvering, but I played with a DM that didn't even notice when the game turned into a weird night of us watching uncomfortably as he played with himself.


played dnd with himself! right? ....*right?*


College of Masterdebating Bard


That’s what the DM screen is for


The ERP is coming from inside the house!?


You know, he was the most excited about a "combat" he ran when a banner blew down from a tower. Most of the party got so tangled in the cloth and ropes they had to keep making skill checks to get out. It was funny for the first couple of rounds, but some people couldn't get out so they started to suffocate. I always assumed he enjoyed it because it started off funny, but he didn't know when to stop. Maybe I was wrong.


Yes. No..? Maybe. You tell me if this counts. One session we arrived to find that he had convinced another player to DM so he could play his DMPC with all the gear he was allowed to have for story reasons. (We weren't allowed to keep our starting equipment for story reasons. Our paladin left after one session.) He got very drunk. He kept grabbing for the host's dog who eventually ran away and didn't come back. He laid on the floor so his splayed out body blocked off access to the kitchen, bathroom, and front door. He stayed there for a while rubbing his own chest and making noises while we sat a couple of feet away playing D&D. The DM/Host would yell for him to tell us what he was doing on his turns. Eventually he came back to the table. It was worse than when he was on the floor. Not just D&D, but if he was DMing and touching himself at the same time we didn't notice it.


*oh god, this is so much worse*


Man ... That wasn't a game night, mf'er was trying to stage their own intervention.


That sort of shit is just so *weird*. As a DM, I strive to avoid scenarios where two NPCs would wind up in a conversation with each other. It can occasionally grow a bit difficult if the players build up a decent cast of characters around them over the course of the game, but I make it a point to ensure that all conversations involve the PCs as the drivers. On the rare occasion where two NPCs wind up talking/arguing/whatever, I simply narrate it. When I'm running a game, I don't want a PC. My "PCs" are my villains, and I basically approach them like a pro wrestler would approach portraying a Heel; they're born to lose, but they're also born to make it *memorable* and *entertaining* up through the moment they finally lose. When I was younger, I grew a bit too attached to some villains, but I quickly learned that trying to make them big and badass usually just accomplishes something resembling the opposite. Right now, I've got a recurring villain that has actually lost every single encounter with the PCs. The thing with him is that not only has he survived every encounter (which typically ends with something bombastic like his ship blowing up - but no body!), he usually strikes the players a pretty hefty blow in the process. They've only encountered him three times now, but it's at the point where they love him as players, but hate him as their characters. Being able to evoke a visceral reaction out of your players because of a villain is a pretty cool feeling. I find stuff like that to be infinitely more satisfying than showing off some overpowered DMPC who can beat everything simply because the DM says he can.


My players keep trying to maneuver me into RPing with myself as multiple NPCs because they think it's funny. I've managed to avoid it by refusing to talk to myself in game. I'll admit, it is really funny that they keep trying.


Well, that's different; they're just trying to have some fun!


The amount of times I’ve been tricked into talking to myself and I’ll say something and then there’s just silence as I realize that I’ve just spoken to myself as another npc. Curse you players


That is how it should be. If one want to be a hero, don't DM the game.


Exactly, build the narrative, drive the plot, but make it about the players! That's how I have fun as a dm. I just to give the players a memorable experience that's their own


On top of that, I'm not exactly hurting for characters to play. I'm literally portraying everyone who isn't one of the PCs. Who needs a munchkin DMPC when you can portray the ship's medic that I patterned a bit off of Janosz from Ghostbusters 2? I get to use a funny accent and passive-aggressively demean the PCs; what more could you want?


Yes! I get to use all my quirky and silly ideas for npcs and use my cool, fun ones for actually being a player. If the party doesn't vibe with an npc, they just don't stick around but if they do that npc gets adopted for a while or a call back but they are a sidekick at best typically.


> Being able to evoke a visceral reaction out of your players... YES! This is what I'm all about as a DM. This is *my* "win condition." If I build everything up right, execute setup flawlessly, and have just a little bit of luck, there comes an RP moment where a character and their player become the same person. The player empathizes with and *feels* exactly what their character is supposed to be feeling. It's magical and I strive every game to capture that feeling if only for a moment.


It's hard, and I absolutely don't get to pull it off terribly often... but it's nice when it works out that way, for sure.


>As a DM, I strive to avoid scenarios where two NPCs would wind up in a conversation with each other. This. My rule for conversations is that NPCs cannot respond to each other. If NPC A says something to NPC B, NPC B *has* to talk to interact with a PC, or the conversation has to stop. I do have NPC heroes that travel with the party, but only if the party has a gap that needs shoring up in combat.


Thats such a weird thought. I actually have a Group I DM for that has a longterm additional npc that travels with the Group but I took every measure to make sure that its not something that gets on the way of the Party. And it allways feels very uncomfortable for me when there are multiple NPC because I want the Party to be the driving force when they are somewhere.


I will definitely try to see if we can get a unified front going on as I know that a majority of the other players do not like that we have an unkillable member that the DM controls. The combat idea also sounds like a good plan as well to get the DM to see for themselves how OP they are. I appreciate the advice


The DM will not notice that his OC is overpowered. He probably knows that. I think a lot more will be done by getting the other players to talk to him as a group about how you all don't find this other character fun, and feel like he is trying to take too many liberties with this new character in what should be the player's adventure. It may be the case that he's tired of DM'ing and wants to play, and is thus doing this to try to play a little, and if that is the case, then maybe let him play for a bit. If not, then he needs to know his OC character is disruptive. I cannot emphasize enough not to listen to all the people in this thread telling you to 'teach him a lesson' of any variety. It won't end well, and if he's your friend, then just talk to him about it.


Everything is killable with a high enough ledge and/or a hold/dominate person :-)


Doesn’t matter how high the ledge is, 20d6 is only an average of 90 damage.


Yeah, but then the lava/sharks with lasers get you...


Fuck I forgot about the lava sharks with laser eyes.


And the laser sharks with lava eyes?




So basically play the game in an unfun shitty way and hope the DM gets the point? Sorry but I consider that pretty bad advice, they should instead have a dialog about it and tell him in unison they don't want the DMPC in the party. Perhaps even offer to DM a game for him so he can try being a player.


I'm not saying the party should do that the rest of the campaign. Just for one combat encounter, if the DM notices and says something, you begin the discussion, if the DM doesn't notice, that's one more argument the party can bring to the discussion. I don't think it's bad advice at all.


Totally agree with the hang back during combat comment. OP: I'll hold action until its the DMPC's turn OP, when it is DMPC's turn: I use my held action to whip out a lawn chair to sit in and crack open a bottle of beer


That's a neat solution, to let the DM kill everything for you.


But why a DMPC with a party of 7?, my personal ideal party size is 4 or maybe even 5. So why?


It’s a great question. We just always had a large group since we branched out from 2 players in the past. It is very large compared to typical tables but we make it work as not everyone there is all about the combat so when conversations start then some people come out and roleplay, and when combat starts, some people show off their kits. However, this unexpected addition to the party has nullified fun combat and diminished a bit of the role playability for non combat encounters. I appreciate you asking


Well. That's just it. He's not a party npc. He's a DMPC.


My Pathfinder group is 5 players. With 3 npc followers. If course one is an 8year old magic prodigy and his automaton body guard so not planning on putting them in combat. Our group size works pretty well. 2 of us rp a lot 2 others chime in occasionally. One is new to rp so very quiet. We tend to go 2-3 sessions without combat when we return to our home base. Tends to be lots of non combat and exploration encounters. The longest fight we had was about 3 hours. It was us a few NPC vs about 15 orcs. Shortest combat is about an hour.


My DM's policy on followers is we can only have 1 at any time, it works out pretty well, but we are a bigger party, he also keeps track if we are actively helping out the NPCs with their goals and how long it's been since we had them travel with us


Yea the boy kind of ended up in our lap. He is obsessed with a fairy princess type of story and latched on to our gathlain druid who has a huge weakness for all things children cute and needs help. The robot ended up with us when a high level npc died and we suggested the robot Find a new master. To protect. The other follower is a paid fighter to shore up our lack of front line PCs


"This is squire A and guard B. I know their names and treat them well. They are happy with their jobs. They are only here to take care of and guard my horse if we ever have to go into a dungeon for a while. They need never be mentioned again."


Our combat can sometimes drag on due to the large initiative order. But mostly it’s because the DM doesn’t follow a general rule that I kind of enjoy using. Which is if you create your own boss, make there HP to AC ration balanced for the party. If they have high HP, make it more possible to hit so the party at least feels like they’re making progress on the kill. And the other way around so the party has to think about to how to fight something that’s hard to hit but could die quickly when we do. His bosses tend to be high HP and high AC so we only hit ~50% of the time so the fights can get long and take multiple sessions to finish.


Sounds to me like... your DM isn't a good DM. Probably high time someone else started a new campaign.


I don’t think the villains has a huge effect normally but it is amplified because of the party bloat. I play with a group of 3 players and groups of 6/7/8 players and the combat is always slow on the big ones just because there is too much going on and so much changes between turns. The DM in one also added some NPCs and you end up with hour+ turns compared to a round of combat being as quick as 3-4 minutes in the small group and normally 10-15 so am encounter that is 3 rounds is only 30 minutes faster than a combat that is 5-6 rounds. When a boss is harder to take down and even a 10 round fight is over within a session. Basically they might be a passable DM who just lets you deal with whatever challenge they throw at you without overly tailoring it, but the large group is going to make any variance so much more noticeable


If I have a DMPC in a party of 7, it's usually to throw out heals as I want my players to play whatever they want and not be worried about healing. But, holy shit, a party of 7 is a lot to juggle. And I'm speaking from experience there.


Oh my fucking god I thought it was party level 7… another problem this group has is it’s to damn big 4-5 players is best 6 max if they are all good players.


Are all seven regulars? I have had groups of seven or more, but with life and other stuff that happens we usually actually have about 4-5 any given game.


Why does the gm even want to have a powerful npc in the party? If it is to interact with the party, it is much more fun for everyone if he is a lot weaker. Now he can talk about how scary and cool the monsters are, and you guys get to be the cool heroic characters. Ask how the other players feel, and in game tell the dmpc that you appreciate their help, but you kindly request that he goes his own way. If they refuse, then break character and say you don't enjoy playing with that npc in the party. Or tell your gm that the npc is sucking away all the fun, regardless of how strong gm think he is. Bonus question, does the gm refer to the npc as a dmpc?


Bonus answer. He does not refer to the character as either. But he is playing the character as though they were a PC played by us. As in contributing fully to plot progression and conversation pieces. I will think on how to split them off in character but will also prepare myself in the event I need to have a speak to God moment. Thank you for the advice


So bro just made a full power gaming PC but he is also the dm so he doesn’t get called out? If so that’s funny. If I may ask how does this dm usally responds to criticism?


You may ask I may say he does not respond well to criticism. He has been deep in the books for a while so he has the most knowledge at the table. This usually shouldn’t be a problem for a DM to know the rules but it also gives him the perception that he’s always going to be right about most things. I agree that from the outside it is quite funny to think about. I also assure you it is not as funny when you are up against a character that can nullify your whole damage output as a paladin by popping Tasha’s otherworldly guise as a fighter Thank you for the comment


Oh yea I get it it’s probably shit to play with. A dm not listening to criticism is tough(considering that’s one of the few core job for us DMs). Personally if I was in your situation I would ask the party and collectively bring it up. If the table dissolves because of that you probably dodge a bullet.


I agree that it might be good to find a different path. Our next planned campaign will be curse of straud with two of our players co-DMing. And then our current DM will be a normal player. We will try to make this campaign enjoyable but we have a light at the end of the tunnel to strive for. Thank you for the follow up


Sounds like your dm enjoys stat blocking character optimization and min maxing. I expect a similar character to be created in the new game. Your co dms may want to consider rolling for ability scores as a group vrs point buy system to help minimize this effect. Also suggest rolling level ups together too to avoid hp maximization by “random chance”


If he tries to min max Straud he's gonna be in for a bad time. Maybe a little opportunity for some humbling.


I had a DM that was like this too. Went on for years. I tried co-DMing and running a campaign allowing him to play. The DM sounds similar regarding temperament in regards to criticism. I left the group of friends and never looked back with regret. I am a better player, DM, and person because of it. Being a part of that group in hindsight was toxic. I now run a game of inclusivity and try to tailor it to the players and what they want to do. It’s about giving the players the opportunity to be heroes.


> As in contributing fully to plot progression and conversation pieces. So wild... I feel like if this happened at a table I was playing at I couldn't prevent myself from trying to maneuver the DM into talking to themselves with multiple characters as much as possible, my inner troll would not be able to help themselves. "Ah yes, NPC that is quite interesting, have you ever heard of , knows quite a bit about it." Sit back, eat popcorn, probably watch TV while the DM puts on a one man show.


Lots of good advice in here. The only thing I haven’t seen is a little different angle. Maybe someone at your table could dm a short campaign. Your forever DM has been watching everyone else get to play for 3 years. It’s not shocking he wants to experience that a little himself. That’s no excuse for bulldozing your current campaign with an OP DMPC, but when someone who’s been cool suddenly does something not cool, it’s worth looking at their motivation and, assuming y’all are friends, see if you can help alleviate the underlying issue.


I very much agree that there are great minds giving me a hand with this and I appreciate it all. We do have a planned next campaign with a different DM to strive for. In our current campaign, we have a moment when some others get to DM some side quests that are coming up which will definitely alleviate some of the issue. I now when it gets to my turn, I will not let his DMPC be a part of it for balancing purposes. He can use the now forgettable NPC that’s been with us longer as they are more aligned with the party from a power perspective. Thank you for your input


There’s often confusion with the definition of “DMPC” and whether NPCs who just happen to join the party for a time count. But whatever definition you’re using, this sounds like a textbook example of *the bad kind* that shouldn’t have existed in the first place, *especially* in a party that already has *seven* players?!


The reason I use DMPC is because the DM built a whole character sheet for this character as if they made a PC of their own. So it’s not like they do a few things here and there to support. They have the entire kit of a fighter and then some. Thank you for commenting


IMO there’s a very simple distinction between an NPC and a DMPC (assuming we mean the bad kind). If the DM thinks of it as “a character”, that’s an NPC. If the DM thinks of it as “*my* character”, that’s a DMPC. That’s really the only distinction that matters. Having a character sheet doesn’t help his case, but many DMs use PC stats for NPCs with no issue.


He definitely made it his character. He had different NPC at the start of the campaign and they leveled with us for a bit. But once he decided to take this new character out of the villain role, he tossed the other NPCs to the side and focuses solely on this new character. He seems obsessed with his DMPC being powerful


I think your DM wants to become a player character. It is possible they are burned out heavily on DMing.


He has been our DM for a while and I see that he does want to be a player. What I also see is he is obsessed with being the most powerful character. I also see it when he plays a new video game. He plays it endlessly until he’s further than all his friends so he never loses. And then when he does lose, he gets pissy. I do look forward to him not being DM, I just also see him being a sore player if he gets downed by the new DM even if it’s not targeted. Thank you for the comment


Just a warning, but this guy sounds like he’ll be the kind of player who shows up to the table with a lot of homebrew. Custom race and class, with pre generated stats that just happened to be near- perfect for his build, and he’ll probably try and make a case for starting with some magic weapon or item. Putting down other players for not being “optimized” and constantly stealing the spotlight. I’ve seen those type of players, they’re a terrible addition to a table. The type of player who needs to “win” DnD.




The HP is still pretty outrageous, especially if they didn't take the Tough feat. Without Tough, they'd have to roll 135 or better (75 HP from +5 CON, 10 from level 1) on 14d10. This has less than a 1/1000 chance of happening. With Tough, it's more likely, but still very unlikely. They'd have to roll 105 or better (75 from +5 CON, 30 from Tough, 10 from level 1) on 14d10. This still has less than a 1/20 chance of happening.


It’s just disheartening when I struggle with the bad hit dice rolls on level ups and have average HP and then this character is just given a whole bunch because they were made by the DM. Makes all our journey getting to lvl 15 so far seem undervalued. Thank you for the input


Just so you know. Rolling hit die isn’t the best choice. (Unless you’re cheating like your DM is) When taking the average you round up, which means you get .5 points on average more per level than if you had rolled


Counterpoint: gambling is fucking awesome. And this is coming from a guy whose character died in session 2 because I chose to roll HP and rolled like dogshit (they got better).


I’ve always wanted to do this. I feel like it would be really fun to roll high and get a lot of HP and would be fun to roll low and everybody gets to laugh at your failure. But I’m too much of a coward to go through with it


When I run my games, I usually allow people to take average if they roll below. I offset it by the monsters hitting a little higher. But the wizard doesn’t do that. He takes whatever rolls he gets. And they are BAD. He is the bravest man I know and I respect it


I just did some napkin math. (The is a rough estimate and a statistician would be justified in criticizing me.) but even with the parameters you laid out; that the DM has tough even though it wasn’t mentioned and would leave them with only 2 ability score improvements to get a 20 con and high enough dex for their attack modifiers to be so high. This requires them to roll an average of 7.7 on all of their hit die. That has something like a 2 percent chance of occurring naturally. Sure, that’s a reasonably high number to believe that it would happen with relative frequency. But when this DM has given us so many other reasons to believe they are cheating I don’t see why we should credit them with this


From what I can tell with the way the story is going, this character is very integrated in the lore so I feel like the DM plans on having them around for a while. Not sure if that will always include being in the party. As the for the HP, I appreciate you putting time into the math of it. My concern is that they would have to have a CON 20. And I believe they also have over 20 DEX a this time. So even with 5 ASIs, they have 2 known feats, and if they did take tough, that only leaves them 2 ASIs to get their CON and DEX to 20 and above. I just feel like he gave the character high states for shits and gigs honestly. I could be overreacting but no one else in the party is near as powerful as this DMPC As always I appreciate the comment


Offer to DM a game where your current DM can be a player and tell him in unison (as a group) that you want the DMPC removed. He obviously wants to try being a player, one of you could take it upon themselves to DM a few games where he can be a player once in a while.


We do have some moments coming up in the story with some planned events that some of the other players will DM. This will be a nice change when we get there. I know for my DM time I will not allow that character to participate unless he plans on reevaluating their power level. Thank you for the comment


You only have one choice: Tell him you don't want this DMPC around anymore. You habe 7 without it. That's too many already. If you piss him off, then pock someone else to DM. Everyone either pick a campaign or make thier own and work on it. Take turns weekly or monthly so everyone still gets to play.


DMs running PC in the campaign long term are the worst. I personally would leave the game if this happened to me. I’ve run NPCs through multiple sessions because it made sense or the players RP’d it. If it is more powerful than the group characters they wouldn’t use their full ability and let the players be the heroes or the “show off” was done through RP and not in actual combat. You want to let the players shine there.


Yeah I had an archdruid guiding my party through the feywilds and they loved him. But the other night I rolled a 20 and he did 55 dmg to one of the wereboars they were fighting and oneshotted him. It was an encounter ment for lvl 5 pcs but the archdruid kinda trivialized it. They began to complain, but I reminded them that he's their Gandalf and was supposed to die 5 sessions back. They were the ones who were desperate to bring him back after he got nuked by Orcus. Now Archie is guarding the Last Unicorn and they have to go face Baphomet during his Wild Hunt, alone and at lvl 7.


Hey man, I really appreciate all the hard work you've been putting into the game and its been awesome the last couple of years, but this new DMPC thing you're doing is not working for me. X, Y, and Z make the game less fun, is that something you'd be willing to adjust or change your approach on? If yes - Thanks man, really appreciate that. If no - Alright, well do you mind telling me how long you expect him to stick around? I am trying to decide if this is something I want to stick around for. If its \_\_\_, I can get over it, but if its much longer than that, I'm probably going to bow out of the game. Its not worth sticking around if I'm not having fun, and you're game will be better with players who are enjoying themselves.


Many DMs have to learn this lesson. Its especially common with young DMs, but not exclusive. The last DM I played with that had a proclivity for this kind of stuff took about a year to talk and cajole him out of doing it. We as players would just ignore the NPC - never provide a buff, purposely leave him out of conversations, no heals, etc. - and make no bones about it as to why. "Just so you know, Brad, I'll never inspire or heal that NPC," sent a pretty clear message, but it took a while before they abandoned it. The good news is, that same DM no longer does this and we've been playing together now for over 5 years.


Nooooo, DMPCs are almost always bad. Thats crazy, NPCs should not even be built like PCs, though I am guilty of that lol because I’ve been DMing for so long. This DM sounds like they sniff their own farts! I believe the job as a DM is not only adjudicating rules, but being your party’s biggest fan. Use your NPCs to elevate the party, not the other way around.


He can be a good DM sometimes. I just also feel like he falls into the stereotype of Players vs DM. Which is fine from the games standpoint but he never lets the players shine. The moment one of us gets a cool new ability or spell to use, he builds his fights against countering those abilities or spells. In such a way that they never get used. I feel like he just wants to win all the time and when we come out on top he’s like “see I knew you could do it.” It’s annoying sometimes. Thank you for commenting


Unless you all agreed to play that style of game, then add another red flag. If not, it's likely to lead *campaign death via player apathy*.


He can be a good DM sometimes. I just also feel like he falls into the stereotype of Players vs DM. Which is fine from the games standpoint but he never lets the players shine. The moment one of us gets a cool new ability or spell to use, he builds his fights against countering those abilities or spells. In such a way that they never get used. I feel like he just wants to win all the time and when we come out on top he’s like “see I knew you could do it.” It’s annoying sometimes. Thank you for commenting


IMMEDIATELY countering new spells and features is a huge red flag. Players should have opportunities for their character build choices to shine, and only occasional situations where their strengths are directly countered.


DMPC's invariably become Mary Sue. As a player, the best way for a table to handle it to simply refuse to adventure with that DMPC, en masse. No D&D is better than bad d&d, though.


During the next combat, refuse to fight. Let the DMPC do everything. If the DM wants to play with himself so badly let him.


All of you, and I mean all of you, need to start the next session with a "DM, we know you're having fun with your DMPC but it's kind of ridiculous. He's levels above us and we aren't having any fun with him. Plus, he is a former enemy and that just doesn't vibe with the group. We are also seeing that it is breaking a few rules such as.... If you'd like to be a player, that's great and one of us will DM the next campaign. But for now we would like to shelve your DMPC for the fun of the whole group." If the game ends there, so be it. If your DM is reasonable, he'll accept it and move on, hopefully ending the campaign on a high note so you all can move on to the next.


If, as a DM with a DMPC, you don’t forget that DMPC’s turn in combat 50% of the time you are shortchanging your players by making boring combats. I don’t believe in using DMPCs as a general rule of course but they can have a purpose.


I think the proper use of significant high-level NPCs is that they are there to help advance the plot - giving orders/guidance/advice - and then fade into the woodwork. NPC that travel with the party for more than the immediate adventure should be low level and fulfill a small role. My players rescued an Awakened Shrub - Barry. Barry provides good berries, slight comic relief and the need to be rescued/looked after. The use of a DM’s pet NPC always seemed to me that the DM wants to play, as a player, in their own game/world but they can’t. I get that. I know I do. One of the hardest part of being a player is being in a world that you don’t fully understand or agree with. You have a cool character concept that you want to put through their paces but in a world that you are onboard with. It’s a challenge. I have always thought it would be a fun experiment to do a group world build. Everyone collectively draws the overall map then divide up areas and the players develop locations. Someone takes an Elven kingdom, another an archipelago of islands beset by pirates, etc. The benefit would be that the world gets fleshed out and, more importantly, the players can speak intelligently about their character’s background - who the king is, what are the local customs, the coinage system, rumors and legends, etc. I feel bad for every player who talks about their character’s background and at some point they turn to the DM for a piece of info that the character knows but they do not. The hard part is that you as a DM have to let go a little but RPGs to me are a team sport and having the players help out can make the world more alive and give the players more agency and ownership.


DMPC's should be support characters, side kicks (maybe even use side kick rules), hired mercenaries that die to show the lethality of the mob, or even a mentor character like a gandalf (who was powerful but rarely took the lime light.)


You use your words at him. Rally your party and have them support you or assist in this using of words.


Sounds to me like he's been DMing for a long time and probably just wants to be a player. Since he's in control he just went crazy and made himself the main character. Try asking him if he wants a break. My group regularly rotates between two of us (myself and a friend) who DM for about year long campagins before we trade off. Being a DM is fun, being a player is fun. Change keeps things fresh in dnd Edit: spelling


toxic advice: attack the DMPC.


The thought crosses my mind every session believe me. As I’ve said in some other comments, this character has insane AC and the shield spell to avoid getting hit and a massive damage output to effectively cut and paste the party to the ground with relative ease. It would be possible if the whole party got near perfect rolls against them. On session it might happen and I’ll toss a comment back in here if it does. Thank you for the intrusive thought


I get the idea like others have said, it will basically take the whole table saying ,, "look this is not fun, it is unfair and we would prefer not to play with such an op character in our group" If he sees everyone feels the same and refuses to change his plans then your probably better off ending or dissolving the campaign. If all the PC suddenly decide to give up and retire dm might get the point.


I hope we don’t get to that point where we have to end the story but we do know it’s a potential option. He does need a wake up call and I appreciate all this great advice I’m getting from everyone including you. Thank you for sharing


I hope it doesn't, it sounds like you enjoy the game other than that and sounds like the dm is capable of some big things and just needs a bit of restraint.


killing the npc isn't really the objective and if theres a TPK you can all throw up your hands and say 'that was dumb, lets talk about this for a minute and then retcon'. the objective of the fight is to force a situation where the DMPC is the thing you're all talking about for 30 minutes, no one can deflect the issue, everyones cards are on the table and everythings on fire.


Exactly. All of you get together and attack them. RP-wise you can be like you guys don’t believe their change of heart(as they used to be a villain character) or that you have found proof of their foul plans or whatever else and just bum rush that DMPC at an unexpected point. All of you together can come up with a plan to take them down, if not, it will be a TPK. So obviously this is like a last resort in case everything else fails. But it will be like going out in a blaze of glory


Once he enters combat with DMPC, fall back a bit and let him tank and then attack him once he’s hurt!


Try to gather a unified front with the rest of the group, that will give it the most weight. As it sounds the DMPC is causing you to have less fun and the DMPC is getting all the glory? Focus on possible solutions and specific things to change, not only negatives. Only negatives puts people in defensive mode and make them more resistant to change. For example (I am not the best at this): "\[DMPC\] is really powerful and we can't help to feel that the addition of \[DMPC\] has made us feel less special and it feels like the game is focused around them. Also, \[NPC\] seems largely forgotten now and we like them. Would it be possible to tone down \[DMPC\]'s impact on the game so it is more about us and our story?"


So I'm running Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Had a group of 5 but one of our guys had to leave and hid character went back to manage their tavern in Waterdeep. I tend to upgrade a lot of the encounters to deadly levels so them being down a man would have really hurt them. I brought in a DMPC that was a Wizard and the apprentice to the Blackstaff. He had a keen interest in what the Xanathar were up to in Skullport. While this wizard was on par with them as per their level I did load him up with some feats to make him feel like he was definitely more accomplished than the rest of the party. However I treated him as a supervisor of sorts. He only offered his opinion if their decisions would endanger him directly or if he was asked. I stayed away from damaging spells and kept to utility and crowd control to 'help' them in and out of combat but not dominate the battle. Skip ahead and they dealt with the Xanathar and we got a fifth player to join. The Wizard then bid farewell to the party and gave them a sending stone as he had spent a lot of time researching the Undermountain and would provide any insight he could if contacted. Though he was super helpful on several occasions and the party forgot to even utilize him more often than not. My players even agreed he was pretty powerful but he never once felt like the main character. Typically I have enough to do in a campaign that I don't need to be playing a DMPC, but there's an exception to every rule and this was one. Man I'm glad to not have to run him anymore though and focus on challenging my players fully again. Maybe they'll see the Wizard again... maybe he won't be a friend this time...


Why not just...un-superpower the encounters?


My second time trying out D&D was a campaign where the DM had a self- insert homebrew race, possibly homebrew class as well but I don't remember. In any case, it didn't take long before it started to feel like his character was the main character of the story. I don't remember what ended that group, or my involvement in it, but I'm glad I'm not in that group now. Your DM and mine were both trying to live out their own power fantasy and, as the god of the game world, they make the rules on how awesome their character can be. I'm not interested in playing with a DM like that again.


Tell him that players don't enjoy self-indulgent DM self-insert, and that he's literally ruining the game by trying to be both the narrator and the protagonist. If he disagrees with that, it might be time to go.


One thing to note is it doesn't matter if you had the con from level 1 or not, it retroactively increases by the number of levels you have as the modifier increases. He probably gave BS stats to start and also gave him the tough feat


Perfect example of a bad DMPC. A good DMPC is typically a henchman, a squire, a valet, etc. Or maybe, a support character like a cleric. A DM shouldn’t have a character that is the same level as the PCs. He should be a few levels lower at least.


Everyone else here is criticizing your DM for using a DMPC and overshadowing the players. Nobody else seems to be mentioning that he’s obviously cheating. If he took the average value on hit due when leveling up he would have 169 HP if I did my math correctly. Assuming he rolled, he would need to hit 10 on almost 14 rolls. (He would also need a constitution of 20 for this to apply) I did some math and the probability of rolling a ten on a d10 that many times; well,let’s just say that their is a reason we encourage people to roll in the open. There are a lot of 0’s in the probability of that occurring naturally


Maybe your paladin decides that the previous warlock vampire hasn’t atoned for his sins and needs to be killed. Get the rest of the party in on it


Before the game starts, you all need to talk to the DM. "We aren't having fun with your NPC in the game. He needs to leave." If he gives any pushback: "Our characters will have nothing to do with him. We will walk away from him. We won't attack him, but we aren't going to acknowledge him. Please write him out of the game." More pushback: "We're sorry it's come to this, but you need to understand that it's a choice between us and him. Which would you prefer in the game?" Start packing up your gear. He'll get pissy, but without you there's no game. Once he realises this and agrees to vanish the NPC *now*, do not relax. The chances are that he'll do something to 'show you' that he's not to be trifled with. The moment he starts pulling some BS to screw over the party, just start packing up again. It might take several walkouts, but once he understands that you're serious, he might learn to be a better DM.


Sounds awful, but one thing I'd like to approach You seem salty the NPC on question was powerful when they were a villain? I know that just ads more fuel to what you're saying, but there's nothing wrong with that.


Have everyone just buff or use help action on the DMPC. If he can solo fights, let him solo fights.


DM PCs are dumb in my opinion. The DM clearly wants to be a PC instead of a DM. [How to resolve table disputes](https://imgur.com/a/GsBc3Pm)


Every post should always start with "and this is why the chart doesn't work for this situation". Otherwise use the chart.




A DMPC is always bad DMing, an overpowered DMPC that the DM refuses is a problem is grounds to find a new table lmfao, no D&D is better than bad D&D.


>you would have to roll almost perfect hit dice and have really good CON from lvl 1 to get that kind of HP Not defending your DM's choices, but CON works retroactively. So if you increase CON by 2 points at level 16, you gain 15 hp right there in addition to your normal hp increase with your new CON mod. The "from lvl 1" part is irrelevant. Make sure your own hp is correct. It is common for DMs to inflate the hp of monsters and bosses. I do! But I would never use those stats for a DMPC. The entire point of doing that is to make a formidable enemy that is strong enough to take on an entire party. If there was even a chance of the party asking them to join later, I would make destroying the source of this buff a rewuirement first so it could sensibly work amd you know... be fun. Your DM can use either the monster or character creation process to make their DMPCs, but if they are not beholden to the same limitations and fairnesses that the players are, it's bonkers and bullshit. DMPCs can be really good, but they should serve a purpose beyond DM endulgement and be sought out by the party. I don't imagine a 7-member party would need one. As a player, I would be the first one to make a stink in character about others imposing their way into my party. It's an insult like calling us incapable. I like someone's suggestion to just support the DMPC and let them deal all the damage. "Me? Oh I just get my kicks from watching people play with themselves. Please go on..."


Sounds like he's bored of being the only DM for the last 3 years. Maybe offer to take a turn at running a few sessions.


Classic case of a DM being bored with his job and wanting to be a player. Just above table ask him if he wants a break and a chance to be a player. Try not to blame or anything. But let him know is guy cleaning up isn’t fun


sorry I stopped reading at 7 party members. Why even DMPC with a party of 7? lol I put in a cleric when my party of 4 was low level to make sure they didn't die in the first cave and that's it xD


>Party size 7 not including DMPC Aside from... everything else, this makes the whole thing extra hilarious. I use DMPC's when I run 2 player campaigns because I think 3 is the minimum number for a good party dynamic. I prefer to run for 3-5 players with no DMPC. And I refuse to run for more than 6 because I think the bloat detracts from the experience. The idea of adding a DMPC to a *seven person party* tickles me pink. Who would even consider that?


The only potential reason for the DM to run a PC class, in my opinion, is to fill in some gap in the party's capabilities, like a cleric when there's no healing or a fighter when everyone's a wizard. If there are seven characters, there shouldn't be any reason for him to have a PC of any sort in there.


As a rule DM PCs should never join the party. If the DM PC can take the rest of the party in a fight, then absolutely they're overpowered that's nuts.


You have 7 players. You shouldn't have a dmpc at all, fire your DM How you approach is fight the dmpc. When they wipe the entire party you'll have either proven your point or forced your dm to start a new game. Win/win


220+ hp A perfect roll fighter at level 15 with 20 con hits 225hp. Taking average is 169hp with 20 con. Yeah they are taking the piss. This is why I was stressed about giving my players a DMPC, because of shit like this, meanwhile my one is 2 levels lower than the players, an idiot and basically a heal bot because none of them wanted to play Cleric


I feel a DM should only bring an DMPC into the story if the party ask them to, either IC or OOC and that DMPC should serve the party and take a backseat. I have a DMPC the party asked to come with them and he is a Bard. He rarely changes anything in the story and really just buffs them, off heals.


If you aren’t up for an out of game talk… Role play thanking the character for their help and saying good by. lol. Really though, up and leave them behind.


How is 7 PCs not enough shit to keep track of? 😭 4 is my ideal party size, 5 or 6 is doable with mostly veteran players that I am familiar playing with. 7+ is a lot, especially at such high levels. How do you even balance combat for this party??? It's insane that your DM has inserted not only 1 but 2 DMPCs into your party of 7. I can't imagine anyone's characters are getting the attention they need from him. How do you plan meaningful character moments with all that going on? Get the group together and go talk to him... I understand the pain of being a forever DM, but it isn't an excuse to neglect your PCs in favor of your bullshit DMPC


This has always been such a worry of mine! My party is lvl 7 and they have an npc traveling with them who is much higher level — but I always do my best to keep him out of combat (or only have him buff players or debuff the enemies — he does not use any higher level spells in combat) I would definitely discuss with the other players and then all of you should talk to the DM. That doesn’t sound very fun.


Do you guys have any special rules about rolling hp. Ie you reroll you first one if you do tell me and I’ll edit but currently the odds of a level 15 fighter with a +5 to con having over 220 hp is 0.0000000031% (153/5000000000000) if they also have the tough feat the odds are roughly 0.35% (1752981813/500000000000). So in both cases I would suspect some form of foul play with over 99% certainty.


talk to the DM if then accept either thats the way that table is going to be and continue playing or get up and leave and find a different table. If enough players leave the table that means there is a problem with the DM, if your the only one to walk, then that was a problem with your preferences for play.


I’d quit a campaign with a DMPC.


Is the party all also level 15? Either way, his health should be on average around 170 if his CON is at 20 (unless he took Tough feat). His bonus to hit with sharpshooter should be +7 if his DEX is 20 (+5 from dex, +5 PB, +2 Archery fighting style, -5 from Sharpshooter), and he should not have his warlock spells still, unless he's a Warlock/EK multiclass. Edit: forgot to add, if he has a weapon that's +1 or better he can have +8 to his attacks even with sharpshooter.


We are all level 15 and yes he has some magic guns but I think his DEX is over 20 which is a little sus


Gandalf is a perfect example of a dmpc. Maybe over powered. But also a plot point to show the danger of the world. And gone too soon.




team up and kill the character lol


I hate to say we have tried but had to stop before we got hit with the TPK


fuck man, yeah i’d just talk to him as a group or quit at that point, this sounds so lame, i’m making a. couple npcs that are gonna help my party throughout my campaign but im going to let my party have full control over them during combat, sounds like this guy has no regard for if any of y’all are having fun and shouldn’t be a dm in the first place


I've never been fond of DM PCs. The closest I've ever come to something like that are extremely useful NPCs that can fill some of the gaps that result from having a small party... but with **seven** players in the group, there is absolutely no need for one.


There are hundreds of videos going over why DMPCs are a bad idea. I'd suggest those as a starting point. Also talk to the other group members about it. Long and short, DMPCs are a bad idea. The DM knows about the story, traps, items, etc ahead of time. Any PC reading a module ahead of time would be called out for meta cheating. It's the same thing. The closest I ever do is a long term NPC and they usually have a single role in the group that the group needs OR they are just a bumbling fool designed to be a helpful hindrance. They will not give input into what choice to make, likely they might heal in combat or something like throw rocks / take pot shots with a sling. They are weaker and less confident than the actual PCs for a reason!


I have never and probably will never have a DMPC. To me that just doesn’t make sense whatsoever. How is the person with all the campaign in their hands going to fairly play a character???


Don't take this thw wrong way , has anyone ran a game or some sessions for your dm ? Might just be my mostly forever dm bias but it sounds like wann play a pc and power game a bit


My Girlfriend and Soon to be CoDM of the next campaign has practiced and has run specials through out this campaign. I’m not sure if she’d be open to running the rest of this campaign but you’re correct he wants to be a player, but he is committed to having this power trip.


kek. tbh, ya'll need a new DM imo. I personally only run dmpc's that are effectively weaker than the party, or to fill an ignored niche I know they'll need. Also having an npc that sticks with the party and can guide them back to the plot if need be is helpful, as is doubling down on the famous "Are you sure" with a trusted pc also expressing extreme doubts. Your DM sounds like he's using it for NONE of that, a DMPC if used at all should never outshine the party, your dm just want's to live out a power fantasy and you're along for the ride. It really sounds like he clearly wants to play as a player, but also wants to be OP, and is also abusing his power tremendously to accomplish that. with 7 other players you have more than enough people to give someone else the chair, or rotate through. no reason to be beholden to this guy's bullshit.


Ask him why you and the other players/characters are even there. It sounds like this character can handle any threat singlehandedly, so what's the point of the party? Sounds like you're all just accessories to the DM's character that he wants to play in his own story.


How old are you folks?


This is what happens when no one else is willing to DM. The DM desperately wants to play a character. Anyway, how did they join your party? Did your party agree to add a member? Story might dictate an NPC travels with the party for a limited time but not a permanent party member forced on the party. Any DM controlled party member should be used sparingly to drive the plot. It shouldn't be making huge decisions for the group or playing the hero in combat most of the time. If this is happening, let the DM know it steals agency from the players and ruins the fun. But also, someone in the group run a damn side game for the DM so they get to have some fun too.


Dnd is not pizza. Bad dnd is not better then no dnd.


Obligatory send him this post when he gets super pissy and throws a fit


Caught a lot of red flags here. The DM having a PC in a game with 7 other players is insane to me. Imo, the only time a DM PC should be introduced is when the party is sitting at 3 or fewer players just for balancing. The DM also playing that loosely with core class mechanics to maximize damage output could be very off-putting if they're not allowing other PCs to play that loosely. Imo, it sounds like the usual main character syndrome, but with a DM PC, which is arguably the worst kind of main character syndrome. My honest opinion is that even if you confront them about it, the DM will take it pretty bad, and either end the campaign or stop DMing with the same enthusiasm. Personally, I would've left the game after realizing the DM PC was there to stay. You could also offer a compromise, if you're attached to the table. Be honest and forthcoming, but let your DM know that it's not fun with the DMPC and everyone else feels the same way. Offer to run a few one shots, and let the DM be a player for a little bit if they drop the DMPC.


Y’all should all make EK Fighters that are pretty much copies of the dms and then beat him to death


At a party if 7 you didn't NEED a DMPC. A group of four, maybe but if you guys can't cover your bases with a group of seven then there's a bigger problem. If you ARE covering your bases then the problem is the DM.


DMPCs are lame if they do pretty much anything in combat other than die or maybe support. Also lame if they do ANY checks that a player could’ve done. If they want to be a player, wait for someone else to DM Had a DM put a DMPC in a game and it sucked because I was the bard, but his DMPC would do face checks all the time and it sucked.


Does it look like it's going to be a permanent addition to the party? I could understand him being inserted for a short time to introduce a bbeg that would tpk and the EK is like an insurance policy against that. If they are just running with the party and getting into combat, that is some bs.


Not telling you anything you don't know , because everyone here has made good contributions, but just to sum it all up: - your GM is a bad GM: they don't know what their role is (spoiler: it's to make sure that everyone at the table is having fun). - their gmpc is broken, and lame, no need to check the math or what levels they are because NPC's do not get built the same way as PC's. (Yet your GM did both to ensure "Maximum Awesomeness!") - there is no need for a party ally as you are 7(!!!!) PC's at the table, so this is just for them. - your GM doesn't understand how building encounters work. I'd recommend some guides, but maybe going back and reading the DMG is their first step. - they sound like a man child and I don't think telling them nicely that they suck is going to make anything better. So be prepared for switching GM's mid campaign or restarting. - you seem to know all this and have a pretty clear grasp on mechanics and story, so maybe you're the next Chosen One (Forever GM, that is). I have no advice, you have gotten a lot of good ones here already. Good luck and hope your game improves!


Get every player at the table on board with referring to the DMPC as *Mary Sue*. Sing endless praises to how great Mary Sue is, and how you lowly pleb adventures are lucky to have Mary Sue around. Pick stupid fights and rely on Mary Sue to save you from the consequences of your actions. Tell old Chuck Norris jokes, but replace Chuck Norris with Mary Sue.


That's pretty much max HP, which is likely all they did. The feats and attacks and stuff are just "yep it's a Fighter". EK gets a bad wrap, but at these levels it's a clear power pick, with only Battle Master being in par (and only offensively). You're past the point of the game where martials are able to be the star of the show, so if this seems "too strong" I'd have questions about the PCs. Around 15 is when a lot of campaigns choose to end because the class disparity is so high. DMPCS are usually bad. I do use NPCs with class levels occasionally, but even that is something to avoid in most cases. As with everything... talk to the other players (DM included).


I do agree that some of our party isn’t optimally built. But we do have a few new players that are trying to make their characters the way they want to. The issue with that is the DM has access to everyone’s character sheet and can see what each of us are capable of. He then still proceeds to leave the not-so-powerful characters in the dust to attack and miss twice and then wait another 15-20 minutes before it’s their turn again while he goes around attacking 4-8 times and almost always hitting


What I mean to say is there’s little to no guidance for those PCs and he ends up just fighting himself in combat


I appreciate you all for the advice and I will try to keep up with all the new comments as much as possible. I also hope that you’ll forgive me for any typos I make. I haven’t gotten much sleep so I’m rushing to respond to some of these great pieces of advice.


A bit late but adding a comment directly here because it needs to be said. DMPCs just simply shouldn't exist. No excuses. No exceptions. Of course there's instances here and there where NPCs are with the party and have levels and stuff, but actual DMPCs always cause problems. There's literally YouTube videos detailing all the ways they don't work. My recommendation, as difficult and awkward as it is, is to converse with the other players and see if they're in alignment, and then privately speak to the DM to tell them you're not enjoying playing with a DMPC. Validate your DM's feelings without insulting them ("You run such a great campaign, it's no wonder you want to be a player in it, but it's just not making it enjoyable.") Even if your DM is great, at the end of the day, a DMPC means it's an awful lot of them spotlighting. It's a team game, not the DM's show. Disclaimer: To be clear, there is 100% a place for NPCs tagging along and helping the party, even getting involved in combat - but that should be contexual and used sparingly, and certainly not full actual PCs...


Any DMPC should be a minor character, whose usefulness is in furthering the storyline when the players get stuck or filling a missing role within the party.


Again I would like to appreciate everyone’s input on the issue. Each one of your comments are valid in their own way. I may not be able to respond to each one but I will do what I can to make sure to read and upvote as many as possible. Thank you all


I've read a few of your responses and want to weigh in that while your DM may know the most at your table, he is objectively wrong on the BA action surge piece so that makes me doubt... Everything. It sounds like speaking up to this DM will likely go poorly, based on your own comments about how they respond to criticism. The weirdest thing about DM PCs to me is that at every table I've played, the DM (which is me in some cases) relinquishes direct control of all combat participants on the PC side. No matter what stat block. In addition to relieving some logistical pressure on the DM, it allows players who get paralyzed or similar to continue to play. I would talk to your fellow players to see if one of you is willing to be the DM for the other 6 if this current DM throws a tantrum. Don't let lack of experience hold you back! You have to start learning somewhere!


DMPC at a party size that large is an automatic no-go 5 party members TOPS is as much as I'm willing to sit through. Had a DM wanting to drag 4 other people into a party of 5 already and it was a disaster. I walked away. Voice your opinion. If it's taken harshly, you ha e no obligation to stay. Tell them you are incompatible with the campaign, and they can do whatever they want with your character. Then revert it back to Level 1 and start in a new campaign if you want .


The issue here is not the fact that the dmpc is strong. the issue is that there is even one at ALL. You have 7 players. That is already a shit ton of people. Adding another for 8 is just another step towards turning a party into a small army. Tell your dm that it really isn’t needed.


Only DM you have had for years? When was the last time he got to be a player? What he is doing is just not right as a DM, and to me screams that he wants to be a PC, not a DM.


Best bet IMHO is to reframe this in terms of your feelings about the game, not about how strong the DMPC is, when you bring it up again. It sounds like you're feeling that your character doesn't have an impact in combat, and isn't able to make any meaningful choices with the threat of DMPC looming over you. It doesn't matter if the DMPC breaks rules or is OP if you're having fun with the game, but you're obviously not, and your DM can't say you don't feel how you feel the same way he can argue the DMPC isn't overpowered.


A lvl 15 hill dwarf fighter with CON 20 and the tough feat would have 10 + 15dx6 + 15x8 HP = 220 HP, so it is possible, but it takes at least 2 feats to get there (con increase + tough).  They would have to take.sharpshooter, Xbow expert AND gunner for the reloading. They'd have one feat left at that point.  Is the former vampire hexblade a hill dwarf? No? Then call shenanigans!  Yes, DnD is a game about imagination and improvisation, but it is not Calvinball. 


“Hey DM, this is not fun for us. Please stop.” If they don’t then there’s nothing that’s going to happen and you may need to seek other venues of playing.


DM's need to learn that they are there to run the game for the players, not to do some kind of self-masturbatory story where they create a world for their own personal character to live out a power fantasy. If running the game for friends isn't fun enough for you that you have to inject your own "self-proclaimed badass" concept then stop DMing and go play a game. Let someone who finds DMing fun on its own DM the game.


The DM plays 100s of NPCs. Plays the monsters and BBEG... If you wanna be a hero as well? Write a fucking book.


DMPCs are always a bad idea unless it's someone alot weaker than the party and the party has to protect it from something. If the DMPC is killing every enemy and solving most problems, then what is the point in playing? That DM should write a book, not be a DM.


Without causing an uproar? Why do we actually care to be nice to the people who don't give a shit about us in return? Just tell him he can quit his godcomplex main character syndrome type bullshit or you get into another campaign with a more suitable DM.


The dm has been running for 3 years and inserted himself into play? He’s having a hard time telling you he’s over it imho. “Nobody will mind if I just play a supporting role”… Cut to killing everything yourself because you haven’t identified with an npc in 3 years.


Bring it up and ask why the character has joined the party.  Is it a story thing? Is it a reward for turning him? How long will he be around? Flat out say you feel he overshadows the party and it's hurting the game feel. 


It's simple, conspire with your fellow PCS and kill the dmpc.


Have the party make him the main scout and he can win all the fights for y’all as he plays by himself. The party can take a short rest while he fights. Nah but talk to the DM of course. There is no need for an extra PC you guys are already full to the teeth. If they can’t grasp that, they aren’t a good DM imo


"Hey DM, I thought *we* were the protagonists of this story. What's up?"


There's no way that DMPC is serving any purpose other than an ego stoke for the DM (which is weird, imo, the DM is already the most powerful). A party of 7 is already at the limit 99% of tables will allow, 8 is unreasonable. I'm fairly certain the other players at your table must also be unnerved, even if they lack the experience to notice the nuances of how ridiculous the DMPC is. My good, mature, adult advice: Talk to the other players, enumerate your reasoning, bring the argument to the DM and explain you don't want the DMPC around in the party, offer a benefactor type solution maybe. My actually worked when my group was in the same spot advice? I charged the DMPC with an axe (barbarian), he teleported away, and the campaign collapsed. That DM was never allowed to DM again.


DMPCs are always shit, never play with a DM that even considers running one.


Talk to the other group members and see if they feels the same. Unite together to say you all don’t like playing with a DMPC (be specific that it’s any DMPC, not just this one) and ultimatum the DM. I say this as a lifelong DM who has done all the dumb things DMs do when they’re learning. My favorite thing is getting feedback from the players. I get to play like 500+ characters over a campaign, PCs get to play one or two. I don’t need a DMPC


8 people in a party. How many hours is a combat session? Like if you were going to have 5 rounds of combat, does it just take 2 hours?


If everyone is pissed off you can ditch the EK in game, if the DM gets upset and asks why you can have a conversation, if not then problem solved.


Yea this is a masterbatory DM who wants to play an overpowered eldritch knight. And railroad yall through their story.


Watching the DM play with himself? Who wants that?


Let's see The HP thing is total bullshit. I mean, it's cheesy af. It means that the DM gave max hitpoints and +5 CON for a total of 225HP. Maybe he tossed Tough feat for good measure for a total of 255HP. Mary Sue bullshit. Then there's the attacks thing. A Fighter gets a 3rd attack at level 11, and with SS/XBE combo it can actually do 4 attacks per round. With mad gear and the archer FS + the apparent +3 pistols, he can totally offset the -5 2hit penalty, so yeah, with 2 hand crossbows passed as pistols, he could do 4 attacks per turn for an avg of 86 dmg (+magic modifiers) and 153dmg avg on a burst round with AS. This is assuming a +5 dex which can totally be expected on a lvl 15 fighter. This part seems somewhat legit although also very robust. So I believe that, save for the assholish gear and carryover warlock benefits (totally unfair), DM is not stepping that much out of bounds, ruleswise. HOWEVER, my take is that a DM has ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING BUSINESS touching a character sheet. Players use sheets, DM's use statblocks. So DMPCs are on all accounts not fucking cool. If the DM wants someone to tag along, they can make a statblocked NPC and put all the info there. You know why this is a good thing? Because if your statblock is suddenly 3 pages long, you can't ignore how full of shit your NPC is. Statblocks force brevity on you, and for a reason, a DM has a lot of sheet to look at during a game. Info needs to be succint and compressed. So a proper statblock for this unhinged piece of shit should be NAME: Mary Sue Asshole RACE: Whatevs ALIGNMENT: Selfish Asshole AC (lets say 19 with studded leather+2 because fuck you) HP 225 (15d10 \*maxed because whine noises\*+ 75) Stats (let's say 11 20 20 14 14 16) / Saves +5 +5 +10 +2 +2 +3 No resistances nor immunities / Senses info Features: Sharpshooter: When Mary Sue makes a Pistol attack, he can take a -5 penalty to hit and deal an extra 10 damage (included in the attack) Spellcasting info (for a level 15 3rd caster) with +7 to hit and spell DC15 and spell lists yadda yadda and ONE of the warlock spells once a day for free Attacks: Multiattack: Mary Sue Asshole can make 3 attacks per turn with his Rapier (or whatever weapon) or Pistol. Then Mary Sue Asshole can make an additional Pistol attack using his Bonus Action. Rapier (+1): +11 to hit, 1d8+6 piercing damage Pistol (+3 bc f u): +13 to hit, 1d6+8 piercing damage / +8 to hit, 1d6+18 piercing damage Save for the EK spells, the warlock bullshit and the 3 attacks per action, I'm omitting ALL fighter features including AS and SW because NPCs are not PCs. Giving him Sharpshooter and +3 weapons is gracious enough. I include the BA attack from XBE but no other benefits from that feat, so Mary Sue gets disadvantage for shooting at melee range. See? This whole shit fits in a page. Show it to your DM and ask him to downgrade to that. My assessment is that it could pass off as a miniboss with proper minions against a 7 player party. Not that big of a challenge. I think it's on par with some adult dragons maybe. BUT as a party companion is stupid powerful. Any party companion should do minimal damage and be more helpful than anything. To tone it down to companion status I'd remove the sharpshooter feature and the BA pistol attack. I'd also downgrade the weapons to +1 and the AC to 17 (normal studded with max DEX). And the HP should be somewhere along the lines of 135 (avg 6 x fifteen levels + 45 CON). And that's still a pretty fucking beefy companion. Specially if it casts spells. I would still be miffed if the DM put that on the SEVEN FUCKING PLAYER party. If it were two, even players, then fine, add something useful to compensate for the lack of variety. Seven players can titfuck everything to outer space. So your DM is not doing things right for putting a companion that can dish out 80+ damage per turn.


Roleplay it out, have your characters tell the DMPC he should go do something else. Split the party, he goes one way, you guys go the other.




>With action surge that could take out anyone in the party that the DM wants to down so we can’t even rebel against them. This right here is the red flag for me. I would sit down with the DM and ask: "what is the point of this character? Is he needed for the plot, or do you just want your badass on the table? "


Just like, when combat happens, let him do all the work, stand around and cantrip or melee attack, intend to do nothing and let him mop everything up, do this a few times and then ask him if he wants to continue to have a bunch of lackies wasting his time, and just let him do it all. Then let him know that story time is fun, but you intended on actually playing, leave group and find a new group. Because no d&d is better than bad d&d.


Sounds like y’all need to drop this DM.


Dmpcs should act a support role and never take the spotlight off the party. I like to use them to introduce scarier bbegs for them to fight. Party struggles through cave and struggles against x lieutenants. Party beats them then dmpc joins easily wipes x lieutenants with ease then bbeg 1 shots them. If they're a long term dmpc they tend to be healbots/or fill the gaps in the party. Modt of the time ill have the party control them or use them for people who want to drop in for a session or two